Time  Nick                 Message
02:19 tcohen               @later tell cait I have raised the VPS issue to Contabo as there's a storage server issue on the Jenkins/Wiki server
02:19 huginn`              tcohen: The operation succeeded.
07:27 reiveune             hello
07:30 Joubu                things still down even with the server up again, we need tcohen back
07:40 magnuse              \o/
08:00 fridolin             hellow
08:00 fridolin             https://jenkins.koha-community.org/ problem ?
08:00 fridolin             I get PR_CONNECT_RESET_ERROR
08:03 Joubu                yes fridolin, jenkins, wiki, everything that is hosted on the portainer server
08:04 cait                 good morning all
08:04 cait                 tcohen left me a note that he has raised an issue with the hoster (wiki, jenkins)
08:05 cait                 let's hope they resolve it soon
08:05 Joubu                it's solved
08:06 Joubu                the server is back, but I don't know how to restart the web server
08:07 fridolin             great
08:07 fridolin             Bug 36215 needs a review, unless I'm wrong
08:07 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36215 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Pushed to master , Bookings calendar only shows bookings within RESTdefaultPageSize
08:09 cait                 fridolin: i think you are right, Nick caught the second, but not the first occurrence
08:09 cait                 I'll do a follow-up in a bit
08:10 fridolin             great
08:11 cait                 frido, there is a patch for a database update I messed up on top of master - can you please take care it gets into next release?
08:12 cait                 36232 - I know you are workign through all of them just don't want that to be lost (feeling responsible)
08:17 fridolin             Bug 36232
08:17 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36232 blocker, P5 - low, ---, mhby87, Pushed to master , Error fixing OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSetsEmbedItemData syspref name on the DB
08:17 fridolin             Yep seen it :D
08:19 fridolin             And pushed for 23.11.04
08:21 cait                 thanks :) you are the best!
08:24 cait                 fridolin++
08:34 magnuse              fridolin++ cait++
08:53 davidnind            FYI - I don't know much about security for the web, but the recently released "Copenhagen Book" (an open source guide on implementing auth for the web) may be of use as a general reference for developers. It covers sessions, CSRF protection, passkeys, OAuth, 2FA, email verification, and password reset. https://thecopenhagenbook.com/
10:38 magnuse              davidnind: cool project!
10:57 paulderscheid[m]     morning #koha
11:00 cait                 bit late :D
11:00 paulderscheid[m]     Thanks for the resource davidnind-away :D __Go__od read
11:01 paulderscheid[m]     Yeah, worked too long yesterday.
11:01 paulderscheid[m]     Crunch time
11:01 cait                 your breakfast is my lunch time :) bbiab!
11:03 paulderscheid[m]     o/
11:08 Zahid[m]             hi everyone
11:13 Zahid[m]             my old koha server was running koha 16.05 version it creating mail logs file in var/log/mail.log and mail.err and it is increasing every minute from mb to GB and still growing about 50GB right now. i want to know is there any way to stop. i have checked the system preference but didnot find any thing or service to stop. is there  any other way to stop this? any help will be appreciated
11:22 paulderscheid[m]     Kill the mail server
11:23 paulderscheid[m]     I read a story about recursive auto-responding filling the disk in the 90s or 2000s. But that’s probably not it.
11:36 tcohen               hola #koha o/
11:38 tcohen               Joubu: it got back, but RO
11:39 tcohen               I've made a manual fsck through VNC
11:39 tcohen               and has just restarted
11:39 tcohen               I can teach anyone how to restart any of the services
11:40 tcohen               it is done through Portainer
11:43 tcohen               we are back online
11:43 tcohen               and jenkins running
11:46 cait                 tcohen++ thanks!
11:54 tcohen               cait: I will trigger the exploded Master jobs again
11:55 tcohen               has anyone bisected the failed tests?
11:56 cait                 tcohen: thank you, hope we will get non-exploded results
11:56 cait                 I couldn#t see the last results yet, because the server was down
11:56 cait                 so not sure which tests gave us trouble this time
11:57 cait                 tcohen: i think maybe it just didn't finish before the server went down? D11 is green for a change and it wasn't before I think
11:59 tcohen               it's t/db_dependent/api/v1/transfer_limits.t
12:02 tcohen               will be working on DB_IMAGE=mysql:8.0 ktd --es7 --plugin up -d
12:02 tcohen               today
12:03 tcohen               in case I can find that error
12:03 * tcohen             switches DB version and OS every now and then
12:05 cait                 cool :)
12:06 cait                 tcohen: bug is here: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36277
12:06 huginn`              04Bug 36277: normal, P5 - low, ---, chris, NEW , t/db_dependent/api/v1/transfer_limits.t  is failing
12:07 tcohen               (y)
12:13 tcohen               cait: we might need to add some debugging code in master if we cannot reproduce locally
12:21 tcohen               cait, are you familiar with the run_tests.pl script?
12:22 Joubu                tcohen: it's caused by a slow response I'd say, it says "timeout"
12:43 cait                 tcohen: only as far as using it for the cypress tests
12:47 Joubu                tcohen: bug 36177 has been pushed yesterday. It adds a new node module.
12:47 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36177 critical, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, RESOLVED FIXED, We need integration tests to cover CSRF checks
12:47 Joubu                Can you confirm me that I need to rebuild the images manually?
12:48 Joubu                they have been rebuilt yesterday it seems
12:53 Joubu                tcohen: I am rebuilding them from gitlab
12:54 tcohen               ok, thanks for the heads up
12:54 tcohen               perl -Mt::lib::TestBuilder -e 'my $builder = t::lib::TestBuilder->new; foreach my $i (1..1000) { $builder->build_object({ class => 'Koha::Libraries' }); }'
12:54 tcohen               I did that to trigger the slowness...
12:54 Joubu                lol
12:54 tcohen               because this is a loop inside a loop on libraries
12:55 tcohen               I'm just gonna say it is not slow enough to make tests fail.
12:55 tcohen               so I guess it is a problem with the node
12:56 Joubu                yes I noticed that, but we are not expecting a lot of entries in the table, or there are leftover from selenium tests
12:56 Joubu                ok
12:56 cait                 tcohen++ Joubu++
12:56 cait                 thanks for the help!
12:57 Joubu                it failed on different nodes
12:57 Joubu                Docker_9 and Docker_11 at least
12:57 tcohen               yes, 1000 was a bit drastic heh
13:23 pastebot             Someone at pasted "tcohen" (34 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/39543
13:39 cait                 Process 380508 dead! sounds drastic
14:15 magnuse              tcohen: looks like i finally managed to build myself a .deb, by being in the root of my koha clone, checking out the 23.05.x branch and running this: sudo RELEASE=23.05 VERSION=23.05 EMAIL=magnus@libriotech.no ~/code/koha-dpkg-docker/build.sh
14:15 magnuse              but then it's not actually using docker, is it?
14:21 tcohen               magnuse: and you installed nodejs and stuff
14:21 tcohen               ah mo
14:21 tcohen               it is all in the base.tgz
14:21 tcohen               sounds good to me
14:22 magnuse              i did try a lot of different things, but in the end i guess i basically just ran build.sh
14:24 tcohen               that's good, magnuse
14:24 magnuse              and i'm not 100% sure why i suddenly got past the "aborting due to unexpected upstream changes", but as long as it works...
14:24 magnuse              need to test the deb now, of course ;-)
14:24 tcohen               the Docker itself is just packing a few things so the host OS doesn't need to have them installed
14:24 tcohen               build.sh was patched by khall to take care of that
14:24 tcohen               https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-dpkg-docker/-/blob/master/build.sh?ref_type=heads#L86-88
14:25 tcohen               what we've seen at some point, is permissions get messed up because the Docker runs as root
14:25 tcohen               and then, commiting fails, etc
14:27 magnuse              yeah, there were some ownership issues in kohaclone along the way
14:32 magnuse              hm, there's a number of debs, akshuly. koha_23.05-1_all.deb + /debs/koha-{common,core,deps,full,perldeps}_23.05-1_all.deb
14:32 tcohen               magnuse I'd expect build.sh to succeed on the task
14:32 tcohen               especially if run by root
14:32 magnuse              which ones are actually needed? common and core are 47M, the others are 3-4K in size
14:37 tcohen               all but full?
14:38 magnuse              ok, i'll experiment in a virtualbox or something
14:38 magnuse              thanks!
14:39 wajasu               well, i was trying to run koha-testing-docker with rootless podman. its a no go. since it pulls in the yarn node_modules stuff in the container, when it build the css and js, it wants to write to the koha volume/dir in the container and has no right permission. so running as root makes it work.
14:39 paulderscheid[m]     Hi general question: should I be aware of any koha-specific caveats when using triggers in the database?
14:40 paulderscheid[m]     Just because there are none by default. Thought there might be a reason for that.
14:40 paulderscheid[m]     Hope it is simply: no need.
14:42 cait                 I think we just don't use triggers
14:42 paulderscheid[m]     Why do you even want to run it rootless wajasu?
14:43 paulderscheid[m]     Thanks cait. That's good.
14:43 cait                 maybe there was a problem with early mysql versions? at least I am nto aware of a discussion
14:46 tcohen               we don't use triggers because each DB engine uses a different syntax for that... and some people think we should support PostgreSQL
14:46 tcohen               if we picked to just support MySQL, we could use CHECK() constraints instead of doing some nasty things in the code
14:46 paulderscheid[m]     That makes perfect sense.
14:46 tcohen               does it?
14:46 tcohen               :-D
14:47 tcohen               I mean, I love Postgres, just don't think it is so much gain for the constraints it poses to us
14:47 cait                 as long as it#s not because we plan on supporting Oracle...
14:48 tcohen               whatever we support, it needs to be worth the effort
14:48 paulderscheid[m]     Me too, but I don't think it's realistic for the foreseeable future..
14:48 paulderscheid[m]     Yeah, basically what you said tcohen
14:50 paulderscheid[m]     Ah, btw with 'That makes perfect sense' I meant your explanation not supporting postgres.
14:50 tcohen               I have a customer that would love to run Koha with SQL Server
14:50 tcohen               which is a very mature DB engine with much more capabilities
14:50 paulderscheid[m]     Why?
14:51 tcohen               because they are government, and they bought all the M$ stack for all the infrastructure
14:51 paulderscheid[m]     Support?
14:51 paulderscheid[m]     My condolences
14:51 tcohen               I mean
14:52 ashimema             LOL
14:53 tcohen               we were lucky they accepted us to host Koha so they don't have an 'uncertified DB engine' on their infra
14:54 paulderscheid[m]     Cringe
14:55 paulderscheid[m]     If I had a dollar for all yet to be discovered M$ CVE's, I could stop working
14:56 paulderscheid[m]     Or rather exploits, because they have yet to be discovered
14:57 paulderscheid[m]     But it's the same here in Germany. OS infra gets killed w/ fire every time a single roadblock pops up.
14:58 Joubu                I would be rich already if there were bounties for patching Koha sec bugs...
14:58 Joubu                or simply discovering :D
14:58 paulderscheid[m]     Haha :D
14:59 khall                magnuse I was able to build the packages. Here's the command I used based on what I do and what you passed to tcohen : git checkout v23.05.09 && sudo rm -rf /tmp/debs/koha* && rm -rf * && git reset --hard && docker run --volume=/home/kyle/repos/koha:/koha --volume=/tmp/debs:/debs --privileged --env VERSION="23.05.09~1" --env RELEASE="23.05" --env DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nocheck" koha/koha-dpkg:master
15:00 tcohen               khall++
15:00 tcohen               thanks for confirming
15:00 Joubu                (maybe git clean -d -f better than rm -rf * && git reset --hard?)
15:01 tcohen               git clean -f -x -d
15:01 tcohen               ?
15:04 tcohen               I'm tweaking the docs
15:04 tcohen               input on that is welcome magnuse, khall
15:05 khall                tcohen I didn't even know about those options. TIL :)
15:05 wajasu               paulderscheid: I just develop with podman these days. It's convenient for me. I dont need to worry as much about pulling various projects in and work a bug.  Just want to protect my root on my dev box.
15:06 wajasu               it works with rootful podman, so i can make an exception.
15:06 wajasu               that 4Gb repo makes me smile though.
15:07 paulderscheid[m]     Alright that makes sense, I have used podman for a while as an experiment w/ ktd but went back to docker.
15:08 wajasu               i tried userns_mode=keep-id to get the rootless podman to run as my id, but it takes forever to chmod every file in the koha mounted volume/dir.
15:09 paulderscheid[m]     Yeah, probably not the best experience.
15:09 paulderscheid[m]     I have really gotten into nix the past few weeks.
15:09 paulderscheid[m]     Want to try getting koha to run as a nix flake later this year.
15:11 wajasu               paulderscheid: i saw a talk on some fosscon docker guy mentioning docker watch.  it basically copies/syncs you external files (i.e. git) into your container), watching them for changes.  I wonder if that would help speed things.
15:13 paulderscheid[m]     If you have any success, update the podman section in the wiki please :D
15:15 wajasu               https://youtu.be/u1q8AyNMxd4?t=1121  docker watch    hot reload, sync from host to container.
15:15 tcohen               khall++
15:18 paulderscheid[m]     Wow that's actually pretty awesome.
15:19 tcohen               magnuse: new push on koha-dpkg-docker
15:19 tcohen               [master bca6b30] Update README a couple years of pushes later :-D 1 file changed, 48 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
15:22 paulderscheid[m]     Thanks for sharing wajasu
15:26 wajasu               i may have time to try it out on my old box that has docker.
17:00 NikolayGospodinov[m] Do you happen to have information about a library with Koha that is taking out a Library Fund Movement Book?
17:39 reiveune             bye
17:52 JasonGreene[m]       good day.   Trying to change the barcode on a book and tried to follow this   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y0QXWPMbBFc
17:52 JasonGreene[m]       yet in koha 23 I cand find the "edit" link when looking at an item.. any ideas?
17:52 JasonGreene[m]       never mind.. I found it :-)
17:55 JasonGreene[m]       well I found it yet when I change the "p - Barcode" field I don't see a "save' link only Add or save as temp ... is there a "save" link?
18:30 ashimema             @later tell cait are you still struggling to apply bookings bugs.. I was really hoping to see them in master by now
18:30 huginn`              ashimema: The operation succeeded.
18:36 davidnind            Jason Greene: There are several ways to edit the items attached to a record. I normally go 1) Edit > Edit items from the record page (normal view) 2) In the table with the list of items, click the Actions button then select Edit 3) Title above the form should say 'Edit item #XXXX / Barcode XXXXXX 4) Make changes 5) Options at the bottom of the form are 'Save changes', 'Add a new item', 'Cancel'
18:50 davidnind            Screenshot https://snipboard.io/YXIJPk.jpg
18:54 JasonGreene[m]       <davidnind> "Jason Greene: There are several..." <- I got 1) Edit 2)Edit record and I see 1 through 9 buttons  under the top " Editing Anne of Green Gables c.4 Three Volumes In One (Record number 6876)
18:54 JasonGreene[m]       I'm lost
19:01 davidnind            You are editing the record, not the items. When you are viewing a record, select Edit (it is a dropdown list) > Edit items. https://snipboard.io/xu5Uqf.jpg
19:05 davidnind            Alternatively, in the table with the list of holdings, select the Edit button at the far right to bring up the form to edit that specific item https://snipboard.io/jWmDCq.jpg
19:27 davidnind            I'm probably being too basic here: there are two parts to a catalog record (at a really basic level), and these are edited in two different places... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/tzGXanAJESoWWMzllAcBpWEV>)
19:40 JasonGreene[m]       I understand... I think I found that I imported the books twice using the same csv... human problem.  So my thoughts are to remove ALL itmes and start the import over.   Is there a web page way to delete all items or is it only in mysql ?
19:50 davidnind            You could use the Batch item deletion and Batch record deletion tools from the Cataloging home page. For items, you could get the details from either a report or use the Item search screen (Search > Item search at the very top of the staff interface home page).
19:52 davidnind            Did you end up with a record for each item (that is, two records for Book A), or duplicated items for each record (a record for Book A, with two items exactly the same?)
19:56 JasonGreene[m]       Not sure... I search on a book name and get several  books show up ... some are No physical items for this record or No items
19:58 JasonGreene[m]       Before I remove everything, can you search for a barcode
19:58 JasonGreene[m]       from the patron page
20:01 davidnind            no, but you can use the catalog search and enter the barcode
20:05 davidnind            you can also use the item search (Search > Item search > Barcode search (near the bottom of the form))
20:25 JasonGreene[m]       thanks\
22:05 dcook                .