Time  Nick             Message
06:48 reiveune         hello
07:03 magnuse          \o/
07:24 magnuse          davidnind++
07:57 ashimema         mornig
08:08 cait             good morning #kha
08:08 cait             #koha too
08:09 ashimema         I pushed some branches for you to grab that sha1 issue patch from cai
08:09 ashimema         alternatively.. I could just push to master for you if you like
08:10 ashimema         beware.. I'm not here from lunch today.. travelling and meetings all week after that
08:17 ashimema         school run time now.. bbiab
08:29 schnydszch       good morning! Who are on here? One of our Koha installation is getting error 500 when checking out a book. We don't see anything in the log except the log in plack.log: - - [11/Mar/2024:16:28:32 +0800] "GET errors/500.pl HTTP/1.1" 500 33200 "https://url.of.library/cgi-bin/koha/circ/circulation.pl?borrowernumber=10331" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/
08:29 schnydszch       Safari/537.36"
08:37 krimsonkharne[m] morning all
08:42 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha
08:48 cait             I'd like to test, but thanks, will try to grab the patches in th eafternoon
09:07 cait             schnydszch: first hting is always to check the logs, but my first guess would be: your items are missing itemtype, holdingbanch or homebranch, can you verify?
09:08 cait             for checking the logs best to use tail -f /var/log/koha/instancename/*.log and produce the error
09:11 ashimema         .
09:11 dolf             Hello Kohaphiles :)  I have a question about the default cover image on the opac-search.pl page for books whose covers are not found. It uses this image, which is nice: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bywatersolutions/web-assets/master/sites/galadriel/Classic-Red-Book-Cover-Texture.jpg  However, the image is shown as 75px by 21.5px (squashed in the y-dimension). Is this a known issue, or is something broken in my specific Koha
09:11 dolf             instance? See for example results 6,7,11 at https://library.refstudycentre.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?advsearch=1&idx=ti&q=pastoral+epistles&weight_search=1&do=Search&sort_by=relevance .
09:12 dolf             Also, why do some books have no fallback image, while others use the default red book as fallback image?
09:46 * ashimema       wonders if magnuse is going to hackfest this year
09:49 schnydszch       cait, itype, homebranch, holdingbranch exist for the record being checked out
09:53 davidnind        dolf: I like the image, but that is not the Koha default - you will need to check with ByWater Solutions assuming they are hosting you, or are you using their coverflow plugin
09:53 davidnind        dolf: here is an exampel of the default cover from one of the demo installations https://catalogue-v2311-koha.demo.biblibre.eu/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?idx=&q=a&weight_search=1
09:53 cait             dolf: that's a customization, not Koha default
09:54 cait             dolf: the red book - you need to check with your config/your hoster
09:54 cait             ah, what davidnind said
09:57 magnuse          ashimema: probably not, it's a bit too close to the big every-other-year norwegian library conference
09:58 ashimema         shame, feel like I've not seen you for ages
09:58 ashimema         but understandable
09:58 * ashimema       is in a call with Delarna right now trying to understand their records and it made me think of you
10:03 dolf             This is self-hosted, and always has been, but it's a very old instance. Maybe some strange config is left over from back in the day. I do have CoceHost set to https://coce.bywatersolutions.com so maybe that's where the book comes from? Anyway, I would prefer the default "no cover image available", but I don't get that, even if I disable CoceHost and use GoogleJackets directly.
10:05 cait             schnydszch: try to check the logs again with hte command I gave you
10:05 cait             it could also be a broken notice template, like CHECKOUT not being parsed
10:05 cait             or a broken YAML parameter - i had all those happen
10:06 cait             but the logs shoudl give a better clue
10:08 davidnind        dolf: Is the site using the Galadriel OPAC Theme Plugin? https://bywatersolutions.com/education/monday-minutes-using-the-galadriel-plugin-to-customize-the-opac and https://github.com/bywatersolutions/koha-plugin-opac-theme-galadriel/tree/master
10:09 davidnind        dolf: if so, look at the settings for the plugin for search results
10:14 cait             fridolin++
10:16 dolf             davidnind: No plugins installed :) I have never heard of that plugin.
10:19 cait             maybe it's in your opacuserjs
10:19 cait             or opacusercss
10:25 davidnind        dolf: the URL you posted with raw had galadriel and bywatersolutions in the path, but as cait said, maybe in your custom css - look at the HTML page source and see if you have any classes for the entries where there are no cover images - definitely some customisation somewhere
10:30 dolf             cait: opacuserjs only contains some simple code to redirect from home page to advanced search. opacusercss is empty. :)
10:31 dolf             davidnind: I see what you mean with the URL. The entries with NO cover images contain an img tag pointing to things like https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/P/0851513859.01.MZZZZZZZZZ.jpg which is a 1x1 pixel image.
10:32 cait             hm that would point to a plugin again... they can insert js
10:35 dolf             Here is what I see in the browser for no image and red book image, respectively: https://ibb.co/YRrXD5P and https://ibb.co/F8ZhYtg The latter gets its image from some inline CSS. Still trying to figure out where that comes from.
10:35 dolf             If I disable that inline style sheet, it looks like in the demo link that davidnind posted.
10:37 dolf             Ran `find / -iname '*galadriel*'` on my VM: No results. Trying grep next. It might take a while.
10:46 davidnind        dolf: if you look at the HTML page source you will see (around line 190) <!-- JS and CSS for Koha Galadriel OPAC Theme Plugin
10:46 davidnind        This JS was added automatically by installing the Koha Galadriel OPAC Theme Plugin
10:46 davidnind        Please do not modify -->
10:48 schnydszch       only the one in plack.log is related to circulation.pl
10:50 davidnind        dolf: I'm not sure why it would still be there if the plugin isn't listed under your plugins - maybe it was deleted or not properly uninstalled, don't really know how plugins interact in the database and what table they would show in
10:55 dolf             Hmm, this is not the first time that the UI and the database differ on this specific Koha instance. See https://irc.koha-community.org/koha/2024-02-27#i_2539023
11:07 dolf             I see an empty folder at /var/lib/koha/rsc/plugins/Koha/Plugin/Com/ByWaterSolutions but no files anywhere under /var/lib/koha/rsc/plugins . So I guess it must have existed many years ago, and was removed improperly.
11:09 dolf             What is the standard procedure for uninstalling Koha plugins?
11:11 magnuse          ashimema: awww... ;-)
11:12 magnuse          ashimema: and it's Dalarna
11:21 ashimema         grr.. I have that typo ingrained in my fingers now ☹️
11:31 dolf             davidnind: I found references to Galadriel in the `action_logs` and in the `additional_contents` tables. I'm hesitant to just remove the rows, lest she comes back from the halls of Mandos to haunt me.
11:42 dolf             `delete from additional_contents;` seems to have done the trick :)
11:43 tcohen           hola #koha o/
11:43 tcohen           happy monday everyone!
11:54 * ibnsina[m]     uploaded an image: (25KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ZQblXnLuVBLohPkuhzJeVpNE/image.png >
11:54 ibnsina[m]       error when upgrade
11:54 ibnsina[m]       how to fix ?
11:55 ibnsina[m]       Upgrading database schema for library2... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/XKZQnGpoIQhRUgTpkjEfrTlW>)
11:59 tcohen           what DB engine are you using ibnsina[m] ?
12:05 ibnsina[m]       mysql
12:05 Joubu            ibnsina[m]: are you the one who reported it on bug 34979 already?
12:05 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34979 normal, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, RESOLVED FIXED, System preferences missing from sysprefs.sql
12:05 tcohen           my best guess is you should run 'DELETE FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSetsEmbedItemData;'
12:05 tcohen           and just re run the upgrade
12:06 ibnsina[m]       <tcohen> "what DB engine are you using..." <- mariadb
12:06 tcohen           sorry I misspelled that SQL
12:07 tcohen           DELETE FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='OAI-PMH:AutoUpdateSetEmbedItemData'
12:07 tcohen           basically, you have both the wrong and the good syspref name
12:09 edveal           Good morning
12:11 tcohen           hi edveal
12:11 tcohen           hi cait
12:15 ibnsina[m]       <tcohen> "basically, you have both the..." <- works fine thanks
12:15 ibnsina[m]       i face another problem
12:15 ibnsina[m]       root@isumslibrary:/etc/koha/sites/library2# sudo apt install -y koha-common... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/nzBHouWWIsmidYRzEcfrmyHe>)
12:16 ibnsina[m]       ailed to load external entity "/etc/koha/sites/library/koha-conf.xml" the name of my library is library2 not library how to change it
12:19 tcohen           do you have a backup? Looks like your instance's configuration file is f*d up
12:20 cait             tcohen++ thanks
12:20 cait             I didn't get to write a fix for that one yet :(
12:23 tcohen           do you want me to try a fix?
12:24 cait             if you have time, that would be awesome
12:24 cait             you defined the problem perfectly
12:28 tcohen           I always think Joubu is gonna submit the patch before I do in this cases :-D
12:28 tcohen           writting
12:35 cait             there is a bug filed already, do you want me to find it?
12:36 ibnsina[m]       <tcohen> "do you have a backup? Looks like..." <- is there any fix >?
12:39 cait             tcohen: Bug 36232] New: Updating database structure
12:39 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36232 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Updating database structure
12:47 tcohen           ok
12:51 tcohen           done
13:01 cait             thank you
13:48 Joubu            anybody using misc/cronjobs/cloud-kw.pl? Is this supposed to still work?
13:48 tcohen           everything works if shipped in Koha :-P
13:48 Joubu            can you try and confirm please? :D
13:48 Joubu            I had to remove lines from the koha-conf to fix the yaml parsing
13:49 Joubu            "mapping values are not allowed in this context"
13:49 Joubu            and now I am getting:
13:49 Joubu            Can't use string ("<yazgfs>
13:49 Joubu            <listen id="biblioserve"...) as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at misc/cronjobs/cloud-kw.pl line 74.
13:52 Joubu            fredericd maybe?
13:52 tcohen           It doesn't seem to be working, Joubu
14:01 Joubu            kidclamp: are you using it?
14:02 kidclamp         I see two sites running it, not sure if it is working
14:05 Joubu            actually the conf is not the path to the koha-conf file..
14:07 tcohen           what does that mean JOubu?
14:07 * tcohen         learning
14:08 Joubu            for the record, this is working: http://paste.debian.net/1310284/
14:17 tcohen           the script is pre-packages it feels
14:17 tcohen           it should work without the --conf parameter
16:00 reiveune         bye
16:30 cait             I always start to worry, when #koha gets too quiet...
16:57 blawlor[m]       Recently I am getting a weird bug in KTD when I just try an item search an alert pops up with a 403 error and the table doesn't load any results. I thought it might be that I screwed up my environment somehow, but I tested it on a sandbox and get the same issue... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/CHWvPFBYSYKxrNIVjqzSNsyi>)
17:03 caroline         blawlor[m], I have the same I think it's due to bug 34478
17:03 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34478 blocker, P1 - high, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to master , Full CSRF protection
17:03 caroline         I added it to bug 36195 but I think it might benefit from being it's own bug so it can get more views
17:03 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36195 critical, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , CSRF - testing reports
17:08 blawlor[m]       Cool that looks like what's going on
17:16 wajasu           docker pskoha-test-docker
17:17 blawlor[m]       Cool I did like the patch on bug 36195 and removed the line 481: type: 'POST',
17:17 blawlor[m]       from koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/catalogue/itemsearch.tt and item search works again
17:17 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36195 critical, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , CSRF - testing reports
17:21 blawlor[m]       should I attach a page to that bug?
17:22 blawlor[m]       s/page/patch/
17:29 wajasu           ls
17:57 tcohen           mtj: can you please reply on bug 35614?
17:58 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35614 major, P5 - low, ---, mtj, Signed Off , Update cpanfile for Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI v5.09
18:04 wajasu           yea! i got koha-testing-docker ktd up working with docker instead of my podman rootless. nice!
18:06 tcohen           wajasu: good
18:26 magnuse          tcohen: i saw some fresh commits on koha-dpkg-docker. do you know if that should fix things, or is it still work in progress? i (still) get "dpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes"
18:27 tcohen           magnuse: it should be fixed
18:28 magnuse          i also get "dpkg-source: info: you can integrate the local changes with dpkg-source --commit
18:28 magnuse          Command 'pdebuild -- --use-network yes --basetgz /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz --buildresult /debs' returns an error (512)"
18:29 tcohen           ah
18:29 tcohen           wait
18:29 tcohen           have you tried master?
18:29 magnuse          koha master or koha-dpkg-docker master?
18:29 magnuse          i tried koha 23.05
18:30 tcohen           ok
18:30 tcohen           the thing is, the preservation module was not added to the Makefile.PL
18:30 tcohen           and that was the last bit that broke the build
18:30 tcohen           I will test again but last thing we did with khall had fixed ti
18:32 pastebot         "magnuse" at pasted "koha-dpkg-docker" (679 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/39330
18:32 magnuse          that is the end of my output. it seems to list all the .po files
18:33 tcohen           will chat with khall right now
18:35 magnuse          awesome!
18:44 magnuse          kia ora cait!
18:48 magnuse          does this example make sense, with mixing 19.12, 19.05 and master? "docker run --volume=/path/to/your/clone:/koha --volume=/dest/path/for/debs:/debs --privileged --env VERSION= --env RELEASE=19.05 koha/koha-dpkg:master"
18:52 tcohen           magnuse: not really, but the latest koha-dpkg-docker builds the base.tgz from scrratch on each run if it is not mounted
18:52 tcohen           so in theory it should work
18:58 * magnuse        gotta run, will read back
19:38 tuxayo           @later tell khall second signoff added to bug 33898. In case you understand the change and implications better than me, that frees you to QA it.
19:38 huginn`          tuxayo: The operation succeeded.
19:38 tuxayo           hi all :)
19:53 paulderscheid[m] I have just stumbled across this gem: https://github.com/gleam-lang/gleam |> fn(x) { io.println("I \u{2764} " <> x) }
19:53 paulderscheid[m] Awesome language :D
19:53 paulderscheid[m] They've just reached v1.