Time  Nick             Message
19:56 caroline         In a system with 16 libraries, it's a lot of unchecking to do... at least they only have two item types
19:55 caroline         Is there a master switch to disable transfers between branches? Or is the only way to disable transfers completely is to uncheck all the libraries for all the libraries in "Library transfer limits"
16:42 cait             bye all!
16:07 ashimema         awesome
16:04 reiveune         bye
15:58 magnuse          yay!
15:51 oleonard         I found this out while working on the upgrade to Bootstrap 5, which is going much better than I expected
15:51 magnuse          oleonard++
15:49 ashimema         🍻
15:49 ashimema         hugs
15:46 oleonard         Wow I thought I was mostly done with implementing WRAPPER for Bootstrap tabs and I am definitely not...
15:31 aw-bib[m]        (I tend to sort 001, 003, 005, 007. 008, 010 ...)
15:30 aw-bib[m]        https://www.desy.de/~arwagner/adveditor.png
15:28 aw-bib[m]        note that I am sure that our system stored the tag sequence that way (it always ordered at display, however)
15:28 aw-bib[m]        (only in the advanced editor)
15:27 aw-bib[m]        I understand subfield sequences, I even understant nto to reorder severl fields of the same tag (e.g. for a toc). but what I have here is a tag sequence like [...] 008,  591, 338, 010, 490, 037, 040
15:26 cait             like multiple 650 - you shoudl be able to sort this and it should keep it like that
15:26 cait             subfield sequence for sure is kept as it has meaning in MARC21 and alphabetic is not always correct
15:25 cait             but will sort tags numerically in some situations (iirc)
15:25 cait             aw-bib[m]: I think Koha will keep the sequence of repeatable tags as you enter them
15:25 aw-bib[m]        we are just about to implement koha. I admit that I kind of like it, but I was orignally trained on Pica and am a vi/keyboard-guy.
15:22 aude_c[m]        Is the advanced cataloguing editor widely used in your organisation?
15:11 aw-bib[m]        no meaning.
15:11 aw-bib[m]        its just our current system mingled the tags at random at some point (afaik they assigned it to some hash instead of a tupel) while it didn't have any means to force a given order. (e.g. if you wanted toc-lines in some order you had to add them subsequently, if you made a mistake you had to delete them and key them in again...)  so I am pondering to add a sorting to our export before migration as in our case the source ordering most likely has
15:11 aw-bib[m]        this is what I understand as well. there is nothing wrong with that, per see.
15:07 aude_c[m]        aw-bib I have always assumed the advanced editor is presenting the tags in the order they were entered. But I have never switched from one view to the other on an existing record.
14:59 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33568 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , Use the REST API to display items on the biblio detail view
14:59 oleonard         Should Bug 33568 still be "In discussion" ?
14:58 aw-bib[m]        (I understand that the adv. ed. works on the data as it was supplied to the system.)
14:56 aw-bib[m]        hi! just as I noticed this behaviour and I am not sure if this is intended. the regular record editor sorts the fields by their tags. once I switch to the advanced editor this sorting is gone. this is an intended behaviour, right?
14:23 huginn`          tcohen: The operation succeeded.
14:23 tcohen           @later tell marcelr can you look at my new patch and complete test plan on bug 35819
13:50 ashimema         I'm thinking a proper 'Guide to contributing to koha' as a landing page for the pod thingy... with a basic module list included to help guide you around our classes etc.
13:49 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35834 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, NEW , Add a 'Contributing.pod' to the project as a starting point for developers
13:49 ashimema         bug 35834 serves as a landing page for the renderer.. I'd love some help fleshing that out.. probably linking to/stealing from the how-to project Joubu started
13:48 ashimema         right.. for the POD stuff...
13:33 ashimema         should we require adding [% Signature %] into notices to make it display.. or always append it if NoticeSignature html customisation exists 😜
13:32 ashimema         funny.. that's kinda where I started
13:31 magnuse          next step is arbitrary includes anywhere in a template :-)
13:31 ashimema         using HTML customisation and then binding is_html and undoing the html in the plaintext case
13:31 magnuse          :-)
13:30 magnuse          the scope is a little bit different
13:30 ashimema         I have a plan too
13:30 ashimema         though it's vaguely different.. it's really just a superset
13:30 ashimema         OK.. well I'll submit to that one instead then
13:30 ashimema         aha, nice one
13:29 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30723 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Allow for notices to have custom header/footer includes
13:29 magnuse          cait, ashimema bug 30723
13:17 tcohen           we can build it manually first, and then figure the right pipeline
13:16 tcohen           ashimema: sure
13:14 ashimema         but that wasn't good enough for them
13:14 ashimema         you can of course use News to similar avail though
13:13 ashimema         but I'm more than happy to be proved wrong
13:13 ashimema         I couldn't find a dupe cait
13:07 cait             but I agree the idea, so or so, is neat
13:07 cait             maybe look for notices and includes in bugzilla
13:07 cait             but hadn't had time to look yet :)
13:07 cait             i think it's duplicate actually
13:04 ashimema         is getting it dockered and on your magic stuff hosted something we can work on together tcohen?
13:04 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35832 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, NEW , Add option to include an email signature on all notices
13:04 magnuse          bug 35832 is a neat idea!
13:04 magnuse          *perl modules
13:04 magnuse          would it be just for the modules, or for scripts too?
13:00 tcohen           but yeah, at least the main dev repo
13:00 tcohen           people working on plugins might need to compare docs
12:59 ashimema         too
12:59 ashimema         I was thinking start with master only oo
12:59 ashimema         that is very true
12:57 PedroAmorim[m]   just my opinion: who is this for? mainly developers, right? how much active development happens on branches other than master, I wonder if we shouldn't focus on just master for now and perhaps consider other branches later? I mean, anything is much better than what's currently at perldoc.k-c.org
12:55 ashimema         no idea how we'd get that
12:55 ashimema         we don't version our modules.. just Koha as a whole.. so my initial though of trying to do it metacpan style needed a little thought
12:54 ashimema         you've pointed out it's biggest flaw already though.. needing to run multiple to get different versions
12:54 ashimema         but this was quick and easy to get going fast
12:54 ashimema         I did wonder about other tools.. doing it more static page generator style..
12:53 ashimema         rebrand it a little, make a nice landing page so you don't have to go to URL's directly for the first page
12:53 ashimema         Yeah.. that was my plan
12:39 tcohen           we should just build a docker image per branch I assume
12:36 PedroAmorim[m]   =DD
12:36 PedroAmorim[m]   proper koha dev docs, no way!
12:36 PedroAmorim[m]   this looks phenomenal
12:36 PedroAmorim[m]
12:36 PedroAmorim[m]   like so
12:36 PedroAmorim[m]   need to access URLs directly
12:36 PedroAmorim[m]   nevermind, got it work
12:31 PedroAmorim[m]   I'm surely missing something although my PERL5LIB seems to be correct
12:30 PedroAmorim[m]   it complains about path at my $src = path($path)->slurp;
12:30 PedroAmorim[m]   it's redirecting to CPAN for me. I've commented the redirect line at KohaPOD.pm
12:30 paulderscheid[m] Thanks for the pointers, another footgun
12:24 ashimema         I just tried that one first
12:23 ashimema         There's various options out there
12:22 ashimema         That's where I got to
12:22 ashimema         https://gitlab.com/mrenvoize/koha-pods
12:21 PedroAmorim[m]   tcohen: yes please
12:20 ashimema         I'm at the dentist with the daughter right now.. but would happily work in that with someone
12:20 ashimema         It'll render POD for any module in the PERL5LIB path on the server it's running
12:20 tcohen           let's replace the current 4 years outdated perldoc.k-c.org site
12:19 ashimema         I have a stripped down clone of the mojo docs app
12:19 ashimema         Paul and I both had a punt
12:19 PedroAmorim[m]   think ashimema has been
12:19 tcohen           yeah, just don't
12:19 PedroAmorim[m]   I have bad dreams every time I read CanBookBeRenewed in Koha code
12:18 tcohen           someone had been playing with a script to render our libraries POD?
12:18 paulderscheid[m] Thanks Pedro Amorim tcohen
12:17 PedroAmorim[m]   endpoint looks great
12:17 PedroAmorim[m]   same logic duped =D
12:17 PedroAmorim[m]   nice
12:16 tcohen           hola PedroAmorim[m]
12:16 tcohen           or Koha::REST::V1::Checkouts::renew()
12:15 PedroAmorim[m]   paulderscheid: look at koha/svc/renew if you haven't already
12:09 paulderscheid[m] Is the sane route to do renewals via Koha::Checkouts::Renewals::store? (22.11)
11:57 ashimema         Good call
11:51 tcohen           bad638578b6bb3d0913841bd71ab9fba220a529e
11:50 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35687 blocker, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Upgrade to may fail
11:50 tcohen           bug 35687
11:50 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35678 is not accessible.
11:50 tcohen           hm bug 35678 rings some bells... we've faced that on a few cases recently. And Emily is right.
11:46 oleonard         \o
11:46 tcohen           hola #koha o/
10:08 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha
09:44 cait             oleonard++ # rebase
08:58 krimsonkharne[m] hey #koha
08:57 ashimema         mornin'
08:37 puphaus[m]       Good Morning together :)
08:26 cait             good morning #koha
07:51 magnuse          \o/
07:45 fridolin         yellow
05:37 reiveune         hello