Time  Nick                 Message
23:03 tuxayo               Just in case of a mistake when telling bad or good in a previous step
23:01 tuxayo               caroline: you can double check the result of git bisect by manually going to the previous commit and confirming that it works there.
22:00 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33167 normal, P5 - low, ---, nick, RESOLVED FIXED, Cleanup staff interface catalog details page
22:00 caroline             the bug that git bisect pointed me to is bug 33167
21:59 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35800 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , edit_any_item permission required to see patron name in detail page
21:59 caroline             bug 35800
21:59 caroline             git bisect pointed me to a commit, but I don't know how it's related... I wrote a bug report and mentioned it in case it helps
21:02 tuxayo               git bisect doesn't care to jump in the middle of commits of a given bug. It's possible to have a inconsistent code.
21:01 tuxayo               *your test
21:01 davidnind            thanks tuxayo! I'll try that next time and update my KTD snippet
21:01 tuxayo               you might have you test disturbed if bisect puts you on a commit where koha was totally broken. Then you need to manually checkout to another commit. Don't do git bisect bad since it's not the problem you are searching
21:00 caroline             +1 thanks! will do
21:00 tuxayo               caroline: also: «After a bisect session, to clean up the bisection state and return to the original HEAD, issue the following command: `git bisect reset`»
20:58 caroline             Yes I was suprised, at first it said 3000+ revision (roughly 12 steps), I though it wasnt that much (althoug it is because my test plan is a bit long, esp. with the db reset in between
20:57 tuxayo               caroline it takes the middle that why even with a lot of commits, it's not that long. 32 hops to search in 4 000 000 commits!
20:56 tuxayo               It still keeps latest version of images. Then you can use `docker image ls` and `docker image delete IMAGE_ID` to remove stuff you don't want like and old koha branch
20:56 tuxayo               davidnind:  You might be happy with `docker system prune --volumes && docker volume prune --all`
20:54 tuxayo               middle
20:54 caroline             or a random one in between
20:54 caroline             so does the bisect take the exact middle commit?
20:51 tuxayo               lol
20:51 davidnind            yes, yes they do delete everything ☠️
20:51 tuxayo               It just says prune, so maybe not that obvious it was that agressive
20:51 tuxayo               > docker system prune -a
20:49 tuxayo               davidnind: lol `docker system prune -a` as I should have expected deleted all containers, I have to redownload to start koha ^^"
20:48 tuxayo               does it still manage to delete something more with docker system prune --volumes or docker volume prune --all ?
20:46 davidnind            docker system prune -a and docker system prune --volumes (separate commands) works for me)
20:46 tuxayo               *6556 commit
20:46 tuxayo               yw, I hope that lead somewhere ^^ There are 6556 between main/master and 22.05 so are worse you will do 13 hops at most ^^
20:35 caroline             perfect thanks!
20:35 tuxayo               caroline: git bisect is to be done in the same place you usual do git stuff, like change branches
20:33 tuxayo               docker container prune -a doesn't do much in our usage of docker IIRC
20:29 caroline             Sorry, I'm still new to KTD. The git bisect thing do I do that in my koha git or in the ktd --shell?
20:27 caroline             I had tried `docker container prune -a` but it didn't do much... I went with docker image delete X
20:27 tuxayo               you have to know docker and what you are doing because it might delete volume where you hypotetically have data for something else that koha
20:26 tuxayo               Be careful, if you use docker for something else than Koha
20:26 tuxayo               caroline: there is also `docker system prune --volumes && docker volume prune --all # prune aggressively`
20:25 caroline             oh yes, I had to do that this week... I had 6-8 images (I didn't know it kept it each pull) and my disk was full...
20:25 tuxayo               And then docker image delete 3e87f8bfed4e #← image ID of the one you want to delete
20:24 tuxayo               docker image ls
20:24 tuxayo               After all that you might want to clean old docker images because over time it can take tons of GB
20:23 tuxayo               So turns out it should even work far in the past!
20:23 tuxayo               KOHA_IMAGE=22.11-jammy bin/ktd up
20:23 tuxayo               KOHA_IMAGE=22.05-jammy ktd up
20:23 tuxayo               he he
20:23 * caroline           is mumbling right now
20:22 tuxayo               You can circumvent the above issue by using an older KTD image
20:22 cait                 it's a great tool, but I also love to mumble: bad! good! when I do it
20:22 tuxayo               :D
20:22 cait                 i love git bisect
20:22 tuxayo               The problem if that v22.05.00 is old and even the middle between main/master and v22.05.00 can be too old and the dependencies of koha changed enough that koha won't start. Because you still have all the perl libs from today... ^^
20:20 tuxayo               and tell git bisect if it wall good or bad
20:20 caroline             interesting!
20:20 tuxayo               retest
20:20 tuxayo               And you do reset_all
20:20 tuxayo               Then depending on your answer, git will move to a commit closed to main/master or 22.05
20:19 tuxayo               If it's there do git bisect bad, if it's not, do git bisect good
20:19 tuxayo               And test if the issue is there
20:19 tuxayo               Then you will do reset_all
20:19 tuxayo               ok
20:19 caroline             I think mine is called origin/master, because when I want to reset, I do git reset --hard origin/master
20:19 tuxayo               Then git will checkout to a commit between main/master and v22.05.00
20:18 tuxayo               Then git bisect good v22.05.00 to tell that it was ok on v22.05.00
20:18 tuxayo               usage: git bisect start. Then git bisect bad upstream/master (it tells that the issue can be seen on master (assuming your remote is called upstream))
20:17 caroline             oh I've never use git bisect yet! I usually try git log <file> or git blame <file>
20:16 tuxayo               caroline: «it's something that's changed between 22.05 and now. » If you can reproduce that on your local environment, `git bisect` can help find the exact commit where that changed :)
20:15 tuxayo               caroline: ok, it's not that then.
20:15 tuxayo               michael_hafen: weird. If that can help, the images used either node 16 or 18, depending on the base OS (18 for UB 22.04)
20:13 caroline             My patron has all the borrower permissions though, including edit_borrowers
20:13 michael_hafen        I tried nvm to use a newer nodejs, but that ran into cannot find module '@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault'.
20:10 tuxayo               So if you want to have your dev env setup from scratch you indeed need to have a recent enough nodeJS
20:10 tuxayo               michael_hafen: ok, the build of the images of the CI and koha testing docker (the dev env most people use) installs a recent nodejs
20:09 michael_hafen        tuxayo: yarnpkg build:prod failes with cannot find module 'stream/promises' for me during the opac build, which is why I was trying yarn install.
20:08 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=15812 normal, P3, ---, nick, CLOSED FIXED, Checkout search with too many results (single character search)  causes poor performance or timeout
20:08 tuxayo               Hm, the change that requires the above is Bug 15812 and it's from 21.11.00
20:08 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30230 normal, P5 - low, ---, thibaud.guillot, Failed QA , Search for patrons in checkout should not require edit_borrowers permission
20:07 tuxayo               caroline: hi :) maybe what you have is related to bug 30230
20:07 tuxayo               The equivalent of yarnpkg build:prod might be done when building the image. But still the env would be Debian 11. With not a more recent node than Ubuntu 22.04
20:07 michael_hafen        I have Ubuntu LTS (22.04) which comes with nodejs v12
20:06 tuxayo               michael_hafen: our CI job that runs cypress test is using Debian 11, I wonder why it has not issues. https://jenkins.koha-community.org/view/master/job/Koha_Master/2770/consoleText
20:05 caroline             I'm wondering if it's a bug or a new parameter that's not on by default
20:05 caroline             it's something that's changed between 22.05 and now.
20:02 caroline             no it's off
20:02 michael_hafen        caroline: IndependentBranches ?
20:01 caroline             HidePatronName is set to show too. I can't figure out why the name would be hidden
20:01 michael_hafen        tuxayo: I have updated koha from git (dev-mode) and am trying to run yarnpkg install --frozen-lockfile, during the fetch cypress@12.17.4 complains about node.
19:59 tuxayo               michael_hafen: hi :) «cypress complained that nodejs was to old» if you want to prepare a production upgrade, cypress is not relevant for that. Cypress is a testing tool. In what context does it complains?
19:59 caroline             Is it normal that a staff with view_borrower_infos_from_any_libraries permission cannot see who an item is checked out to?
19:47 huberto              For the record, my "Cannot assign requested address" SSO problem was linked to a bad hostname in my KTD's host file. I have enough information to reopen the bug now.
19:27 huberto              `curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/master/install.sh | bash`  should do it.
19:26 michael_hafen        I tried updating nodejs from nodesource to version 18, but I lost yarnpkg doing that.  Some dependency wanted nodejs v12.  I'll try nvm and nodejs v16 though.   Do you have the address for it at hand?
19:25 huberto              To install nvm, you need to have curl on your machine, though.
19:24 huberto              I think 14 is also too old. I believe version 16-18 work though. For installing a different node version, you could always use Node Version Manager, NVM.
19:23 michael_hafen        Ubuntu 22.04 comes with nodejs 12.  I'm not sure how to get 14.
19:22 huberto              Yes, you need to install a version of nodejs that's in the sweet spot of supported versions. Are you using Node 14 at the moment?
19:21 michael_hafen        I can wait until next July-ish when Ubuntu 24.04.01 is released, but that would put me a fair bit behind on Koha releases.
19:21 michael_hafen        I'm trying to upgrade Koha on my workstation (before touching my production servers), and I can't get 'yarnpkg build:prod' to work.  It reports a missing module.  I tried 'yarnpkg install' too, and there cypress complained that nodejs was to old.
19:19 huberto              What is the issue, exactly?
19:19 michael_hafen        Or maybe I should say I need to report a problem with Ubuntu?
19:18 michael_hafen        I could use some help, I think my problem is Ubuntu.  Any Ubuntu experts here?
19:11 huberto              Hi
19:08 michael_hafen        Hello
16:35 huberto              Ok, so I had to manually specify the authorize_url, token_url and userinfo_url from keycloak's openid configuration page. Now I'm getting the following error when logging in through the SSO: Cannot assign requested address.
16:25 bag                  ashimema++
16:21 huberto              I have followed https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Testing_SSO but I must have skipped over something.
16:21 huberto              What's a common mistake that could cause the "No configuration found for your provider" error, while trying to use SSO with KTD?
15:40 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35714 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Failed QA , Clicking Print slips when no letter template selected causes error
15:40 Joubu                lauraesca[m]: re bug 35714 - did you run the `yarn js:build` command?
15:39 Joubu                lauraesca[m]: around?
15:10 magnuse              also, it looks liekwe could document the need to start koha-es-indexer and "koha-worker --queue elastic_index" when switching from zebra to elastic better too
15:08 magnuse              well, it does for me right now ;-)
15:07 magnuse              nope
15:07 Joubu                yes, but it does not fix the problem :-/
15:07 magnuse              and new jobs do get processed
15:06 magnuse              yeah, that seems to have done the trick
15:05 Joubu                magnuse: stop the rabbit and restart koha-es-indexer
15:05 magnuse              koha-es-indexer is running too
15:05 cait                 curious for a solution
15:05 Joubu                "new" jobs should be started without using rabbitmq if it's off
15:05 cait                 magnuse: we have seen a lot of thos, but not all stuck too
15:04 Joubu                magnuse: it's koha-es-indexer
15:04 cait                 Joubu:  all good then thx
15:02 magnuse              tried turning off rabbitmq too
15:02 Joubu                magnuse: that's a "known" bug, but it needs to be investigated
15:02 magnuse              nor indexer-*.log
15:01 Joubu                cait: ^
15:01 magnuse              nothing interesting in worker-*.log
15:00 magnuse              koha-indexer is running
14:59 magnuse              hm, i switched from zebra to elasticsearch and search is working, but background_jobs where queue = 'elastic_index' as stuck at status = new. i did "sudo koha-es-indexer --start kobarnbok" and "sudo koha-worker --start --queue elastic_index kobarnbok" but they are still stuck. anything else that needs to be started?
14:51 Joubu                it makes sense to reopen it
14:50 Joubu                but it's not resolved
14:50 Joubu                the bug has been marked as duplicate
14:48 cait                 but link to the existing one
14:48 cait                 maybe we should open a new bug - we will need this fixed in stable versions
14:42 huberto              I'll try and get as far as I can.
14:41 Joubu                if you can provide reproduction steps that would be great
14:39 huberto              I'll try and setup koha-testing-docker in order to test using https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Testing_SSO
14:39 huberto              No, but I've traced the source of the bug to the id used in the CSRF token generation. Sometimes the id of any recently logged in user is used instead of anonymous, sometimes anonymous is used. This means that upon returning from logging in to the SSO, the CSRF doesn't match, as the id doesn't match.
14:33 Joubu                do you see an error or warning in the koha log?
14:33 Joubu                tell that you are using 23.05.04 and the bug is not fixed
14:33 huberto              Alright, thank you!
14:33 Joubu                huberto: reopen the bug and provide details
14:32 huberto              Yes, that is exactly what happens.
14:32 Joubu                from 34755 "If the user clicks once again on the login button he is logged in his opac account."
14:32 Joubu                huberto: does it work if you click again on login?
14:27 huginn`              04Bug 34163: critical, P5 - low, ---, dcook, RESOLVED FIXED, CSRF error if try OAuth2/OIDC after logout
14:27 huginn`              04Bug 34755: critical, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, Error authenticating to external OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider : wrong_csrf_token
14:27 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34755 critical, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, RESOLVED DUPLICATE, Error authenticating to external OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider : wrong_csrf_token
14:27 huberto              Hello everyone. We are seeing bug #34755 (https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34755) affecting our only client using OAuth. The bug is supposed to have been resolved by #34163 (https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34163), part of 23.05.04. Should I open a new bug referencing both of these? I found part of the cause of the bug, but I'm unsure of where to dig next.
13:46 cait                 an old one
13:46 cait                 No-JS-Fallback maybe?
13:37 Joubu                oleonard: no this link is never used, when everything is working correctly it is replaced. We should never see it...
13:34 oleonard             Thanks Joubu, and sorry for being the cause of the bug
13:30 oleonard             Is that "search for suggestions" link ever used?
13:29 oleonard             Oh sorry it is working, I don't know what I was doing before.
13:29 Joubu                yes, zebra only
13:28 oleonard             It's not ES only is it?
13:25 Joubu                if you don't, restart_all, and try again
13:25 Joubu                if you have, try again the admin config :D
13:25 Joubu                you should not have "enabled"
13:24 Joubu                select value from systempreference where variable="OPACdidyoumean";
13:23 oleonard             Yeah, I have done that.
13:22 Joubu                admin > did you mean, and uncheck all checkboxes
13:22 Joubu                oleonard: disable didyoumean
13:22 oleonard             No
13:12 Joubu                do you see the "Check for suggestions" text?
13:09 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35676 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , OPAC search results - link for "Check for suggestions" generates a blank page
13:09 oleonard             I can't seem to reproduce Bug 35676
12:06 cait                 I'll also add an outdated note to the pages ith the instructions if I can manage
12:06 cait                 i did it
12:05 cait                 I agree
12:05 ashimema             I would say so
12:04 cait                 so... kill the whole section?
12:03 ashimema             hell yes
11:39 cait                 https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Installation_Documentation
11:38 cait                 I also updated the wiki installation page a bit... I wonder if we should totally remove the 3.x installation guides?
11:15 Joubu                thanks, cait
11:12 cait                 Joubu: I commented
11:00 marcelr              bye #koha
10:59 marcelr              thx ashimema
10:34 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19532 new feature, P1 - high, ---, aleisha, Needs documenting , Recalls for Koha
10:34 Joubu                cait: see bug 19532 comment 930
10:33 cait                 what is the issue?
10:33 cait                 Joubu: sorry, not aware of the question/discussion
10:29 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19532 new feature, P1 - high, ---, aleisha, Needs documenting , Recalls for Koha
10:29 Joubu                "Holds allowed (total)" vs "Recalls allowed (total)" see bug 19532 comment 930
10:29 ashimema             on that bug now marcelr 🙂
10:17 Joubu                cait: do you agree with the "Holds allowed (total)" vs "Recalls allowed (total)" behaviour? I think we discussed that already somewhere..
10:14 ashimema             got the tab open waiting for me 🙂
10:13 marcelr              ok ashimema (and try to have a look at 35341 please)
10:13 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello. If I may, I have a question. When searching in catalog, Z39.50 returns no results, regardless of what I'm searching with: title, bibliographic number, ISBN, keyword
10:11 ashimema             right.. I gotta review a few company policy documents before a management review I'm leading later today.. be back in a bit.. I hope
10:10 ashimema             it was nice to try and not duplicate data.. but transfers is just too active to reliably use that data they way SR does
10:10 ashimema             I must admit.. I am starting to reconsider SR entirely.. it should outright drop it's reliance on transfers and just keep track of it's own shiz instead
10:10 marcelr              i hear it too often :)
10:09 marcelr              we should ask chris what word is confusing in Maori ?
10:09 marcelr              sure
10:09 ashimema             transfers is SOOOOO confusing
10:08 ashimema             you've really helped by spotting some other things though.. I'll revisit asap, really appreciate the review.
10:08 ashimema             your right.. I intended to write up a much clearer test plan for that last patch, just feel short on time yesterday with meetings
10:08 ashimema             thanks for the review.. yeah, I intend to squash but hoped leaving unsquashed for initial QA helped with the thought process understanding
10:07 marcelr              ja'
10:05 ashimema             ta
09:43 marcelr              minor fix needed
09:43 marcelr              ashimema: 35100 back to you
09:36 Joubu                fredericdem: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Tips_and_tricks#pre-push
09:35 Joubu                this is not supposed to happen
09:35 Joubu                fredericdem: koha_1       | # $VAR1 = './installer/data/mysql/db_revs/221112000.pl';
09:35 Joubu                fredericdem: koha_1       | #   Failed test at xt/find-misplaced-executables.t line 54.
09:35 Joubu                fredericdem: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_22.11_D10/276/consoleText
09:35 Joubu                fredericdem: you should setup the RMaint pre-push hook...
09:21 ashimema             coolios
09:19 Joubu                maybe some can be replaced with async fetch, so far I didn't find any
09:18 ashimema             ok.. well.. I'm onboard anyway.. sounds like you've thought those things through already.. or are at least aware fo rthem
09:17 ashimema             I suppose at the moment, if it's a tt plugin then it's already rendering serverside anyway.. I was considering whether we should be doing more async for some things.. i.e. api requests to replace a few instead of serverside rendering still
09:16 Joubu                can only be better :)
09:16 Joubu                yes, that's the tricky part, but it's a matter of 10min (at least for 35782)
09:16 ashimema             I'm also interested in whether there's a perceived performance implication at all
09:16 ashimema             we'll need to be careful to spot the distance uses.. i.e where an include is used on loads of different pages we'll need to double check every pages controller sends back the full objects
09:15 Joubu                and we should stop adding more...
09:15 ashimema             it'll be interesting to test and qa these things
09:15 ashimema             ok
09:13 Joubu                not this silly mix of passing ids and retrieving the related contents
09:12 Joubu                we MUST use Koha::Objects (dbic and the rs)
09:12 Joubu                ashimema: yes, what is done in 35782
09:12 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35783 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Remove Koha::Template::Plugin::Biblio::RecallsCount
09:12 ashimema             so, making sure we always pass objects from controllers everywhere a plugin might be used
09:12 huginn`              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35782 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Remove Koha::Template::Plugin::Biblio::HoldsCount
09:12 Joubu                bug 35782, bug 35783 for examples
09:11 Joubu                replace them using Koha::Objects
09:09 ashimema             as in.. what do you intend to replace them with.. or are you thinking a mix of things?
09:09 ashimema             What's your plan in removing TT helpers Joubu?
09:08 davidnind            Considering that circulation rules are challenging enough already... 8-)
09:05 davidnind            I don't think it is a bug, as such. But I can see how it could cause confusion or misunderstanding.
08:43 Joubu                not considering a bug that those 2 very similar features behave differently with the same config?
08:39 davidnind            If I recall rightly from testing (some time ago now...)
08:38 davidnind            For the recalls part, that is correct - you have to set the number of recalls allowed, otherwise none are allowed.
08:33 Joubu                is that correct or is it still too early here?
08:33 Joubu                the first one (holds) empty means unlimited, the second one (recalls) means 0
08:32 Joubu                "Holds allowed (total)" vs "Recalls allowed (total)"
08:21 ashimema             And now it's time for breakfast 🥞
08:20 davidnind            ashimema++
08:19 ashimema             I think that's the most accurate for 'New features'
08:19 cait                 ashimema++
08:19 ashimema             we now include 'Needs documenting' bugs exclude the  'Documentation' component
08:19 ashimema             I just pushed a couple of minor changes to the logic there
08:18 ashimema             all good
07:51 marcelr              ashimema: i am on 35100
07:50 marcelr              exercise is good :)
07:49 davidnind            sorry to get you running around on a Friday morning!
07:48 davidnind            maybe a false alarm - I thought it showed all bugs pushed, not just enhancements (looking through all the recent bugs pushed, none are enhancements)
07:46 cait                 I think I had to fail all of them :(
07:46 ashimema             that's certainly it I reckon
07:46 ashimema             Yeah.. there’s a bunch of enh in hte 'Needs documenting’ queue..
07:45 cait                 but I had started to look at some enh
07:45 cait                 she tends to get stuck on the bugs :)
07:43 ashimema             I think she said she’d pushed one or two.. but I’m struggling to remember what they were
07:43 marcelr              probably not
07:43 Joubu                not sure cait has started to push enh
07:43 marcelr              with smart rules
07:43 ashimema             sure
07:42 marcelr              the flatpickr thing
07:42 ashimema             What I need is an example of something pushed to 24.05 that’s an enhancement that you think should be appearing and isn’t davidnind
07:42 marcelr              ashimema: care for a final look at 35341 ?
07:42 ashimema             indeed
07:42 ashimema             That box shows ‘Enhancements’  ‘Pushed to master’
07:41 Joubu                ok ignore me, it should work
07:41 Joubu                well, enh is not supposed to be backported
07:41 ashimema             Depends how Katrin is marking them
07:41 Joubu                needs documenting won't show the last pushes
07:40 ashimema             I’ll get that fixed this morning once I’m at the right computer.
07:40 ashimema             We should be looking for both ‘Pushed to master’ OR ‘Needs documenting’
07:40 ashimema             it's only looking for ‘Pushed to master’
07:40 ashimema             Yup.. I see the issue
07:37 davidnind            For me. it is showing '34955 - One Koha manual' as the top one and '35063 - Convert SelfCheckInMainUserBlock system preference to HTML customization as the last one' = these are all for 23.11 (also used a browser with a cleared cached)
07:37 Joubu                yes I think we search for "pushed to master"
07:35 ashimema             I’m wondering if it’s something to do with ‘Needs documenting’ vs ‘Pushed to master’
07:35 ashimema             Do you have a bug in particular you think should be showing up in New features davidnind?
07:35 ashimema             Ah, I wonder..
07:33 ashimema             hola
07:32 magnuse              good evening New Zealand!
07:31 davidnind            good morning Europe!
07:30 ashimema             morning
07:29 ashimema             that’s strange
07:28 ashimema             hmm
07:27 magnuse              \o/
07:21 davidnind            FYI - On the dashboard, the 'New features' list is not updating with the latest patches pushed to master
07:06 marcelr              o/
07:03 fridolin             yellow