Time  Nick          Message
01:00 mtj           hi tcohen, back now
01:03 mtj           ..will take a look at the openapi and pkgs stuff now
03:40 schnydszch    Hi! We're trying to install koha and use another server for the koha ils, we're seeing --request-db  Creates a instancename-db-request.txt file where you adjust your DB settings and re-run with --populate-db after. What do we put in instancename-db-request.? Thanks!
07:20 magnuse       \o/
07:57 reiveune      hello
07:58 matts         hi!
11:28 oleonard-away o/
12:01 magnuse       \o/
12:54 oleonard      I'll be someone would like a nice simple security bug signoff for this near-holiday work day...
12:54 oleonard      May I suggest Bug 34623
12:54 huginn`       04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34623 is not accessible.
14:44 caroline      ashimema, I checked bug 33820 and there is no more space in the interface, so that's ok. However, in the database, I have more than one screen of scrolling of "nothing" before getting to the message. Is that normal?
14:44 huginn`       04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33820 trivial, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs documenting , Add hints to warn the librarian that they will be logged out if they change their username
14:45 ashimema      that seems rather odd
14:45 caroline      whoops, wrong bug number
14:45 caroline      bug 33498 sorry
14:45 huginn`       04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33498 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Catalog concerns - Lots of whitespace before the notice text
14:45 oleonard      Oh no I woke up for nothing?
14:45 * oleonard    goes back to sleep
14:45 caroline      sorry!!
14:46 oleonard      :D
14:46 ashimema      hehe..
14:46 ashimema      I knew what you were talking about even though it was the wrong buglol
14:46 caroline      https://snipboard.io/yuMx9d.jpg
14:47 caroline      there is more above
14:48 caroline      Should I leave that bug open and add a comment, or close that one and open a new one? Or just let it go?
14:52 caroline      I added a comment, but let me know if I should do something different
14:56 blou          @seen gmcharlt
14:56 huginn`       blou: gmcharlt was last seen in #koha 28 weeks, 0 days, 16 hours, 49 minutes, and 42 seconds ago: <gmcharlt> @later tell cait I have updated the meetings index
14:58 blou          ouuuh, long time.
15:09 oleonard      Yeah blou he doesn't hang out here much
15:10 ashimema      remind me oleonard.. what bootstrap version are we in the staff client again?
15:10 blou          Hi oleonard!  Ok, do you know if he's still into Koha and related stuff (Marc::Record...) ?
15:11 oleonard      ashimema: 3.4.1
15:11 ashimema      ta
15:11 ashimema      no wonder my using the version 4 docs wasn't working 😜
15:11 oleonard      blou: I know he's still involved in supporting Koha
15:13 oleonard      ashimema: I'm due for another try at upgrading Bootstrap. The last time I did it resulted in all the WRAPPER patches. Not sure if I'll find I need to keep going with that. Maybe for modals.
15:14 ashimema      pull in tuxayo for helping with something like that
15:14 ashimema      once we have a clear path for something like that we should split the work more
15:14 ashimema      I'm aware you do so much on that front
15:15 oleonard      ashimema: To be fair, it's because I enjoy it
15:15 ashimema      it would be awesome to upgrade some time though  of course 🙂
15:15 ashimema      it's never ending though
15:15 ashimema      that reminds me.. I really need to get back to the datatables update you did
15:15 ashimema      it looked like it took on a lot more that I thought it would
15:16 oleonard      ashimema: The variable name issue resulted in a lot of changes
15:17 ashimema      indeed
15:17 ashimema      hopefully resulting in more consistency as a whole though right?
15:17 oleonard      Yes
15:18 ashimema      awesome
16:19 reiveune      bye
16:32 ashimema      oleonard still around?
16:32 oleonard      Yes
16:32 ashimema      fancy a jQuery head scratch with me?
16:32 ashimema      I think I'm missing something obvious
16:35 pastebot      "ashimema" at pasted "How do I get the data-resolution from the clicked option?" (11 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/33217
16:36 ashimema      I'd expect my 'relatedTarget' to grab the right thing out of the event there.. but it's null
16:37 oleonard      Does $(this) return the <a> ?
16:39 ashimema      yes.. it appears to
16:39 ashimema      interesting
16:41 ashimema      Nice one
16:41 ashimema      I knew it was something simple
16:45 caroline      When adding a new notice in Tools > Notices and slips, we can choose from a long list of modules. Is it me or some of those modules do not accept custom notices? Like Acquisitions or Catalog
16:46 caroline      "Order acquisitions" too... I just added one and I don't have a choice when sending my order, it automatically takes the default one
16:46 caroline      are those options there only in case someone deleted the default ones or had a bug when installing and they didn't install correctly?
18:04 ashimema      interesting, never noticed that
18:04 ashimema      it should be using the tempaltes