Time  Nick             Message
23:39 cait             caroline: i think the gulp po:update bit worked for me, but not sure if I did something to make it work :(
22:08 davidnind        I'll try and find a bug to test with translations and see how I get on ... (I would check when you are in the po directory what git branch and git status show, but not sure if that will make a difference)
22:04 caroline         I'll try again sometime
22:03 caroline         not sure what happened...
22:02 caroline         ok, so it mostly worked... lol https://snipboard.io/z1qTXO.jpg
22:01 caroline         yes that's when I was following, I was at gulp po:update but it gave me errors...
22:00 davidnind        Some instructions were added to the KTD readme https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker#translation-files
22:00 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34076 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , [ALTERNATE] [DOCS] Automated screenshots using Cypress.io testing framework
22:00 caroline         that's probably what I'm doing wrong... I had the other commands in my notes from bug 34076 but ktd might very well have changed a lot since then
21:58 davidnind        it is
21:58 caroline         --shell
21:58 caroline         that is in ktd --shel correct?
21:58 caroline         ah I'll try that
21:58 davidnind        Or else I used koha-translate --install es-ES --dev kohadev (switch es-ES to your language)
21:58 caroline         that's what I did initially to get the new po's
21:56 davidnind        I think I had that initially (sorry, haven't gone back to a bug with translations yet) - I think I removed the po directory and started KTD up again
21:53 caroline         I managed to get the po's (a great victory!), but when I `gulp po:update --lang fr-CA` or `perl translate install fr-CA` I get permission denials
21:51 caroline         cait, did you manage to make translations work on ktd?
17:32 reiveune         bye
15:44 Joubu            it's a total mess right now
15:44 Joubu            I will have another look tomorrow and try to clarify the situation
15:43 Joubu            I guess this is yet another try. It looks indeed ok, but it needs to be adjusted to work on the patron search
15:42 Joubu            to be honest I don't remember :D
15:42 oleonard         Ah.
15:42 Joubu            yes but it is not pulling its content from ajax request
15:41 oleonard         Joubu: In the newest commit the test button on the home page seems to do nested modals okay. Or does the problem not show up because there isn't content in the modals?
15:32 Joubu            685                 });
15:32 Joubu            684 console.log("loaded");
15:32 Joubu            683                 $("#patronPreview > .modalBody").load( page + " div.container-fluid", function(){
15:32 Joubu            patron-search.inc has some testing code:
15:32 Joubu            oleonard: looks like the branch is not working because I didn't manage to display this "simple modal" on top of bootstrap
15:30 Joubu            but 246489071dde4f97b088300210d3e21e5ecda741 does not contain it, maybe you will find a way to fix the ergonomic issues, without the need of additional code to deal with modals
15:30 oleonard         That's my instinct as well... to use something other than a Bootstrap modal for the second modal
15:29 Joubu            See +/* Simple modals */ in staff-global.scss
15:28 Joubu            no, just some css found somewhere
15:28 oleonard         Joubu: Is "simple modals" an added plugin?
15:25 huginn`          tcohen: The operation succeeded.
15:25 tcohen           @later tell mtj when you can, please check if we need to solve something for the failing KTD build, or we just drop support for those
15:24 tcohen           cait I've pushed an update to KTD. It should solve the perltidy version discrepancy
15:17 Joubu            and the last commit is a try on the main page it seems
15:17 Joubu            the second to last is a test with "Simple modals", trying to not have 2 bootstrap modals.
15:15 Joubu            sorry this branch is a mess
15:15 Joubu            I think the next "wip" commits were simplified tries
15:15 Joubu            and yarn css:build
15:15 Joubu            oleonard: try 246489071dde4f97b088300210d3e21e5ecda741
15:08 Joubu            erk
15:08 Joubu            hum indeed, same here... erl
15:08 oleonard         I think I followed it correctly. Let me try one more time.
15:07 Joubu            did you follow "To test"?
15:07 Joubu            guarantor search IIRC
15:02 oleonard         The search results modal is showing... then click the patron's name? That doesn't do anything
15:02 oleonard         Joubu: I'm not seeing how to trigger the nested modal
14:53 Joubu            the nested modals have weird bugs
14:53 oleonard         Okay I'll take a look
14:52 Joubu            oleonard: there is a move_to_modal branch on my gitlab repo. I've described what's wrong in the last commit
14:51 cait             Bug 35087
14:51 * cait           draws a number
14:51 cait             we missed you :)
14:51 * oleonard       has been taking use-it-or-lose-it vacation days before the end of the year
14:50 oleonard         Haha
14:50 Joubu            :D
14:50 Joubu            too late cait
14:50 cait             oh oleonard, I was looking for you too
14:50 Joubu            yes! :)
14:49 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35329 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, ASSIGNED , Move patron searches to a modal
14:49 oleonard         Joubu: You've been trying to get my attention about Bug 35329?
14:26 Joubu            and the "Christmas essentials"
14:25 Joubu            caroline: I am sure you said that without having seen the "library" on the right
14:24 caroline         that is pretty cool Joubu!
14:19 cait             anything you print directly in the browser
14:19 cait             it's slips I think yes
14:19 Joubu            inadvertently found https://excalidraw.com
14:06 caroline         I think at one point some notices were dependent on the interface language, I don't know if it's still the case (like accounting slips or something?)
14:04 aw-bib[m]        idea...)
14:04 aw-bib[m]        maybe it's just to set the preferred language use ... referring to the library use in the patron details or the two places mentioned by @cait from the patrons opac preferences. I think the default for this translation thingy is off while one could still switch languages around via the web interface. so I was sort of assuming some "hidden preference" that gets set once I switch the lang. (this tower thing in babylon was not the brightest
14:02 cait             caroline++
14:02 caroline         ok I'll see if I can make it clearer with the preferred language thing
14:01 Joubu            tcohen: yes
14:00 aw-bib[m]        so there is a reference to the `TranslateNotices` I was just not aware of where I would set a patron default language.
14:00 aw-bib[m]        `The system preference TranslateNotices will add tabs for each installed language to the notices editor. The notice defined in the ‘Default’ tab will be used if there is no preferred language set for a patron.`
14:00 aw-bib[m]        caroline: its in tools directly before `modify notice`. the bullet point reads in full
14:00 tcohen           Joubu around?
13:56 caroline         aw-bib[m], can you tell me which manual page was confusing? I'll add the note that you need to turn on the pref
13:32 magnuse          ¡hola tcohen!
13:19 tcohen           hola #koha
13:16 cait             23.11: patron record in the OPAC, not only the messaging tab but also the details one
13:14 aw-bib[m]        I found it in the patrons record as staff in Library management indeed.
13:13 cait             np
13:13 cait             and I think in 23.11 you can also set it for self regs and maybe on the patron record
13:13 aw-bib[m]        ah! there it is. thanks again for the pointer!
13:12 cait             they can set it too from the messaging tab
13:12 aw-bib[m]        it's not me the patron choosing the preferred language.
13:12 aw-bib[m]        ah, but I set it as a librarian for the patron, right?
13:11 cait             then you'll see the default tab and the installed notices and also a setting in the patron record for the preferred language
13:10 cait             it#s in the I8N tab
13:10 cait             you need to turn on the translated notices pref first
13:09 aw-bib[m]        hi! working on letters I read in the manual The notice defined in the ‘Default’ tab will be used if there is no preferred language set for a patron. but how do I set a preferred language as a patron? I don't see any setting in my account. does this refer to me choosing another language from the opac-interface?
13:07 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35602 trivial, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Typo: AutoMemberNum
13:07 magnuse          bug 35602 if anyone needs a trivial bug for training or something
13:03 magnuse          cait++ Joubu++
12:54 cait             and sorry for all the typos..
12:53 cait             I am still here tomorrow - if we can manage to have it tested until then, that would be great
12:53 Joubu            no idea why this is in master... should be local JS code
12:53 Joubu            yes, I have seen it but haven't tested it
12:52 cait             I'll add a note to the bug
12:52 cait             with bug 35600 LoadCheckoutsTableDelay comes into mind
12:51 Joubu            yes, it definitely needs a proper SO+QA
12:51 cait             especially on 35600 as it#s not a test fix
12:50 cait             I just pushed, if youant to halt Jenkisn I can push them now, but it's have preferred if someone else also did a quick test run
12:50 cait             I can test and sign them too (I would anyway)
12:49 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35506 normal, P5 - low, ---, chris, NEW , selenium/regressions.t is failing randomly
12:49 Joubu            may fix bug 35506
12:49 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35600 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Prevent checkouts table to flicker
12:49 Joubu            bug 35600
12:48 cait             great
12:48 Joubu            cait: both have a fix
12:38 cait             we can shortcut but maybe make the way a little longer
12:38 marcelr          hmm cant test selenium easily
12:38 cait             and the other not even a sign-off
12:38 marcelr          ok
12:38 cait             one doesn't have a fix yet
12:38 marcelr          fixes
12:38 marcelr          just push those tests
12:38 cait             2 selenium failures, but they have been there forever
12:37 marcelr          cait Isnt Jenkins green now apart from a selenium failure ?
12:35 cait             please help Joubu out - the bugs are filed and one is ready for testing
12:35 huginn`          cait: Error: The command "info" is available in the Factoids and RSS plugins.  Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "info".
12:35 cait             @info I am working through the bugs in QA list, but really want Jenkins fixed before pushing enh
12:34 cait             hi marcelr
12:31 marcelr          o/
12:26 ashimema         I don't know that our company operates in your locality at all right now, but I've passed it along to the right team here to discus (ptfs-europe).. but as cait suggests, feel free to ask general questions on the mailing lists etc and people will try their best to help.  Being open source, you've got lots of options for either self-hosting or finding a support company to help out.
12:25 cait             you can try to ask general questions here and people are usually friendly and helping, but they are volunteering their time here
12:21 David_Saudi      i am just a tech manager and have been asked to look into a solution and came across your website. it would be good to have a online chat with someone to understand more. This is a very exciting project by opening this public library in this small remote Saudi town for the community
12:20 David_Saudi      my email is david.leverington@balichws.com
12:15 PedroAmorim[m]   Hi David, you can ask specific questions here and someone will likely be able to provide some help, or you can visit https://koha-community.org/support/paid-support/country/ for a list of companies that provide paid Koha support
12:10 David_Saudi      I am involved in a project in ALula saudi Arabia to build and Manage the towns first library. Is there someone that could assist me with the integration of Koha
12:10 David_Saudi      Goodday
11:53 ashimema         there's nothing exposed to the admin ui
11:53 ashimema         grr, needs serverside access to change be the looks
11:49 ashimema         hahaha, that's nuts
11:49 Joubu            I am passing the captcha step from the koha-meeting script! What's the point if a bot can pass it easily??
11:49 ashimema         I dislike captcha too
11:48 ashimema         just in a meeting.. but I can take a look after this
11:48 ashimema         that may make a difference
11:48 ashimema         i might be admin
11:48 Joubu            or maybe you are admin?
11:48 Joubu            my account is flagged as spammer then
11:47 Joubu            because you never edit? :D
11:47 ashimema         weird
11:47 ashimema         I never do
11:47 Joubu            edit
11:47 ashimema         doing what actions?
11:47 Joubu            today twice already
11:47 Joubu            at least once per day
11:47 ashimema         when do you see it?
11:47 Joubu            it's there since the move
11:47 ashimema         I don't remember having seen a captcha on the wiki in years?
11:46 ashimema         ?
11:46 Joubu            cait: can we consider removing this stupid captcha thing on the wiki please?
11:46 Joubu            hi :)
11:38 oleonard         Hi Joubu
11:33 Joubu            caroline, aude_c[m]: added you to https://tree.taiga.io/project/koha-ils/us/208 - so that you know it exists and where it is
11:27 Joubu            that's exactly what I am asking (and waiting for) since September
11:27 cait             ok, asking too many question maybe :)
11:26 cait             do we know why it is not installed?
11:26 cait             is ktd
11:26 Joubu            ok, so what I am saying, we need 2023 in ktd
11:26 cait             100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
11:26 cait             500 http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye/main amd64 Packages
11:26 cait             *** 20200110-1 500
11:26 cait             500 http://debian.koha-community.org/koha-staging dev/main amd64 Packages
11:26 cait             20230309-1~koha3 500
11:26 cait             Version table:
11:26 cait             Candidate: 20230309-1~koha3
11:26 cait             Installed: 20200110-1
11:26 cait             perltidy:
11:26 cait             still learning :) but trying to
11:26 Joubu            :D
11:25 Joubu            ha!
11:25 cait             but that above was the host, sorry
11:25 cait             I will do it at the end of my session today and check
11:25 cait             I need to destroy it, and I am just in the middle of testing something
11:24 Joubu            or is this fresh ktd?
11:24 Joubu            `apt install perltidy`
11:24 Joubu            cait: did you manually update perltidy?
11:20 Joubu            this is what I have in ktd (master)
11:20 Joubu            100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
11:19 Joubu            500 http://deb.debian.org/debian bullseye/main amd64 Packages
11:19 Joubu            *** 20200110-1 500
11:19 Joubu            500 http://debian.koha-community.org/koha-staging dev/main amd64 Packages
11:19 Joubu            20230309-1~koha3 500
11:19 Joubu            Version table:
11:19 Joubu            I don't have 2023 installed
11:18 cait             500 https://ftp.uni-stuttgart.de/debian bullseye/main amd64 Packages
11:18 cait             20200110-1 500
11:18 cait             100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
11:18 cait             500 http://debian.koha-community.org/koha-staging dev/main amd64 Packages
11:18 cait             *** 20230309-1~koha3 500
11:18 cait             Version table:
11:18 cait             Candidate: 20230309-1~koha3
11:18 cait             Installed: 20230309-1~koha3
11:18 cait             perltidy:
11:18 Joubu            well, not the correct version
11:18 Joubu            the package is there but not installed
11:18 Joubu            and you will get it
11:18 Joubu            and apt show perltidy
11:18 Joubu            apt policy perltidy
11:18 cait             is that not somethign we need to built into the process of ktd?
11:17 cait             but if the dependency pacakge is correct, why do we need mtj to fix?
11:17 Joubu            "We have 20230309-1~koha1 but it's not the version install in ktd."
11:17 cait             ok, so we ARE on the ame page
11:17 Joubu            now we have 2020
11:17 Joubu            we need 2023 in ktd.
11:17 cait             I read your last comment about Mason so that you want him to downgrade
11:17 Joubu            I don't understand your comment there
11:17 cait             I figured
11:16 Joubu            We don't understand each other
11:16 Joubu            we need to new version in ktd
11:16 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30002 minor, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to oldstable , Add project-level perltidyrc
11:16 Joubu            bug 30002, last comments
11:16 cait             we don't list a specific perltidy verison in our coding guidelines either - we should fix that either way
11:15 cait             or I am not understanding it
11:14 cait             I don't see a comment on why not using the nwer version
11:11 Joubu            Debian 11.8, and it's v20200110
11:11 Joubu            so it's 2020
11:11 cait             yes?
11:10 Joubu            aren't you using 'master'?
11:10 cait             i can check again after my next ktd down/up cycle
11:10 cait             yes
11:10 Joubu            I have 2020
11:10 Joubu            you ktd had 2023?
11:10 cait             and my ktd had the 2023 too? so it's a little confusing
11:10 Joubu            see comment please
11:10 cait             tcohen just yesterday told me to use the Debian package
11:09 cait             we alread have a lot of code tidied witht he newer version around now... and why use an old oneß
11:09 cait             i commented on the bug, but I was thinking: wahy not update ktd?
11:09 Joubu            so it's a false positive, but not something to fix at qa script level, but package level
11:08 Joubu            yes, newer than the one in ktd
11:04 cait             Joubu: my perltidy is a 2023.. soemthing
11:01 huginn`          Joubu: The operation succeeded.
11:01 Joubu            @later tell mtj ping bug 30002 comment 49
10:33 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35598 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , selenium/authentication_2fa.t is still failing randomly
10:33 cait             still need a sign-off for bug 35598 ... :)
10:05 ashimema         teamwork++
10:04 cait             https://tree.taiga.io/project/koha-ils/task/34 is the card
10:04 aude_c[m]        👍️ got it, thanks!
10:04 Joubu            aude_c[m]: I sent you an invit for taiga
10:04 Joubu            I sent you an invit for taiga
10:04 cait             it's part of the release handover task list
10:03 cait             or make ashimema do it  :)
10:03 cait             ok, let me know when you have done it, then I can set it to done :)
10:02 aude_c[m]        Err... probably not
10:02 cait             we have a taiga card for updating the docmentation page - do you have access to that too?
10:02 aude_c[m]        I may not have time today, but I'll make sure I update before the end of the year...
10:01 aude_c[m]        Yes, getting the Edit button now; thank you!
10:01 cait             I made you editor, I think that shoudl do the trick
10:01 cait             can you try now? :)
10:01 cait             can you try nowß
10:00 aude_c[m]        audecharillon
10:00 cait             oh found it
10:00 cait             can you give me your user name?
10:00 cait             i don't kow, but I think I can upgrade you give me a moment
09:59 aude_c[m]        :)
09:59 cait             yes, of course!
09:59 aude_c[m]        I could update the website myself if you prefer? I seem to have access to posts but not pages; are you able to give me permissions to update that page please?
09:59 cait             do you want to work it out?
09:59 cait             all good
09:59 aude_c[m]        <cait> "aude_c: I am looking at https..." <- Sorry cait; had a day off yesterday!
09:58 Joubu            never seen it before
09:58 ashimema         it really is random..
09:58 Joubu            the "plain text" view is the useful one
09:58 cait             I figured, but it's all I had found :)
09:58 ashimema         ah yes.. I've struggled replicating that one in the past too
09:58 Joubu            yes, that's not useful
09:57 cait             I was looking yesterday, but only found the "not ok" from the prove
09:57 cait             aah so I can see it there ok
09:57 Joubu            https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/2767/console - "View as plain text" on the left
09:57 Joubu            "console text" it is - https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/2767/consoleText
09:56 Joubu            when it's prefixed with "koha_1" it comes from jenkins, the "raw output" view
09:56 Joubu            bug 35598 comment 0?
09:55 cait             is the output you posted from your local machine or is that visible in Jenkins somewhere? i could only find the short form
09:55 cait             i know, my machine is probably too fast, but I had trouble finding the issue or making it visible
09:55 Joubu            cait: yes, hence the "randomly". Sometimes it also means "when the server is slow".
09:54 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35598 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, chris, Needs Signoff , selenium/authentication_2fa.t is still failing randomly
09:54 cait             ashimema: can you test bug 35598?
09:53 cait             i tried to recreate locally and they kept passing is what i meant
09:53 Joubu            selenium tests are failing only on D11 because it's the only job to run them ;)
09:52 cait             I'd really like a green dashboard for christmas
09:51 cait             ashimema: we have problem with the selenium tests failing on D11 still
09:51 cait             I tried to have a look but got basically stuck by them not failing for me .(
09:47 ashimema         whats up?
09:47 ashimema         sorry Joubu.. not been following this discussion
09:46 Joubu            we should also share the load, I should not be the only one to take care of them...
09:45 Joubu            I am on authentication_2fa.t
09:44 Joubu            remove them?
09:43 cait             Joubu: Any idea what we could do about those selenium tests?
09:42 cait             i know (from my RMaint time :) )
09:41 cait             weblate++
09:35 Joubu            `junitmsgfmt misc/translator/po/de-DE-*` in case you want to know ;)
09:35 cait             that's a relief :)
09:35 Joubu            no more for de-DE
09:34 cait             I fixed that one, but I'd like to check for more
09:34 cait             that's waht I was going to ask
09:34 cait             Joubu++
09:34 Joubu            the only issue I found so far is that the check is not done on existing translations. But maybe they will appear after tomorrow's sync.
09:33 cait             and you can click on it and it copies it into your text, that's pretty much what we had in Pootle and it's nice!
09:33 cait             makes it stand out more as something special
09:33 cait             Joubu: there is also highlighting, that's nice
09:17 PedroAmorim[m]   \o
08:47 seanfish[m]      tuxayo: thanks will use  this as an initial method of contributing
08:40 huginn`          Joubu: The operation succeeded.
08:40 Joubu            @later tell tcohen 35353 comment 4 - I won't reply there, but it feels directed to me. 3 years ago so I don't remember the details, but it was just not working: the dates/hours displayed were not correct so it had to be fixed...
08:24 krimsonkharne[m] morning #koha
08:16 Joubu            there is an alert now
08:16 Joubu            cait: https://translate.koha-community.org/translate/koha/master/messages/de/?q=servertype&sort_by=-priority%2Cposition&offset=1
08:09 cait             good morning #koha
08:09 magnuse          Joubu++
07:52 ashimema         Excellent
07:46 Joubu            upgrading weblate
07:34 reiveune         hello
07:29 magnuse          kia ora ashimema
07:23 ashimema         morning #koha
07:07 magnuse          \o/