Time  Nick             Message
08:19 marcelr          o/
08:20 cait             good morning #koha
08:20 marcelr          hi cait
08:23 magnuse          \o/
08:29 ibnsina[m]       good morning all
08:29 ibnsina[m]       koha keep logout user admin after 1 min
08:30 ibnsina[m]       how can i fix it
08:33 cait             did you change the timeout system preference?
08:33 cait             is there an error, like "IP address changed" when you get logged out?
08:33 cait             aude_c[m]: I am looking at https://koha-community.org/documentation/ and not sure how to best change/update it - do you have any preference?
08:37 ibnsina[m]       cait: no
08:37 ibnsina[m]       cait: no because its static ip
08:38 cait             hm, these are the obvious ones
08:39 cait             is anything deleting your session cookies?
08:39 ibnsina[m]       no
08:41 krimsonkharne[m] morning all
08:46 cait             sorry, I am running out of ideas
08:46 cait             waht does it exactly say on the logout screen?
09:16 ashimema         Check the logs, auth has a fair bit of logging
09:17 ashimema         Though you may need to enable that logging, I can't remember.
09:25 magnuse          ibnsina[m]: how do you store your sessions? i think the syspref is SessionStorage
09:26 * ibnsina[m]     uploaded an image: (10KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/phzGlTZeUpdBMpRYSpAPpSrp/image.png >
09:27 * ibnsina[m]     uploaded a video: (18131KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ZrHFTovHkZFZMhjqZSlDcWmC/Element%20%5B1%5D%20_%20%23koha%20-%20Google%20Chrome%202023-12-18%2012-26-20.mp4 >
09:27 ibnsina[m]       look when i do anything its get back to login screen
09:27 ashimema         that does feel like a transient IP.. perhaps it's hitting some over zealous proxy balancers somewhere...
09:32 ibnsina[m]       for local all device has static ip
09:32 ibnsina[m]       and for public its has static public ip
09:33 cait             also it should say "IP address changed" as erorr
09:33 cait             but it looks like a logout
09:33 ibnsina[m]       cait: no error shown
09:33 cait             you could still try to set the pref for changing IP addresses... see of that changes anything
09:35 ibnsina[m]       cait: where
09:36 cait             SessionRestrictionByIP
09:42 cait             did it change things?
09:44 * ibnsina[m]     uploaded an image: (13KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/UQmlyJpUzfeXyQFzLrhNcTdp/image.png >
09:44 ibnsina[m]       its already set to no
09:45 ashimema         ☚ī¸
09:45 ashimema         weird
09:47 ibnsina[m]       :/
09:48 cait             do you know how the developer tools work in the browser?
09:48 cait             what I'd try is check the session cookie
09:48 cait             that it's set correctly and that it doesn't get deleted
09:48 cait             also which expiry data is set
10:00 cait             ibnsina[m]: just to make sure, waht is your settng int timeout?
10:04 ibnsina[m]       <cait> "do you know how the developer..." <- sure
10:04 ibnsina[m]       what do you want from me
10:04 ibnsina[m]       ?
10:04 cait             look at your session cookie from Koha
10:04 cait             check if it expires
10:08 * ibnsina[m]     uploaded an image: (11KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/dxAnkBZkQTfYUjHUXXSoIwmt/image.png >
10:35 cait             i have the same setting for timeout, no issues here
10:36 ibnsina[m]       i dont know
10:41 cait             @later tell Joubu already had those 2 on my list as well - thanks for the notes!
10:41 huginn`          cait: The operation succeeded.
10:50 cait             hm that perltidy is strange
10:50 cait             I perltidied all changed lines, but no changes... so they were tidy before
10:51 cait             but test is complaining
10:53 ibnsina[m]       pendingreserves.pl:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
11:08 tcohen           hola #koha o/
11:31 oleonard         Hi #koha
11:51 * cait           waves
11:58 ibnsina[m]       Deprecated script used (koha-start-zebra)
11:58 ibnsina[m]       WHAT DOES THIS MEAN ?
12:01 cait             What it says, no need to scream
12:01 cait             it says that the way you called the script is deprecated
12:01 cait             you should use sudo koha-zebra --start instead
12:03 * cait           waves at kidclamp and tcohen
12:04 * kidclamp       waves
12:05 * ibnsina[m]     uploaded an image: (9KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/DColSprzRWojrJIRaBxRsZrn/image.png >
12:06 ibnsina[m]       no result
12:06 cait             you need to add the instance too
12:06 cait             at the end
12:06 cait             can someone remind me how to figure out the version of perltidy installed?
12:08 ibnsina[m]       cait: perltidy --version
12:08 cait             thx
12:08 cait             foudn it now... now trying to get a newer version
12:09 cait             i think the one on my host is too old for the one used in QA tools
12:10 ibnsina[m]       cait: cpanm Perl::Tidy
12:40 cait             tcohen++ # thx for QA and help with getting the Koha perltidy version via repo
13:13 * oleonard       bbl
13:32 cait             ashimema, Joubu, tcohen: anyone around?
13:36 ashimema         just on lunch
13:36 ashimema         what's up
13:37 cait             ah just first database update
13:37 cait             i git mv the atomicupdate into the right spot and renamed it
13:37 cait             ad then Koha.pm
13:37 cait             that shoudl be it, right?
13:38 cait             Using this old one for reference: https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/commit/a1c9799f91d0535afe40303a3f9c8359dd71c148
13:38 cait             https://paste.koha-community.org/32915
13:38 cait             it changes a text in he db, so no need for dbic
13:45 ashimema         looks perfect to me 🙂
13:46 ashimema         nice one
13:46 cait             ok
13:56 ibnsina[m]       koha ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
13:57 * ibnsina[m]     uploaded an image: (113KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/TiSSdyAYMwUwhJMPRxayokiq/image.png >
13:57 cait             ashimema++ # proof reading and other things
13:58 * ibnsina[m]     uploaded an image: (60KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ntBWCUdFjhDiPYkRmQNtwzcC/image.png >
14:01 ashimema         is that the debian thing.. where they dropped localhost from the hosts file or something
14:01 ashimema         it rings a bell.. though I thought the packages had been updated to compensate
14:02 cait             ibnsina[m]: which version are you using?
14:04 ibnsina[m]       cait: latest
14:18 * ibnsina[m]     uploaded an image: (9KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/GFVQvNWwqDeljUItKCPFTLAc/image.png >
14:21 cait             push to master incoming...
14:22 magnuse          \o/
14:24 ibnsina[m]       waht can i do now the koha is stopped
14:28 cait             I hope we'll see some positive development on jenkins, keep fingers crossed
14:29 cait             ibnsina[m]: sorry, I am not good witht he sysadmin things - maybe someone else?
14:32 cait             I thought working on master was strange, but pushing your own patches is even more :D
14:34 ashimema         lol
14:59 ibnsina[m]       cait: any help with Can't locate /perl5db.pl.
15:12 aw-bib[m]        hi! just stumble upon... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ZddjvdiNhlKBzNqtTQtyVQCM>)
15:13 caroline         aw-bib[m], the translation needs to be corrected https://translate.koha-community.org/
15:13 cait             yes, that one is on me and the changed translation process
15:13 cait             I already fixed it
15:14 cait             it doesn't affect much really, I think only the bookins specific page stated untranslated
15:14 cait             s/stated/stayed
15:20 aw-bib[m]        I can live with that of courese :) just tought as koha tries to translate the software I should report findings somehow.
15:25 domm[m]          We found a fun bug when importing the whole of GND (German Authorities) via bulkmarcimport: some of their auths have a value in 001 that randomly matches an existing auth_id. And even though we used a custom --match to match on 024$a, when this did not match, bulkmarcinsert uses GuessAuthId($record). But this then finds the wrong record!
15:25 domm[m]          Is this a known bug? (Could not find any in bugzilla)
15:26 domm[m]          An easy fix would be to add another command line param to bulkmarcimport to NEVER call GuessAuthId during update
15:26 domm[m]          Shall I prepare a bug & patch? Or is there something else I missed?
15:33 cait             I don't know the script well enough
15:33 cait             but documenting in a bug what you found probably never hurts
15:49 tcohen           bye all, we have networking issues and I need to focus on other things today
15:50 cait             D11 is still very unhappy
15:54 domm[m]          https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35591
15:54 huginn`          04Bug 35591: normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , bulkmarcimport.pl overwrites data if controlnumber eq authid
15:56 cait             domm[m]: it does sound like a bug... at least something that should be a switch
15:58 cait             I wonder if I will ever get Jenkins back to green...
15:58 cait             random failiures in selenlium tests still
16:02 reiveune         bye
17:17 cait             reports => '*' should be any report permission, ... shouldn't it?
17:17 cait             it's odd because we have a report from someone who says it#s not accessible and they have execute reports permission
17:40 ashimema         Weird
17:55 cait             maybe a misunerstanding
17:56 oleonard         What does Bug 35545 mean?
17:56 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35545 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , "additional" item
17:58 cait             I haven't tested it
17:59 cait             it ays if itemnumber and biblionumber match there would be an additional item shown..
17:59 cait             but I guess that would appear often? if you add your first record?
17:59 cait             was wondering if it coult have something to do with EasyAnalytics
18:00 caroline         I have tons of records where biblionumber = itemnumber and they don't have extra items
18:00 cait             thanks :)
18:00 cait             I have asked for a screensht and if they are using Easyanaltics... maybe that will help
18:00 cait             leaving for today, bye all!
18:00 caroline         +1
18:02 caroline         I think this person uses UNIMARC, could it be a problem with UNIMARC XSLT? (although item display is not managed by xslt afaik)