Time  Nick             Message
20:33 tcohen[m]        I'm not sure I shared my alias
20:33 tcohen[m]        excellent
20:32 tuxayo           tcohen: I was just adding more advertising for the release-tools container ^^
19:05 tuxayo           caroline: not much translations for now https://translate.koha-community.org/search/?q=state%3A%3E%3Dtranslated+Booking&sort_by=-priority%2Cposition&checksum=
18:50 caroline         translators, what did you use for "booking"? the word in french would be the same as hold, and I'm looking for ideas
17:27 tuxayo           (great OFTC <=> matrix bridge works again in both direction)
17:26 tuxayo           Nice! Then that's likely the explanation as why it works locally and not on the CI (not the root cause but at least something in that direction and a way to fix/circumvent)
17:26 tuxayo           tcohen: «but ktd --es7 up uses the light compose, and adds what is needed»
17:24 tuxayo           Joubu: «tuxayo may have adjusted it after the run» Yes and since OS2 build still crashed even though it didn't have the os7.yml issue, I didn't rerun OS1 for nothing. Turns out it was confusing, sorry.
17:21 tuxayo           Yes, I fixed it yesterday. This time I sent you and Mason an email so that wouldn't be lost (with the rest of my findings). Maybe it went to spam? >_<
17:21 tuxayo           tcohen: «the question is where is that OS7 coming from» «I cannot find it»
16:50 ashimema         it's back now
16:10 Joubu            ashimema: ok for me
16:01 reiveune         bye
15:57 thd              DNS being somewhat distributed, major parts of the world can have problems while others do not.
15:55 ashimema         It's fine, I'm 0acking up for the day.. sure it'll be back on Monday
15:55 ashimema         Site just isn't there at all
15:54 ashimema         DNS probe issues
15:52 thd              ashimema: Do you not see bugzilla at all or are you having trouble authenticating?
15:48 thd              I have seen DNS problems for bugzilla many times in the past.
15:47 ashimema         Hmm, weird
15:46 * thd            has found that bugzilla is working at present.
15:44 ashimema         is bugzilla down?
15:41 thd              I had guessed that the development lists are small enough that they may only be caught in the prospect of more rigorous DKIM enforcement which koha-devel may now fail without resigning.  The general mailing list might be dragged into DMARC.
15:36 Joubu            408+117
15:35 thd              ... or the order of magnitude?
15:35 thd              Do you know how many koha-devel subscribers there are?
15:34 thd              Joubu: I know ;)
15:34 Joubu            I don't have admin access to the general ml
15:34 Joubu            thd: no idea!
15:22 thd              Joubu: Do you have a guess about how many subscribers there are to the Koha general mailing list?
15:21 thd              Joubu: Gmail and Yahoo mail are preparing to increase mail authentication requirements in February.
15:20 thd              I did communicate with him on IRC about a week ago.
15:19 Joubu            or try email
15:19 Joubu            nope, but end of Friday afternoon may not be the perfect slot
15:19 thd              s/channel/contact channel/
15:19 thd              Joubu: Do you have an additional channel for lds?
15:18 thd              lds: Are you present?
15:13 tcohen[m]        Joubu++
15:12 tcohen[m]        but Joubu deserved attention heh
15:12 tcohen[m]        headed for lunch with the kids (12 minutes late)
15:12 thd              tcohen: Are you present?
15:03 thd              lds: Are you around?
14:26 Joubu            with ktd --os1 up
14:26 Joubu            the failure
14:26 Joubu            I am not seeing it
14:18 Joubu            I don't :D
14:18 Joubu            you can rewrite it if you have time for that
14:18 Joubu            build.pl is not using the 'ktd' bin
14:16 tcohen[m]        but ktd --es7 up uses the light compose, and adds what is needed
14:16 Joubu            the light compose file does not have es
14:16 Joubu            nope
14:16 Joubu            hummm
14:15 Joubu            30 if ( $ENV{TEST_SUITE} eq 'light' ) {
14:15 Joubu            tcohen[m]: jenkins_config/build.pl
14:14 tcohen[m]        should we switch into using the light compose file instead? as ktd does?
14:14 Joubu            tuxayo may have adjusted it after the run
14:13 Joubu            and the config is correct now
14:13 Joubu            this wget line is from the config
14:13 Joubu            run it again
14:13 tcohen[m]        this is the last run
14:13 tcohen[m]        https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_OS1/152/console
14:12 Joubu            wget -O docker-compose.os1.yml https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/raw/master/docker-compose.os1.yml
14:12 Joubu            docker-compose.os7.yml
14:12 Joubu            the config is correct
14:12 Joubu            I guess
14:12 Joubu            the config has been adjusted since then
14:11 tcohen[m]        heh
14:11 tcohen[m]        I cannot find it
14:11 tcohen[m]        the question is where is that OS7 coming from
14:11 tcohen[m]        I know it is OS1 :-P
14:11 Joubu            but it's os1 there, not os7
14:10 Joubu            https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_OS1/configure
14:10 Joubu            read the wiki page :D
14:10 Joubu            jenkins config
14:09 tcohen[m]        ^^ where does that come from?
14:09 tcohen[m]        wget -O docker-compose.os1.yml https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/raw/master/docker-compose.os7.yml
14:09 tcohen[m]        yes
14:08 Joubu            is that the relevant error?
14:08 Joubu            01:30:22 es_1         | Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown setting [xpack.security.enabled] please check that any required plugins are installed, or check the breaking changes documentation for removed settings
14:01 magnuse          should be easy to fix ;-)
13:58 tcohen[m]        something changed in some piece of the pipeline
13:58 tcohen[m]        https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_OS1/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/
13:56 Joubu            what do you mean?
13:50 tcohen[m]        there's a current issue with the OS runs
13:50 tcohen[m]        looks great
13:31 Joubu            tcohen[m], mtj: please review https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Continuous_Integration
12:08 tcohen[m]        I need to recover my NickServ password and get rid of Matrix
12:07 Joubu            Enjoy, cait1
12:07 cait1            starting the weekend early today - cya #koha!
12:07 cait1            heh
12:07 Joubu            Matrix people didn't pick the right pill
12:06 * magnuse_       didnt see a question either
11:46 cait1            hm i didn't see the quesiton, but maybe was disconnected
11:44 tcohen[m]        thanks
11:16 aude_c[m]        Yes :D Or at least you were at 10:45 and then at 11:14 UTC
11:16 Annelisterman[m] possibly
10:43 Sree             around 50 to 70 files
10:42 Sree             around 60 GB
10:40 mtj              Tmp dir
10:40 mtj              How big is the tmp for, and how many files?
10:38 Sree             but this time files are contined to create till it fills /var/ folder and slows down the koha server
10:37 Sree             i had the same problem in 21.05 version of koha. Deleted files in  /var/lib/koha/library/biblio/tmp  and solved the problem
10:36 Sree             installed inotify-tools and trying to monitor the issue
10:35 mtj              I can't imagine what's happening 🤔
10:31 mtj              Thus Tmp dir problem is a bit strange
10:31 Sree             ok
10:27 mtj              Np.. Will update wiki
10:25 Joubu            where that?
10:25 Joubu            mtj: pkg naming info?
10:24 Sree             inotifywait ?
10:24 Sree             is this command available in repo
10:21 mtj              Joubu: hiya.. Does my pkg naming info make sense
10:20 Sree             ok
10:19 paulderscheid[m] Yep sorry
10:19 paulderscheid[m] s//`/, s/llib/lib/, s//`/
10:18 Joubu            double l - llib
10:18 paulderscheid[m] You could try this inotifywait -m -r -e create,modify /var/llib/koha/library/biblio/tmp to monitor where the writes are coming from.
10:18 Sree             I tried
10:17 mtj              Now index is finished delete tmp files
10:16 Sree             my tmp path is /var/lib/koha/library/biblio/tmp
10:16 mtj              Should have an instance name
10:15 mtj              The tmp path looks odd
10:13 Sree             zebra indexing completed
10:13 paulderscheid[m] Is the indexation still running?
10:13 Sree             Yes debian packagr 10.13 koha 22.05.16
10:12 Sree             We have already deleted the files in tmp folder but it is been created again and fill up the whole spacein /var folder
10:12 mtj              Sree: did you install with Debian packages?
10:11 paulderscheid[m] Didn't someone suggest that you delete the tmp files, Sree?
10:08 Sree             if somebody can suggest a solution to my problem, will be great
10:08 mtj              Pass
10:07 paulderscheid[m] But why, though?
10:07 mtj              Or dropping some msgs randomly? 😬
10:06 paulderscheid[m] Maybe...
10:06 mtj              Hmm.. Its laggy slow?
10:06 paulderscheid[m] mason[m]: Sorry, only this one wasn't.
10:05 paulderscheid[m] Oh, it is.
10:05 mason[m]         cait: Test
10:05 mason[m]         paulderscheid[m]: Test
10:05 mason[m]         Test from matrix
10:05 paulderscheid[m] Can see it in element. But it's not logged to irc.
10:04 paulderscheid[m] :/
10:04 paulderscheid[m] Yep that doesn't show up mason :?
10:04 paulderscheid[m] That's bad.
10:03 mtj              Hmm. Seems to miss my messages 😬
10:03 paulderscheid[m] <test> "Oh no the bridge between..." <- Was referring to this
10:02 paulderscheid[m] Alright seems to work.
10:02 test             test from oftc
10:01 cait             how did you get in? you still have the matrix [m]
10:01 paulderscheid[m] Another test
10:01 cait             that would explain some people missing
10:00 paulderscheid[m] Read back and the oftc bridge from IRC to matrix is broken?
10:00 cait             I am still on IRC, behaving normal here
09:59 cait             what do you mean?
09:59 paulderscheid[m] Seems our chat is broken, huh?
09:59 cait             hi paulderscheid[m]
09:59 paulderscheid[m] Hi #koha
09:59 Sree             no
09:59 cait             no need to repeat the question, can you see our replies?
09:59 cait             mtj replied to you
09:58 Sree             I noticed lot of huge files in /var/lib/koha/zebradb/biblios/tmp and it slowing down the server. Search not working also. Please help
09:37 Sree             but it is being created again . Even after zebra restart.. system reboot
09:36 Sree             No indexing is over .. I have deleted all files in the tmp folder
09:36 mtj              If not.. Just delete those tmp files
09:35 mtj              Sree: are you in the middle of a big zebra index?
09:31 mtj              Joubu: hiya.. What's up?
09:25 Sree             Please help
09:25 Sree             I noticed lot of huge files in /var/lib/koha/zebradb/biblios/tmp and it slowing down the server. Search not working also.
09:24 Sree             Hi
08:56 Joubu            mtj: around?
08:46 cait             Joubu: maybe half of your brain is more than enough
08:42 reiveune         hello
08:30 Joubu            cait: yes, but half of my brain is available at the moment
08:12 cait             I have a workflow issue with the new translation system I need to figure out
08:11 cait             Joubu: if you are around, could I pick your brain?
08:11 cait             :)
08:10 Annelisterman[m] cait1: Certainly :D (But maybe not after item number 4683 :D)
08:08 cait1            it's the joy :)
08:07 Annelisterman[m] In general, I do not like exclamation marks in sentences. Unless it's really really really important. But it is used in sentences like.. Item found! :)
08:05 Annelisterman[m] Feels like shouting
08:04 Annelisterman[m] Why is there so many exclamation marks?
07:42 Joubu            should be uppercase
07:40 magnuse_         hm, "!!A booking exists!!" looks kind of out of character for koha?
07:33 magnuse_         \o/
07:03 marcelr          o/
06:49 Joubu            PedroAmorim[m], MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: Did you have a look at the Cypress failures? They are eUsage related.
01:09 test             Oh no the bridge between matrix and OFTC is broken in the direction of Matrix => OFTC. So the message in IRC are still visible by everyone. That can lead to very confusing stuff and the IRC logs are incomplete.
01:07 test             test