Time  Nick                      Message
07:33 reiveune                  hello
08:07 matts                     hi!
08:50 ashimema                  Morning
08:51 cait1                     morning matts and ashimema :)
08:51 cait1                     and #koha
09:23 PedroAmorim[m]            \o
09:28 cait1                     good morning PedroAmorim[m]
09:29 krimsonkharne[m]          morning #koha!
09:33 MatthewBlenkinsop[m]      o/
09:34 ibnsina[m]                <ibnsina[m]> "image.png" <- any help ?
09:35 cait1                     I think you need to post your full question again and a link using an image service preferrably
09:36 ibnsina[m]                hello guys when enable  <useldapserver>1<useldapserver> and login its return error 500... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/KtfxExaTqKGXfxNjeYNJQnYy>)
09:36 ibnsina[m]                here is the full problem
09:41 cait1                     someone knowledgeable about LDAP around? matts maybe?
09:42 ibnsina[m]                its been while im trying to connect with ldap still no help here i do the exact tutorial on official page
09:44 cait1                     it looks like the bind fails from the error - something in your configruation most likely
09:45 ibnsina[m]                i use the same as this command the command works fine
09:45 ibnsina[m]                ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap:// -D "cn=admin,OU=Students,OU=ISUMS,DC=isums,DC=jo" -w "password" -b "DC=isums,DC=jo" "(objectClass=user)"
09:46 cait1                     i am not sure if OU and dc are repeatable int he koha configuration?
09:46 * ibnsina[m]              uploaded an image: (43KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/FUXAPxkIBCZdXyBZDTwGpwzL/image.png >
09:47 ashimema                  OU is I think.. dredging the brain here though
09:47 * ashimema                goes back to meeting
09:48 cait1                     hm yes it looks like it should work
09:48 cait1                     i found a nice blog post, maybe that could help: https://openschoolsolutions.org/koha-ldap-setup/
09:48 cait1                     they are using them lower case, but not sure if that could be the issue or not
09:48 cait1                     as I said before, I'd also set replicate and update to 0 for testing the auth part
09:49 cait1                     that removes a missing mapping from the potential issues
09:50 ibnsina[m]                i tried it still same
09:51 cait1                     the principal_name in the example in the blog and yours look different
09:52 cait1                     maybe that woudl be worth comparing/trying out
09:56 ashimema                  anyone around who might be willing help me work through the unit test on bug 30287?
09:56 huginn`                   04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30287 normal, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Failed QA , Notices using HTML render differently in notices.pl
09:56 ashimema                  I'm stuck.. I can't make it fail for the life of me
09:56 cait1                     I can give it a try, but not before much later today I am afraid
09:57 davidnind                 and I can't get it to pass....
09:57 ashimema                  it's weird isn't it
09:57 cait1                     you both have the same ktd variables?
09:57 cait1                     like... OS and such?
09:57 cait1                     DBMS?
09:58 ashimema                  I would think so
10:00 ashimema                  using ktd up without any flags to get it started davdinind?
10:00 davidnind                 default .env file (except for bugzilla info), ktd up (nothing additional)
10:02 ashimema                  likewise
10:02 * ashimema                does a ktd pull for good measure
10:03 davidnind                 there have been some commits to ktd over the last few days, so you will probably need a git pull as well
10:03 ashimema                  yup
10:03 ashimema                  done that too#
10:06 ashimema                  still passes every time for me!
10:06 ashimema                  ☚ī¸
10:06 ashimema                  grr
10:07 oleonard                  Hi #koha
10:07 ashimema                  I could reduce what's being tested significantly and do a regex match.. but that feels like a reduction of coverage
10:07 ashimema                  so strange
10:07 davidnind                 I'm running the tests in the ktd shell (ktd --shell)
10:07 ashimema                  yup
10:07 ashimema                  me too
10:08 ashimema                  you didn't try to fix the QA script failure did you?
10:09 ashimema                  i.e remove the trailing whitespace in the test file?
10:09 ashimema                  that's all I can think of that would break it
10:09 ashimema                  interesting
10:10 davidnind                 I didn't change anything in the patches - just applied, I even tried without the last follow-up patch,
10:10 ashimema                  looking at the copy paste in bz.. there is indeed a whitespace difference.. one uses tabs whilst the other uses spaces
10:10 ashimema                  I wonder if it's a .git/config thing.. automatic changing of whitespace on apply
10:11 ashimema                  using git bz apply I presume?
10:11 davidnind                 I am
10:11 * ashimema                tries on a fresh branch with apply from bz
10:12 ashimema                  thats it!
10:12 ashimema                  wow
10:12 ashimema                  that's a new one for me
10:12 ashimema                  challenging
10:12 cait1                     interesting
10:12 ashimema                  it's this
10:12 cait1                     but glad you figured it out
10:12 ashimema                  whitespace = trailing-space,space-before-tab + whitespace = fix
10:12 ashimema                  so..
10:13 ashimema                  git is auto-fixing the whitespace converting space to tab
10:13 ashimema                  or was it tab to space
10:13 ashimema                  either way.
10:13 ashimema                  thanks
10:13 ashimema                  now I can replicate I can fix
10:13 davidnind                 ashimema++
10:13 aw-bib[m]                 this is noted somewhere in the koha dev notes. (just learned those settings myself.)
10:13 ashimema                  indeed
10:13 ashimema                  it's there
10:14 ashimema                  this is just an unexpected one for me.. as it's inside a HERE doc.. so the whitespace as is is important
10:14 ashimema                  the autofix is annoying in my particular case
10:16 cait1                     interesting we didn't run into issues earier
10:16 cait1                     I believe that's been there forever
10:16 ashimema                  it's the HERE doc side of things
10:16 ashimema                  that's unusual
10:16 ashimema                  to this patch
10:16 ashimema                  and it's never been tested before
10:16 ashimema                  I could just remove all the whitespace
10:16 ashimema                  but it's a tad annoying
10:17 cait1                     doesn't it remove only trailing?
10:17 ashimema                  right
10:17 ashimema                  the HERE doc add the css inport
10:17 cait1                     t
10:17 ashimema                  if the pref is empty, it adds an empty line
10:17 ashimema                  instead of the stylesheet
10:18 ashimema                  it's that empty line that's the issue
10:18 ashimema                  in the test I leave it as 4 whitespaces (which is the indent level of the stylesheet import)
10:18 ashimema                  which is what the module does
10:18 ashimema                  but the git hook is saying.. this is a whitespace only line.. get rid of all the whitespace
10:19 ibnsina[m]                <cait1> "the principal_name in the..." <- its opptinal
10:25 ashimema                  darn.. did cait1 drop off
10:33 ashimema                  OK.. that should work now
10:34 ashimema                  updated the test to use the same syntax style as the notice generator
10:51 cait                      no she is here
10:51 cait                      just... cait
11:21 tcohen[m]                 hola #koha o/
11:25 cait                      hola tcohen
11:36 cait                      bbiab
11:46 eythian_                  hi
12:27 magnuse_                  kia ora eythian
12:35 tcohen[m]                 Joubu++
12:57 tcohen[m]                 tuxayo++
13:16 cait                      fresh bug incoming... bug 33519
13:16 huginn`                   04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33519 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Update description of ILS-DI:AuthorizedIPs
13:16 cait                      hm and that was the wrong bug number, again :D
13:17 cait                      bug 35319
13:17 huginn`                   04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35319 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Default sorting of the holdings table with OPACHoldingsDefaultSortField is broken
13:35 aw-bib[m]                 I just stumbled upon a 500 error when I tried to open the details view. this happens on a specific title. any hint where to dig why this error happend? (I assume I did something wrong during record migration and it's only a dev-box. but I should fix it before it becomes a prod box, especially for this high demand title ;)
13:38 cait                      OPAC?
13:38 cait                      or staff interface? or both?
13:41 cait                      aw-bib[m]: ^
13:42 cait                      if you just see it in the OPAC my bet would be on empty itemtype in the items
13:42 cait                      you'll also want to check homebranch/holdingbranch next
14:02 * oleonard                waves to oleonard-away
14:20 aw-bib[m]                 cait: opac, staff seems fine. and indeed it seems as you say an empty item type, even though the display in staff got me `Books` (aka `BK`).
14:21 aw-bib[m]                 at least editing the items, set `BK` explicitly and `save` did cure the record. hm.
14:21 aw-bib[m]                 if I get the gist right: first bet would be that some of the authorized values are wrong/missing/get dropped as they were wrong during loading, right?
14:22 cait                      maybe you got an itemtype on record level but not i the item?
14:22 aw-bib[m]                 hm. I'll check my record conversion for this.
14:22 cait                      also... SQL and Perl are different, check your spelling exactly matches (case sensitive)
14:23 aw-bib[m]                 I don't dare to say that the converter is in, uhm, the snake language ;)
14:23 aw-bib[m]                 but I'll check. :)
14:25 aw-bib[m]                 btw: I managed to migrate movement data by replaying all loans. I'll just need to fiddle out why koha sometimes initiates a transfer. (iow currently I have to switch off automatic transfers before the replay otherwise it will die.)
14:34 cait                      i had a phone call in between, what I meant was: if we say SELECT ... frm items where itemtype = "bks" it will also give you the BKS and maybe even the ones with a space
14:34 cait                      if you ask Perl it will do an exact match itemtype eq "bks" won't find your BKS
14:35 cait                      stuff like this can often explain a bit of strange behaviour
14:35 cait                      ut also if you have set 942$y with an item type and you edit an item that has no itemtype, it will suggest the one from biblio-level - so it might appear as auto-fixing itself on save
14:40 cait                      aw-bib[m]: hope that made sense, but hectic here today
14:40 aw-bib[m]                 I'll check that I added the vocabulary in my converter in a case sensitive manner. I think I did, but checking again. - I understood this suggestion, that is I did not see a difference once I edited the items, but after the save the thing was cured, hence I assume it was empty.
14:41 cait                      it does sound like it
14:41 cait                      we've had lots of fun with an additional space at the end of the branchcode and such things
14:42 cait                      usually a transfer will be initiated if your homebranch and holdingbranch not match
14:42 cait                      ... and we did have that happen with SIP when the homebranch was wrongly spelled capitalization wise in the SIP2 config... so it could be something like that for you too
14:44 aw-bib[m]                 homebranch of the patron vs. the branch of the item. this is how I understood it at least. but during my replay I try to make sure that koha checks it out and returns it to the same library. I'll double check that it uses the same cases all the time.
14:45 cait                      how are you playing them back?
14:45 aw-bib[m]                 koha's perl api.
14:45 cait                      I would expect the transports only to happen for holds or checkins usually
14:46 aw-bib[m]                 C4::Circulation, Koha::Items, Koha::Patrons and driedns.
14:46 cait                      because patrons can check out at different branches
14:47 aw-bib[m]                 yea, but we don't have that info in our old system. so I only have checkout barcode to patron and return plus dates.
14:48 aw-bib[m]                 so I end up calling `C4::Circulation::AddIssue()` and `C4::Circulation::AddReturn()` using `$returnbranch = $item->holdingsbranch`
14:49 cait                      hm I'd think that the place of the transaction should appear there somewhere
14:51 aw-bib[m]                 as far as I understood only in the AddReturn($barcode, $returnbranch, 1, $returndate).
14:53 tcohen[m]                 Joubu++ # awesome
14:53 tcohen[m]                 Joubu++ # work
14:54 tcohen[m]                 Joubu++ # with
14:54 tcohen[m]                 Joubu++ # weblate
14:55 cait                      it might be context somewhere
14:55 cait                      like the user doing it
14:55 cait                      for a checkout it's definitely also recorded where it happens and the hldingbranch would be changed accordingly
15:48 * ashimema                is wishing he'd not started digging into notices again
15:50 oleonard                  :D
15:54 * oleonard                is wishing he wasn't trying to get ktd running on a Windows machine today
16:06 cait                      ashimema: I was just there too... have you ever tried to print the fine in an overdue? but not the full fine for the checkout, the fine that was applied that very day (increade/descrease). it seems possible, but it's getting complex
16:06 cait                      oloh i missed oleonard-away :(
16:12 ashimema                  mm, nothing in notices is easy at the moment
16:12 ashimema                  I was trying to work out sensible preferences from what we've currently got..
16:12 ashimema                  the deeper I dug the more confused I got and the more I wanted to tear it down
16:21 cait                      I have probably a bit less destructive tendencies... today
16:21 cait                      I was thinking we should have a method to give that back :)
16:48 reiveune                  bye
17:07 oleonard                  I've been tinkering with this: https://snipboard.io/wCLpUD.jpg
17:08 ashimema                  I like that
17:08 ashimema                  though I'm not sure if red or yellow for the button it right there
17:09 ashimema                  whilst I understand your reasoning.. isn't the fact it's a confirmation dialogue in the first place enough warning?
17:09 * ashimema                contemplates
17:13 oleonard                  ashimema: Yeah could be, I wondered about that too
17:14 cait                      hm I think yellow might be more in line with our non-written style guide, but I like the red too
17:14 cait                      I more wonder if we need the green background heh
17:16 cait                      *hides*
17:16 ashimema                  what would you replace it with cait?
17:16 cait                      I think I expected white
17:16 cait                      because usually we have that behind the buttons
17:16 ashimema                  I still want a more formal guide for modals
17:16 cait                      but I knwo it's a modal, so different rlues might apply
17:16 cait                      yep, style guie woudl be nice
17:17 ashimema                  really.. all the modals have green header/footers
17:17 cait                      but we have a terminology list and noone follows it... so
17:17 ashimema                  or am I looking at the wrong thing?
17:17 ashimema                  QA can point at them if they exist
17:17 ashimema                  I try to stick to terminology
17:17 cait                      yes, I think it#s a general modal thing,so disregard my comment
17:18 cait                      ashimema: I am just a little grumpy because I started translating and already have a growing list of things to file heh
17:18 ashimema                  what I do sorta wonder however is whether we should vary that modal header/footer background depending on the modal action though..
17:18 * cait                    waves at caroline
17:18 cait                      we should ask caroline!
17:19 ashimema                  this is a 'delete' confirm.. i.e a potentially dangerous action.. so whilst I think the main action button should be consistent with our 'primary' class.. the modal itself could signify a little more that it's a destructive action?
17:19 ashimema                  mellow read header/footer?
17:19 caroline                  ask me what?
17:19 ashimema                  just some random meanderings there really...
17:20 cait                      modals
17:20 cait                      (18:07:44) oleonard: I've been tinkering with this: https://snipboard.io/wCLpUD.jpg
17:20 ashimema                  I'm also still hung up on 'alert' vs 'modal' vs 'info' box in places 😜
17:20 cait                      button and background colors
17:20 caroline                  so the debate is over the "This action will cancel 4 holds" and the confirm button?
17:21 ashimema                  I converted one in cataloguing recently (and it was definitely nicer as a full width box in this case) but realised after we now have a mix of 'alert' middle yellow box and 'warning' full width..
17:21 ashimema                  yup
17:21 ashimema                  'this hold' vs 'these holds' too 😜
17:21 ashimema                  comes to mind in this particular case
17:22 caroline                  yes I was a bit confused by that (this vs these)
17:22 * ashimema                thinks oleonard is now regretting showing me this
17:22 cait                      same
17:22 caroline                  I was wondering why cancelling a hold would cancel 4... I would have thought about it twice before clicking the button
17:22 * cait                    sends oleonard cookies
17:23 * ashimema                send oleonard beer
17:23 caroline                  this is when you select multiple holds to cancel I'm guessing
17:23 oleonard                  Oh nice I have lunch sorted :D
17:23 oleonard                  caroline: Yes
17:23 caroline                  speaking of lunch, bbl
17:23 oleonard                  Bug 33174
17:23 huginn`                   04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33174 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, lucas, Signed Off , Have better indication when one is cancelling multiple holds on a record
17:23 * ashimema                checks on dinner
17:24 caroline                  I have a trining in 40 minutes and must have had lunch before...
17:24 caroline                  *training
17:49 davidnind                 oleonard: I think that looks much better
17:51 davidnind                 the only confusion I had was between the title (Confirm deletion) and the text and buttons (cancel, Confirm cancellation) - so may maybe the title should be "Confirm cancellation"
18:11 oleonard                  That's a good point davidnind
18:48 StVincentMaintenance[m]   I started a few weeks ago and got pulled away.... starting again.  Trying to move our current library system away from "Primasoft's  - Handy Library Manager" into Koha. Has anyone done this?
19:31 StVincentMaintenance[m]   I have the data exported into an excel sheet and none of the books have ISBN or ISSN ... a lot have dewey
19:31 oleonard                  StVincentMaintenance[m]: You might try searching the web for advice on converting excel to MARC
19:32 oleonard                  Koha wants a MARC file for importing records
19:46 StVincentMaintenance[m]   right, however the Handy Library" doesn't use MARC....
19:46 oleonard                  That's why I recommend searching the web for advice on converting excel to MARC
19:47 StVincentMaintenance[m]   it has a lot of Dewey
19:47 StVincentMaintenance[m]   I found one and it does a lot , just not  Handy Library
19:56 cait                      I don't think you will find one for Handy Library to MARC
19:56 cait                      it doesn't appear to be a very common system
19:57 cait                      you wil have to make up your own mappings
19:57 cait                      Dewey is nice, but not unique enough to identify a book/item
19:59 tuxayo                    St. Vincent Maintenance: did you have ISBN or ISSN in Handy Library Manager?
20:01 davidnind                 tuxayo: see early comment, none of the books have ISBNs
20:03 tuxayo                    davidnind: I interpreted that as the export didn't have ISBNs. But my message wasn't clear that I was responding to that.
20:05 tuxayo                    So yeah it was confusing ^^"
20:05 davidnind                 I was assuming that there were no ISBNs in the system
20:06 davidnind                 🙂
20:06 tuxayo                    Quite probable it's actually that 👍ī¸
20:11 Shane-NP[m]               Can I pass the OPAC username and password in via URL? I want to use a chromebook in managed guest session, but it can't save usernames and password
20:13 cait                      oleonard-away: the OpacMoreSeraches is confusing, see comment on bug :)
20:23 davidnind                 Shane-NP: I don't really know, but don't think you can. dcook would probably know including other options, but Australia is still waking up - maybe check with him in a couple of hours
20:24 Shane-NP[m]               Thanks, I am heading off for the day myself, maybe I can catch him in my early hours :)
20:27 cait                      I'd worry about browser history etc.... it doesn't seem like a terribly save way of doing things
20:29 davidnind                 Thinks I learned through random searching, Library Carpentry has an 'Alpha' lesson on using MarcEdit http://librarycarpentry.org/lc-marcedit/
20:34 caroline_catlady          Shane-NP[m], I don't think it's possible either. Like cait, I'd worry about safety. What is it that you're trying to achieve with this guest account?
20:36 tcohen[m]                 @later tell Joubu can you please check the two follow-ups on bug 34517
20:36 huginn`                   tcohen[m]: The operation succeeded.
20:41 * StVincentMaintenance[m] posted a file: (1066KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/YgdMDxDLkJOlsnaxthRLwAgT/Tracy-export-10-26-23..txt >
20:41 StVincentMaintenance[m]   here is one part of the library export
20:43 caroline                  StVincentMaintenance[m], check this video from last year, fred and lauren show how they convert csv to mrc to import into koha https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVeIFVkgP6o
20:44 StVincentMaintenance[m]   thanks
20:47 caroline                  I have never done it that way personally, we have inhouse tools to convert csv to marc, but if they can do it, i'm sure you can do it too!
20:58 davidnind                 St. Vincent Maintenance: I had a quick look at the data, one thing I noted was that there was no title - that would be quite a challenge with so many items!
21:01 davidnind                 Apart from that, most of it seems OK, but a bit of tidy is required for some items - I've used OpenRefine to tidy up data before, but it might be a bit overkill (ideally you want your data as clean and tidy as possible)
21:05 davidnind                 Once you've got the data tidy, you need to map the columns to MARC21 fields (most look like they will map easily - I'm not sure about ID, IDNO, and PRINT_C columns - assume that they relate to the current system)
21:06 davidnind                 I think I would also recommend putting the DATE_ADDED column in ISO format, that is YYYY-MM-DD (but this may not be an issue...)
21:10 davidnind                 Also, whatever codes you use for item types (TYPE column) and shelving location (CATEGORY column (?)) need to match what you set up in Koha
21:11 davidnind                 But you definitely need to get the title out of your existing system.....