Time  Nick      Message
23:36 cait1     have a nice rest of weekend :)
23:35 cait1     I'll keep fingers crossed for that too :)
23:35 mtj       ok, off for a bit - cya cait1
23:33 mtj       ive asked friends with gardens.. they dont have this problem
23:32 mtj       yes, catch them all!
23:32 mtj       ..so might just be a first season problem
23:32 cait1     so you hope to catch em all?
23:32 mtj       i have a theory that the eggs were laid when the grass was longgg, before it was 'roto-tilled'
23:30 cait1     I understand
23:30 mtj       ..but very tempted to try it, will wait a week perhaps 🧐
23:28 mtj       no, not yet..
23:27 cait1     hm have you tried it yet?
23:27 mtj       with Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacillus_thuringiensis_kurstaki
23:26 mtj       you can get some sprays for them https://www.yates.com.au/yates-40g-natures-way-caterpillar-killer-dipel/
23:24 mtj       yep
23:14 cait1     it is no longer sleeping peacefully i hope?
23:14 cait1     evil
23:13 mtj       ..twas having a little sleep, after decapitating a pepper 🌶
23:10 mtj       https://imgur.com/gallery/6nLxWwu
23:03 mtj       ...for rmaint releases and package building stuff
23:01 mtj       l10n pkg adds extra complexity, but i think we can 'automate' much of the extra steps
23:00 mtj       ha yep
22:55 cait1     fingers crossed here :)
22:55 mtj       it should 'just work'
22:54 mtj       yeah, koha-common will grab koha-l10n pkg on install/update
22:54 cait1     so they get installed as a dependency, right?
22:53 mtj       koha-common pkg has no .po files,  so .po files are included in koha-l10n pkg
22:53 cait1     mtj++
22:53 cait1     mt
22:52 mtj       ...its built from master branch
22:51 pastebot  "mtj" at pasted "ktd koha-l10n image" (4 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/29266
22:49 cait1     yeah
22:48 mtj       perhaps kimchi too
22:48 mtj       looks like we will have lots of cabbage, so sauerkraut seems like a good solution 😋
22:47 cait1     oh please do!
22:46 mtj       will keep you posted on its progress cait1
22:45 mtj       Yeah. Baby steps... 👶
22:44 cait1     when the plants grow biggre it will look more like a jungle
22:43 mtj       Looks like a construction site 🤭
22:42 cait1     that looks really nice
22:40 mtj       https://imgur.com/gallery/tJMlR2N
22:35 cait1     like a fort
22:35 cait1     ok, that's valid :)
22:35 mtj       a protective house from a giant monster 🐛
22:34 cait1     a plant jail? ;)
22:33 mtj       something like that ^
22:33 mtj       http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_MbNA0DwD6EM/TUXyCsOQb5I/AAAAAAAABPo/YqNNHv-aLxk/s1600/01-23-2011%2B025pvc-R-W.JPG
22:31 cait1     how do you fight em?
22:31 cait1     that sounds mean
22:31 mtj       the cutworms are very sneaky, they hide unground, under the plant - and often bite the stem completely off 😿
22:28 mtj       small user base :)
22:27 cait1     it doesn't sound small!
22:27 mtj       yeah, just for myself atm... starting very small
22:27 mtj       some very aggressive catipillars ... -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cutworm
22:26 cait1     sounds like it - are you growing for yourself?
22:25 mtj       the garden was an ambitious 'launch' :)
22:24 mtj       yeah, its been lots of work
22:24 cait1     you'll be busy
22:24 mtj       zucchini, potatoes, yams, celery, cauliflower, broccoli
22:23 cait1     i am sure it will turn out great
22:22 mtj       im trying lots of different vegs, cabbagex3, carrots, kale, silverbeet, beetroot, peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, pumpkins, squash
22:20 cait1     oh wow :)
22:20 mtj       i have a plan to make lots of sauerkraut
22:20 cait1     what are you growing?
22:19 * mtj     is outside, learing to grown vegetables 🥬🥬🥬
22:17 cait1     hello
22:17 mtj       hi cait :)
22:16 cait1     I htink most are asleep, but mtj++ :)
22:16 mtj       hey folks, we have a docker image with the koha-l10n package...
21:29 tuxayo    Joubu++ for the Pootle to Weblate migration, a million thanks!!!!
20:11 davidnind ashimema++
19:49 ashimema  One for Monday I think
19:49 ashimema  :(
19:49 ashimema  That test failing in my notices bug is odd.. I can't replicate it in ktd
19:46 davidnind mtj++
19:45 davidnind Joubu++
19:10 davidnind Joubu: No problem! It is now working as expected. Thanks!
14:25 Joubu     davidnind: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/pipelines/1068971324
14:24 Joubu     should be fixed soon
14:24 Joubu     it's currently building
14:24 Joubu     davidnind: yes sorry
14:05 pastebot  "davidnind" at pasted "I new I dhouldn't have done a git pull and ktd pull for koha-testing-docker - now broken or just me?" (15 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/29218
10:48 mtj       aah, looks like i need to make the branch 'protected'
10:39 mtj       hi tcohen[m], can you fix this error? https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/jobs/5513838043
06:59 mtj       hi Joubu :)
06:29 Joubu     stupid tz
06:26 Joubu     hi mtj, about now :D
00:21 mtj       hi Joubu, about now