Time  Nick             Message
07:36 reiveune         hello
10:12 oleonard         Hi #koha
10:43 Karter[m]        Good morning all, has creating new accounts on the translation server for pootle been permanently disabled or is this temporarily prohibited? https://translate.apache.org/
11:07 oleonard         That "support newer Linux version" email to the Koha list is confusing
11:45 * cait           waves
11:57 AnkeB            Hi, I have a question re bulkmarcimport parameters, esp. the update param: If I choose this, will the record be updated including or excluding the items (952 fields)? More specific: If I have made a data correction external from Koha and have exported the title data only without the items and re-import the batch into Koha, will then the corresponding items be deleted or kept?
12:04 cait             I think item update is not implemented for bulkmarcimport yet
12:04 cait             I thought I had read that somewhere recently too
12:04 cait             the stage tools can do it, if you include the itemnumber... and maybe the barcode
12:38 caroline         aude_c[m], do you know if the "main" manual is built automatically and if so the URL to access? I tried switching the "23.05" part of the URL to "main" but it gives me a 404
12:39 cait             kidclamp: around?
12:40 * kidclamp       waves
12:40 cait             pm :)
13:14 aude_c[m]        caroline I thought it was built automatically - but I also think it corresponds to 23.11. I don't understand where you are changing 23.05?
13:15 aude_c[m]        So currently main is at https://koha-community.org/manual/23.11/en/html/
13:15 aude_c[m]        Changing the 23.11 manual so it becomes main when Koha 23.11 is released is broached in issue 39 https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-manual/-/issues/39
13:15 caroline         ah yes that's it! thanks!
13:16 aude_c[m]        Phew 😅
13:16 aude_c[m]        And latest too 👍️
13:17 caroline         latest still points to 22.11 I think...
13:17 cait             i thin Joubu changed the latest already
13:17 cait             Joubu?
13:17 aude_c[m]        Yes, latest points to 23.11
13:17 caroline         for me, this points to 22.11 https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/
13:18 cait             i have 23.11
13:18 cait             odd, late dns update?
13:18 caroline         ah Ctrl+F5 changed it!
13:18 caroline         sorry!
13:18 cait             i like easy fixes :)
13:18 aude_c[m]        👍️
13:18 caroline         I go too often it seems, my browser doesn't even bother to check
13:20 aude_c[m]        <caroline> "@later tell aude_c you know I..." <- Also @caroline regarding the What's new page: yes, we can create it now (sounds like you're keen to have it! 😁) I've never created a page... How do I do that?
13:20 caroline         I just don't want to have to do the work twice
13:21 aude_c[m]        And you anke_b ! Sorry, I'm not sure I understand your question from earlier
13:22 Joubu            only >= 23.11 are (will be) pointing to latest
13:24 aude_c[m]        Sounds good! I think several of us are using the latest URL in other places
13:43 krimsonkharne[m] thanks ashimema!
13:43 krimsonkharne[m] ashimema++
13:44 krimsonkharne[m] still haven't gotten it working yet but I know where to look now :)
13:48 Joubu            MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: What's happening with October's releases?
13:57 cait             I think there was an email from Frido about releasing now next week?
14:51 caroline         Is it normal in KTD to be logged in to the OPAC when we log into the staff interface? and if we log out of the OPAC (to log in as a patron for example) we're logged out of the staff interface? It's a bit annoying when testing opac patron stuff
14:53 Joubu            yes, you need to test with a different domain, not localhost
14:53 Joubu            kohadev-intra.mydnsname.org:8081 and http://kohadev.mydnsname.org:8080
14:54 Joubu            then, in your /etc/hosts      kohadev.myDNSname.org kohadev-intra.myDNSname.org
14:55 Joubu            s/then/before
14:56 caroline         if there is already a name for 127... can I use that one? It's the name of my computer ahuntsic
14:57 caroline         it doesn't look like it works... I'll add the mydnsname thing
14:59 caroline         alright! I have a koha at that address! Thanks Joubu++
15:21 aude_c[m]        By the way caroline , I love your rainbow notes screenshot on bug 29712! 🌈
15:21 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29712 enhancement, P3, ---, david, ASSIGNED , [DOCS] [Omnibus] Content development guide
15:23 caroline         :D isn't it pretty?
15:23 aude_c[m]        😁 It is!
15:24 cait             :)
15:24 cait             good bye all, have a nice weekend!
15:51 caroline         ashimema++ tcohen++ and all others who worked on bookings, it's in!
16:00 reiveune         bye
17:34 krimsonkharne[m] got my ktd working again! :)
17:34 krimsonkharne[m] ashimema  following those steps didn't quite work for me, but what did work though is - after "using the big hammer" - then doing a "docker compose pull" (in koha-testing-docker, not in koha)
17:36 krimsonkharne[m] anyway sorry for noob questions 😅
17:36 krimsonkharne[m] and happy weekend all!
20:07 cait             khall++ # thanks a lot for your help with the old bugs :)
20:32 caroline         davidnind around?
20:41 tcohen[m]        Have a nice weeked y'all
20:45 davidnind        hi caroline, I am here
20:46 caroline         hi! I started to create a What's new page for the manual and wanted your opinion https://snipboard.io/W7QlUs.jpg
20:46 caroline         Was this what you had in mind?
20:48 davidnind        that looks great caroline! better than what I had in mind
20:51 davidnind        I was experimenting with having each what's new item in its own file under a folder whatsnew/bugg-xxx-short-title, and then including them (using the include directive, similar to the current contents page) in  in the what's new page
20:53 davidnind        the main reason was so that when changes are back ported to older releases they can have their own what's new page, without needing to copy and paste
20:54 davidnind        I intend to work on the manual reorganisation this weekend, and get the merge request ready
20:55 caroline         hm, yeah the backporting is an issue... cait was asking what we use as the "version added in" the main release or the point release
20:55 davidnind        but I would go ahead with what you have now, and I can make any changes required once I get things to work properly....
20:57 caroline         I don't mind waiting. I mainly wanted to record the tracking thing before I forgot about it
20:59 caroline         my memory is crap and if I don't either act right now or note it somewhere, I will definitely forget
21:00 davidnind        its certainly easier to write when you are doing it, rather than later (I find that with the release notes field in bugzilla)
21:01 davidnind        I sort of like how GitLab shows things in their documentation (https://about.gitlab.com/releases/2023/10/22/gitlab-16-5-released/ and https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/compliance/compliance_center/#standards-adherence-dashboard) - I'm sure there are plenty of other examples around
21:03 davidnind        one idea I've been mulling over is how we organise and present system preferences, although this is not really at the "I've thought through things" stage yet
21:04 caroline         there is a bug about it if you want to write down your thoughts
21:05 davidnind        I'll look for it and do that
21:05 caroline         bug 29063
21:05 huginn`          04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29063 major, P5 - low, ---, david, In Discussion , [DOCS] Manual: Translation issue with repeated strings in system preferences
21:06 davidnind        ooh, I remember that one 8-)
21:06 caroline         I tried some things, but it didn't fly with the team :)
21:07 davidnind        my idea  was basically to have individual files for each system preference, with the same headings where required: Preference name, Category, Description, Options, Notes, Warnings, Using, Manual links, Related system preferences, History (such as added in XXX, Changed in XX, Renamed, Removed, etc)
21:07 davidnind        then combine them with includes into the current sections
21:07 davidnind        I don't think it solves the issue with the options though fir translation
21:11 caroline         it depends, maybe if the translation script picks it all the different files, we could know which string belongs to which file
21:11 caroline         I don,t think Joubu will like having a gazillion files in weblate however
21:16 davidnind        there are a lot of system preferences, so he probably wouldn't like that 8-(
21:18 davidnind        I'll add my ideas, and maybe a sample - then we could discuss the merits or otherwise
21:18 caroline         good idea!
21:19 caroline         have a nice weekend!
21:19 davidnind        same to you as well!