Time  Nick                Message
22:46 bag                 true true
22:44 davidnind           On the other hand, if you are not familiar with these things, I don't think you should be making your Koha available on the internet!
22:42 davidnind           bag++
22:42 davidnind           I can certainly understand the frustration if you are not familiar with networking and web server administration (1. DNS entry for your domain name(s) 2. Network configuration on the server 3. Apache (or other web server) configuration - ports, security certificates, virtual host configuration, etc. 4. Server hardening)
22:41 bag                 I’ll try to add that to my daily list
22:41 tcohen[m]           bag++
22:41 bag                 please at any time - ping me to /op more people in this channel so we can quickly kick
22:37 * bag               agreed
22:29 davidnind           I removed kohanoob (probably only for those connecting using Matrix) - leaving this for the log - the language used is unacceptable
22:27 kohanoob[m]         the manual is thrash but thanks for nothing motherfucker
22:26 kohanoob[m]         thx
22:24 tcohen[m]           RTFM
22:23 kohanoob[m]         Hi there I want to know how the fuck to put koha online, please help me
22:17 tcohen[m]           Hi all, there's an issue with 21.11. The latest release is missing a db_rev
20:58 davidnind           hi aleisha!
20:53 aleisha             hello
18:38 davidnind           Zahid: huginn is a bot, not a real person 8-)
18:20 ashimema            Lol
17:16 oleonard            Sneaky.
17:16 wahanui             oleonard: wish i knew
17:16 oleonard            wahanui: You probably know but you won't tell me will you?
17:14 oleonard            maintenance.pl uses C4::Templates::gettemplate instead of get_template_and_user. Is there a reason for that?
16:06 ashimema            I still don't fully understand why it's needed
16:06 ashimema            marcelr could you explain your use case for is_active?
15:43 huginn              Zahid[m]: I've exhausted my database of quotes
15:43 Zahid[m]            huginn: for knowledge i shall go through the code, may be find some details that are important to change the code on my testing server
15:40 Zahid[m]            caroline: thanks i shall look into as this page is very long and lots of details
15:39 wahanui             i already had it that way, huginn.
15:39 huginn              Zahid[m]: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready
15:39 Zahid[m]            huginn: thanks
15:36 ashimema            onto the block
15:36 * ashimema          wonders if we could call the macro inside another macro.. to effectively 'push'
15:35 reiveune            bye
15:24 oleonard            I haven't come up with a better way, but haven't really thought about it carefully
15:24 ashimema            is there a magic trick to get the Asset stuff to throw it to the bottom of the page from a included file?
15:23 ashimema            it's because we load jQuery at the bottom so if we include the asset in the include jquery isn't there yet..
15:23 ashimema            wondered if you had tried
15:23 ashimema            something I've hit a few times.. but never had time to dig
15:22 ashimema            instead of having to add modal.inc + modal.js to every place I want to include the modal?
15:22 ashimema            i.e. I want my modal.inc to ref the modal.js
15:22 ashimema            is there no way to add some JS include (that uses jquery) into an include
15:21 oleonard            Yes
15:21 ashimema            oleonard around?
15:19 caroline            https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=148211
15:19 caroline            You can check the plugin marcelr made and maybe adapt it
15:18 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32426 new feature, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs documenting , Make userid generation pluggable
15:18 caroline            ah found it bug 32426
15:16 caroline            I can't find the bug... maybe I imagined it
15:15 caroline            I seem to remember someone working on a plugin for that... marcelr maybe?
15:14 caroline            I don't know if it (still) works or how to add the CL however
15:14 caroline            Check https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/JQuery_Library#Populate_Username_with_Cardnumber
15:14 caroline            Zahid[m], like I said, maybe custom javascript
15:13 Zahid[m]            caroline thanks for the reply i know it is not possible in the current version, can it is done by any other way?
15:12 caroline            maybe custom javascript, but I don't know enough about JS to know if it would be possible or work
15:11 caroline            Zahid[m], afaik it's not possible
15:09 Zahid[m]            can you people guide me in this problem... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/kIguIsQEtlksKIHjdAAPIudb>)
14:53 * ashimema          is still in a call
14:52 ashimema            hugs
14:52 Joubu               ashimema: not feeling inspired :-/
14:32 marcelr             htg
14:29 Joubu               ashimema: I will code golf this one
14:28 Joubu               No worries, thanks! Hope you like it :)
14:27 kidclamp            heh, apologies
14:27 Joubu               kidclamp: conflicts on 34030 were caused by the "tidy" of the other bug. rebased now!
14:26 marcelr             its on the report, it waits
14:26 marcelr             np
14:26 ashimema            ok.. once I'm out of this call 😉
14:26 marcelr             ashimema: i would appreciate some feedback on 35001. thx
14:11 ashimema            could you elaborate on empty.. that confued me
14:11 ashimema            Yeah.. I've been doing small fast commits to just get feedback.. we should certainly squash a bunch
14:10 ashimema            I didn't totally understand your empty unblessed if I'm honest
14:10 Joubu               yes, same for me, it does not belong to the schema file
14:10 ashimema            (well.. I'd rather we only had the DBIC level.. but that's a decade old gripe.. haha)
14:09 ashimema            actually.. I think really they belong in the Koha level rather than the DBIC level..
14:09 Joubu               ashimema: did you see the 2 methods I suggested? the $object->empty->unblessed merged with the unredacted list seems a nice pattern
14:09 ashimema            I wasn't keen to migrate the public_read_list stuff yet
14:09 ashimema            but I think we need to have these in the same place
14:09 ashimema            he did
14:09 ashimema            yeah
14:08 Joubu               ashimema: it's not what I understood from the discussion. I thought tcohen[m] requested the flag in the schema file.
14:07 Joubu               ashimema: you really need to start squashing patches on this one! :D
14:05 wahanui             i already had it that way, huginn.
14:05 huginn              aude_c[m]: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready
14:05 aude_c[m]           @joubu Will do; thanks
14:04 Joubu               aude_c[m]: I am letting you deal with that old page. We should at least keep a link to redirect to the other one I think
14:03 Joubu               We will have to pay him a couple of beers
14:02 ashimema            That's awesome
14:02 oleonard            That's awesome
14:02 Joubu               bugs*
14:02 Joubu               He is fixing bugd the day after I open issues :)
14:02 Joubu               and the maintainer very reactive!
14:01 Joubu               ashimema: and.. Weblate is so awesome! :D
14:01 aude_c[m]           (Just to confirm: I tried going to manual.koha-community.org/16.05/en/ and https://manual.koha-community.org/3.8/en/ and I'm getting nothing)
14:00 ashimema            the stuff on that old server has had me perplexed for years
14:00 ashimema            so glad to see translations reverse engineering happening
14:00 Joubu               erk
14:00 aude_c[m]           Let's get rid of https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_Manual, then
14:00 ashimema            Joubu++
14:00 Joubu               erl
14:00 Joubu               "A page already exists at Editing the Koha Manual, or the page name you have chosen is not valid. Please choose another name."
14:00 Joubu               that's manual interaction that can be automated
13:59 Joubu               caroline: that will disappear :D
13:59 Joubu               aude_c[m]: I don't think so
13:59 Joubu               I have been reverse engineering all that for a week, brain is melting :D
13:59 caroline            And we used to use this to update the translations https://translate.koha-community.org/tools/
13:59 aude_c[m]           Joubu: Are the DocBook based manuals still alive?
13:58 caroline            There is https://translate.koha-community.org/manual/ which had the updated translations
13:58 caroline            I never fully understood how it worked honestly
13:58 Joubu               got it, manual-update.sh, alright!
13:57 caroline            yes, I think Bernardo was doing something on his side
13:57 ashimema            right.. I ahve a quick call to head into now.. will come back to this
13:56 ashimema            I'm still hung up on feeling like we should return all fields in the redaction case which is what this does.. it keeps all there but redacts any unlisted ones
13:56 Joubu               aude_c[m], caroline: I am wondering if it ever worked. There is a step missing, but maybe Bernardo was doing some black magic to adjust pootle
13:56 ashimema            we're getting back closer to where you were again.. which I think is good..
13:55 ashimema            it 'redacts by default' but allows overriding at the class level to expose the listed fields
13:55 caroline            I thought you meant in general
13:55 aude_c[m]           If you're looking for someone who does translate the manual, try Manu B (Emmanuel Bétemps)
13:55 ashimema            patch attached to 29523 Joubu
13:55 caroline            Joubu indeed, right now, the manual translation is broken
13:54 Joubu               everything on the first one is obsolete
13:54 Joubu               should we move https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_Manual to https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Editing_the_Koha_Manual
13:54 Joubu               caroline: another question then :D
13:54 Joubu               not sure people can actually translate it (with new strings, etc.)
13:54 Joubu               feels like there is a step missing...
13:52 caroline            Joubu I wish I had time, but no, not right now
13:52 Joubu               caroline: do you translate the manual?
13:38 Zahid[m]            with "CL" as prefix in userid?
13:38 ashimema            will do
13:37 Joubu               ashimema: let me know when you are done ;)
13:36 Zahid[m]            is it possible to replicate the cardnumber in userid field, when saving the new patron and  the userid is empty
13:34 ashimema            mostly because I don't think I can articulate it in a better way than to just code it and point
13:34 ashimema            I'm going to code a next step for what's in my head right now as a proposed next step
13:33 tcohen[m]           Similar, but probably different attribute lists
13:33 ashimema            it's similar
13:33 Joubu               it's limiting attributes visibility on the REST API, that's similar
13:33 ashimema            lol
13:32 tcohen[m]           I would prefer to do it right this time, though :-P
13:32 tcohen[m]           But I agree it is inconsistent
13:32 tcohen[m]           I don't think they are the same
13:32 * ashimema          thinks public and restricted are subtly different still.. but yeah...
13:31 Joubu               you are then asking to rewrite public_read_list BEFORE that
13:31 Joubu               but still, 2 ways for the same thing
13:31 Joubu               api_visible_when_restricted then
13:30 tcohen[m]           but yeah
13:30 tcohen[m]           I said visible_when_restricted
13:30 Joubu               at least it does not mean what we want here
13:30 Joubu               "restricted" does not mean anything when you are at the schema level
13:29 Joubu               it does not make sense to have 2 different ways to do the same thing
13:28 tcohen[m]           we can ask if it is accessible in TO_JSON context, we loop through attributes already
13:28 Joubu               less code than what is written already? :D
13:28 tcohen[m]           I mean, we have all the framework in place
13:27 tcohen[m]           to write less code
13:27 tcohen[m]           and to annotate what to allow being displayed (branchcode?) on the schema
13:26 tcohen[m]           I'm proposing: to standardize the structure we return on the restricted case (which is fair to ask, probably just a _restricted: true attribute)
13:26 Joubu               Where else do we need to redact values?
13:25 Joubu               This is getting in the same direction as things that get stuck, we overcomplexify things
13:25 tcohen[m]           if we could use oneOf, I would like to say... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/hxIsseDhWLSWIfESZnbuYMLr>)
13:25 Joubu               *t
13:24 ashimema            personally.. I think they're different needs.. empty, missing, undefined, redacted
13:24 ashimema            want/need
13:23 Joubu               and we need to write Koha::Object->empty
13:23 ashimema            the question is.. do we want to be able treat 'missing', 'undefined' and 'redacted' differently
13:22 Joubu               Then, Koha::Object sub redacted { return $self->unblessed }
13:22 Joubu               Koha::Patron sub redacted { return {%$self->empty->unblessed, branchcode => $self->branchcode } }
13:22 ashimema            reasoning
13:22 ashimema            but for staff I wasn't sure we wanted to go ahead and outright remove them as apposed to hide them
13:22 tcohen[m]           they probably have an intersection
13:21 ashimema            so public_read_list does that.. it removes the key and value
13:21 Joubu               Koha::Object sub redacted { return $self }
13:21 tcohen[m]           and a mark to tell the resource access has been restricted
13:21 Joubu               what about:
13:21 tcohen[m]           I like the idea of only returning allowed/annotated attributes
13:20 ashimema            I'm happy to push a bit further with redaction as apposed to removal.. if that's what we're all agreed on now
13:19 Joubu               what is on 29523 does not work for me
13:19 tcohen[m]           just it is not enough
13:19 tcohen[m]           and you're generally good with 29523
13:19 Joubu               :D
13:19 Joubu               I don't know, I really just want to display "A patron from XXX"
13:19 tcohen[m]           boo
13:18 tcohen[m]           what are the next steps?
13:18 tcohen[m]           so, to sumarize
13:18 huginn              Joubu: The operation succeeded.
13:18 Joubu               @later tell tcohen[m] booh
13:18 huginn              tcohen[m]: The operation succeeded.
13:18 tcohen[m]           @later tell tcohen heya
13:17 tcohen[m]           heh
13:17 tcohen[m]           later
13:17 tcohen[m]           probably, yeah
13:16 ashimema            we could even move the public_read_list stuff into the schema if we wanted to.. I sorta feel like we should be consistent between the two
13:16 tcohen[m]           the annoying part is re-splitting the spec
13:16 tcohen[m]           we need to migrate to OpenAPIv3
13:15 ashimema            I can''t remember the detail.. but I do remember it being annoying that we don't
13:15 tcohen[m]           can go with this as an intermediate step
13:15 tcohen[m]           I believe we should annotate things in the schema and do it in TO_JSON, instead of adding a sub
13:15 ashimema            that's where we need the 'onOf' isn't it tcohen
13:15 tcohen[m]           I'm not sure how to help
13:14 tcohen[m]           we can't
13:14 Joubu               only thing is the API spec validation, but we don't validate embeded objects yet
13:13 Joubu               and so I think my patch is doing the right thing
13:12 Joubu               we should follow the same approach
13:12 Joubu               Now that you pointed public_read_list, what we want here is very similar
13:12 ashimema            hehe, yup
13:11 Joubu               yes, I guess there was a logic at the time :D but now it feels reversed
13:10 ashimema            took me a moment to understand that.. I think you chose it as it 'only shows the special cases that redaction would skip'
13:09 Joubu               (don't ask me why it's unredacted instead of redacted, I have no idea)
13:09 Joubu               the public_read_list is kind of the same my "unredacted" sub
13:08 Joubu               patron.library_id is enough for me, keep simple in the first step
13:07 tcohen[m]           parenthesis issue
13:07 tcohen[m]           name = _("A patron from library %s".format(patron.library.name));
13:07 tcohen[m]           we annotated is_boolean for the API, in the schema files
13:06 Joubu               it's only hidden for the REST API
13:06 tcohen[m]           yes, if they are enough
13:06 Joubu               we are at REST API level
13:06 ashimema            we already have the public fields handling stuff.. maybe we could do something using those definitions?
13:06 tcohen[m]           +branchcode => { visible_when_hidden => 1 }
13:05 tcohen[m]           so in Borrower.pm we would have
13:05 tcohen[m]           and then have TO_JSON look for those
13:05 tcohen[m]           for example, visible_when_hidden => 1
13:04 ashimema            do we need a redaction method per object class.. but that kinda feels chunky to maintain too
13:04 tcohen[m]           can we put in the schema, what should be kept in case of resource hiding
13:04 ashimema            exactly
13:04 ashimema            all really hinges on 'what' should be redacted
13:04 tcohen[m]           should it be 'redacted'?
13:03 ashimema            indeed
13:03 tcohen[m]           ^^ I meant that
13:03 tcohen[m]           x-koha-embed: patron+strings
13:02 tcohen[m]           ^ ^ would do it?
13:02 tcohen[m]           x-koha-embed: +strings
13:02 tcohen[m]           GET /checkouts
13:02 * ashimema          considers some more
13:02 ashimema            I can see the annoyance.
13:02 ashimema            To answer your last comment there Joubu.. I thought you were embedding.. so I was expecting the library embed to come through.. I hadn't realised you were using the codes
13:01 Joubu               tcohen[m]: the branch is named bug_33568_test_29523
12:59 Joubu               not sure what else you are talking about
12:59 Joubu               the link on comment 105
12:59 Joubu               tcohen[m]: https://gitlab.com/joubu/Koha/-/commit/75b8cd39135966d2ea1b8a48df9aec4a3254d0d5
12:59 Joubu               Thanks, kidclamp!
12:58 tcohen[m]           I should look to actually read what you talk about
12:58 tcohen[m]           I want to know which of the two branches on your gitlab
12:58 tcohen[m]           I read them already
12:58 huginn              04Bug 29523: major, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, In Discussion , Add a way to prevent embedding objects that should not be allowed
12:58 Joubu               https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29523#c105
12:58 Joubu               there were only 4 comments to look at
12:58 eythian             sing out if I can help, I sometimes have free time :)
12:57 Joubu               tcohen[m]: I let you the comment numbers earlier
12:57 eythian             ah cool, I saw some mention of that in IRC the other day
12:57 tcohen[m]           I'm resuming our work this days
12:57 eythian             hi tcohen[m]
12:57 tcohen[m]           hi eythian !
12:57 * eythian           xterms wahanui
12:57 tcohen[m]           which branch
12:57 tcohen[m]           Joubu
12:56 * oleonard-away     consoles wahanui
12:56 tcohen[m]           hi
12:56 wahanui             well, now is fixed but i'm still crying
12:56 marcelr             and now?
12:56 huginn              marcelr: The operation succeeded.
12:56 marcelr             @later tell tcohen[m] testing
12:56 tcohen[m]           I get nothing
12:56 huginn              marcelr: The operation succeeded.
12:56 marcelr             @later tell tcohen testing
12:56 huginn              marcelr: I suck
12:56 marcelr             @later tcohen testing
12:56 tcohen[m]           how did you get rid of the [m] ashimema?
12:56 huginn              marcelr: downloading the Perl source
12:56 marcelr             @later tcohen test
12:55 tcohen[m]           I think so
12:55 marcelr             does the [m] interfere
12:55 tcohen[m]           hola
12:55 marcelr             hmm
12:55 wahanui             i already had it that way, huginn.
12:55 huginn              marcelr: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready
12:55 marcelr             @later tcohen[m] test
12:55 tcohen[m]           can someone later me?
12:55 ashimema            it'll invite you to chat I think
12:55 ashimema            maybe you need to let huggin talk to you for the first time tcohen?
12:54 tcohen[m]           Joubu: joubu/bug_33568 or joubu/bug_33568_test_29523
12:54 ashimema            thanks
12:54 ashimema            I got them
12:54 ashimema            huggin messages me as soon as I speak
12:54 marcelr             you got them?
12:54 ashimema            yup
12:54 ashimema            hi
12:54 huginn              tcohen[m]: The operation succeeded.
12:54 tcohen[m]           @later tell ashimema wake up dude
12:54 huginn              marcelr: The operation succeeded.
12:54 marcelr             @later tell ashimema test
12:54 ashimema            someone later me please 😛
12:53 ashimema            though.. I thought later used 'first mention by a person after a while'
12:53 tcohen[m]           <Joubu> "well, you could have it "not..." <- ^^ for that is the reason I keep mentioning v3
12:53 ashimema            it could be that element keeps us logged in
12:53 marcelr             from jonathan
12:53 marcelr             tcohen i received a later just an hour ago or so
12:52 ashimema            but I certainly used to
12:52 ashimema            not seen one in a while
12:52 ashimema            not sure actually
12:52 ashimema            erm
12:51 tcohen[m]           I saw marcelr sent me one, on hte logs, but not on element
12:51 tcohen[m]           ashimema: are you able to see the@later people leave you?
12:51 tcohen[m]           looking at your branch
12:50 tcohen[m]           martin's solution seems to me that would require some annotation on what attributes could be generally visible (e.g. branchcode)
12:49 tcohen[m]           by using anyOf
12:49 tcohen[m]           I'd vote for a solution returning a fixed data structure for the 'hidden' object
12:48 tcohen[m]           it we were on OpenAPIv3...
12:46 Joubu               tcohen[m]: see last comment, it's not working. However see my remote branch, that is working, but needs adjustements I think
12:43 tcohen[m]           git bz apply 29523
12:29 ashimema            but yeah.. I'll read your comment in a mo
12:29 ashimema            I remember why I filled rather than undeffed.. I wanted to signify a distinction between the data actually missing in the first place and the data being deliberately redacted
12:28 ashimema            ta, will read in a moment
12:28 Joubu               I let a comment to explain
12:28 Joubu               at least the need I have on 33568
12:27 Joubu               ashimema: there is a misunderstanding on the need I think
12:05 ashimema            apologies for wasting your time there
12:05 ashimema            revisiting them now
12:05 ashimema            I was too quick in my lunch break
12:05 ashimema            yup.. i spotted
12:05 marcelr             30
12:05 marcelr             ashimema: 35027 and 35050 require still a bit more attention, sorry
12:04 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29523 major, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, In Discussion , Add a way to prevent embedding objects that should not be allowed
12:04 Joubu               bug 29523 comments 105, 106, 117, 118
12:03 Joubu               tcohen[m]: can we have your opinion on this one?
12:02 ashimema            hard
12:02 ashimema            and.. should we be?
12:01 ashimema            but yeah.. i bet we're not 100% consistent in that
12:01 ashimema            so undef is probably cleaner now I think of it.
12:01 ashimema            most, if not all, our spec files so far tend to have type arrays to support actual type + null
12:01 Joubu               well, you could have it "not undef" at the spec level :-/
12:00 ashimema            that's also a very good question.. simply 'cause I didn't think about that until a few minutes after I submitted the patch.
11:59 Joubu               ashimema: why not just set to undef?
11:56 ashimema            it was really unsure.. hence coding it and asking for feedback 🙂
11:56 angelic             I have checked MARC bibliographic framework but the koha link semms unchangable
11:55 Joubu               the spec could (should) evolved and the embeded objects will be validated
11:55 angelic             Hi koha. I have two pictures https://snipboard.io/yeOlBQ.jpg and https://snipboard.io/rk5cZI.jpg When you looak at the Publisher part you can see that one has link (valeu coming from 260 TAG) but other does not have link (value comming from 264 TAG). I want links to be available in both of them. How can do it.
11:54 Joubu               maybe you are right, having all the attributes in the response seems better.
11:48 ashimema            and open for discussion
11:48 ashimema            so yeah.. it's really just 'opinionated' and
11:48 Joubu               I am not sure it's a job for Koha::Object
11:48 ashimema            but I'm not actually seeing that now
11:48 ashimema            so the empty hash would not validate
11:47 ashimema            I think the reason I thought of doing it my way was that I thought at least at some point we had fields set as required in the openapi specs
11:47 ashimema            whilst you return an empty json hash
11:47 ashimema            the only difference really is that i return all the fields still.. but with redacted data in them
11:46 ashimema            Joubu ^
11:46 ashimema            I wanted feedback
11:46 ashimema            I'm not sure it is
11:37 marcelr             hola tcohen[m]
11:37 tcohen[m]           hola #koha o/
11:36 marcelr             o/
11:15 oleonard            asif: From the edit screen, click the dropdown menu on the "Save" button and choose "Save and edit items"
11:14 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29523 major, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, In Discussion , Add a way to prevent embedding objects that should not be allowed
11:14 Joubu               ashimema: can you explain why your version is better than mine? :D - bug 29523
11:13 asif                when i select a book and click on edit only 942 tag appears
11:13 oleonard            asif: https://koha-community.org/manual/23.05/en/html/cataloging.html#item-records
11:12 asif                if you share the procedure i will appriciate
11:11 TriveniChandriki[m] asif: U can edit any time  location
11:11 asif                any way to edit it
11:11 asif                ok
11:11 TriveniChandriki[m] LOC and 952$c tag same
11:10 asif                so cant we put afterword
11:10 TriveniChandriki[m] asif: Both is same 952$c
11:09 TriveniChandriki[m] asif: No. Only item level editing
11:09 asif                and what is difference between LOC code its also shelving where it come
11:09 asif                cant we give item level code at the time of editing book record
11:08 TriveniChandriki[m] asif: This is item level tag
11:08 asif                thank you but its not visible in any framework
11:07 TriveniChandriki[m] 952$c tag number
11:07 asif                help please: can i edit a book record and add shelving location code any one can tell in which MARK code it comes 952 is not visible
10:47 huginn              Joubu: The operation succeeded.
10:47 Joubu               @later tell marcelr fun one - 35043
10:22 eythian             Not bad, pretty quiet. Waiting for lunch to heat up :)
10:21 oleonard            Hi eythian, how's it going?
10:21 wahanui             hi oleopard
10:21 eythian             hi oleonard
10:16 oleonard            Hi #koha
10:08 marcelr             bbl
09:58 marcelr             Joubu: i had that impression, never mind
09:54 aude_c[m]           <asif> "help: any one know how to show..." <- asif You should check in Administration > Table settings > Opac > Table id: holdingst that item_shelving_location has not been hidden (untick if it is). You can also switch OpacLocationOnDetail system preference to stop the shelving location being displayed in a separate column and have it underneath the branch instead.
09:51 Joubu               No entiendo de qué estás hablando!
09:50 marcelr             10 mogelijkheden
09:49 Joubu               welke tien procent?
09:48 marcelr             Joubu: ik ga er met de volle tien procent tegen aan
09:47 marcelr             or no longer ? lol
09:47 marcelr             does ++ help too?
09:47 marcelr             Joubu++
09:46 Joubu               marcelr++ to keep motivation above 0
09:41 marcelr             great
09:41 ashimema            seeing things move motivates 🙂
09:41 ashimema            I'll take a look at those asap.. hopefully within this week
09:41 ashimema            🙂
09:41 marcelr             i will adjust is_active when you add hold and artreq
09:40 marcelr             quick
09:40 marcelr             quck follow-up
09:40 marcelr             ashimema++
09:38 ashimema            thanks so much
09:38 ashimema            marcelr++
09:35 paulderscheid[m]    Is it any good?
09:35 paulderscheid[m]    Anyone had some experiences w/ Dotenv on cpan?
09:34 paulderscheid[m]    Haha, thanks joubu :D
09:34 Joubu               tldr don't just source it
09:34 marcelr             are we doing that somewhere in the codebase actually ?
09:33 Joubu               paulderscheid[m]: I don't know, but we had kind of the same discussion on https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/merge_requests/483
09:31 paulderscheid[m]    What's the recommended way of reading .env in perl (or your preferred one)?
09:31 paulderscheid[m]    Morning #koha
09:25 asif                help: any one know how to show shelf location in OPAC book detail as only there things are comming in detail [item type book ,current library, status avalible or not, and date due only] i want to bring one more filed like shelf location
09:24 Joubu               that would be great!
09:21 marcelr             i will have a look perhaps tomorrow?
09:20 Joubu               this is one
09:20 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34959 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Translator tool generates too many changes
09:20 Joubu               bug 34959
09:19 marcelr             well, we should expect improvements then
09:18 Joubu               I am... fighting with the code for the last 2 weeks...
09:18 marcelr             that whole language stuff does not have my full trust
09:17 Joubu               to be fair, maybe it was buggy at the time and fixed since then
09:17 Joubu               there is more explanation ;)
09:17 marcelr             yes helpful
09:17 Joubu               # Locale::PO->quote is buggy
09:17 marcelr             i hope that i did not write it :)
09:16 Joubu               the hilarious part is the comment in Koha
09:16 marcelr             first assumption: the other one must be wrong !
09:14 Joubu               or... :D the lib is right, and a Koha dev is wrong (not me!)
09:00 marcelr             hmm We will have work then
08:58 Joubu               We can send people on the moon since 50 years but we cannot have a lib to correctly escape tabs...
08:57 Joubu               always, everywhere
08:57 Joubu               Everything is buggy
07:57 asif                Hlep: where i can email for Koha issue i am facing can anyone tell how to i add in mailing address
07:55 huginn              marcelr: The operation succeeded.
07:55 marcelr             @later tell tcohen please push 35041 for Jenkins
07:28 mahesh              i am build chat system using irc with nodejs
07:27 mahesh              hello i am mahesh nayak
06:43 * ashimema          is looking at https://gitlab.com/joubu/Koha/-/commit/75b8cd39135966d2ea1b8a48df9aec4a3254d0d5#ca09ef0fac7fc46c76ebd67f4da91b93abc39078_558_560 first thing today.. apologies I'd totally missed it before Joubu ☹️
06:39 marcelr             ^
06:39 Joubu               both *should* be persistent
06:39 Joubu               :D
06:39 Joubu               background_jobs table *must* reflect the state of the queue
06:39 marcelr             and now the queue is not
06:39 marcelr             both should be persistent
06:38 Joubu               background_jobs table should reflect the state of the queue
06:38 marcelr             it is a bug that exists now already
06:38 marcelr             no i dont agree
06:36 Joubu               you are not fixing a bug, you are introducing another one
06:36 Joubu               I replied
06:36 Joubu               I disagree, but don't have time for that
06:30 marcelr             Joubu i commented on the Background patch :)
06:30 marcelr             yes
06:29 Joubu               it's git show origin/master~36
06:29 Joubu               I am seeing ba298ebdf91d91110243f17080c6da7ecc252ca9
06:29 ashimema            thanks
06:29 marcelr             will finish some other thing and come back to it
06:28 ashimema            coolios
06:28 marcelr             but we are fine now
06:28 marcelr             so 5 ahead
06:28 marcelr             the first one was the patch of Matt just before the apply stranded
06:27 marcelr             no we are just mixing two commits
06:27 ashimema            * strange
06:27 ashimema            strang
06:27 ashimema            community has a different sha than you for that
06:27 ashimema            https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/commits/branch/master/search?q=33204
06:26 huginn              04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33204 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, fridolin.somers, Pushed to master , Add the ability to filter on patron library for borrowers-force-messaging-defaults.pl
06:26 marcelr             Author: Kyle M Hall <kyle@bywatersolutions.com> Date:   Fri Sep 1 12:47:47 2023 -0400      Bug 33204: (QA follow-up) Improve option description
06:26 ashimema            pretty
06:26 ashimema            ooh.. never spotted the commit graph view on git.koha-community.org before..
06:25 ashimema            how strange
06:25 ashimema            or on git.koha-community.org for that matter
06:24 ashimema            I don't see 41a3eb6c7a917d905583993656c1c4e63980152e anywhere here
06:24 ashimema            interesting
06:24 marcelr             just thought i was already at the top of master..
06:23 marcelr             ah sorry it works NOW
06:23 marcelr             let me try
06:23 marcelr             i need to go 36 up
06:22 marcelr             commit ba298ebdf91d91110243f17080c6da7ecc252ca9 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD, qa-prev-commit)
06:22 marcelr             thats 5 ahead
06:22 marcelr             no
06:22 marcelr             i am here: commit 41a3eb6c7a917d905583993656c1c4e63980152e (HEAD -> master)
06:21 marcelr             too bad that i threw away the patches of yesterday..
06:21 ashimema            it's a fully rebased set
06:21 ashimema            literally just uploaded all the patches again from that branch
06:21 ashimema            always find that weird
06:21 ashimema            weird.. I have no idea why it would give the sha issue on fresh patches
06:21 marcelr             what did you upload to BZ ?
06:21 ashimema            that's the branch
06:21 ashimema            oop.. https://gitlab.com/mrenvoize/Koha/-/commits/bug_15504
06:20 marcelr             no same problem
06:20 magnuse             oops, ashimema accidentally uploaded the breakfast to bugzilla, and fed the kids patches
06:20 ashimema            just in case
06:19 ashimema            https://gitlab.com/mrenvoize/Koha/-/merge_requests/new?merge_request%5Bsource_branch%5D=bug_15504
06:19 marcelr             ok let me check if it applies now
06:19 ashimema            done
06:18 * ashimema          was making breakfast for the kids
06:18 ashimema            full set coming up now marcelr
06:13 marcelr             magnuse++
06:12 magnuse             ashimema++ marcelr++
06:08 marcelr             yes please
06:07 ashimema            DOH, I'll re-upload the full set for you shortly
06:07 magnuse             \o
06:04 marcelr             hi reiveune krimsonkharne[m]
06:04 reiveune            hello
06:04 krimsonkharne[m]    good morning #koha
06:00 marcelr             patch 6 with adjusted unit tests gives trouble
06:00 marcelr             hi ashimema i m having problems applying your patches
05:57 ashimema            Morning
05:46 marcelr             o/