Time  Nick      Message
06:21 matts     hi !
06:26 magnuse   \o/
06:38 reiveune  hello
06:39 reiveune  hello
12:49 magnuse   wow, quiet day
12:56 ES[m]     <magnuse> "wow, quiet day" <- Very quiet!
12:57 ES[m]     Seems that foks are very focus on something.
13:00 ES[m]     Release 23.11 being baked... could be the reason!
13:02 magnuse   that would be a good reason ;-)
14:08 ES[m]     s/foks/folks/
16:07 reiveune  bye
17:42 oleonard  'action   => "Edit subfields",' ... How did that get left in marc_subfields_structure.pl for so long?
18:40 * cait    waves
18:52 davidnind hi cait!
18:59 tcohen[m] Hi all
18:59 tcohen[m] Releasing today
20:12 * cait    waves
20:12 cait      hi davidnind :)
20:18 tcohen[m] release out
20:20 davidnind tcohen++
20:20 davidnind (and everyone else!)
20:33 cait      tcohen++ rmaints++
20:40 cait      hm can someone replicate this?
20:40 cait      I have set an item to withdrawn
20:40 cait      and now it shows as Withdrawn/pending hold although there are no holds on the record
20:42 cait      hm I had to run build_holdsqeuue