Time  Nick      Message
05:40 davidnind FYI: I have added time stamps (in the comments) to each of the talks for the PerlKohaCon/KohaCon23 live streams https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa9kvrI3VLf7ZvLvJk9EtlnF2OVETvddm
05:41 davidnind Hopefully, that will let you go directly to the presentations you are interested in (until individual videos are available).
05:43 davidnind A spreadsheet with the schedule and links to each presentation is also available: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DIKfxV7_zVgVmw20QBuCf7wxWAtX-wPTksYnwbi8CMc/edit?usp=sharing (let me know if you would like it in alternative formats)
10:45 aroussos  davidnind++ Thanks, these timestamps are very helpful.