Time  Nick        Message
10:21 ashimema    indeed
10:19 oleonard    [off] Oh no!!
10:19 ashimema    [off] We had a water leak whilst I was on vacation and I returned to find my ceiling collapsed ☚ī¸
10:18 ashimema    family.. and some emergencies at home after vacation kinda killed the idea
10:18 * khall     waves
10:18 ashimema    me too
10:18 oleonard    You too khall :)
10:18 oleonard    Hi ashimema. Wish you were here!
10:13 ashimema    will catch up shortly 🙂
10:13 * ashimema  has his timezones mixed.. I thought she was 20 mins off still ;P
08:54 davidnind   cait++ Great presentation!
07:55 aroussos    tuxayo++ You're very welcome! Thanks for noticing 😉
06:30 tuxayo      aroussos++ thanks for all the tidying on links, formating, fixing typos on the coding guidelines wiki page
06:19 tuxayo      (ktd repo, koha code, ktd images up to date)
06:18 tuxayo      *fixed
06:18 huginn      04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34494 blocker, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Table tmp_holdsqueue fails to be created for MySQL 8
06:18 tuxayo      Instead of the error fix by incoming Bug 34494
06:18 tuxayo      Anyone else when trying to start koha-testing-docker with MySQL 8 is getting this? : "failed: Authentication plugin 'caching_sha2_password' reported error: Authentication requires secure connection."
06:16 tuxayo      :D
06:16 magnuse     we do! :-)
06:16 cait        thank you :)
06:11 tuxayo      Enjoy the KohaCon everyone! :)
06:02 magnuse     so who makes the first chatgpt plugin for koha?
06:01 davidnind   Day 2 of KohaCon23 is starting now - let me know if you need the links to watch on YouTube.
04:47 thomas63[m] davidnind: Thanks, found that parameter and changed it, and works as I need it. 👍ī¸
04:44 davidnind   thomas63: the changes to the manual were only made to "master" about three months ago, so most likely haven't been back ported to previous versions of the manual
04:43 huginn      04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30024 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Failed QA , link_bibs_to_authorities.pl relies on CatalogModuleRelink
04:43 davidnind   thomas63: from Koha 22.11 onwards this was split into RequireChoosingExistingAuthority and AutoLinkBiblios (see bug 30024)
04:33 fridolin    yellow
03:08 thomas63[m] Any idea, please?
03:08 thomas63[m] It seems not to exist, although mentions in the user manual
03:08 thomas63[m] I am searching for the system preference BiblioAddsAuthorities
03:08 thomas63[m] hi there