Time  Nick                 Message
04:10 PriyanshuSoni[m]     hi
04:11 PriyanshuSoni[m]     I recently installed koha software. I want to send mail to patrons but its show pending in status. How to configure email setting?
04:34 mtj                  hi tcohen[m], no need for the deb3.ka.com repo, it can be removed :)
04:43 PriyanshuSoni[m]     <PriyanshuSoni[m]> "I recently installed koha..." <- anyone please help me with this
06:03 reiveune             hello
06:03 wahanui              hey, reiveune
06:42 LibraryHU[m]         can anyone help in how to activate holds in koha i have tried to activate but it is not working when i try to hold an issued item from opac
10:02 oleonard             Hi #koha
10:53 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] o/
10:53 ashimema             \0
11:05 marcelr              o/
11:11 tcohen[m]            \o
11:12 marcelr              hi tcohen[m]
11:19 oleonard             LibraryHU[m]: Are you still around?
11:35 Joubu                MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: added a follow-up on bug 34418, for discussion ;)
11:35 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34418 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, In Discussion , Allow empty nodes in breadcrumb's elements
11:35 Joubu                Thanks again, MatthewBlenkinsop[m], I really appreciate you spent time on that!
12:42 tcohen[m]            Priyanshu Soni: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian#E-mail
12:43 tcohen[m]            If you installed following those instructions, a cronjob is already set for running process_message_queue.pl every 15 minutes or so
12:49 PriyanshuSoni[m]     is there any specific thing that i need to configure in administrator section of koha?
12:49 PriyanshuSoni[m]     * of koha for sending e-mail?
12:50 tcohen[m]            you need to set a valid SMTP server
12:51 PriyanshuSoni[m]     tcohen[m]: Already setup & applied to patrons too.
12:52 PriyanshuSoni[m]     still facing the same issue.
12:52 tcohen[m]            did you follow those instructions?
12:52 tcohen[m]            they include running koha-email-enable <instance> as root
12:53 tcohen[m]            you can manually run
13:06 tcohen[m]            Oh, the message didn't go out
13:06 tcohen[m]            :-D
13:06 tcohen[m]            $ koha-shell <instance>
13:06 tcohen[m]            k$ /usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs/process_message_queue.pl
13:07 tcohen[m]            ^^^ Priyanshu Soni
13:08 PriyanshuSoni[m]     tcohen[m]: So, is it a installation issue?
13:17 tcohen[m]            "If you installed following those instructions, a cronjob is already set for running process_message_queue.pl every 15 minutes or so"
13:17 tcohen[m]            ^^
13:17 tcohen[m]            "did you follow those instructions?
13:17 tcohen[m]            they include running koha-email-enable <instance> as root
13:17 tcohen[m]            you can manually run"
13:17 tcohen[m]            ^ ^
13:18 tcohen[m]            $ koha-shell <instance>
13:18 tcohen[m]            k$ /usr/share/koha/bin/cronjobs/process_message_queue.pl
13:42 PriyanshuSoni[m]     Sure i will try to do it tomorrow and if there still anything, will try to collaborate.
13:51 tcohen[m]            @later tell khall please fix the failing tests
13:51 huginn               tcohen[m]: The operation succeeded.
14:52 reiveune             bye
15:09 Joubu                MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: 34417 - Another option could be to have a base component maybe? it would do the generic stuff with the router. Just an idea, I have not tried anything.
15:18 tcohen[m]            @later tell mtj can you please patch KTD and only leave the right 'staging' repo in the Dockerfiles? no comments, etc. Builds are failing right now
15:18 huginn               tcohen[m]: The operation succeeded.
15:32 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] <Joubu> "Matthew Blenkinsop: 34417..." <- I've got it working by using a setter in the API client but that still requires the "dynamic" flag to identify which routes should activate the setter
15:32 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] I'll try a component and see if that simplifies things
15:43 mtj                  hi tcohen[m], should be fixed in 20 mins
15:44 tcohen[m]            thank you, I'm leaving for about an hour, will be watchign the results after that
15:44 tcohen[m]            I've pushed the Node upgrade after some testing (on bullseye)
15:45 tcohen[m]            I want to trigger all the tests after the images build, hence my urgency to fix it
15:46 * mtj                server relocation caused a problem :/
15:47 tcohen[m]            Can you aptly run in docker? There's plenty of room in the portainer server
15:48 mtj                  yep, will switch to portainer in next few days
15:50 mtj                  not sure about aptly in docker, yet...
17:30 tcohen[m]            mtj++
18:27 fridolin             yello
18:27 tcohen[m]            blue
18:30 cait                 green
18:35 * fridolin           hopes jenkins is
18:35 fridolin             ^^
18:35 tcohen[m]            will be, on the next run
18:36 cait                 hm someone around to qa bug 30451? data loss issue
18:36 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30451 blocker, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Signed Off , Delete a subscription deletes the linked order
19:53 emlam                Joubu around?