Time  Nick                 Message
19:11 emlam                tcohen++ for the more nuanced ktd info earlier :)
17:41 tcohen[m]            Correct. But Koha is designed to be extended like this, by using plugins. And this one is maintained by ByWater, and Theke has submitted enhancements too
17:40 Zunkle               Much appreciated! But no way to just do it without a third party plugin it seems?
17:39 tcohen[m]            Some people use MARCEdit for the same purpose
17:39 tcohen[m]            I love it
17:39 tcohen[m]            https://github.com/bywatersolutions/koha-plugin-csv2marc
17:39 tcohen[m]            There's a CSV2MARC plugin provided by ByWater Solutions
17:37 Zunkle               Good afternoon. I'm fairly new to Koha and the school I'm working at is using it for inventory purposes for our computers. Is there a good way to import a CSV file into the catalog?
16:56 lauraesca[m]         tcohen[m]: Gracias!
16:54 tcohen[m]            laurae
16:54 tcohen[m]            now
16:54 tcohen[m]            It is working
16:48 tcohen[m]            looking
16:46 tcohen[m]            lauraesca:  oh
16:46 huginn               tcohen[m]: The operation succeeded.
16:46 tcohen[m]            @later tell mtj do we really need this line: RUN echo "deb http://deb3.kohaaloha.com/ka/koha-deps stable main bullseye" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list
16:46 lauraesca[m]         Is the wiki koha down for everyone? https://wiki.koha-community.org/
16:42 tcohen[m]            ^^ no one knows if Bugzilla supports Markdown?
16:42 caroline             It triggers your tidying gene? :)
16:42 tcohen[m]            https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5651368/does-bugzilla-support-any-markup-language
16:40 oleonard             I love those consistency bugs!
16:39 caroline             I feel like I should apologize, not get ++
16:39 oleonard             caroline++
16:37 reiveune             bye
15:49 ashimema             <MatthewBlenkinsop[m]> "I've been looking at this today,..." <- Nice one Matthew Blenkinsop
15:46 Joubu                MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: great, thanks!
15:04 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] <tcohen[m]> "I'd like to hear from Matthew..." <- I've been looking at this today, I've solved the issue of "Show license" v "License name", just need to work on Joubu's issue of duplicating breadcrumbs
14:10 aw-bib[m]            I'll have to play with that.
14:08 tcohen[m]            reset_all
14:08 tcohen[m]            git checkout origin/21.11.x -b 21.11.x
14:08 tcohen[m]            wait  for it
14:08 tcohen[m]            KOHA_IMAGE=master ktd up -d
14:07 tcohen[m]            just try it now
14:07 tcohen[m]            if it is not started, things won't work
14:07 tcohen[m]            if KTD is already started, you can solve issues
14:07 tcohen[m]            and then reset_all again
14:07 tcohen[m]            and fix the missing deps
14:06 tcohen[m]            start with master, then switch to 21.11, see the explosions inside KTD
14:06 tcohen[m]            OR
14:06 tcohen[m]            in that case, I'd rather use KOHA_IMAGE=21.11
14:06 tcohen[m]            but, if you try to launch (say) 21.11 with a master (default) image, you might see it explode because of missing dependencies at startup time
14:05 tcohen[m]            aw-bib: you are 80% correct. KTD starts and then uses the 'koha-misc4dev' tools to deploy all the things correctly, based on what you checked out
14:03 aw-bib[m]            tcohen: I do get it right though that if I check out a certain version in my koha-src git, ktd up will build against this git. (e.g. setting the git head to some tag or applying some patch already before the `ktd up`) just for my understanding of this really fancy thing.
13:55 aw-bib[m]            I saw the KOHA_IMAGE already all the other parametes will be something to learn as I grow up ;)
13:55 tcohen[m]            (to catch things)
13:55 tcohen[m]            KOHA_IMAGE=master-bookworm ktd --selenium --es7 --sso up -d
13:55 tcohen[m]            like
13:55 tcohen[m]            you can also play changing the base images
13:53 aw-bib[m]            ok. in my old project the equivalent j2 --down and j2 --up was a quite frequent thing.
13:53 tcohen[m]            and to catch potential hard-to-find errors
13:52 tcohen[m]            to be sure the QA tools and stuff are up to date
13:52 wahanui              somebody said ktd pull was taking foreeeever
13:52 tcohen[m]            and ktd pull
13:52 tcohen[m]            I kill it every now and then
13:51 aw-bib[m]            with this `reset_all` you can basically keep the ktd running all the time and there is not much need to bring it down and up again, I understand.
13:51 aw-bib[m]            I tried to pick some simple thing, where the patch just changes one line in a pm, so no databases updated yet. I'll watch out for those and take a note on `atomicupdate`
13:51 aw-bib[m]            tcohen: thanks for the clarifications :)
13:30 tcohen[m]            calling reset_all implies (sort of) installing from zero with the patches applied. While that works, you might miss the chance to catch issues on the atomicupdate itself
13:29 tcohen[m]            sometimes the patches include an atomicupdate, which means you need to run updatedatabase
13:29 tcohen[m]            if it is a .pm file, a koha-plack --restart kohadev should be enough, it is safe to run restart_all, though
13:28 tcohen[m]            you really need to look at what things the patch is changing
13:08 emlam                (usually I apply the patch, do a restart_all, and then if nothing seems to have changed I'll try a reset_all)
13:08 aw-bib[m]            I'll just try. worst thing is that I need to redo the ktd. :)
13:08 emlam                most likely...maybe even a reset_all if you're touching configuration files? But I'm not super clear yet myself on what types of changes make one or the other necessary
13:04 aw-bib[m]            as I try to work on this ldap-login-stuff I'll also need to touch the koha-conf.xml so I assume a restart_all is a good thing to do.
13:03 emlam                and yes, depending on what the patch is, you may need to restart_all (or for some patches, updatedatabase and/or reset all)
13:03 aw-bib[m]            ok, so I'll now give my homework a try. :)
13:02 aw-bib[m]            (except restart_all that is)
13:02 emlam                yes, it applies the patch to ktd as well
13:01 aw-bib[m]            and if I may: git bz apply, does this roll out the patch also to the ktd or do I need to do something else?
12:59 emlam                No problem! :)
12:59 aw-bib[m]            thanks for this clearification. I'll get this one-liner signed off eventually ;)
12:58 emlam                yup!
12:58 aw-bib[m]            and I understand now that kohadevbox/koha is my src/koha outside the container.
12:57 aw-bib[m]            ah, ok. so I do all the stuff that requires credentials outside and the rest inside.
12:57 emlam                either way it will affect the koha clone on the host machine
12:57 aw-bib[m]            ok, but if it's inside the container I'll have to supply credentials inside the container somehow, right?
12:56 emlam                aw-bib: You can do either way. If you're doing the git stuff outside the ktd container, you have to set up git bz separately, but if you're doing it inside the container, I believe it's already set up as part of ktd
12:55 aw-bib[m]            hi! I am working through the koha-howto-tutorial. a point that is a bit unclear to me: does all git action happen inside the ktd  container (iow ktd --shell) and git away there or is this done from the outside in the local checked out version of koha? I do get a bit confused here on how to decide on which side I have to be.
12:50 oleonard             lauraesca[m]: Thank you, I did and lukeg took care of it!
12:50 huginn               04Bug 33070: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, RESOLVED FIXED, Get rid of Koha::Patron->can_edit_item and use can_edit_item_from instead
12:50 lauraesca[m]         <oleonard-away> "Anyone know what might case..." <- It's a result of this bug: https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33070 -- if you submit a ticket with BWS we can get it patched up
12:25 marcelr              ashimema: did you get further with 33537 btw ? you continued last friday
12:23 marcelr              o/
11:52 tcohen[m]            maybe we just solve it in a few hours
11:37 ashimema             well.. I can try
11:37 tcohen[m]            thursday and friday?
11:36 wahanui              it has been said that friday is usually a nice busy QA day :)
11:36 tcohen[m]            friday?
11:36 ashimema             I'd love to see it done
11:36 ashimema             not sure about the others
11:36 ashimema             so rushing around trying to squash my queue before then
11:36 ashimema             I'm on vacation come next week
11:29 tcohen[m]            Joubu ashimema marcelr?
11:29 tcohen[m]            Are we ready to schedule a CSRF day?
11:28 tcohen[m]            done
11:16 * tcohen[m]          uploaded an image: (427KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/vRKcjByLnPqIITbdvMUFnWpG/image.png >
11:16 ashimema             not i
10:59 tcohen[m]            has anyone looked at the failing onboarding tests?
10:58 oleonard             \o
10:56 tcohen[m]            hola #koha o/
10:04 aw-bib[m]            Joubu: wrt `git bz` I tried your branch, but I was without luck. but if I switch from git-credential -> uid/pw I do get the `git bz apply` to work. (I missed a setting in `.gitconfig` that was still referring to `git-credential`)
08:17 PedroAmorim[m]       o/
07:13 PriyanshuSoni[m]     hello
06:37 wahanui              niihau, reiveune
06:37 reiveune             hello
01:44 mtj                  name is just a description
01:44 mtj                  hi thomas63[m], its ok to change a library branch 'name', just dont change the branch 'code' in production
01:31 thomas63[m]          * Yes, I mean the name. I do not mean any attribute of the library, like the address or the phone number, but really the name of it. I do not mean any code, but really the name. Unfortunately, when it was setup (years ago), it was setup with a typing mistake, it has "comunity library" in the name, but "community" is spelled with 2x "m".
01:24 thomas63[m]          s/community/comunity/
01:23 thomas63[m]          <Annelisterman[m]> "thomas63: Hi, do you mean you..." <- Yes, I mean the name. I do not mean any attribute of the library, like the address or the phone number, but really the name of it. I do not mean any code, but really the name. Unfortunately, when it was setup (years ago, it was setup with a typing mistake, it has "community library" in the name, but "community" is spelled with 2x "m".