Time  Nick                 Message
19:58 fridolin             yellow
19:19 tcohen               hola
18:59 caroline             oleonard, are you still around?
18:14 caroline             But it is in 22.11.08
18:03 oleonard             Well, the bug *was* my fault, so...no cape flourish.  And the fix obviously hasn't made it into 22.11.07 :/
18:01 caroline             You can flick your cape in a dramatic way and say something like "my work here is done" XD
18:01 caroline             oleonard++ to the rescue once again!
18:00 lauraesca[m]         Ah I can't believe I missed that in my search. Thanks all!
18:00 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34251 normal, P5 - low, ---, bibliothek, Pushed to oldstable , MARC editor with JS error when using fast add framework
18:00 oleonard             Ah, it's Bug 34251
17:58 oleonard             lauraesca[m]: I'm seeing a JS error on the page when I try to switch frameworks
17:53 lauraesca[m]         <oleonard> "lauraesca: What do you mean by..." <- For example, if the partner is filling out the Fast Add Framework and wants to switch to the Default Framework it usually works but now the framework doesn't change.
17:45 oleonard             lauraesca[m]: What do you mean by "switch between frameworks?"
17:39 lauraesca[m]         <caroline> "lauraesca, is this on your..." <- It's on the production instance for several partners. They are on 22.11.07
17:33 caroline             lauraesca[m], is this on your production instance? Did it use to work? Is it only the FA framework that does this? Did you make any changes to the framework?
17:12 lauraesca[m]         Figured I'd ping in here to see if anyone could point me in the right direction. MARC Frameworks are giving me this error: Uncaught TypeError: a.data(...) is undefined whenever I try to switch between frameworks, or save a Fast Add framework. Can't recreate it in Master, nor can I find any bugs related to it.
16:46 cait4                bye #koha!
15:09 reiveune             bye
15:06 cait                 bye Joubu! Joubu++
15:04 Joubu                have a great weekend, #koha!
15:02 cait                 on it, thx!
15:02 Joubu                yep
15:02 cait                 so just missing the test
15:01 Joubu                you need the if foreign_key_exists tests, then drop the fk, then add it again with SET NULL
15:01 cait                 and now it runs ok
15:01 cait                 I changed KEY to FOREIGN KEYY
15:01 cait                 actually
15:01 Joubu                ha but.. you are adding a contrainst that exists
15:00 Joubu                or you remove the FK, remove the index, then add the FK
14:59 Joubu                installer/data/mysql/db_revs/220600048.pl
14:59 cait                 do we have an example for that maybe?
14:59 cait                 hm ok?
14:59 Joubu                you need to turn off the fk check
14:58 oleonard             💀
14:58 cait                 ERROR - {UNKNOWN}: DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::db do failed: Cannot drop index 'aqorders_subscriptionid': needed in a foreign key constraint at /kohadevbox/koha/C4/Installer.pm line 741
14:58 cait                 i just deleted a bit too much I guess when I removed the not needed says
14:58 cait                 I did
14:58 cait                 now it's at least an SQL error :(
14:58 Joubu                you should use skeleton.pl ;)
14:57 cait                 you are a life saver
14:56 Joubu                from    up          => sub {
14:56 Joubu                the };
14:53 cait                 i fixed te one backtick... but taht's not it
14:52 cait                 https://paste.koha-community.org/23887
14:52 cait                 someone by chance seeing what I am doing wrong here?
14:48 caroline             Joubu++ for YOUR tenacity
14:47 Joubu                caroline++ for your tenacity ;)
14:11 caroline             (Cypress I mean... like it types super fast etc.)
14:10 caroline             It is fun to see it go and do all the things though
14:10 caroline             Well, I'm learning KTD as well as Cypress an the same time
14:10 Joubu                you should stop if it drains your energy too much, it was not the goal
14:09 caroline             I also usually do ./translate, but I notice some people so perl translate, it's the same thing?
14:09 cait                 heh, ideas of fun might vary
14:09 Joubu                it was supposed to be fun..
14:09 caroline             The Cypress thing took all my mental energy and I didn't have any left to add a simple span tag + translate it seems :)
14:08 Joubu                are you sure that the perl script updates messages.po?
14:07 caroline             I think I did gulp:po update yesterday, or maybe I did both, I don't know
14:07 cait                 it should be no difference, but i feel it's a little faster and nicer output
14:07 Joubu                sorry for that as well then :D
14:07 caroline             what is the difference between ./translate update fr-CA and gulp po:update --lang fr-CA?
14:06 cait                 Joubu: it's more important you get the code right than the sentences
14:06 cait                 just a hint for testing: you can also do gulp po:update --lang de-DE
14:06 Joubu                let me edit my comments!!!
14:06 Joubu                sorry for forgetting (at least) one word in any of the sentences I write on bugzilla...
14:04 cait                 team++
14:04 oleonard             That's why we've got this good team to keep us on our toes
14:03 oleonard             :D
14:03 cait                 just to make you feel better oleonard .)
14:03 cait                 ... oh and i let through that CSS change that is now reverted
14:02 * cait               broke the installer
14:02 caroline             oh well, it happens
14:02 caroline             thank you oleonard! I must have been too tired last night because I did the exact modification in your patch but it didn't work...
14:01 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34334 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Signed Off , Item(s) in MARCdetail untranslatable
14:01 oleonard             caroline: One of my patches caused Bug 34334 so I'm glad my patch for it passed your test
13:36 krimsonkharne[m]     Thanks tcohen and cait :)
13:35 cait                 that's a relief :)
13:35 cait                 so I didn't give wrong advice?
13:33 tcohen               ^^ cait
13:33 tcohen               Azure AD => OAuth2/OpenID-connect
13:30 aw-bib[m]            as a side note: I was out of luck by just adding a local user outside the vm. but this seems to be some further strangeness in our login procedures.
13:29 Joubu                aw-bib[m]: good to know!
13:29 cait                 aw-bib[m]++
13:28 aw-bib[m]            Joubu: just fyi - I got rid of all this funny `afs` and `kerberos` stuff by just setting up a bookworm-vm. then I just followed the instructions in your git and ktd comes up without any complaints. I had a pot of tea while cloning and stuff but now `koha-testing-docker has started up and is ready to be enjoyed!` (so if anyone on this planet also uses afs/kerberos... ;)
13:23 cait                 ?
13:23 cait                 tcohen:  Azure Active Directory - maybe I confused LDAP and OAuth... can we do that
13:23 cait                 that's not the worst place to be
13:22 tcohen               :-D
13:22 tcohen               I'm now on a patisserie
13:22 tcohen               I'm having internet/cell issues in my area
13:22 wahanui              que tal, tcohen
13:22 tcohen               hola
13:17 krimsonkharne[m]     cait++
13:17 krimsonkharne[m]     ah, I'll check that
13:16 cait                 ther ehave been some mails about it on the mailing list IIRC
13:16 cait                 krimsonkharne[m]: i think in 22.11 it might be with OAuth
13:16 cait                 kidclamp++
12:54 krimsonkharne[m]     one of our clients is asking about integration of single sign on using Azure Active Directory - is that possible in Koha?
12:54 cait                 tcohen: around?
12:53 krimsonkharne[m]     hi #koha
12:14 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34292 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Date formatting in checkouts list broken
12:14 Joubu                bug 34292
12:14 Joubu                I think it's the only place where we do that
12:14 Joubu                it's indeed using an hidden column
12:13 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33804 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, RESOLVED FIXED, Implement as_due_date for $date (js-date-format)
12:13 Joubu                bug 33804
12:11 Joubu                oleonard: one min, things have changed recently
12:10 Joubu                it does all that for you
12:10 Joubu                this is why we have the DT REST API wrapper
12:10 Joubu                when you are using the server to do the filter, sort, etc. you need to tell the server how to sort
12:10 ashimema             ha.. this is all around the same place
12:10 Joubu                no, data-order is used by DT, when it has all the data
12:10 ashimema             generally not.. though we may have added supoprt in our wrapper.. I can't remember
12:09 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25023 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, ASSIGNED , Claims returned dates not formatted according to dateformat preference
12:09 oleonard             I'm looking at Bug 25023
12:09 oleonard             I assume data-order doesn't work with ajax tables
12:09 Joubu                and the ones in Vue now
12:09 Joubu                also, we have 3 ways to deal with DT... all differents
12:08 ashimema             it's complicated 🙂
12:08 ashimema             and clientside tables vs ajax tables also do it different
12:08 Joubu                we have a lot of data-order, and IIRC it's what is in DT doc
12:08 ashimema             koha does it different
12:08 Joubu                no I don't think so, there is a data-order
12:07 Joubu                standard? in Koha?
12:04 oleonard             Joubu: Based on the code I'm seeing, the standard way to sort a DataTables date column when we're using the $datetime() function is to use a hidden column?
12:00 ashimema             sooo many meetings these days
12:00 ashimema             I can take a little look later.. meeting time now ☚ī¸
12:00 ashimema             okies
12:00 Joubu                ashimema: I would be happy to have something better, guessing on attribute names is bad
11:59 ashimema             interesting.. ok
11:59 Joubu                I think I've tried
11:59 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=22440 normal, P4, ---, tomascohen, RESOLVED FIXED, Improve ILL page performance by moving to server side filtering
11:59 * ashimema           did actually suggest we use 'type' rather than 'datatype' in bug 22440, but it seems that got lost somewhere along the line
11:58 ashimema             no need to use data- at all
11:58 ashimema             s/coumn/column/
11:58 ashimema             i.e. you can set 'type' right in the coumn definitions..
11:58 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34226 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Format dates from DT filters before querying the REST API
11:58 cait3                Not sure if something coudl be done with jQuery changing the link or so, but there is no configuration option for that right now
11:58 ashimema             Joubu.. in bug 34226 why not just piggy back on https://datatables.net/reference/option/columns.type
11:56 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello. Can i ask a question. I use different frameworks to create a bibliography record. I have a question. From where to change the template to be loaded when creating new child record. And is it possible to load different framework for child new record based on the parent bibliographic record framework
11:54 Joubu                there was a perf upgrade we did a year ago
11:53 cait2                ?
11:53 ashimema             adds weight to the switch arguament
11:53 ashimema             they suggested, although there isn't any performance work recently, that our version is a bit old.. especially the Go version.. so we should update and expect a boost from that
11:53 ashimema             I spoke to the chaps at Forgejo the other day about that
11:44 Joubu                the git server should be bigger, so yes, it's slow
11:43 cait                 ah slow, but it started now
11:42 cait                 hm git pull from Koha is really slow/not moving - someone else?
11:41 cait                 not logn now oleonard!
11:41 cait                 thx :)
11:40 oleonard             Good luck cait!
11:39 cait                 cross finges my dev machine come back up plz
11:39 ashimema             but this is a step in that direction
11:39 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33568 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Use the REST API to display items on the biblio detail view
11:39 ashimema             well.. actually I'm looking at bug 33568
11:38 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34226 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Needs Signoff , Format dates from DT filters before querying the REST API
11:38 * ashimema           is looking at bug 34226
11:38 oleonard             I like that way of putting it.
11:37 Joubu                one of the first table to use server-side rendering, yes it has its own style ;)
11:35 ashimema             doesn't help that it's still the old style data tables hungarian namings
11:35 ashimema             I find the issues table code weird
10:07 oleonard             Hi #koha
09:57 marcelr              cu later
09:57 marcelr              thx ashimema
09:41 marcelr              ashimema: remember to change status on 33608 btw
09:39 marcelr              and solving other stuff somewhere else
09:39 marcelr              Joubu i am fine with signing off 33940
09:36 marcelr              ok 34337 looks good
09:34 Joubu                there is the whitespaces bug, but it's a separate one
09:34 Joubu                marcelr: did you identify something else needed on 33940?
09:32 marcelr              if there is more coming on 33940, please remove it from NSO
09:32 marcelr              ok i am switching from 33940 now to 34337
09:28 marcelr              Joubu but my own cardnumber came in :)
09:27 marcelr              i did 3x now
09:27 Joubu                nobody is installing Koha, good to know
09:27 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34337 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , No sample patrons anymore
09:27 marcelr              bug 34337
09:26 Joubu                marcelr: I have a patch
09:25 marcelr              that should be the suspect
09:25 marcelr              i will open a new bug
09:25 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33581 minor, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Pushed to oldstable , Error in web installer concerning sample holidays and patrons requiring sample libraries
09:25 Joubu                bug 33581
09:24 Joubu                erk
09:24 Joubu                there is a bug on select all
09:24 cait                 Ill be around for Koha dev in a bit, morning went a bit differently than expected
09:23 cait                 is it a problem with select all maybe? :(
09:23 cait                 it was testd, I swear!
09:23 cait                 the idea was not to create an error for holidays and patrons if branches are not loaded
09:22 cait                 but it should unlock when you have branches selected
09:22 cait                 hm Joubu and me did that
09:22 marcelr              where is bisect when you need him?
09:21 marcelr              who did that ?
09:21 marcelr              sample libraries ok, sample patrons NOK
09:21 marcelr              so thats weird
09:21 marcelr              but i still have the branches
09:21 marcelr              it is a disabled checkbox now
09:20 marcelr              it is a new bug; the sample patrons are not loaded anymore
09:18 marcelr              will try without both patches
09:17 marcelr              yeah thats weird; again i do not have the 50 example patrons anymore
09:15 marcelr              i tested onboarding but maybe i made a mistake i did just have one patron instead of the usual 51 (will check again)
09:14 marcelr              looking fwd to follow-ups :)
09:13 Joubu                we should remove whitespaces I guess, like we do password, or at least trim it before check
09:12 Joubu                marcelr: the spaces bug is bad!
09:11 marcelr              yes pwd and cardnumber
09:10 Joubu                need more mate :D
09:10 Joubu                wait, mixing things here, forget all that!
09:09 Joubu                after I removed the JS check
09:08 Joubu                when I enter whitespaces
09:08 Joubu                "
09:08 Joubu                Password must not contain leading or trailing whitespaces.
09:08 Joubu                marcelr: I am getting "
09:08 Joubu                wrong paste!
09:08 Joubu                Password must not contain leading or trailing whitespaces.
09:08 Joubu                marcelr: what if it's not NULL in DB but we set it to NULL using the REST API?
08:58 paulderscheid[m]     Can't wait for this to be pushed
08:58 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34335 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, dcook, Signed Off , Run Koha plugin method from CLI
08:58 paulderscheid[m]     bug 34335 is very cool
08:56 Joubu                the code is only used when coming from the UI
08:56 Joubu                hum indeed, no rest api involved
08:55 marcelr              will test with the followup now
08:55 marcelr              but nice to add it :)
08:55 marcelr              i didnt see any rest api here
08:54 Joubu                marcelr: nope, but no blocker :)
08:54 marcelr              good question
08:54 Joubu                should we allow that?
08:54 Joubu                marcelr: what if it's not NULL in DB but we set it to NULL using the REST API?
08:54 marcelr              bad behavior should stay bad behavior :)
08:54 marcelr              right
08:54 Joubu                same behaviour before and after
08:53 marcelr              ok
08:53 Joubu                feature
08:53 marcelr              ft=foot or facetime
08:53 marcelr              ft especially
08:53 marcelr              what is ft parity btw ?
08:50 Joubu                well, we need ft parity with before the patches, but maybe we need a follow-up bug
08:50 marcelr              my new comment is related
08:50 Joubu                marcelr: I think we need to understand the "null is valid" use case
08:50 Joubu                marcelr: I think I am done, if we understood each others, which I am not sure :D
08:49 marcelr              ok will add something too
08:49 Joubu                just added another comment
08:49 Joubu                not yet
08:49 marcelr              Joubu are you working on 33940 still?
08:47 ashimema             Joubu has a nice merge request open to reduce it's size a little too.. I think it's awaiting a review from tcohen
08:47 Joubu                marcelr: Util is just lazing naming
08:46 ashimema             k-t-d and qa scripts have both received a bit of love the past few days 🙂
08:46 marcelr              nice for when an upgrade breaks or so
08:46 paulderscheid[m]     hi marcelr ashimema o/
08:45 marcelr              haha
08:45 paulderscheid[m]     Just stumbled upon this little message: koha-testing-docker has started up and is ready to be enjoyed!. Very sweet :D
08:45 marcelr              Util is the name when you cant think something better :)
08:45 ashimema             yeah.. that's all I was remembering I think
08:45 marcelr              hi paulderscheid[m] `
08:44 marcelr              but I saw the msg of Joubu about it
08:44 ashimema             I think Joubu mentioned it recently
08:44 paulderscheid[m]     morning #koha
08:44 marcelr              not really remembering the Util veto btw
08:44 ashimema             I see
08:44 ashimema             yup
08:44 marcelr              the new report just adds a web config
08:43 marcelr              yeah i added it myself when i added this feature
08:43 ashimema             I just don't remember it..
08:43 ashimema             not that this counts here.. it already exists
08:43 * ashimema           doesn't remember when Koha::Notice::Util came in.. didn't we start a move to not having ::Util modules in general
08:43 marcelr              yeah i know about distraction too
08:39 ashimema             I recognise it all.. half the job already done 🙂
08:39 ashimema             funny.. reading this now I clearly did check it out at some point and got pulled away
08:36 marcelr              ashimema++
08:36 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33537 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , Move domain limits from koha-conf to staff SMTP configuration
08:36 * ashimema           looks at bug 33537.. been on my list for too long
08:29 cait                 $userenv->{branch} < library I am logged in at?
08:25 Joubu                will do, marcelr, thanks
08:23 marcelr              as you can assume that your follow-up gets my SO; 33940 looks good
08:22 marcelr              Joubu: trading a FQA on 33940 for a look at 33837+33843 ?
08:09 cait                 no string updates yet (just for info)
07:30 ashimema             Thanks for continuing on it
07:30 marcelr              thats fine
07:30 ashimema             Looks good to me.. I can add my SO line and reset to PQA after the school run.. half hour or so 😉
07:30 ashimema             ah, cool
07:30 marcelr              which is solved already now
07:29 marcelr              the tiny bug was hard to find since the exception was not rethrown
07:29 marcelr              ashimema: i fixed a tiny bug and reverted the tests to >0
07:29 ashimema             I lost track.. give me 30s to take a quick look a what's happened since I looked 😜
07:28 ashimema             I didn't have find it confusing trying to understand how we do that
07:28 ashimema             I just cc'd you on a translations/marc bug cait
07:28 marcelr              hi ashimema do you still want to see 33608 that you qaed or can i move back to pqa ?
07:27 * cait               waves
07:26 ashimema             morning
07:25 marcelr              ashimema: around?
07:08 cait1                cait1 is probably because of VPN
07:08 cait1                I think she will appear if I loose internet connection
07:07 wahanui              cait2 is still not sure how that works
07:07 marcelr              where is cait2 ?
07:04 TriveniChandriki[m]  Please suggest me how to do
07:04 TriveniChandriki[m]  Auto complete search not working 22.05 version opac
07:04 marcelr              hi cait TriveniChandriki[m]
07:03 TriveniChandriki[m]  good morning all
07:01 cait                 good morning #koha
06:36 wahanui              bonjour, reiveune
06:36 reiveune             hello
06:01 marcelr              o/