Time  Nick             Message
22:01 aleisha          saved?
22:01 aleisha          hello we've been having a problem with pbuilder and our gitlab runners recently -  we run all the commands under here https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Building_Debian_Packages_-_The_Easy_Way#Enter_pbuilder the base.tgz is saved and the gitlab pipeline builds fine. then the second time we run the pipeline, it fails, and we have to do all the pbuilder commands again. is this happening to anyone else? I wouldve thought the base.tgz is
19:31 davidnind        yes, it was great to see everyone - it's been a while since meeting in person!
19:30 caroline         It was nice to see you earlier! :)
19:30 davidnind        caroline++
19:30 huginn           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34161 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Asort1 appears in budget planning filters even when not used
19:30 caroline         bug 34161
19:30 caroline         oops I mean 34161
19:29 huginn           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34160 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Needs Signoff , Hyperlink item barcode to the item more details editor from the holds queue viewer
19:29 caroline         and bug 34160
19:29 huginn           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34159 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Remove plan by AR_CANCELLATION choice in aqplan
19:29 caroline         bug 34159
19:29 caroline         thanks for checking davidnind! I filed the report in the end (as well as another about a rogue Asort1 that appears out of nowhere)
19:28 davidnind        no, it's not just you - I can see it as well
19:06 caroline         about to write a bug report, but I'm doubting myself a the moment
19:06 caroline         Can someone check something for me? When I go to aqplan (Admin > Budgets > Click on budget name > Planning by X), in the filters on the left, I see plan by AR_CANCELLATION, is it a problem with my data or is everyone's like this?
16:12 ashimema         Go team 💪
15:54 cait             we started, we should try to finish :)
15:51 PedroAmorim[m]   cait++
15:51 PedroAmorim[m]   thanks a bunch!
15:51 PedroAmorim[m]   I will be yes, although I'm not entirely sure I'll be done with it by then, I sure hope so!
15:51 cait             or wil you be
15:51 cait             I can try to have another look tomorrow - are you around?
15:51 PedroAmorim[m]   or else I'll flood that bug with over a dozen patches
15:51 PedroAmorim[m]   and then after we're done I submit a squashed version of these follow-ups
15:50 cait             ok
15:50 PedroAmorim[m]   current WIP is at https://github.com/PTFS-Europe/koha/commits/new_30719 I propose we resume review there
15:50 PedroAmorim[m]   thanks a lot for that btw!
15:50 PedroAmorim[m]   I'm currently working on 30719, following up your outstanding QA review
15:50 PedroAmorim[m]   yay
15:50 cait             PedroAmorim[m]:
15:50 cait             not completely :) what's up?
15:49 PedroAmorim[m]   cait: around?
12:47 huginn           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34155 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , OPAC item level holds "force" option broken
12:47 oleonard         tcohen: Bug 34155
12:27 oleonard         Yes I'm bisecting now
12:27 tcohen           oleonard: can you file a bug?
12:05 cait             for arrivals/deaprtures to KohaCon
12:04 cait             https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Kohacon23/Social
12:04 marcelr          o/
11:56 krimsonkharne[m] (is what we're on for clients, I tested it on master)
11:56 krimsonkharne[m] <cait> "krimsonkharne: which version..." <- 21.05
11:53 wahanui          i think next meeting is https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Next_IRC_meetings
11:53 krimsonkharne[m] next meeting?
11:50 ashimema         lol
11:50 cait             oh I didn't realize I was that late
11:46 aude_c[m]        no worries!
11:46 cait             krimsonkharne[m]: which version - master? (we use force too)
11:45 cait             I only have 15 minutes :(
11:18 aude_c[m]        davidnind we lost you!!
11:02 ashimema         cait was around a few minutes ago
11:02 ashimema         I'm in a management team meeting myself at the minute I'm afraid (as is Lucy)
11:02 ashimema         I don't know that Joubu is around
11:02 wahanui          i already had it that way, huginn.
11:02 huginn           aude_c[m]: I'll give you the answer just as soon as RDA is ready
11:02 aude_c[m]        @joubu @cait joining us?
11:02 aude_c[m]        Thanks, we're in the meeting now
11:02 ashimema         no worries
11:01 caroline_        thanks ashimema!
11:00 ashimema         https://www.google.com/url?q=https://meet.jit.si/ScreenshotsKohaAutomatedDoc&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1688468411341386&usg=AOvVaw3l5_K4Ydv4TQ_uK0FEnBZp
10:59 caroline_        aude_c[m]: would you mind giving me the link tothe meeting? I'm at home and didn't think to send myself the info
10:57 oleonard         Interesting, so maybe a recent change broke it
10:57 krimsonkharne[m] we use "force" in circ rules for some of our clients and for them I know it does work.. weird that it doesn't here..
10:56 krimsonkharne[m] I tried it with 3 different patron accounts logged in to the OPAC, one of which wasn't staff and had no permissions. No difference
10:55 krimsonkharne[m] oleonard: same thing for me on ktd, I set the circ rule to "force" OPAC item level holds, and can also still pick "next available" instead of only a specific item
10:41 paulderscheid[m] Hi Pedro
10:36 PedroAmorim[m]   o/
10:36 oleonard         XD
10:35 ashimema         pass
10:35 oleonard         In the OPAC I'm still given the option to pick "next available item"
10:34 paulderscheid[m] Not me, unfortunately.
10:32 oleonard         I don't think it's working the way it should
10:32 oleonard         Anyone around who is familiar with the OPAC item level holds "force" option?
10:32 oleonard         Hi paulderscheid[m] \o
10:30 paulderscheid[m] Hi oleanard o/
10:26 oleonard         o/
09:34 cait             thx!
09:33 paulderscheid[m] I think once, when testing our coverflow component. I think tcohen is more knowledgable on it, though.
09:32 paulderscheid[m] Seems like you already found it ^^
09:32 cait             have you used it?
09:32 cait             paulderscheid++ thx )
09:32 cait             https://github.com/fredericd/coce
09:32 paulderscheid[m] https://github.com/fredericd/coce ?
09:31 cait             question: where is the repo for Coce?
09:29 ashimema         thanks cait
09:29 ashimema         when is Joubu back?
09:28 cait             if we want to offer both autocomplete and the paged search opton (which would be nice for the reasons in bug 25187)
09:28 cait             but for the future an icon or something to get to popup would be helpful I think
09:27 cait             maybe you did it somewhere - I wouldn#t rule that out
09:27 ashimema         thanks anyways
09:27 cait             i hope not :)
09:27 ashimema         ok.. clearly I am going mad then
09:27 cait             well hidden
09:27 cait             as I said, I might noe ven now it would work
09:27 ashimema         I was sure there was an inputbox trigger somewhere
09:26 ashimema         yeah.. but those are both a button trigger
09:26 cait             maybe some local code or something well hidden
09:26 cait             I have never seen both
09:26 cait             it's either autocomplete in the input OR the pop-up one now
09:26 ashimema         weird
09:26 cait             the window is there for example when adding owners to funds
09:26 ashimema         but I thought some did
09:26 ashimema         hmm.. I was aware some didn't do it
09:26 huginn           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=25187 trivial, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Instructor search only display first ten results which may not be enough for common names
09:26 cait             bug 25187
09:25 ashimema         I hardly ever see the popover window now..
09:25 cait             we discussed that there should be a way to trigger a "full serach" option if the autocomplete/one field input doesn't work
09:25 ashimema         I could have swarn it used to do the fallback search
09:25 cait             I thnk we have a bug about that somewhere because it was a problem in places like course reserves
09:24 cait             for the auto completes it was find something or not
09:24 cait             in patron module empty gives you a list of all
09:24 cait             which was a problem in some spots
09:24 cait             I don't think that's how it worked
09:24 ashimema         I can't seem to find any examples of that now.. did I imagine it?
09:23 ashimema         I seem to remember patron searches.. lots of them would start with autocomplete, but if you didn't select a result and instead just hit return it would pop open the popover patron search window
09:23 ashimema         am I going mad
09:23 ashimema         lol
09:23 cait             this cait too
09:22 cait1            yes
09:22 ashimema         cait around still?
09:20 paulderscheid[m] Ah, that's sweet :) Thanks.
09:19 cait1            yes, we missed you :)
08:56 paulderscheid[m] Hi
08:56 ashimema         Morning
08:56 paulderscheid[m] Finally back!
08:55 cait1            morning paulderscheid[m] :)
08:55 paulderscheid[m] Morning $koha
08:40 cait1            we've not had that happen (yet)
07:52 ashimema         Impressive
07:45 magnuse          well, i have seen 40k at the most, i think
07:45 magnuse          our theory has been that a barcode has somehow been read into the "add many items" field
07:44 magnuse          ashimema: it happens
07:01 marcelr          thx ashimema++
07:01 marcelr          some keyboard error?
06:55 ashimema         how on earth does one accidentally add 800000 items !
06:51 marcelr          removing duplicate code is great
06:49 cait             I'll probably be back on bugs tomorrow - just back in the office today
06:49 huginn           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34092 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, pedro.amorim, Needs Signoff , patron-autocomplete.js and patron-search.inc search logic should match
06:49 wahanui          bug 34092 is cool
06:49 ashimema         bug 34092
06:49 marcelr          small patch, marked major
06:49 marcelr          right
06:49 huginn           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34146 major, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , How to limit number of copies (on additem and serials-edit)?
06:49 marcelr          bug 34146
06:49 marcelr          no
06:49 huginn           04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34147 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Patron Search Displays "Processing" when Category Has Library Limitations that Exclude the Logged In Branch Name
06:49 marcelr          bug 34147 is ready for qa
06:48 wahanui          i think ashimema is back on security bugs today.. sorry, it's been a bit of a crazy week
06:48 marcelr          and ashimema
06:48 ashimema         morning
06:48 marcelr          hi cait
06:48 * cait1          waves
06:34 marcelr          hi #koha
06:25 huginn           tuxayo: The operation succeeded.
06:25 tuxayo           @later tell ashimema hi :) My sandbox named vanilla goes 503 when another one created at the same time works. http://sandboxes.ptfs-europe.co.uk I guess it due to that I always give it that name to test and it triggers a bug.
06:22 tuxayo           And then change the syspref to make the languages visible in the interfaces
06:22 tuxayo           aleisha: I don't know the arguments of koha-translate but you can try the lower level command: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/User:Victor_Grousset_-_tuxayo/Translation#Deploy_the_translation
01:32 aleisha          can someone please advise how to install another language in koha testing docker? koha-translate seems to do things but at the end i have no other language than en
01:31 wahanui          what's up, aleisha
01:31 aleisha          hello