Time  Nick                   Message
06:32 reiveune               hello
06:32 wahanui                hola, reiveune
06:45 alex_                  Bonjour
06:45 wahanui                niihau, alex_
06:45 cait                   davidnind++ :)
07:01 magnuse                \o/
07:27 Joubu                  ~\o/~
07:36 magnuse                Joubu: drowning?
07:36 * magnuse              hands ashtart__ the superglue
07:38 aw-bib[m]              hello :)
07:39 aw-bib[m]              may I ask, is https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Holdings_data_fields_(9xx) current or are those subfield definitions outdated? just wondering as I filled in quite a few and according to the table 952$y * 	Koha item type but it seems this one shold go to |c. at least the record editor is complaining about a missing item type.
07:40 aw-bib[m]              (our flavour is marc21)
07:49 Joubu                  yes almost drowned already!
08:10 magnuse                aw-bib[m]: that page should be current
08:12 aw-bib[m]              ok. is there a difference between 952 passed in by some marcXML and 952 in the record editor I should be aware of? if I open such a record in the editor it tells me that a mandatory field is not set, but I do pass it on in |y as given. maybe I missunderstand the value of |y in said table. I assume BK for book in default settings, right?
08:15 magnuse                BK looks like a good candidate for 952y, yes
08:16 aw-bib[m]              ok, then I'll put this complaint of the record editor on my mystery to solve list ;) thank you!
09:01 cait                   aw-bib[m]: 942$c is the itemtype on record level - it's mandatory by default - maybe that's what you mean?
09:01 cait                   the items inherit as a suggestion on the item form when you manually add them, you can also use it to search by itemtype for records without items and it's used in some circulation contexts (article requests, hold calculations)
09:02 cait                   so what you saw is not linked to the items, just the itemtype on a different level
09:18 Joubu                  cait: messy signoff on 33973
09:19 cait                   ah sorry, probably missed it's 2 patches
09:20 cait                   Ican try to fix tonight, but probably not ealrier
09:20 Joubu                  Did I miss the roadmap link somewhere?
09:21 cait                   i think the wiki page was not created yet, tcohen?
09:21 cait                   that is something I could make a draft for if youwant
09:21 cait                   we could maybe do a table? topics, interested parties, progress?
09:23 ashimema               +1
09:26 aw-bib[m]              silly me, you're right the two tags were to close to each other and my miss-conception was that the record type is derived from the leader and 008 where I have similar information. thanks again! :)
09:40 cait                   you are welcome - and not wrong either, the material type/format and other things are derived from LDR, 007, 008
09:42 cait                   item type is more a circulation type if you take a closer look, the translation Medientyp is a bit unfortunate in that regard
09:43 cait                   but it was hard to change, I tried at one point :)  itemtype can be linked to material types (because you circulate your serials differently than your books), but it could also be something like "short term loan"
09:43 cait                   or "reference" (Präsenz)
09:44 cait                   sometimes it's a mix too
09:47 cait                   tcohen: ok with me makign a draft for roadmap?
09:52 aw-bib[m]              @cait thanks for all the input :)  you just pointed me at another long ignored field (007) that I have to derive. as mentioned some days ago as our invenio is pretty ignorant of controlfields we had to model most of this slightly differently. so I am not too familar with all those things (yet ;)
09:52 huginn                 aw-bib[m]: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready
09:52 wahanui                i already had it that way, huginn.
09:53 cait                   the buts react on the @ :)
09:54 cait                   hm you used to get a link to a new page when making a serach... but no longer. any new trick?
09:54 cait                   (wiki)
09:56 cait                   the link is gone, even if the result list is empty
09:58 cait                   found a trick...
10:08 cait                   tcohen: ashimema: draf is here https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Roadmap_for_23.11
10:19 ashimema               nice one
10:36 cait                   the buts earlier shoudl have read "the bots"...
11:32 marcelr                o/
11:52 NikolayGospodinov[m]   Hello! I have a problem when trying to install Koha. On this step (Create a Koha instance) i get this message:
11:53 NikolayGospodinov[m]   Koha requires mpm_itk to be enabled within Apache in order to run.
11:53 NikolayGospodinov[m]   Typically this can be enabled with:
11:53 NikolayGospodinov[m]   sudo a2dismod mpm_event ; sudo a2enmod mpm_itk
11:53 NikolayGospodinov[m]   my mpm_event module is enabled
11:54 NikolayGospodinov[m]   Can someone help me please
11:55 aw-bib[m]              if i get the message right it does not want mpm_event but mpm_itk from the typically this can be enabled with I read an explicit disable for your module and an explicit enable for the other one. (though I am no apache expert.)
11:55 NikolayGospodinov[m]   ok
11:56 aw-bib[m]              iow (if you use sudo) you can just copy the line to switch them.
11:57 NikolayGospodinov[m]   when i run sudo a2enmod mpm_itk this message is shown
11:57 NikolayGospodinov[m]   ERROR: Module mpm_itk does not exist!
11:58 tcohen                 hola cait
11:58 tcohen                 hola #koha o/
11:58 tcohen                 cait++
11:58 NikolayGospodinov[m]   i try to install sudo apt-get install -y apache2-mpm-itk but this message is shown:  Package apache2-mpm-itk is not available, but is referred to by another package.
11:58 tcohen                 NikolayGospodinov[m]: what Koha version, following which instructions on which OS?
11:59 NikolayGospodinov[m]   I am using Debian 12, https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Koha_on_Debian
11:59 tcohen                 hmmm
11:59 aw-bib[m]              mpm_itk should be available in bookworm.
12:00 aw-bib[m]              but it's libapache2-mpm-itk
12:00 aw-bib[m]              https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/libapache2-mpm-itk
12:00 NikolayGospodinov[m]   I use this guide
12:00 aw-bib[m]              you might want to give apt install libapache2-mpm-itk a try.
12:00 tcohen                 Debian 12 should be fine, but it has just been released and I'm not sure we 100% tested on it
12:01 aw-bib[m]              * you might want to give apt install libapache2-mpm-itk a try.
12:01 tcohen                 what Koha version again?
12:01 NikolayGospodinov[m]   the last stable version
12:01 wahanui                it has been said that the last stable version is 18.11
12:01 NikolayGospodinov[m]   i am using the guide
12:02 tcohen                 NikolayGospodinov[m]: I recomment you pick 22.11 and wait until july to upgrade
12:03 NikolayGospodinov[m]   you think the problem is with the version?
12:03 cait                   forget latest stable version
12:03 wahanui                cait: I forgot latest stable version
12:03 cait                   23.05 is just 2 weeks old
12:03 tcohen                 if you are starting to try it, it's ok
12:04 Joubu                  "stable" is misleading in this case :D
12:04 NikolayGospodinov[m]   what about the error with the mpm-itk. Is it connected to the koha version
12:04 Joubu                  I don't think so
12:04 tcohen                 Joubu: it is stable, only a couple rough edges
12:06 tcohen                 :-P
12:07 cait                   how new is Debian12?
12:07 aw-bib[m]              still warm ;)
12:07 Joubu                  NikolayGospodinov[m]: did you try to install libapache2-mpm-itk?
12:08 aw-bib[m]              * warm ;) June 10th, 2023
12:09 cait                   sounds "hot" :)
12:09 NikolayGospodinov[m]   Yes. Again shows this: Module mpm_itk does not exist!
12:10 aw-bib[m]              mind the name: libapache2-mpm-itk
12:10 Joubu                  libapache2-mpm-itk vs apache2-mpm-itk?
12:11 NikolayGospodinov[m]   i run this command: apt-get install libapache2-mpm-itk
12:11 aw-bib[m]              and then you also enabled it, right?
12:12 NikolayGospodinov[m]   Then i run this command: sudo a2enmod mpm_itk
12:12 NikolayGospodinov[m]   and it shows: Module mpm_itk does not exist!
12:15 aw-bib[m]              apt need root rights, (sudo or whatever) and it did install the pacakge? (dpkg --get-selections | grep itk eg. should show it.)
12:16 NikolayGospodinov[m]   when i run dpkg --get-selections | grep itk it shows: libapache2-mpm-itk				install
12:16 aw-bib[m]              so this looks promising, the package is there.
12:16 aw-bib[m]              a2enmod mpm_itk in my case will then enable it.
12:17 aw-bib[m]              (or tell me that it is already enabled.)
12:17 aw-bib[m]              again needs root rigths (sudo or the like)
12:18 * NikolayGospodinov[m] uploaded an image: (16KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/JixrKrPHwDIqNgdHzUigEMvF/image.png >
12:18 Joubu                  "unable to resolve"
12:18 Joubu                  is the error
12:18 aw-bib[m]              yepp.
12:18 aw-bib[m]              maybe https://linuxhandbook.com/sudo-unable-resolve-host/ is worth a read on this.
12:21 NikolayGospodinov[m]   i added library as host
12:21 NikolayGospodinov[m]   Still
12:21 * NikolayGospodinov[m] uploaded an image: (10KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/QlAhLnbMOJnbAmwChoXnIxzc/image.png >
12:22 * Joubu                running a debian:12 docker image
12:26 tcohen                 Joubu++
12:27 Joubu                  I reached koha-create succesfully
12:27 Joubu                  NikolayGospodinov[m]: did you restart apache2?
12:28 Joubu                  ls /etc/apache2/mods-available/mpm_*
12:34 Joubu                  NikolayGospodinov[m]: still around?
12:34 NikolayGospodinov[m]   is your mpm_event enabled?
12:35 Joubu                  it should not, given the error you have
12:35 NikolayGospodinov[m]   i restart it
12:35 NikolayGospodinov[m]   but mine is
12:35 Joubu                  apache2ctl -M|grep event
12:35 Joubu                  returns nothing
12:36 Joubu                  `apache2ctl -M|grep mpm` returns
12:36 * NikolayGospodinov[m] uploaded an image: (19KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/mzbIJWAYnTRslAEMoLagRrPg/image.png >
12:36 Joubu                  mpm_itk_module (shared)
12:36 Joubu                  mpm_prefork_module (shared)
12:36 Joubu                  dismod mpm_event
12:36 Joubu                  a2dismod mpm_event && a2enmod mpm_itk
12:38 NikolayGospodinov[m]   this is what happend
12:38 * NikolayGospodinov[m] uploaded an image: (204KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/AQaqyYfxmFsHOupjhhseqEXH/image.png >
12:39 Joubu                  what does contain the apache logs?
12:47 NikolayGospodinov[m]   [Wed Jun 14 08:37:15.074905 2023] [mpm_event:notice] [pid 177019:tid 140662187952000] AH00491: caught SIGTERM, shutting down
12:49 NikolayGospodinov[m]   I do not have this path /etc/apache2/mods-available/mpm_*
13:02 oleonard-away          Joubu: I saw your comment on Bug 33983 but I'm confused because usually I find that [% PROCESS 'i18n.inc' %] has to be in the actual template or there is an error
13:02 huginn                 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33983 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Move translatable strings out of OPAC's datatables.inc into JavaScript
13:05 oleonard               Joubu: I found when working on the title i18n bugs that it doesn't work to put the PROCESS in doc-head-close.inc
13:21 Joubu                  possible, there was one already, html_helpers so I thought it would work!
13:25 Joubu                  NikolayGospodinov[m]: I am sorry I have no idea what's going on
13:25 Joubu                  there should be a meaningful error somewhere
13:27 Joubu                  ho there is one: "no mpm loaded"
13:34 Joubu                  cait, tcohen: I am editing the roadmap wiki page to replace the table with section
13:34 cait                   why?
13:34 cait                   it's just going to be messy again
13:35 cait                   and API is an abbreviation
13:35 cait                   I was just gonig to fill it with some data too
13:36 cait                   are you not using the visual editor?
13:38 cait                   we could at least compare both before deciding
13:38 Joubu                  I think the table is messy
13:39 cait                   API is still capitals.
13:40 cait                   sorry, I just spent some time on it this morning I didn't really have. Woudl have liked to at least see it tried out
13:40 Joubu                  ok
13:41 Joubu                  I am not the one who did that atually
13:41 Joubu                  I was editing it as well but didn't save
13:41 Joubu                  I just wanted to put my stuffs somewhere I will wait a bit more
13:42 cait                   I don't feel like we do well with long text pages
13:43 Joubu                  the tool is not the problem IMO :D
13:43 Joubu                  so whatever you decide is fine for me
13:44 cait                   you are right
13:44 cait                   maybe we can do a template for the sections ?
13:44 cait                   like they should all have a title, description, person list and some status?
13:49 cait                   sorry for being grouchy - just dealing with a lot of complaints and borken stuff the last hour
14:03 Joubu                  https://snipboard.io/Wk2jUx.jpg - this is what I had
14:07 cait                   looks good - maybenot sure about the bug link in the heading -
14:11 cait                   hm conflict resolving in mediawiki is confusing
14:11 cait                   i just lost the new attempt :(
14:21 oleonard               How did I mess up my permissions in such a way that I can't use recalls with superlibrarian privileges?
14:21 oleonard               It works correctly with the sample data...
14:22 cait                   Joubu: second suggestion more in line with yours, what do you think? https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Roadmap_for_23.11
14:22 Joubu                  oleonard: if the permission is not in the DB
14:23 oleonard               I must have missed a db update somewhere.
14:23 Joubu                  cait: it's missing a header I think
14:23 cait                   I used h2 and h3
14:24 cait                   but the sectiosn don't really separate well
14:24 Joubu                  "Update Font Awesome - Bug 32910" is a sub entry of "UI"
14:24 huginn                 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32910 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Pushed to master , Upgrade fontawesome icons to V6
14:24 cait                   ah ok, i was just trying to do a sample one
14:24 Joubu                  API and Refactoring at tghe same level of UI
14:24 cait                   ok, that's an easys fix
14:27 Joubu                  what are the major issues with the task queue?
14:28 cait                   https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Roadmap_for_23.11pease check again
14:28 Joubu                  looks good
14:29 Joubu                  no collaborative plugin for the wiki?
14:29 Joubu                  collaborative editor*
14:37 cait                   i don't know what you are talking about :)
14:37 cait                   is that to edit at the same timeß
14:38 Joubu                  yes to avoid the lock and loosing edits you know :D
14:42 cait                   it would be nice...
14:42 cait                   not sure if Mediawiki can do that at all
14:44 Joubu                  https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/VisualEditor/Real-time_collaboration
14:44 Joubu                  "The code is currently experimental and unstable. "
14:44 Joubu                  but well... then... why the wiki?
14:45 Joubu                  I am kidding, I said I didn't care!
14:52 oleonard               Can you not place a recall on behalf of a patron via the staff interface?
14:58 caroline               oleonard, I don't think so
14:58 caroline               I think it's in the plans to add it, but so far it's only through the opac
14:59 oleonard               What an odd omission
15:00 caroline               Maybe they just wanted to get it into Koha, and then work on it further... Recalls are one of those who lingered for many years
15:02 cait1                  oleonard: there is a bug for that i'd love to get in
15:02 cait1                  it makes it much more useful
15:02 cait1                  bug 31391
15:02 huginn                 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31391 enhancement, P3, ---, aleisha, Signed Off , Staff-side recalls