Time  Nick           Message
06:10 magnuse        \o/
07:37 aw-bib[m]      hello! I am pretty new to koha, so I am still trying it find my way around. as my current job is to migrate an existing, running ILS to koha, I wonder where I can find some pointers for this migration steps. AFAIS the bibliographics seems pretty straight forward (I'll have to juggle some ouf our marc, but that's fine) but I did not yet find hints on how to migrate the patrons, their loans, ideally historic loan data (so we don't loose all
07:37 aw-bib[m]      usage stats). Could someone in the know probably give me some pointers here? (I don't mind to write a few lines of code for this endeavour, in fact I am pretty sure I have to as we use a not so common ILS right now.)
07:59 cait           hi #koha
08:00 cait           For patrons you can use the patron import tool
08:00 cait           it requires a csv file, but the instructions are all listed on the tool page
08:00 cait           if you have a lot of patorns, there is a command line script that can do it (avoids running into timeouts with big files)
08:00 cait           it works the same as the tool
08:00 cait           aw-bib[m]: ^
08:00 aw-bib[m]      ah, a cli would indeed come in handy!
08:01 cait           easiest for items is to include them as 952 in your MARC records
08:01 cait           Koha will create items from 952 fields on import
08:02 cait           for any other data you'd want to write scripts to add to the database tables directly
08:02 cait           checkouts go into issues (as an example)
08:02 cait           This is the patron import script: https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/src/branch/master/misc/import_patrons.pl
08:04 aw-bib[m]      I noticed 952 and am about to rewrite our holdings to this tag. but how about historic loans or who has the item right now? IOW how do I feed the patron accounts?
08:06 aw-bib[m]      Maybe this is what you refer to by writing to the db directly.
08:07 aw-bib[m]      There isn't by any chance some write up which data how to what table?
08:08 aw-bib[m]      (Btw: I could even imagine to call up some koha api to feed it in.)
08:13 cait           I think the API mihgt not work for that (yet)
08:13 cait           you can ask here, for checkouts it's 2 things you'll need:
08:13 cait           table issues
08:13 cait           and then when you  have that, update items.onloan for your checked out items with the due date
08:14 cait           you could in theory use the offline circulation file format, but it's limited in what it lets you do, like you can't migrate the due dates that way
08:14 aw-bib[m]      cait: ok, good to know then I'll not search for it ;)
08:16 aw-bib[m]      btw: for the last migration I missused the sip-back end for some sort of replay. but on that system I wrote said back end. (funnily enough we used koha code in front of these functions.)
08:19 cait           You could try SIP, but it might be more painful that way than just using SQL
08:19 cait           and with SQL you'll get the best results usually, like you can also migrate the number of renewals, last renewal date, etc. if your current system has those
08:21 aw-bib[m]      ah, cool. ok, then I'll dive into the sql. indeed, on the current system I do have quite some data and if it's possible to keep those I'd go for it.
08:23 aw-bib[m]      btw: am I correct, that koha stores almost all config in sql and only a basic outset in conf-files? (I am wondering as I'd like to set up at least two identical boxes one for me to play and screw up and one where we can dive into the actual usage of koha.)
08:25 cait           yes, I think you could say that most ist in the db
08:25 cait           for migration testing if you have a clone with the same db that shoud work very well
08:25 cait           someone from Biblibre around maybe?
08:26 cait           jajm: alex_ matts?
08:26 aw-bib[m]      ok. then I'll need to dive into this for the setup as well. afais the installer and onboarding tools both "just" upload a st of sqls, so maybe I can prepare something similar here as well.
08:28 cait           yes, they mostly select some SQL files and add some basic configurationt o db
08:29 aw-bib[m]      ok, then I got this right. thank you already for all this info. :) beware I may come back with a lot more... ;)
08:31 cait           it's ok, the IRC chat is a good place to ask for those things
08:31 cait           may I ask what system you currently use and where your library is?
08:35 aw-bib[m]      sure. currently we run invenio 1 "with a few modifications" that reached the end of life time. as we use the current setup for more than just the ils the search for a successor wasn't that easy and right now we are in the uncomfortable situation to split what we had in one system again into two, and I won the ILS migration while another group is migrating the repository (that also holds quite a lot of CRISish functions.)
08:43 cait           ah makes sense
08:44 cait           I have heard about invenio, but never migrated it or seen it in action
08:45 aw-bib[m]      if you're interested we can schedule some hands on. it's actually a nice system, the main issue is that upstream (3.x) they switched the focus quite a bit.
08:45 cait           thx for the kind offer, but have my hands pretty full at the moment
08:46 cait           just wonderng, since I think invenio is swiss, are you german speaking? :)
08:46 aw-bib[m]      well swiss, I'd call it CERN. but indeed I am from germany and also german speaking, yes.
09:00 magnuse        cait++
09:01 magnuse        we could write those tips up as a wiki page
09:02 magnuse        there is https://koha-community.org/manual/22.11/en/html/implementation_checklist.html#data-migration but that lacks some of the technical details
09:06 cait           aw-bib[m]: just a guess, I am in Konstanz :)
09:06 aw-bib[m]      magnuse: just to note: as I have to write this up anyway I could well imagine to contribute there. One issue we have is that I'd like to avoid _clicking it all together_. for some practical reasons and lessons learned from our project I tend to favour git controlled parameters added automatically. (not because we are _that large_.)
09:06 aw-bib[m]      cait: Moin from Hamburg. ;)
09:10 cait           heh :) probably too far to see me waving then
09:12 aw-bib[m]      oh well. I'll wave back, you know it's quite flat here ;)
10:26 paxed          oh, nice, i was just looking at the SIP TT processing, nice to see bug 33043 fixes it
10:26 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33043 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Use process_tt in SIP modules
10:51 ashimema       morning
11:02 cait           morning and welcome back:)
11:03 ashimema       lots of things to catch up on
11:03 ashimema       seems like it was a rather busy week last week
11:11 oleonard       Still waiting for KohaCon registration to open eh?
11:14 magnuse        aw-bib[m]: if you can write up your findings on the wiki that would be awesome
11:14 aw-bib[m]      I'll do my very best.
11:16 cait           if you need a proof reader let me know
11:18 cait           oh and let me know when you register, I can moderate the wiki account request :)
11:18 aw-bib[m]      ack. I'll first write it up as I go here on my box but once I got something working that is actually migrating some of our data to the proper fields...
11:31 tcohen         names
11:31 cait           hello to you too, tcohen ;)
11:31 tcohen         hola #koha o/
11:32 tcohen         hola cait
11:35 tcohen         did I miss too much on friday?
11:35 cait           I was not around much either
11:36 tcohen         we had a really positive KOha presentation in Buenos Aires
11:36 tcohen         (and ASpen)
11:36 cait           awesome :)
11:36 oleonard       ooh, nice tcohen !
11:49 magnuse        yay, getting close to 500 contributors!
11:55 cait           hea numbers have also grown quite a bit again
12:27 ashimema       there's a bug on this line right: https://git.koha-community.org/Koha-community/Koha/blame/branch/22.11.x/misc/cronjobs/advance_notices.pl#L422
12:28 ashimema       we should surely be sending $digests there and not $due_digest
12:31 cait           hm there is more mentions of $due_digest
12:33 cait           but it looks like you are right
12:45 nikkom         Hi koha.  "I want to change logo in intranet (8080). I add these lines into IntranetUserCSS. It doesnt work" (9 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/15534
12:45 nikkom         How can I change the logo?
13:16 magnuse        huh? getting this in the plack error log: Invalid version format (non-numeric data) at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Installer/PerlModules.pm line 83, <DATA> line 755.
13:16 magnuse        that line looks like: my $pkg_version = $module->can("VERSION") ? $module->VERSION : 0;
13:17 magnuse        makes the "about" page throw a 500 error
13:21 PedroAmorim[m] magnuse: is this master?
13:22 magnuse        no, 22.05.06
13:22 magnuse        with some patches
13:22 PedroAmorim[m] at a glance it seems like some module is returning a version with some stuff in it other than numbers!
13:23 magnuse        yup
13:23 PedroAmorim[m] can you dump $module->VERSION somewhere in the code?
13:24 magnuse        i did a "warn $pkg_version;" after the line above, but all i got was "0.19" as the last one before the error
13:28 PedroAmorim[m] try it before the line
13:28 PedroAmorim[m] and if that fails, try dumping the whole $module see what last module name shows up before the 500
13:36 magnuse        thanks, i'll have to leave that for tomorrow. gotta run off and make dinner!
13:45 PedroAmorim[m] nikkom: staff UI was redesigned in 22.11, that selector in your pastebin does not work anymore because .gradient no longer exists
14:28 tcohen         mtj: around?
16:29 cait           bye #koha
16:33 ashimema       anyone know who Sam Lau is?
16:33 ashimema       they're marching up the dashboard with signoffs
16:33 oleonard       ashimema: An intern at ByWater
16:34 ashimema       ah,, cool
16:34 ashimema       I thought the name rang a bell
16:34 ashimema       nice work
17:02 tcohen         bug 21983
17:02 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=21983 blocker, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Needs Signoff , Better handling of deleted biblios on ILL requests
17:04 tcohen         ^^ ashimema
17:04 tcohen         need your eye
17:05 ashimema       Will take a look in 5
17:08 tcohen         I'll prepare a 22.11 patch
17:08 tcohen         if we agree
17:08 tcohen         well, it is basically just skipping the 23.05 db_rev fix
17:24 ashimema       Looks solid to me tcohen
17:34 tcohen         ashimema: good
17:34 ashimema       just booting the laptop to actually test it.
17:38 ashimema       stupid question
17:38 ashimema       should deleted_biblio_id be a foreign key on the deleted_biblio table?
17:40 tcohen         I thought the same...
17:40 tcohen         and saw aqorders didn't have the fk
17:40 ashimema       it's not for the aqorders case
17:40 ashimema       haha
17:40 tcohen         right
17:40 ashimema       I imagine it might make things in DelBiblio more complex?
17:40 * ashimema     hasn't fully read that code recenly
17:41 tcohen         this deals with DelBiblio in an elegant way
17:41 tcohen         cait insisted statistics would benefit from keeping it, so...
17:41 tcohen         I left it
17:42 tcohen         read the codce
17:42 ashimema       fair enough
17:44 ashimema       leave it as is.. if cait wants it for stats
17:45 ashimema       adding a key would need a modification to DelBiblio.. you'd need to copy the biblio to deletedbiblio before setting the deleted_biblio_id in illrequests
17:45 ashimema       anywho.. time for me to clock out for a second time 😜
17:45 ashimema       see ya tomorrow
17:45 * ashimema     SO'd
17:51 tcohen         thank you
18:34 tcohen         cait: please review the ill fk bug
18:34 tcohen         whenever you can
19:06 cait           on my todo list already, thx!
23:25 mtj            hi tcohen, about now