Time  Nick  Message
15:44 jpl   Hi!
15:44 jpl   Is anyone here familiar with how the process of sending out notices works?
15:46 jpl   I created a template for the Item check-out message and activated it in the messaging preferences for a patron.
15:48 jpl   The message gets sent out correctly if only one item is checked out, however if a patron checks out multiple items at once, they get one message for each checkout, each of which also contain the complete text from the previous messages
15:49 jpl   The parameters are substituted correctly, but it looks like Koha doesn't clear some buffer between messages and instead just appends the new text.
16:42 jpl__ I also don't understand why the notice is called "Item check-out (digest)" despite it not being a digest
16:42 jpl__ And Koha doesn't seem to support digests for check out emails.
16:50 jpl__ This the template I'm using and the emails that get sent out: https://pastebin.com/MKZ7TM9n