Time  Nick                 Message
19:28 fridolin             byebye then ;)
19:20 tcohen               exit
19:20 tcohen               quit
16:51 reiveune             bye
15:20 cait                 have a nice wekeend all!
12:59 cait                 hi caroline :)
12:56 caroline             good morning!
12:43 cait                 not a given
12:43 cait                 it might be
12:43 oleonard             On a Friday that's after quitting time ;)
12:40 cait                 2pm here... :)
12:21 oleonard             jajm around?
12:00 magnuse_             \o/
11:59 * khall              waves
11:59 magnuse_             ...and khall
11:59 magnuse_             kia ora oleonard
11:51 oleonard-away        o/
11:27 magnuse_             ¡hola tcohen!
11:22 tcohen               hola #koha o/
09:51 huginn               Oak: The operation succeeded.
09:51 Oak                  @later tell jcamins Happy birthday!
09:43 cait                 marcelr: ok thanks, I'll try
09:42 marcelr              it seems that i am only working on my fqa points today ;)
08:31 marcelr              cait: but the question I raised for you earlier on the report and its follow-up, still needs your attention :)
08:29 marcelr              cait: i did not use the short form in the new code, there should be no problem whatsoever; it is just convenient in the interface
08:23 cait                 (and I really shoudl look at the bug)
08:23 cait                 i mean it will be handy, but we could build links with the standard name
08:23 cait                 is the alias really needed? just wondering - it might cause problems for update if used in the code - people don't get new mappngs automtically
07:32 marcelr              ashimema++
07:31 ashimema             sorry for the delay.. I've been rather overwhelmed of late ☹️
07:30 ashimema             pqa
07:28 ashimema             ok
07:28 marcelr              i am not adding something new, but just an alias
07:28 ashimema             doh
07:28 ashimema             ho.. did I somehow miss that!
07:28 marcelr              admin/searchengine/elasticsearch/mappings.yaml:  control-number:
07:26 marcelr              +++ b/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/QueryBuilder.pm @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ our %index_field_convert = (    +    'cnum' => 'control-number',
07:25 marcelr              did he see the question?
07:25 ashimema             that was his response to me.. seems he didn't add it to the bug
07:25 ashimema             the only bit I am not sure about is the indexing, there is some massaging it looks like in the utils - and I don't see where we have an equivalent in ES
07:24 ashimema             ah, he didn't comment
07:24 marcelr              what did you ask specifically ?
07:24 ashimema             I asked Nick.
07:24 marcelr              ashimema, cait: martin had raised a question about Elastic and nick should answer that, not sure ?
07:23 cait                 marcelr: I saw your note on that one, still on my list
07:22 cait                 ;)
07:22 MichaelaSieberBIB[m] cait: good luck ;-)
07:21 cait                 last training session today - bbl
07:20 fridolin             cait: ah oki, no problem, i check
07:20 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29185 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Show MARC21 tag 765 - Original Language Entry
07:20 marcelr              hi ashimema, any news on bug 29185 ?
07:19 cait                 German is all translated
07:19 cait                 sorry if that was not clear :(
07:18 cait                 oh i gave you a "done" yesterday
07:18 ashimema             we're massively behind on the queue now. too
07:18 cait                 fridolin: maybe you want to check French too, it was quite a bit because of the breadcrumbs/page title work
07:18 ashimema             I'm waiting on the go ahead from cait
07:18 cait                 that caused a delay
07:18 cait                 strings are only there since day before yesterday
07:18 cait                 fridolin: the translation script was broken
07:17 cait                 good morning #koha
07:17 fridolin             ashimema: hi, any idea when release of 22.11.05 ?
06:57 alex_                Bonjour
06:18 marcelr              o/
06:04 magnuse_             \o/
05:38 Cornfusion           maybe I'll try back tomorrow :)
05:30 Cornfusion           Anyone got an idea of how to solve the staging issue?
05:29 Cornfusion           Hello, I have a fresh install of Rosalie on Ubuntu 22.04.2; having issues staging even one marc record gleaned from z39 loc via marcedit; file uploads but fails in the staging; tail -f of logs is giving me the following: "[Thu Apr 27 21:40:31.936207 2023] [cgi:error] [pid 1594543] [client] AH01215: ) at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/BackgroundJob.pm line 148.: /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/tools/stage-marc-import.pl, referer: ....
03:53 aleisha              have a good weekend everyone