Time  Nick                 Message
19:14 cait                 thx :)
19:13 davidnind            I'm working through the two requiring sign off now
19:11 cait                 shoudl we ask on ml or so for sign-offs?
19:11 cait                 oleonard: awesome
18:42 oleonard             As far as I can tell it's time to retire the "built-in" offline circulation system.
18:41 oleonard-away        cait1 I think that's all the breadcrumb wrapper patches... Except for offline circ which I don't want to deal with XD
17:15 huginn               tcohen: mtj was last seen in #koha 4 hours, 7 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: <mtj> look for spikes in busy apache processes, for a start
17:15 tcohen               @seen mtj
15:52 reiveune             bye
15:23 cait2                I don't think they are mapped to any MARC fields by default, or are they?
15:22 cait2                we don't ever use them right now
15:22 cait2                I am not sure if cn_source woudl be inherited to the item...
15:22 cait2                ashimema: i think they don't do anything actually
15:15 * ashimema           can't seem to trace the code back
15:15 ashimema             do you happen to know
15:15 ashimema             are cn_source, cn_class, cn_item, cn_suggix and cn_sort in the biblioitems table all doing stuff..
15:15 ashimema             cait2 still around?
15:08 cait2                oh 3 am - daylight savings
15:07 cait2                5 am in nz now :)
15:06 tcohen               need to talk about the build pipeline
15:06 tcohen               mtj: can we schedule a call in a couple hours?
13:19 tcohen               I really want your feedback on that one
13:18 tcohen               cool, thanks marcelr
13:16 marcelr              i can add qa stamp after signoff
13:15 marcelr              tcohen: i agree with it but couldnt test it
13:11 tcohen               marcelr, #koha this needs urgent attention 33576
13:07 mtj                  look for spikes in busy apache processes, for a start
13:05 mtj                  cabillman[m]: no probs, consider installing munin (or similar) on the servers, to track its behavior
13:00 cabillman[m]         thanks for helping think this through
12:59 cabillman[m]         i'm still thinking this might have just been timeout related with my connection dropping on/off and the vpn
12:59 cabillman[m]         things seem to be ok right now with our actual users in
12:57 cabillman[m]         the second time i let it go and it eventually fixed itself. CPU was 0 the entire time
12:57 cabillman[m]         the first time things were locked up i bounced plack and everything was fine
12:56 cabillman[m]         mtj: I was testing with curl on the server itself. Apache didn't respond so I tried the plack unix socket
12:56 mtj                  cabillman[m]: try accessing koha via apache, rather than the plack socket
12:55 marcelr              i would not recommend running Koha on mysql8 given such things btw
12:55 mtj                  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xvfb
12:53 tcohen               marcelr++
12:53 mtj                  ..and run firefox from there
12:52 mtj                  you can test locally on the server using 'apt install xvfb x11vnc fluxbox'
12:51 mtj                  hi cabillman[m], yeah.. its likely its a network issue
12:50 cabillman[m]         I couldn't even curl the plack unix socket, it would just hang
12:50 cabillman[m]         I suspect this might have just been a timeout issue with jumping on/off the vpn because and holding up the plack processes
12:49 cabillman[m]         mtj: these were new servers for an upgrade/migration and I was the only one able to access them via a VPN
12:41 ashimema             nice one
12:40 cait2                marcel++
12:39 marcelr              tcohen, solved two mysql peculiarities on 33584 now for Jenkins to go green
12:37 marcelr              still able to confirm ?
12:37 marcelr              davidnind: i tested now myself with mysql8, could reproduce and fixed it
12:33 cait2                tcohen++
12:27 mtj                  cabillman[m]: its often webcrawlers or big sql reports that cause koha service problems
12:23 mtj                  have you changed anything recently? can you replicate the problem on a test system?
12:22 mtj                  cabillman[m]: is this a new koha? have your recently upgraded? did the problem happen previously? etc
12:21 mtj                  cabillman[m]: having your koha split between servers introduces complexity
12:09 * tcohen             loves it, just didn't expect so much work this monday
12:07 cait2                ;)
12:07 cait2                tcohen: you don't like your queue?
12:06 mtj                  cabillman[m]: you probably want to start with apache and plack logging
12:03 mtj                  perfect
12:03 mtj                  https://docs.weblate.org/en/latest/admin/install/docker.html
12:02 tcohen               https://github.com/WeblateOrg/docker-compose
12:02 mtj                  https://hub.docker.com/r/weblate/weblate
12:02 mtj                  tcohen: hmm not yet, i did a manual install on a ldev vm
12:01 mtj                  ashimema could apply his fixes in one go
12:01 tcohen               mtj do you have a docker-compose for running it?
12:01 mtj                  being able to export translations, search/replace, then upload - would be useful
11:59 tcohen               weblate++
11:59 mtj                  ashimema: i have been looking a bit at weblate, it has some nice bulk import features
11:58 mtj                  hey #koha
11:56 marcelr              hmm
11:53 tcohen               yikes
11:53 tcohen               really? 70 PQA bugs?=
11:53 tcohen               davidnind: 14 UTC is correct
11:52 marcelr              davidnind++ ## thx for testing mysql 8, will have another look
11:50 * tcohen             checks local time to avoid confusions with daylight saving things
11:49 davidnind            tcohen: so 13:00?
11:48 tcohen               should we make a decision on gitea -> forgejo?
11:47 marcelr              o/
11:46 tcohen               one hour earlier would be the best for me
11:46 tcohen               thank you so much davidnind
11:31 davidnind            tcohen: I've set up the agenda and calendar entry for the next Development IRC Meeting for the 26 April 2023 14:00 UTC (I moved it forward an hour from 15:00) - feel free to change the time if you would like it earlier or later
11:25 cait2                davidnind++ :)
11:25 cait2                ah!
11:24 davidnind            cait2: it should be there now (I had incorrectly just added it to my own calendar instead of the Koha Community calendar...
11:22 cait2                davidnind: did you add it manually? we might have been supposedto run the script, the calendar entry is not there yet
11:21 davidnind            hehe
11:20 cait2                similar with this davidnind it seems!
11:18 davidnind            cait2: it will be 2am here, but as you say you never know with mtj...
11:18 davidnind            I've created an agenda for the Development Meeting for this week, 26 April (have made the time an hour earlier) https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_26_April_2023
11:17 cait2                might be the wrong time for mtj, but you never know
11:13 cabillman[m]         elastic, mysql, and opac are all on separate servers
11:13 cabillman[m]         so this particular box has 4 cpu's and 16gb of ram. Only running the intranet, zebra, and memcache
11:10 cabillman[m]         mtj: I would be shocked if resources is the issue. I have the functions split up because in the past student searches would impact our staff's ability to complete circulation
11:08 davidnind            also making it an hour earlier
11:05 davidnind            I think we just make it at the normal time for this Wednesday
11:05 cait                 switching computers, bakc in a bit
11:04 cait                 if a date has been set, that would be great - or maybe we just make it wednesday?
11:04 cait                 davidnind: I am not sure if a date was set yet or not - the wiki 'next meetings' said 12th
11:04 oleonard             marcelr: No, but the Firefox console does seem to link to the problematic line in jquery.treetable
11:04 cait                 https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Roles_for_23.11 < it's open!
11:03 davidnind            cait: do you want me to set things up for this week for the dev meeting?
11:00 marcelr              this line number 1245 does not really help
11:00 marcelr              great davidnind or at least good to know :)
10:59 huginn               cait: The operation succeeded.
10:59 cait                 @later tell tuxayo has the dev meeting be rescheduled yet? (do you know?)
10:57 davidnind            marcelr: I see the error if I delete all the budgets
10:55 davidnind            cait++
10:53 cait                 no vetos :)
10:51 cait                 I'll set pu the roles page for 23.11, ok?
10:46 marcelr              hi tcohen
10:46 tcohen               hola #koha
10:45 marcelr              seeing also jQuery.Deferred exception: this.data(...) is undefined expandAll@https://DOMAIN/intranet-tmpl/lib/jquery/plugins/treetable/jquery.treetable_22.1200022.js:481:12
10:44 oleonard             I don't see the error, but that seems like a likely place to look
10:43 marcelr              i think so, quite fresh install
10:42 oleonard             marcelr: Do you have no budgets or funds?
10:40 marcelr              wrong window
10:40 marcelr              y
10:40 marcelr              thx
10:40 davidnind            yes, tried in FireFox and in Google Chrome
10:37 marcelr              i guess my acq is very empty here
10:37 marcelr              ok it might be data dependent
10:37 marcelr              in your browser dev console
10:36 davidnind            marcelr: I'm not seeing that on master
10:34 marcelr              Seeing this too? Goto Acquisition home. Check console for: Uncaught TypeError: this.data(...) is undefined     jQuery 2     <anonymous> https://DOMAIN/cgi-bin/koha/acqui/acqui-home.pl:1245     jQuery 13
10:27 oleonard             Hi #koha
09:55 cait1                but we won't be able to pitch in with running/hosting something I am afraid
09:55 cait1                I am open to help testing something else
09:54 ashimema             I won't have time anyway today..
09:53 cait                 I don't have any errors witht he files, but it would be nice if the web interface detected fatal errors...
09:53 cait                 (release without translations)
09:52 cait                 ashimema: i'd be a little upset... I know they will install it right away probably
08:51 ashimema             it shouldn't be this hard to reset
08:51 ashimema             at some point one of the scripts borked them I think..
08:51 ashimema             ours are a right mess.. sysprefs are all mixed up for example
08:51 marcelr              correct=offline change
08:50 marcelr              i tend to only correct really bad translations and just live with the others
08:50 ashimema             it's a nightmare
08:49 marcelr              it is quite laborious the whole process
08:49 ashimema             pootle is no longer fit for purpose
08:49 ashimema             not having offline translations is a nightmare frankly
08:49 ashimema             I'm really annoyed with translations right now to be frank.. the en-GB is totally screwed up and I'm unable to fix it without spending hundreds of hours clicking through each bloody 'suggestion'
08:48 huginn               marcelr: The operation succeeded.
08:48 marcelr              @later tell tcohen please have a look at 33584
08:48 ashimema             I actually was considering spinning the release today.. i presume people would be upset with that given the strings are still behind
08:45 marcelr              ok
08:45 ashimema             afraid not here
08:45 marcelr              anyone of you having a mysql8 db server at hand ?
08:38 ashimema             yikes
08:38 ashimema             5.40am to be more precise..
08:38 ashimema             It's 6am in argentina.. I'll try and catch Bernardo in a few hours
08:37 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] Not heard anything about strings yet
08:29 marcelr              o/
07:51 krimsonkharne[m]     hi #koha
06:46 reiveune             hello
06:37 cait1                MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: sorry, I don't know the other nicks right now - do you know anything from Bernardo?
06:36 cait1                no strng update for 22.11 yet :(
06:08 magnuse_             \o/
04:31 thomas63[m]          I think I found it, so ignore my request for now, will try what I found....
03:41 thomas63[m]          Hi there... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/hlmQcByNipFjKiydUJZmZUWy>)