Time  Nick                 Message
00:44 mtj                  hey #koha
00:44 mtj                  thomas63[m]: you want some SQL like this...
00:44 mtj                  update borrowers set email = regexp_replace(email, '\@vodafone.co.nz$', '@one.co.nz' );
00:46 mtj                  (perhaps try on a test db 1st)
00:47 thomas63[m]          hi mtj... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/guwjSViAbwTppViEYxBBWhtN>)
00:47 thomas63[m]          or is this really the only line I need?
00:49 mtj                  thomas63[m]: its basically it :)
00:50 mtj                  you will need to access your mysql/mariadb database 1st
00:50 thomas63[m]          sounds cool, thanks so much
00:50 thomas63[m]          Will try during the weekend and let you know!
00:50 mtj                  $ sudo koha-mysql mykoha123
00:51 mtj                  MariaDB [koha_mykoha123]> update borrowers set email = regexp_replace(email, '\@vodafone.co.nz$', '@one.co.nz' );
00:52 mtj                  thomas63[m]: aah, there are *3* email fields, so you should update each
00:53 thomas63[m]          and how?
00:53 mtj                  update borrowers set email    = regexp_replace( email, '\@vodafone.co.nz$', '@one.co.nz' );
00:53 mtj                  update borrowers set emailpro = regexp_replace( emailpro, '\@vodafone.co.nz$', '@one.co.nz' );
00:53 mtj                  update borrowers set B_email  = regexp_replace( B_email, '\@vodafone.co.nz$', '@one.co.nz' );
00:54 thomas63[m]          you have a backslash in front of the first @, but not in front of the 2nd one. Is that correct?
00:54 mtj                  yes ^
00:54 thomas63[m]          looks easier that expected ;-)
00:55 mtj                  looks like the slash is probably not required, but it also does not hurt :)
01:01 mtj                  thomas63[m]: good luck, if you get stuck you can always ask for help here 🐹
02:12 thomas63[m]          I am kind of stuck....... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/QojTfkhlppiGudawMEFfLHPM>)
02:15 thomas63[m]          and in the terminal using... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/OLydNMufXOOqLvUynczsBKzu>)
02:33 davidnind            thomas63: koha-list should give you the names of any instances you have
02:35 thomas63[m]          ok, it shows 'library'... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/rDkwrTGKMDWbumHJTaXUcjOW>)
02:35 thomas63[m]          so the installation looks weird...
02:39 davidnind            I'm assuming you can access the staff interface and OPAC, and login?
02:39 thomas63[m]          yes, that works
02:40 thomas63[m]          although I am on a demo db, it's a 1:1 copy of a live productive one
02:40 thomas63[m]          I get the same error messages on the productive one, but it is productive and runs
02:44 davidnind            sorry, I don't know enough about mysql/mariadb to know what it means
02:44 davidnind            can you access mysql with the root user and password?
02:45 thomas63[m]          thanks anyway, at least I know now the real instance name
03:48 mtj                  mysql: [ERROR] unknown variable 'init-file=/var/lib/mysql/init-file_koha.sql'.
03:49 mtj                  thomas63[m]: your demo system is missing that file ^
03:50 thomas63[m]          no, it exists
03:50 thomas63[m]          it exists on production as well, and it's identical
03:50 thomas63[m]          I get the same error message on production
03:50 mtj                  aah, at least you have consistency
03:50 thomas63[m]          yes I do
03:51 thomas63[m]          I thought there is maybe an error in that file
03:56 mtj                  thomas63[m]: the previous sysadmin has added that line to the mysql config file
03:57 mtj                  i think they have added it to the wrong section of the file
03:58 mtj                  grep  -ir  init-file /etc/*
03:58 mtj                  line should been in the [mysqld] section, not the [client] section
04:02 thomas63[m]          it is, it is the only line even... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/AytCcsfTeCBmTlVcbCwABadq>)
04:03 mtj                  thomas63[m]: change to [mysqld] , restart mysql
04:04 thomas63[m]          ahh I see, ok, will try
04:08 thomas63[m]          WORKS !! Thanks a lot
04:09 thomas63[m]          the replace worked now as well
04:38 mtj                  congrats 🍕🐷🍺
05:35 davidnind            mtj++
06:00 marcelr              o/
06:07 magnuse              \o/
06:15 ashimema             \o
06:35 Joubu                tcohen: which selenium tests?
06:36 Joubu                I am seeing failures from basic_workflow.t, not auth
06:36 Joubu                @later tell tcohen which selenium tests? I am seeing failures from basic_workflow.t, not auth.
06:36 huginn               Joubu: The operation succeeded.
06:41 marcelr              Joubu: are you planning to work on 24975 now ? or can I look further ?
06:43 reiveune             hello
06:54 Joubu                marcelr: I will have a look in a bit, yes
06:54 Joubu                I'd like to clean the itemtype code in the controllers
06:58 cait1                good morning good people of #koha :)
06:59 marcelr              hi cait of koha
06:59 Joubu                o/
07:18 ashimema             I'm having a head down in bookings day today. Now it's rebased and most errors fixed I need to revisit the specs and end to end test it to ensure its all solid
07:18 cait1                fingers crossed ashimema :)
07:19 cait1                trianing ILL this morning
08:49 magnuse              ashimema++
08:49 ashimema             ?
09:03 marcelr              anyone have a clue what causes source map errors on bootstrap.bundle.min.js.map ?
09:03 marcelr              and jquery.barrating.min.js.map
09:04 marcelr              do you see them too in your console when hitting opac ?
09:06 marcelr              hmm could it be the load of the server ?
09:09 marcelr              it has to do something with a wrong path not including the version perhaps ?
09:16 marcelr              "GET /opac-tmpl/lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js.map HTTP/1.1" 404
09:17 marcelr              it looks for .map !
09:17 marcelr              where can I correct this ?
09:22 Joubu                we are building the map files only when using the build pipeline for devs
09:23 Joubu                nope, that's for css
09:23 marcelr              do you see that warn in dev console ?
09:23 marcelr              does it impact js execution some how ?
09:26 paulderscheid[m]     No
09:26 marcelr              hmm i am seeing it in 21.11 now too
09:26 paulderscheid[m]     This is just for having a view of the js source in a unminified version.
09:27 paulderscheid[m]     In production builds you omit it for performance.
09:27 marcelr              but it is causing 404s
09:27 marcelr              can you just remove the source mapping url at the end ?
09:28 paulderscheid[m]     Hmm, can we somehow include this in dev but not in prod?
09:28 marcelr              might be harder
09:28 paulderscheid[m]     True
09:29 marcelr              we still have that asset tric with version numbers around it too ?
09:42 paulderscheid[m]     What trick do you mean marcelr ?
09:44 marcelr              the thing we are doing with those version numbers adding and stripping
09:44 marcelr              to force updates
10:06 AnkeB                Hi! Is it possible to set the amount of authorized values displayed in the staff client from 20 to something else (50, 100, or all)? This would make it a lot more comfy.
10:06 AnkeB                (the default, I mean, of course).
10:11 Joubu                the table is not in the "table settings" admin page, so no (unless you do it in JS I guess)
10:21 cait                 MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: can you please push the bug fix from bug 33574? It doesn't affect strings
10:21 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33574 major, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Pushed to master , Restriction type is not stored, all restrictions fall back to MANUAL
10:30 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] <cait> "Matthew Blenkinsop: can you..." <- Just having a look now
10:31 cait                 thx!
10:31 cait                 we ran inot it during training this week, so can verify it's an issue in 22.11.04
10:32 cait                 or more... confirm
10:36 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] Done - pushed to 22.11.05
10:36 cait                 thank you
10:37 cait                 the library I am training is trackign 22.11 right now, so that will make them happy
10:37 cait                 but everyone using the feature too of course
10:42 ashimema             7 years of coding on that one again..
10:42 ashimema             oop
10:52 oleonard             o/
11:08 cait1                hi oleonard
11:47 mtj                  hey #koha
11:48 mtj                  tcohen: hiya, whats the 22.11 error you are getting for packages?
11:52 mtj                  is there a log somewhere?
12:05 cait1                hi mtj
12:05 cait1                tcohen: around?
12:05 cait1                (also looking for him)
12:09 mtj                  hi cait1, have you tried saying his name 3 times?
12:10 cait1                I am a little scard of doing it :)
12:10 cait1                not ure what the error was, but I am training on a 22.11.04 this week - update seems to have worked there
12:11 mtj                  aah nice! i think tomas was talking about a problem specific to koha-dpkg
12:12 Joubu                aude_c[m]: regarding your PR for 24151 (pseudonymization) - I would add a big warning to NOT COPY the bcrypt_settings you are using in the manual
12:12 Joubu                I am afraid someone could reuse it just because they want it to work
12:21 cait1                oleonard: will the template wrappers et cever end? :)
12:24 oleonard             cait1: Only 5 or 6 patches left in the breadcrumb series!
12:24 cait1                oh that's awesome
12:24 cait1                keep them coming :)
12:34 tcohen               hola #koha o/
12:34 tcohen               marcelr: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_My8/lastCompletedBuild/testReport/
12:37 tcohen               oleonard++
12:39 cait1                hola
12:41 tcohen               Joubu: it was the basic workflow, but it was failing on $s->auth locally
12:42 Joubu                did you search for the error on bugzilla?
12:43 aude_c[m]            Joubu Thanks, I will add that!!
13:01 tcohen               marcelr: can you take a look at bug 33576
13:01 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33576 major, P5 - low, ---, nick, Needs Signoff , Records are not indexed when imported if using Elasticsearch
13:03 mtj                  hola tcohen, are any koha-dpkg branches known to work?
13:03 tcohen               mtj: it's yarn that doesn't work
13:04 tcohen               so 22.11+
13:04 tcohen               is failing
13:07 mtj                  ah ok, ill take a look
13:10 caroline             Joubu, aude_c[m] if we muddle the key, would that prevent it from working even if they copy-paste it? ex change a couple of numbers and letters so that it's not really a key
13:13 Joubu                no, it's just a password
13:16 caroline             Ok thanks!  I thought it was like an API key or something
13:16 aude_c[m]            maybe I should make clear in the warning that it's not secure to use that one?
13:21 mtj                  tcohen: i'm getting koha-dpkg build fails on 21.11.18 and 22.05.11 - lots of pkg dependency errors
13:21 tcohen               what command are you running?
13:21 tcohen               for 22.05.11, for example
13:22 mtj                  docker run --volume=/home/mason/git/koha:/koha --volume=/home/mason/tmp/debs:/debs --volume /proc:/proc --privileged --env VERSION="22.05.11" --env RELEASE="22.05" koha/koha-dpkg:master
13:23 caroline             Joubu, does bcrypt expect a certain length? If we remove a couple of characters will it still be valid?
13:23 pastebot             "mtj" at pasted "The following packages have unmet dependencies:" (17 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/6677
13:24 mtj                  tcohen: could you try a 22.05.11 build too, pls?
13:32 tcohen               sure
13:32 tcohen               I was trying to get into a VPN to do it remotely
13:32 tcohen               because my internet s*ks
13:35 Joubu                caroline: I don't think so (don't remember to be honest), but I think it's good to provide an example that is working, however it needs a warning to tell that it should not be used in production
13:37 caroline             OK. I don't think it's necessary to provide a working example, just to know what it's supposed to look like when you run the command. But I don't mind either way
13:48 tcohen               mtj: the RELEASE  variable is used to pick the right repository for dependencies
13:49 tcohen               do those dependency failures ring any bell on you?
13:53 mtj                  hmm, no.. it looks like those deps should install ok
13:54 tcohen               https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-dpkg-docker/-/blob/master/pbuilder.sh
13:55 mtj                  echo "deb http://debian.koha-community.org/koha $RELEASE main buster" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list
14:01 mtj                  tcohen: that apt line works for me
14:02 tcohen               yes but
14:02 mtj                  echo "deb http://debian.koha-community.org/koha 22.05 main buster" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/koha.list
14:03 mtj                  but fails for koha-dpkg
14:05 tcohen               the build-git-snapshot step is failing
14:05 tcohen               that initial one, building the base.tgz isn't
14:09 tcohen               testing 22.05.11
14:12 tcohen               22.05 fails because of this:
14:12 tcohen               Reading state information...
14:12 tcohen               E: Unable to locate package libtest-dbix-class-perl
14:13 tcohen               mtj: https://paste.koha-community.org/6687
14:16 oleonard             is there a KTD version working on M1 macs right now?
14:16 tcohen               MatthewBlenkinsop[m] had it working
14:18 oleonard             MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: through magic?
14:18 mtj                  tcohen: libtest-dbix-class-perl should be added to koha repo now
14:20 mtj                  not sure why it got removed from oldstable :/
14:21 mtj                  oleonard: if you fetch/pull the latest ktd, it should 'just work'
14:22 oleonard             mtj cool, I'll try it!
14:22 mtj                  aah, only master bullseye and focal images have been added, so far
14:22 mtj                  oleonard: do you need other os/koha version combos?
14:23 oleonard             mtj I don't know I was happy with the "just work" idea :)
14:24 tcohen               mtj: still the same dependency issues I pasted
14:37 kidclamp             sorry i cut you off cait
14:37 tcohen               :-D
14:39 cait1                all good - i talk too much :)
14:40 cait1                thx for letting me crash your meeting
14:40 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] I'm running KTD on a mac, M2 though
14:40 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] But should still work for an M1
14:40 tcohen               cait++
14:41 oleonard             cait1 you were a meeting guest star?
14:42 ashimema             did you switch to the main ktd repo yet matt.. or are you still tracking mtj's?
14:43 tcohen               he tried the changes we did to the ktd command
14:44 mtj                  tcohen: is there a way to skip tests for koha-dpkg?
14:44 tcohen               it should honor the SKIP_TESTS variable?
14:46 mtj                  ah yep, my notes say  DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck tooo
14:47 tcohen               --env DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="nocheck"
14:47 tcohen               on the docker command
14:47 tcohen               that is
14:47 mtj                  sure
14:47 cait1                oleonard i probably not qualify for that
14:48 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] <ashimema> "did you switch to the main ktd..." <- I'm on the main KTD repo
14:48 ashimema             nice one, glad that's all working now
14:48 tcohen               that reminds me, we need to make it use the arm64 ES
14:49 ashimema             oooh, good call
14:49 tcohen               I'll need a tester
14:49 tcohen               heh
14:50 * ashimema           has finally started writing his hackfest review blogpost with aude_c
14:50 ashimema             it's turning into a monster.. we did sooooo much!
14:52 cait1                ashimema: sounds like a good activity then :)
14:52 cait1                tcohen: i have had some issues starting ktd with ktd --es7 up and ktd --selenium up
14:52 cait1                it ...exits
14:52 cait1                early on
14:53 cait1                does that ring any bell?
14:53 cait1                when I do a ktd down ktd up it works fine
14:53 tcohen               what is the error?
14:53 cait1                on the wrong computer now, let me get back to you in a little bit
14:55 cait                 don't be afraid of doubled up cait...
14:55 oleonard             I always feel reassured by multiple caits
14:56 cait                 tcohen: https://paste.koha-community.org/6692
14:57 cait                 it's been like that... for about a week now
14:57 cait                 i did the full program... git pull, ktd pull etc.
15:00 tcohen               cait: I start my work day my doing
15:00 tcohen               ktd down # just in case
15:00 tcohen               ktd --selenium --es7 --plugin --sso pull
15:00 tcohen               ktd --selenium --es7 --plugin --sso up -d
15:00 tcohen               yeah, it seems you are missing a `ktd down`
15:00 cait1                oh
15:01 cait1                i didn't know i needed to extra pull them
15:01 cait1                no i did the ktd down
15:01 cait                 and it finished with green checkmarks everywher
15:01 tcohen               the 'orphan containers' warning is suspicious
15:01 cait                 e
15:02 cait                 i'll do the command onw that you wrote earlier, but I did the ktd down before trying to start it every time
15:02 tcohen               docker system prune just in case?
15:02 cait                 i usually to ktd down, git pull (koha), git pull ktd, ktd pull... everyt ime before I start working
15:02 cait                 I can do that
15:03 cait                 hm your command gives me an error
15:03 tcohen               interesting
15:03 tcohen               mtj: I confirm the nocheck made 22.05.11 build perfectly fine
15:04 cait                 https://paste.koha-community.org/6695
15:04 mtj                  tcohen: yep me too
15:04 tcohen               cait: is PLUGIN_REPO set?
15:04 tcohen               just use ktd --es7 up
15:04 tcohen               leave the other options alone
15:05 tcohen               mtj: so...
15:05 tcohen               back to the original question heh
15:05 tcohen               how are you building 22.11+
15:05 tcohen               because yarn doesn't seem to work inside a pbuilder base.tgz inside Docker
15:06 cait                 tcohen: looking better this time
15:06 cait                 PLUGIN_REPO not set yet
15:06 tcohen               it only makes sense to use --plugin if you have the variable set
15:06 cait                 that makes sense :)
15:07 tcohen               I'll make the ktd command bail out if the variable is not set
15:07 tcohen               because docker errors are harder to parse for humans
15:08 cait                 maybe the docker system prune did the trick?
15:08 cait                 it's working now :)
15:08 cait                 I'll test with selenium too
15:09 mtj                  tcohen: hmm, im not building in docker - but a xen guest, with pbuilder
15:09 tcohen               add export PLUGIN_REPO=/home/kfischer/git/koha-plugin-slnp-ill to your bashrc
15:09 cait                 it's not there yet, but I will
15:09 cait                 have the notes from Marseillle, just didn't get to do it yet
15:10 cait                 thx for the help, commands noted for next time :)
15:10 cait                 selenium worked too
15:11 mtj                  tcohen: will try to take another look tmrw, im off to bed
15:11 mtj                  ..but im curious why yarn would fail in a docker?!
15:14 mtj                  https://gitlab.com/mjames/koha-build-pkg/-/blob/master/prep-pbuilder.sh
15:15 mtj                  tcohen: if you are curious, take a look at my pbuilder prep stuff ^
15:16 mtj                  mkdir -p /nonexistent/.yarn
15:16 mtj                  mkdir -p /nonexistent/.cache/yarn
15:16 mtj                  perhaps that stuff helps? ^
15:16 mtj                  perhaps that stuff helps? ^
15:17 cait1                tcohen++
15:20 mtj                  ciao cait1 🐹
15:21 cait1                now idea where that one went...
15:26 tcohen               ohh
15:27 tcohen               cait1: it is hard to help people debug docker problems, it is not really KTD but docker, and a growing number of different setups
15:27 tcohen               that's why we are aiming to improve the `ktd` command and have most people use the same thing
15:27 cait1                I don't use docker for anytihng else...so I don't really know much about it
15:27 pastebot             "oleonard" at pasted "KTD failure on M1 Mac" (12 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/6698
15:29 oleonard             I don't know if there's anything relevant in that snippet of output... I can dig for more if anyone has suggestions
15:29 tcohen               oleonard: thanks, bag had the exact same error
15:31 tcohen               MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: are you using Docker with Rosetta2?
15:31 tcohen               and what about you oleonard
15:32 oleonard             Rosetta2?
15:34 oleonard             Oh I see
15:34 oleonard             I can try it
15:37 oleonard             Now instead of the "Couldn't create the mpm-accept mutex" part I see "Trace/breakpoint trap"
15:43 tcohen               we really need MatthewBlenkinsop[m] to share his setup
15:43 tcohen               https://docs.docker.com/desktop/install/mac-install/
15:43 tcohen               ^^ that's where I read about Rosetta
15:46 tcohen               later #koha, running to the doctor
16:09 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] I'm running Docker Desktop v4.14 and have Rosetta installed
16:20 reiveune             bye
16:35 cabillman[m]         I have a fresh koha 22.11 install from debian packages where plack will randomly stop responding to requests. The server itself isn't overloaded since I'm currently the only one who can access it.
16:35 cabillman[m]         Running curl directly against the unix socket just hangs
16:35 cabillman[m]         restarting either apache2 or plack seems to resolve it for a while
16:36 cabillman[m]         i'm not finding much in the logs that points to a cause
16:43 cabillman[m]         any thoughts on how to potentially diagnose it?
17:17 oleonard             MatthewBlenkinsop[m] did you run into a "Trace/breakpoint trap" error? I can't get it to work
17:27 pastebot             "oleonard" at pasted "Different error if I immediately re-run 'ktd up'" (14 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/6725
17:28 tcohen               how did you reach that, oleonard?
17:29 tcohen               WTF: https://paste.koha-community.org/6710
17:29 oleonard             tcohen I followed the instructions for installing Rosetta2, made sure it was enabled in Docker. Did 'docker system prune -a -f'. Ran 'ktd up'
17:29 oleonard             tcohen where did you see that?
17:30 tcohen               I was trying to find a prior paste from mtj
17:30 tcohen               switched computer so was going backwards in number
17:30 tcohen               (instead of using the log)
17:57 oleonard             for what it's worth, this appears near the start of the 'ktd up' output: " ! koha The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested"
19:10 tundunf              hi all :)
19:12 tundunf              we've recently deleted (moved to trash) a bunch of borrowers and anonymised their checkout histories and assigned them to a borrower.
19:13 tundunf              Now that their checkout histories have been assigned to an anon borrower, would we be able to permanently delete these users without any consequences?
19:19 davidnind            tundunf: I think(but I'm probably wrong) that removing this would affect any statistical reports you may have
19:20 caroline             I don't think anything references the deletedborrowers table
19:21 oleonard             no, but you might want to use data from deletedborrowers in reports
19:25 cait                 it doesn't affect functionality, but you should check for reporting
19:26 cait                 anonymizing them again might be something to look into (not built into Koha yet I think) -  keeping branch, category and such maybe
21:48 mtj                  oleonard: are you on the master branch of ktd repo, at latest commit 2672028 ?
21:50 mtj                  ./bin/ktd down ; ./bin/ktd pull ; ./bin/ktd up
21:54 mtj                  cabillman[m]: what are the specs of your system? how many cpu cores and ram?
21:56 oleonard             Thanks for checking in mtj, I'm about to walk out so I'll have to try later!
21:58 mtj                  oleonard: np, your last error suggests that you dont have the latest ./bin/ktd version