Time  Nick           Message
07:04 marcelr        hi #koha
07:08 cait           hi marcelr
07:26 PedroAmorim[m] good morning
07:42 cait2          good morning #koha
07:52 alex_          Bonjour
08:16 marcelr        cait3 ?
08:17 marcelr2       hey
08:18 cait           too many caits, working on it
08:25 magnuse__      there can never be too many caits
08:26 cait3          hm still 2 caits
08:28 ashimema       3 caits now
08:30 cait3          the other laptop is suffering insomnia
08:31 cait3          ah one cait less, only seeing one now
08:31 cait           ashimema: i think your 3rd cait was the one when I tried matrix, you should remove that one
08:31 ashimema       did I miss a git server change?
08:31 cait           hm?
08:31 ashimema       lol
08:31 cait           and laptop is awake again gr.
08:31 ashimema       I just pulled and got a raft of security key change errors
08:32 cait           hm i can try too one sec
08:33 ashimema       oh.. it's github not ours
08:33 ashimema       https://github.blog/2023-03-23-we-updated-our-rsa-ssh-host-key/
08:34 cait           yes, git pull from kc worked without anyhing unusual for me
08:35 Joubu          ashimema: I pushed to master 15min ago and got an error about that!
08:37 Joubu          "we discovered that GitHub.com’s RSA SSH private key was briefly exposed in a public GitHub repository"...outch!
08:41 ashimema       Yikes
08:43 Joubu          ashimema: should be fixed now
08:43 Joubu          well, I mean the push hook on git.k-c.org
08:49 cait           marcelr: do you want me to file a new bug for the POD update? get_marc_host
08:50 marcelr        unit test is more important and could go together
08:50 marcelr        it is not completely missing but a bit unclear
08:50 ashimema       Nice one
08:50 marcelr        in POD
08:52 cait           I'll wait until you are done with checking the code
08:52 marcelr        ok
08:52 marcelr        seeing funny things
08:54 marcelr        cait: not sure if we are heading for a direct PQA ;)
08:59 marcelr        i might add a followup though
09:09 marcelr        de soep was toch niet zo heet
09:09 marcelr        that might be the first time that was said in #koha
09:13 cait           keep in mind... that is only a tempalte fix and not to blame!
09:13 cait           .. for the unit tests and POD at least
09:16 cait           hi astyles :)
09:16 astyles        hi 8-)
09:19 astyles        Would any happen to know if there is kinda a limit on the amount of bug patches to put in at anyone time? I am new the community so i don't wont to go to hard. ?
09:19 magnuse__      no limit :-)
09:20 astyles        cool thanks.
09:20 cait           we are happy to have you
09:20 astyles        can anyone go ahead and test bugs with patches that have needs sign off?
09:21 cait           but we always have not enough testers, so if you try to balanc out testing and patch writing a little, that would be really helpful
09:21 cait           yes :)
09:21 astyles        I am happy to test and patch
09:21 cait           Needs signoff ones can be tested by anyone
09:21 Joubu          cait: bug 33331 FYI
09:21 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33331 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Qwant VIPrivacy is hidding "Share list" link
09:22 cait           the next step, QA is an elected role and we dig a little deeper, looking at coding guidelines and such
09:22 astyles        ok cool good to know
09:23 cait           Joubu: we once had a antivirus tool block a single letter in the a-z in patron search... but only one letter
09:23 cait           took forever to figure that one out
09:25 marcelr        cait: qa is not about blaming :)
09:25 astyles        today at work I was staring at this if statement wondering why the condition did not work, so I did a bunch of testing, then realised, both if and else has some print message. 8-)
09:25 cait           yes... just got a little worried for my small tiny patch
09:25 astyles        the same print message. always little things
09:26 cait           true
09:31 astyles        is 'Master' branch generally the default best option for bugs in new bug reports?
09:35 Joubu          ashimema: talking about "Version" on bugzilla?
09:35 ashimema       ?
09:35 astyles        ah yes I am
09:37 Joubu          ashimema: "Unspecified" if you don't know, "Master" if it's a bug you recreate on master, "XX.YY" if it's a bug that only appears on (/from) a specific stable branch
09:37 astyles        ok cool I will make a note of this. thanks.
09:38 * ashimema     assumes Joubu has my nick auto-completing and he really means astyles.
09:38 Joubu          yes, sorry! Didn't realise!
09:39 astyles        Thanks Joubu. 8-)
09:40 astyles        regarding bugs needing sign off, can I hands pick or do people prefer to get older bugs done, assuming still relevant?
09:40 Joubu          if you are starting with Koha I would pick the easy ones first
09:40 ashimema       pick what your comfortable with
09:41 ashimema       it's awesome to get older ones closed out.. but everyone has their own expertise area's too.. I'd pick something your familiar with to start on
09:42 astyles        I am mainly front end some some back end, dusting off my perl for sure.
09:42 ashimema       easy starting ones are marked with 'Academy' as a keyword.. or here's loads of string patches..
09:42 ashimema       those are great for a quick achievement as they're quick to test and help with just getting the feel for where stuff is
09:42 ashimema       cool 🙂
09:42 cait           oleonard-away: hm ending up with this in the translations: %s [%%# BOOTSTRAP BREADCRUMBS WRAPPER USAGE [ WRAPPER breadcrumbs ] [ Home breadcrumb automatically included ] [ WRAPPER breadcrumb_item ]
09:43 astyles        ok cool i will check out some academy items, thanks
09:46 marcelr        astyles++
09:48 cait           astyles: we always need more hands everywhere - all contributions are valued :)
09:56 astyles        it's nice to contribute just for the fun of it. Really enjoying it.
09:57 ashimema       😄
09:57 ashimema       you'll be a Koha addict in no time.. welcome
09:57 * ashimema     my names Martin and I'm an addict to contributing to Koha ILS
09:58 astyles        lol
09:59 cait           it's a little addictive
10:00 ashimema       have you seen the dashboard astyles?
10:00 marcelr        there you go
10:00 ashimema       https://dashboard.koha-community.org
10:00 marcelr        wish i never saw it lol
10:00 ashimema       lol
10:00 ashimema       it's definitely addictive
10:00 astyles        ahh awesome thanks, makes things a bit clearer.
10:19 oleonard       Hi all
10:19 cait           hi oleonard
10:19 cait           i posted earlier - there are some wierd strings from the wrapper work in po files
10:20 cait           [%%# BOOTSTRAP BREADCRUMBS WRAPPER USAGE [ WRAPPER breadcrumbs ] [ Home breadcrumb automatically included ] [ WRAPPER breadcrumb_item ]
10:20 cait           and some others
10:21 oleonard       :(
10:21 ashimema       Joubu still around?
10:22 Joubu          yes
10:22 ashimema       can I get your opinion on a backport
10:22 ashimema       the es indexing stuff that all just hit master
10:23 Joubu          the new worker?
10:23 ashimema       there's quite a tree and the tip of it is all marked with 22.11 required
10:23 ashimema       yeah
10:23 ashimema       that one
10:23 ashimema       do you agree the whole lot should come in.. or are we a bit late in the cycle for such a change
10:24 Joubu          I don't know
10:24 ashimema       I've fallen a bit behind on know where that area was headed and whether as a full set we're confident
10:24 Joubu          we should backport, but maybe next month?
10:24 Joubu          to let us catch possible problem?
10:24 Joubu          but if you pick bug 32594 you must pick bug 33108 as well
10:24 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32594 critical, P5 - low, ---, nick, ASSIGNED , Add a dedicated ES indexing background worker
10:24 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33108 major, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Pushed to master , We need a way to launch the ES indexer automatically
10:25 ashimema       definitely
10:25 Joubu          and... it's assigned because we are still working on it
10:25 Joubu          the last patch is not pushed yet
10:25 Joubu          I would push it next month
10:26 Joubu          I mean, I would backport it to stable next month
10:26 ashimema       ta
10:26 ashimema       that's perfect.. all the info I needed..
10:26 ashimema       it was the current state of affairs I wasn't fully confident in 🙂
10:26 ashimema       yeah
10:26 ashimema       no point in rushing it out and making things worse with release just around the corner.. it can wait for .05
10:26 ashimema       in which case.. I'll grab 32923 next 🙂
10:27 ashimema       and then my queue is set ready for next time.
10:27 Joubu          you need the last patch on 32923, but MatthewBlenkinsop[m] is aware of that
10:27 Joubu          heh, too slow
10:28 ashimema       😄
10:28 Joubu          ashimema: maybe... bug 33282
10:28 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33282 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, pedro.amorim, Pushed to master , Cypress tests are failing
10:28 Joubu          to be honest I don't know if it's for 22.11
10:28 ashimema       hmm
10:28 ashimema       when did you push that?
10:28 Joubu          but it's easy to test, run cypress tests and see if they are failing, if they are, apply and see if they are fixed
10:29 Joubu          this morning
10:29 ashimema       this morning?
10:29 ashimema       coolios
10:29 ashimema       that's why my queue hasn't caught it yet 🙂
10:29 Joubu          I wanted jenkins green for the hackfest :)
10:29 ashimema       I'll run my queue management script
10:29 ashimema       agreed
10:29 ashimema       that reminds me.. I was going to boost the sandbox server for hackfest.. thinking I'll tripple it at least
10:30 Joubu          yes, good idea!
10:31 Joubu          and we should freeze ktd, misc4dev, koha-sandbox, etc. :)
10:31 ashimema       yeah.. assuming they're all solid and working right now 😜
10:31 ashimema       I've not had any reports otherwise this week.. but I've also not really been paying attention this week... soooooooo many meetings
10:32 cait1          only bug fixes
10:32 cait1          feature freeze
10:35 cait1          marcelr: i'll file the POD/unit test bug, but a little later
10:38 marcelr        np
10:38 ashimema       I should probably announce string freeze
10:38 ashimema       what a week
10:53 cait1          strings have already beenupdated on pootle
10:53 cait1          was quite a bit of work
10:54 ashimema       okies
10:54 pastebot       "oleonard" at pasted "Is this format for template comments helpful and not annoying?" (13 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/2471
10:54 oleonard       Seems to fix the translation issue cait1
10:54 cait1          ah, what was it before?
10:55 cait1          i think it looks quite readable
10:55 cait1          and it's only in the one file right?
10:55 oleonard       https://gitlab.com/koha-community/Koha/-/blob/master/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/html_helpers.inc#L360
10:58 cait1          interesting
10:58 cait1          so it's the multi-line that throws it off?
11:01 cait1          maybe we shoud put this ina coding guidelines
11:02 oleonard       Apparently so
11:02 cait1          the comments ending up in translations can get bad if people make mistakes, breaking the templates
11:02 oleonard       https://gitlab.com/koha-community/Koha/-/blob/master/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/includes/patron-search.inc#L182
11:02 cait1          if that's the easiest way to avoid, we shoudl do it
11:03 cait1          and it looks like there is precedence
11:03 cait1          bbiab
12:59 emlam          morning everyone!
13:03 magnuse        hiya emlam
14:29 magnuse        have fun #koha, see some of y'all on sunday or monday!
16:03 ashimema       did all the cait s disappear already?
20:30 fridolin       Bug 33334 SystemD in the place );
20:30 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33334 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , koha-worker.service need update for background job queues
20:30 fridolin       ;)