Time  Nick                 Message
19:27 caroline             TIL "Marc Flavours" is a manufacturer of flavours based in India
17:35 domm[m]              it worked on another instance; on the broken one it also worked when importing via web. and as we're going to upgrade soon, i won't continue to investigate
17:28 fridolin             rosé ;)
17:26 ashimema             red
17:24 fridolin             yellow
17:00 cait                 hi emlam :)
16:52 emlam                o/
16:32 cait                 it doesn't remain in the MARC
16:32 cait                 but only after the item was added
16:31 cait                 hm it should be removed
16:25 domm[m]              it seems that somewhen during the import 952 is removed from the record (it seems in AddBiblio). But as i'm running this on a test instance, it might be that we fkd something up on the setup of that test machine...
16:11 cait                 if you want/can share an example we might be able to tell
16:10 cait                 capitalization matches too?
16:10 cait                 domm[m]: error handling was not super great int he past, not sure if that has been fixed
15:52 caroline             It was my only idea, sorry
15:50 domm[m]              Yeah, but those are valid values (and I think the importer will complain if they are missing?)
15:48 caroline             The only time I've had problems is when 952 contain invalid codes, like a homebranch code that doesn't exist or itemtype code that doesn't exist
15:48 domm[m]              a, b, y (and pot. some more)
15:48 caroline             domm[m], what do the 952 contain?
15:46 domm[m]              (thats still on a 20.11 version, btw)
15:46 domm[m]              Hey, hopefully easy question: I'm importing some records via bulkmarcimport.pl. The records contain 942 and 952 fields. The imort works and I find data in biblio and biblioitems. But no items are imported. Any ideas?
14:49 oleonard             How do you run the backup that generates the file for the "Export configuration" option?
14:08 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32807 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , No need to fetch all if we need to know if one exist
14:08 Joubu                trivial QA on a Vue patch at bug 32807
13:46 mtj                  patch sent
13:43 mtj                  sold!
13:40 Joubu                watcher of what?
13:40 Joubu                longer is more explicit :D
13:36 mtj                  shorter is better? :)
13:35 marcelr              watcher.log
13:28 Joubu                plack-watcher.log?
13:27 * oleonard-away      bbl
13:27 mtj                  we could remove logging?, but logging might be useful if we have to troubleshoot later
13:25 mtj                  watcher.log?
13:25 mtj                  Joubu: perhaps watcher.output?
13:23 mtj                  ^ yes, i agree
13:22 mtj                  i think i was just using it, while testing the patch
13:22 Joubu                they are not errors
13:22 mtj                  hi Joubu, re logging to plack-error, i dont have a good reason :)
13:09 mtj                  ill look at increasing the sleep time, on failure
13:08 marcelr              ok
13:08 mtj                  inotify pkg is added to KTD, master branch
13:06 mtj                  perhaps we can detect if plack startup failed last time?  - then we start increasing sleep loop, until plack finally succeeds
13:03 mtj                  yeah, good point
13:01 marcelr              and the funny things is the reload is more important for devs
13:00 marcelr              not on my dev container
13:00 marcelr              at least for prod
12:59 mtj                  ^ i think thats a good example of an unlikely edge case
12:58 mtj                  ...was failing every 2 seconds, before finally reloading correctly tho :/
12:58 marcelr              yeah might depend on resources
12:57 marcelr              or a future improvement of course
12:57 mtj                  i did a 'git reset --hard v21.05.00' from master, and back - and plack reloaded and was functional
12:57 marcelr              might be nice to put something in your code that sends the HUP signal only once per x seconds or so to prevent continuous reloads
12:56 mtj                  marcelr: i performed a terrible test on my KTD, and it passed :)
12:55 mtj                  ah nice
12:52 marcelr              and fs.inotify.max_user_instances
12:51 marcelr              mtj: fs.inotify.max_user_watches=SOME_NUMBER in sysctl.conf  ?
12:48 marcelr              thats our living :)
12:47 mtj                  yeah, i guess we migth bump into some 'edge cases'
12:46 marcelr              so you might need a pause and restart option etc
12:46 marcelr              but thats just development
12:45 marcelr              stress tests are good
12:45 mtj                  snap
12:45 marcelr              ha inotify will be bit stressed with git checkout  :) probably
12:45 mtj                  ..like a git-checkout, that could trigger 1000s of plack reloads, one for each file updated :/
12:44 mtj                  joubu did point out some problems with my original patch
12:44 marcelr              get it signed off today, i will qa tomorrow
12:43 mtj                  ok ok
12:43 marcelr              not yet :) just glancing the code
12:43 mtj                  ah, you are trying patch now marcelr?
12:42 marcelr              but that does not seem to be case here
12:41 marcelr              directly after creation it could skip an alert
12:41 marcelr              i only saw a warn about inotify and new directories
12:40 mtj                  hmm, yes - i think it originally used that method
12:39 marcelr              instead of 2 secs
12:39 marcelr              couldnt you use inotify too on the /tmp file ?
12:38 mtj                  the inotify process does not seem to use much CPU to monitor the koha dir
12:37 marcelr              cool
12:37 mtj                  but i could not break my test system, by running many HUPS too fast - so promising
12:35 mtj                  so, its possible on a slooow system - that the 2 sec loop is too fast to reload plack?
12:35 marcelr              looks nice, you should add the dependency for inotify tools
12:34 mtj                  ..if it sees the expected file, it sends a HUP to plack
12:33 mtj                  its basically tiny shell script running a 2 second loop, looking for a file in /tmp dir
12:32 marcelr              is inotify-tools installed already ?
12:32 mtj                  hi marcelr, i'm expecting the watcher mod, wont overload a system
12:30 cait2                I'll check into that
12:30 cait2                hm I wonder if it's something we have done to secure the API or so
12:29 marcelr              mtj: how does this koha watcher do it performance wise?
12:27 cait2                it works for the same branch in ktd...
12:26 marcelr              o/
12:25 cait2                when I try to rate something i get a Forbidden (403) alert
12:25 cait2                hm someone with a package installation of 22.11 around that could have a quick look at star ratings?
12:15 mtj                  we can add that stuff, later
12:13 mtj                  ..but i thought it might be a bit cheeky to assume that everyone using KTD, would like --watch running, by default
12:12 mtj                  i did experiment with starting --watch when $DEV_INSTALL was set
12:11 ashimema             nice idea
12:10 mtj                  ..so we wouldnt have to explictly start an instance's koha-plack with a --watch arg
12:08 mtj                  re 31729:  i think a useful follow-up patch, would be to have some KOHA_WATCH=1 variable that could be set in an instance's koha.conf file
12:01 mtj                  yeah, same...
12:00 ashimema             I don't write shell scripts all the often but when I do I find that really helpful
12:00 mtj                  ive found it really helpful, for improving my terrible shell scripting skillzz :)
12:00 ashimema             i use it
11:59 mtj                  have people taken a look at shellcheck before... https://www.shellcheck.net/
11:55 * ashimema           adds to his ever growing hackfest list 🙂
11:55 mtj                  if anyone wants to try to test/break it
11:54 huginn               04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31729 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, mtj, Needs Signoff , Enable automatic filesystem refresh in Plack
11:54 mtj                  on bug 31729
11:53 mtj                  hey team, ive had a bit of a tidyup on the plack 'auto-reload' patch
11:01 cait2                hello oleonard :)
10:51 oleonard             Hi #koha
09:22 Joubu                and I will push it
09:22 Joubu                MatthewBlenkinsop[m]: I wanted to make sure it will be part of the upcoming 22.11.x
09:18 ashimema             Will catch up the queue tonight or tomorrow before we string freezer
09:17 ashimema             We're all in a company meeting today
09:16 MatthewBlenkinsop[m] <Joubu> "ashimema, Matthew Blenkinsop..." <- I'm here, Pedro just passed your message on about 32923, I've made a note to push it but I don't think it is in master yet
08:57 marcelr              thats not uncommon, but i will stop now :)
08:50 Joubu                I don't think you will convince me that having 2 different ways of doing the same thing is a good idea
08:45 marcelr              add => { days => 1 }
08:44 marcelr              it wont be prettier..
08:42 marcelr              if that would convince you?
08:42 marcelr              and days => -1 etc
08:41 marcelr              we could even switch to years=>2 ?
08:40 marcelr              not custom parameters
08:39 marcelr              just note that these are regular DateTime arguments
08:35 marcelr              sure, code should be used
08:34 Joubu                nope, here it will be used in notice templates by libraries. If you remove them you will break the notices.
08:30 marcelr              all code can be removed, everything has its price; this argument can be applied to most developments
08:29 huginn               Joubu: The operation succeeded.
08:29 Joubu                @later tell tcohen could you ask Bernardo to have a look at 32584?
08:28 cait1                that appears to work
08:25 cait1                Joubu: opac even :) but I'll try the trick with js and let you iknow if it works
08:24 Joubu                marcelr: moreover it's code we will never manage to remove, we will have to keep it forever..
08:24 Joubu                marcelr: I am not convinced.. sorry!
08:23 Joubu                ha, then you are talking about intranetusercss?
08:22 cait1                i think I'll try adding a noprint calss with jquery
08:22 cait1                a library is not happy witht he printouts of lists
08:22 cait1                not notices
08:22 cait1                ah, I am wondering about printing the pages
08:22 marcelr              hi Joubu, was just hoping that you should let it go :)
08:22 Joubu                NoticeCSS is used if "is html" is ticked
08:20 cait1                hm can I change the print layout somehow with the CSS preferences?
07:58 alex_                Bonjour !
07:57 marcelr              hi cait
07:55 cait                 good morning #koha
07:53 Joubu                ashimema, MatthewBlenkinsop[m] around?
06:50 marcelr              hi #koha