Time  Nick           Message
01:59 triveni        Pay selected fine generates 500 error
01:59 triveni        anyone can help me
02:57 mtj            triveni: have you changed any sysprefs lately?
02:58 mtj            have a look in the logs tool
03:01 triveni        no
03:06 mtj            triveni: you should log a bug
03:08 mtj            triveni: when did the problem start?
03:09 mtj            ..did 'Pay selected fine' work OK before?
03:23 triveni        yes
03:23 triveni        yestarday
03:39 mtj            ah, ok
03:40 mtj            have you deleted any branches lately?
03:40 mtj            triveni: ^
03:41 triveni        no
03:43 mtj            ok
03:44 mtj            is it critical to have fixed?
03:45 mtj            ..if so, perhaps someone here can help fix it
03:46 mtj            logging a bug is a good start :)
04:38 triveni        Template process failed: undef error - DBIC result _type  isn't of the _type Branch at /home/ubuntu/kohaclonemks/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/modules/members/pay.tt
05:41 mtj            triveni:  you could set up another 'test' koha instance, and upgrade your database to a newer version
05:44 mtj            triveni: also try tesing with 'en' language setting
06:13 mtj            triveni:  21.05.07 is a bit old too
06:14 mtj            old old old stable version :)
06:15 mtj            try testing on a newer koha version
07:05 triveni        Pay selected fine generates 500 error anyone can help me
07:15 marcelr        o/
07:28 reiveune       hello
07:29 triveni        hi
08:18 cait           can someone help on bug 32762 - more a support request really, but I have no idea about that failing database update
08:18 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32762 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Duplicate entry '10434' for key 'PRIMARY' at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Installer.pm line 739
08:51 magnuse__      \o/
09:51 cait           ashimema: around?
10:04 magnuse_       cait: yes
10:04 magnuse_       huh? never mind me
10:07 cait           gld you are around too :)
10:18 magnuse_       :-)
10:24 ashimema       Hi
10:24 wahanui        privet, ashimema
10:24 ashimema       Sorry, was distracted
10:24 ashimema       Haha up cait
10:26 * ashimema     is looking at some middling to old age accounts bugs that really shouldn't be very hard to implement now
10:26 ashimema       Not sure how I ended up down that rabbit hole
10:27 cait           oh you remind me, i had a problem with the sandbox
10:27 cait           but it seems to have resolved itself?
10:29 ashimema       🙂
10:50 ashimema       wow..
10:50 ashimema       pay.pl has some properly funky code
11:30 tcohen         good morning
11:30 oleonard       o/
11:31 tcohen         \o
12:07 tcohen         AgustinMoyano[m]: Joubu asked that we reviewed bug 32806 and talked about the Vue components there
12:07 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32806 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, ASSIGNED , Some Vue files need to be moved for better reusability
12:11 tcohen         @later tell liliputech there are no new commits in 21.11.x maybe we can rush a release reverting the failed dbrev
12:11 huginn         tcohen: The operation succeeded.
12:14 tcohen         @seen liliputech
12:14 huginn         tcohen: liliputech was last seen in #koha 4 days, 4 hours, 7 minutes, and 45 seconds ago: <liliputech> morning :)
12:14 tcohen         anyone from #biblibre to contact Arthur?
12:16 mtj            hi tcohen, i saw yr email
12:17 tcohen         phew :-D
12:17 tcohen         glad you're around
12:17 tcohen         can you release something until arthur shows up?
12:17 tcohen         want me to just generate a new 21.11.x release?
12:18 mtj            hiya
12:18 mtj            hmm, i think a new 21.11.17 is best?
12:19 mtj            not 21.11.16-2
12:19 tcohen         ok
12:20 mtj            lets revert commits and push a v21.11.17 tag
12:20 tcohen         I will
12:21 mtj            oof, i forgot to send a release email to the lists, last week
12:22 tcohen         ok, it is not as simple as reverting
12:22 tcohen         but is simple enough
12:22 mtj            ah ok
12:27 tcohen         almost there, testing
12:35 tcohen         I pushed
12:38 tcohen         jenkins is failing due to this problem
12:38 tcohen         we need to review a few things
12:39 tcohen         mtj: all yours
12:53 mtj            ta, building..
13:07 tcohen         mtj++
13:23 mtj            tcohen: repo updated
13:24 tcohen         mtj++
14:00 magnuse        trying to rescue bug 27510. need to change one piece of text and add libhtml-table-perl as a dpendency. should that be one or two followup patches?
14:00 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=27510 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, ivan.dziuba, Failed QA , Download the report in HTML format
15:23 tcohen         PedroAmorim[m]: around?
15:24 PedroAmorim[m] yes
15:24 tcohen         does the KILL status require the backend to implement the delete method ?
15:24 tcohen         or the only existence of the status in the graph is enough?
15:24 PedroAmorim[m] no, just the existence is enough
15:24 tcohen         no method linked then
15:24 tcohen         thanks
15:25 PedroAmorim[m] it uses the delete from Koha::Object delete method
15:25 PedroAmorim[m] not even Koha::Illrequest implements the delete method
15:25 PedroAmorim[m] so it's all inherited
15:26 tcohen         right, but clicking on the button the ILL module generates if a KILL status is reachable from the current status...
15:26 tcohen         makes the right thing
15:26 PedroAmorim[m] yes, it deletes the request
15:27 tcohen         cool, thanks
15:41 reiveune       bye
16:01 cait           have a nice weekend all!
18:30 fridolin       hi there
18:31 oleonard-away  Hi fridolin
18:56 caroline       is anyone around who can answer questions about the curbside pickup module?
18:57 caroline       I'm trying to use it and I sometimes get "Wrong slot selected" and I'm not sure why... I clicked on one of the slots that was displayed, why is this one wrong? How do I know which ones are wrong?
18:59 davidnind      caroline: Joubu is probably the best person to ask, I remember testing it but I didn't come across this - will spin up KTD and give it a shot
20:00 davidnind      hmm,  I couldn't figure out how to replicate the issue
20:00 davidnind      I setup two libraries (Centerville + Midaway) with curbside pickups: 8:00 - 18:00 Monday to Saturday, and 11:00 - 15:00 Sunday (pickup interval = 5 and maximum patrons per interval = 1)
20:00 davidnind      There are tests (t/db_dependent/Koha/CurbsidePickups.t) that generates the "Wrong slot selected" message:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/UjNZuUnKKwLzysVIdYDeigHa>)
20:01 davidnind      But, none of these reasons make any sense to me - you shouldn't be able to select a slot if it isn't available
20:01 davidnind      so I'm a bit stumped!
20:13 caroline       davidnind, thanks for checking! I wasn't able to have it again either, but I had it at least 3-4 times this morning... I noticed I had to click twice on the slot time to get it to turn green, so maybe those times I only clicked once and it wasn't green when I clicked Submit
20:19 davidnind      That would make sense - as I think the message is generated because there is no day/date time
20:21 davidnind      Maybe send a message to Joubu, but it is hard to figure out if it is one of those things that is difficult to replicate!
20:35 caroline       I just tried clicking only once on the time slot and it gives a different message, so it wasn't that...
20:36 caroline       My time slots are all out of whack though because of bug 32788, so that's another possibility... maybe it doesn't like that I'm trying to select a slot that's out of order
20:36 huginn         04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32788 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Curbside pickups - Order curbside pickup slots chronologically
20:57 davidnind      I tried putting them out of order as per that bug, but didn't cause the issue
21:27 Augustus       Hi, I need some suggestions, is anyone  here with time to chat?
21:29 Augustus       Bad timing on my part then. <sigh> Bye!