Time  Nick             Message
23:42 huginn           cait[m]: The operation succeeded.
23:42 cait[m]          @later tell tcohen plase have a look at hte follow-up on bug 14783
22:32 caroline         thanks cait[m]! Today is go live day for one library so I don't want to try anything, but I will try something on my next test migration...
22:25 cait[m]          me neither - it sounds like it should work, but you might want someoe to confirm if htere is an easier way
22:18 caroline         I doN,t know enough about rabbit mq to know if doing this would break something
22:18 caroline         should I turn off the service, delete from background_jobs and start the service again when I'm done?
22:17 caroline         Does anyone know if there is a way to turn off queuing when running bulkmarcimport or link_bibs_to_authorities? I'd rather run a manual reindex after I'm done than have a gazillion queued jobs
21:05 huginn           tcohen: The operation succeeded.
21:05 tcohen           @later tell mtj hi, saw you launched Koha_Master manually, please pm me about the things you are testing/changing in KTD/jenkins
20:21 davidnind        Apologies to the next development meeting attendees - I put the meeting in the calendar on the wrong day (a  day early!), it should now be showing correctly
19:27 reiveune         bye
19:13 davidnind        ptfs-e++
17:34 ashimema         in the gnome world, they us a matrix bot..
17:34 ashimema         yeah.. that is hard
17:34 * ashimema       reads 'This week in Gnome' and some of it is very droll whilst other bits are fun and interesting
17:33 ashimema         yeah.. I'm thinking an entirely different tact.. trying to drum up interest in fun things to play with..
17:33 cait             there is lots of cools tuff, but some I am not involved with or you miss taking a note in the right moment and forget
17:33 cait             I struggle sometimes fr the QA mails
17:32 * ashimema       is considering a 'This week in Koha' blog thingy.. to highlight cool goings on in the world of Koha dev
15:31 cait             tcohen++   :)
13:29 tcohen           cait++
13:13 cait             ah ok, the unused was just an example... hm
13:12 cait             https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Special:SpecialPages
13:12 cait             tcohen: I have special pages and Unused categories - maybe we already ahave it?
13:04 magnuse          ptfs-e++
12:58 tcohen           thd: maybe we need https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Admin_Links
12:23 ashimema         indeed
12:22 tcohen           yeah, it's been a major upgrade for us, jumping several versions ahead
12:21 ashimema         it may well just be how mediawiki has changed over the years
12:18 huginn           tcohen: The operation succeeded.
12:18 tcohen           @later tell thd we need to chat about the wiki and some changes
12:17 tcohen           I know nothing about mediawiki, thd?
12:16 ashimema         but I can't add others to the group or manage other peoples permissions.. I'm sure that's something I could do when I was a similar level in other mediawiki instances..
12:15 ashimema         but I am in the admin group of users.. very few of us are.. so I can do things like delete pages and stuff which it appears almost no-one else can..
12:15 ashimema         honestly, it's been a while since I did much in mediawiki in any depth so I'm not too worried
12:14 tcohen           \o
12:13 oleonard         o/
12:11 tcohen           pm
12:11 tcohen           what do you mean admin stuff?
12:10 ashimema         and it seems a lot of 'admin' stuff has been disabled on serverside config
12:10 ashimema         I do.. but not the server.
12:10 tcohen           who has admin rights on hte wiki?
12:10 tcohen           I'll be setting a 'test' wiki site, so we can test the koha-meetings.pl script
12:09 tcohen           hi all
11:51 davewood         long time ago and I dont think it has to do with edinburgh, same can happen anywhere
11:46 ashimema         dang.. that' awful, sorry you had that experience davewood
11:45 davewood         Ahh Edinburgh, fun times, until some drunk dudes figured out we were from austria and started doing the Hitler greeting and yelling "Heil!" But other than that, great city. :)
11:43 cait[m]          have been there a couple of times, always loving it
11:43 cait[m]          oooh Edinburgh
11:42 ashimema         there are worst places to be stuck.. we're at the royal college of surgeons library in edinburgh
11:42 ashimema         😄
11:42 ashimema         company christmas meeting.. was fun getting here.. might be even more fun getting home as most of the UK travell infrastructure is in strike or down due to snow at the minute...
11:41 ashimema         I love working for such a socially aware and thoughtful company 🙂
11:41 ashimema         Social Responsibility is of greater and great significance in our company.. we want to remain 'the good guys' and as we grow we're geting that written more formally into all our stuff.. including stuff like the above?
11:40 cait[m]          days!
11:40 ashimema         so wont be around much 🙂
11:40 ashimema         I'm in meetings next couple of days
11:40 tcohen           ptfs-e++
11:40 ashimema         koha
11:39 ashimema         Hi #
11:35 tcohen           hola #koha o/
11:34 davewood         thanks cait :)
11:33 davewood         GetMarcBiblio doesnt show the "invalid data" error/warning
11:32 cait[m]          hi davewood  - sorry not much help here - you might want to check with Joubu or kidclamp maybe
11:18 davewood         thats possibly new -> "Invalid data, cannot decode metadata object (biblio_metadata.id=368, biblionumber=369, format=marcxml, schema=MARC21, decoding_error=':8: parser error : PCDATA invalid Char value 31 <controlfield tag="001">00aD000015937</controlfield>
10:50 davewood         well ... i will give $biblio->metadata->record a try ... is it still the best practice to save changes using ModBiblio or can/should this be done using the record directly?
10:49 huginn           04Bug 29697: enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, RESOLVED FIXED, Replace GetMarcBiblio occurrences with $biblio->metadata->record
10:49 davewood         looks like GetMarcBiblio is going away ... our internal tool depends on it and im looking for the recommended way yo replace it. (https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29697)
10:08 ashimema         😄
10:08 cait             ptfs-e++
10:08 cait             2022-12-08. PTFS Europe partners with Single Homeless Project. (PTFS Europe) PTFS Europe has announced that as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility it will now commit to donating at least 5% of its profit every year to charitable causes. The first charity to be selected is Single Homeless Project based in London which will be supported by a donation of £10,000 < awesome :)
10:06 cait             morning paulderscheid[m] :)
08:58 paulderscheid[m] Morning #koha
08:13 * cait1          waves
08:07 shohl            ah, nevermind - it was the old log4perl config
08:03 shohl            (curl: (52) Empty reply from server)
08:02 shohl            it seems like something is running on port 2100, but curl gives an empty response
08:02 shohl            hi! i am currently trying to set up z39.50 as described here https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Setting_up_the_Z39.50_and_SRU_Server
07:45 alex_            Bonjour
07:24 magnuse__        yup
07:22 cait[m]          bonjour reiveune
07:12 reiveune         hello
07:00 cait[m]          morning stretches?
06:59 magnuse__        \o/