Time  Nick       Message
05:45 Joubu      @later tell tcohen What do we do for the "purge bg" failing test? Will you push the follow-up on 31969 or 32304?
05:45 huginn`    Joubu: The operation succeeded.
06:10 mtj        hmm, looks like my internet is busted today, rsyncing is taking forever :/
06:11 mtj        12 kB/s
06:20 Joubu      hi mtj o/
06:20 Joubu      Happy release day ;)
06:27 mtj        hiya Joubu
06:27 Joubu      @later tell tcohen see bug 32343 for the random failure from Patron.t!
06:27 huginn`    Joubu: The operation succeeded.
06:28 Joubu      bug 32343 # easy SO and QA
06:28 huginn`    04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32343 normal, P5 - low, ---, chris, Needs Signoff , Koha/Patron.t is failing randomly
06:30 mtj        hmm, i might reboot my router, etc
06:33 mtj        upload from voda-wgtn to voda-chch is 100Mbps - but 3Mbps to spark-wgtn :/
06:34 mtj        ..so, a problem with outbound vodafone traffic
06:39 mtj        waiting 3 hours for an rsync that usually takes about 60 seconds 🍺
07:19 magnuse    \o/
07:27 ashimema   Morning
07:59 marcelr    o/
08:00 alex_      Bonjour \o
08:01 reiveune   hello
08:17 cait       good morning #koha
08:21 marcelr    hi cait
08:22 ashimema   bug 32350
08:22 huginn`    04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32350 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs Signoff , Should we die if TestBuilder is passed a column we're not expecting
08:22 ashimema   would love your thoughts on the above Joubu
08:23 marcelr    ashimema: He currently ignores the column in the value hash ?
08:23 marcelr    My first thought would be: just ignore it
08:24 marcelr    qa_team: bug 32304 please
08:24 huginn`    04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32304 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Fix subtest search_limited and purge in BackgroundJobs.t
08:24 marcelr    for Jenkins
08:24 ashimema   so yes.. right now we just ignore such things..
08:25 ashimema   the idea of this is to spot dev mistakes and thus make the test suite more reliably
08:25 ashimema   see all the recent bugs Joubu's been fixing in tests because of misnamed fields passed to testbuilder
08:25 marcelr    ok
08:25 ashimema   I've QA'd at least three in the last few days I think.
08:26 marcelr    you ought to think that the developers runs its own test once again
08:26 ashimema   but yeah.. it may well not be worth the performance burden.. I don't think it's massive, but we lean on testbuilder a lot.. and there's lots of loops in there.. so this could end up being executed a lot.
08:26 ashimema   well.. the issue is it only fails randomly..
08:26 marcelr    you wont solve the random failures
08:27 ashimema   you might get lucky in your runs and have testbuilder magically fill your value with something valid
08:27 marcelr    true
08:27 marcelr    but not depending on wrong column
08:27 ashimema   huh
08:27 marcelr    wrong column is just ignored
08:27 ashimema   that's the point
08:27 ashimema   ok..
08:28 ashimema   see bug 32343
08:28 huginn`    04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32343 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Passed QA , Koha/Patron.t is failing randomly
08:28 ashimema   that one was a misnamed column in the test..
08:28 marcelr    ah ok
08:28 marcelr    i get your point now :)
08:28 ashimema   it passes half the time because by fluke testbuild spits out the right random bit for the field
08:29 marcelr    well spotted
08:29 ashimema   to make it pass 100% we just fixed the field name in the test
08:29 ashimema   there's been a number of these recently basically
08:29 ashimema   but yeah..
08:29 ashimema   I'm still of two minds whether it's worth it 🙂
08:29 ashimema   so really glad to have your feedback 🙂
08:29 marcelr    i think jenkins wants your patch
08:29 marcelr    these random fails are ugly
08:30 marcelr    actually they come from lazy devs
08:30 * ashimema looks at your test fix now on bug 32304
08:30 huginn`    04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32304 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Fix subtest search_limited and purge in BackgroundJobs.t
08:30 ashimema   indeed
08:30 marcelr    we just do not specify columns we need
08:30 marcelr    or even type them wrong..
08:31 ashimema   indeed 🙂
08:31 ashimema   this would only spot typos and renames
08:31 ashimema   but it's a start
08:32 marcelr    i suppose that tomas wont push 32350 anymore ?
08:32 marcelr    because it might influence all tests using TB
08:34 ashimema   haha, yeah..
08:34 Joubu      ashimema: yes, should die if a value is not correct
08:34 ashimema   I reckon it's one for first thing next cycle.. followed by a walk through of fixing all the tests it may well highlight are somewhat broken 😜
08:34 ashimema   I've not run it against the whole suite.. I really should
08:34 Joubu      that will help us catch wrong things
08:35 ashimema   do you agree it's a first thing next cycle job.. or should I stick it in this morning and watch the testsuite explode
08:35 marcelr    ashimema: you should do the check in build not in build_object
08:35 marcelr    we are using build too still
08:35 marcelr    and build_object calls bild
08:35 marcelr    build
08:36 ashimema   er.. I'll read back.. but I thought i put it inside he _buildColumnValues sub that's used by build..
08:36 ashimema   it was a quick POC this morning
08:36 ashimema   oop.. school run time.. back in half an hour
08:36 marcelr    ah yes
08:37 marcelr    i am reading wrong
08:37 marcelr    forget it
08:39 marcelr    Joubu we dont use Array::List ?
08:40 Joubu      array::utils, sorry
08:41 marcelr    i will add it on the patch
08:41 marcelr    and test
08:42 Joubu      marcelr: see last comment, there is a diff
08:43 ashimema   Oh, do we already have Array::List as a dep.. I should have checked that better
08:43 Joubu      marcelr: did you see my follow-up on bug 31969?
08:43 huginn`    04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31969 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, bjorn.nylen, Pushed to master , Options for cleanup_database.pl to remove finished jobs from the background job queue
08:43 marcelr    no Array::Utils
08:44 marcelr    ashimema: i am testing it now
08:44 Joubu      Array::List does not make any sense :D
08:44 Joubu      sorry for the confusion
08:44 marcelr    lol
08:44 ashimema   Sorry, I looked for Array:: Compare
08:44 ashimema   Too many darn modules that do almost the same thing
08:45 ashimema   Anyway, that short is that I agree to using a module if we've already got one were using for these types of compare .  It's much nicer code than my manual loop
08:45 marcelr    no Joubu, didnt see that patch - i am fixing a wall that we are slamming
08:46 marcelr    ashimema: its just one or two lines difference
08:46 ashimema   It is, but this also has the advantage that it catches all failings in one hit
08:47 marcelr    we need array_minus
08:47 marcelr    not intersect
08:47 marcelr    i will add it
08:48 marcelr    and add a test :)
08:49 ashimema   team++
08:49 Joubu      I am expecting a lot of failures to be honest... :D
08:49 Joubu      marcelr: ofc array_minus...
08:50 Joubu      nope
08:51 Joubu      yes, @values - @columns
08:51 ashimema   Me too
08:53 Joubu      and about the purge method, I strongly thing it's all wrong, and the follow-up should be pushed instead
08:53 Joubu      and remove all the unecessary code
08:55 ashimema   I was about to swing back around to that one
08:55 Joubu      tuxayo: You send a lot of "Patch testing session", but no feedback about how it went. Do you get a lot of attendees? Which patches do you/they test? etc.
08:56 marcelr    Joubu my second patch on 32304 should be obsolete, the first should be fine
08:56 Joubu      mine makes yours useless as it remvoes the method..
08:57 marcelr    sure
08:57 marcelr    i fix two tests
08:57 marcelr    i added another patch for jenkins this morning
08:58 Joubu      talking about 'purge' or another thing?
09:03 marcelr    same bug, another subtest search_limited
09:03 marcelr    fails on JK
09:04 marcelr    nice Error: value hash contains unrecognized columns: flag at /usr/share/koha/t/lib/TestBuilder.pm line 287.
09:07 marcelr    TestBuilder uses FK hashes too in value => {} so we need a bit more logic
09:07 marcelr    nice
09:15 marcelr    TestBuilder.t itself contains a wrong column lol
09:15 marcelr    ashimema: ^
09:15 ashimema   LOL
09:17 marcelr    but it survives the build of all objects..
09:18 marcelr    which is a good sign
09:18 marcelr    i needed something like this now too: my @passed_keys = grep { ref($original_value->{$_}) ne 'HASH' } keys %$original_value;
09:19 marcelr    nested stuff for FKs
09:20 ashimema   ah.. yes.. I forgot how nesting works on this
09:23 Joubu      can you replace 'value' with 'values' where appropriate? :D
09:23 ashimema   that would be lovely to do
09:24 ashimema   it's bugged me for year.. but has never bugged me enough to actually do anything about.
09:24 marcelr    and now the enhancements keep coming :)
09:24 ashimema   tuxayo sessions have had mixed attendance.. some reasonable, some not so much.
09:25 ashimema   we're trying to broadcast them a bit more from the ptfs-e side now (we've had some teething issues with a new comms channel for our customers)... and I intend to attend/send some ptfs-e devs to them to help tuxayo
09:36 Joubu      Who's using the pre-commit hook from the wiki?
09:37 Joubu      and who added the check on "use"? (how can I 'git log' the changes?)
09:37 Joubu      git blame even
09:38 Joubu      ashimema: ?
09:38 Joubu      is that you?
09:39 Joubu      the `perl -wc` is also not correct I guess, you don't want to commit from ktd, or install the deps on the host
09:47 Joubu      ok so basically the pre-commit hook on the wiki is wrong for more than 3 years, and nobody noticed
09:47 Joubu      great :D
09:47 ashimema   I found out that I'd lost my git hooks at some point
09:47 ashimema   no idea when but when I went to update it with the vue stuff I found they were all missing
09:48 ashimema   honestly, I can't remember what it did.. it's on my list to revisit
09:51 Joubu      I am on it
09:58 Joubu      ashimema: Can you review the last 3 revs please? https://wiki.koha-community.org/w/index.php?title=Tips_and_tricks&action=history
10:10 ashimema   yes.. but not for a couple of hours 😜
10:10 ashimema   In a meeting now
10:22 marcelr    ashimema: sorry for hijacking your report now
10:28 marcelr    so yes, we start finding wrong testbuilder inits
10:29 ashimema   not at all..
10:29 ashimema   it's great to see
10:30 marcelr    should we fix them on the same report ?
10:30 marcelr    or another follow-up report
10:31 marcelr    finding few more now in db_dependent..
10:32 marcelr    so definitely 23.05
10:49 Joubu      marcelr: IMO it is better to fix on the same bug
10:51 ashimema   cait around?
10:52 marcelr    Joubu we have a quite a bunch; I prefer to separate
10:52 * ashimema is sure that used to give me a mass of cait1, cait2 etc
10:53 ashimema   @later tell cait can you switch the status to 'RESOLVED FIXED' on bug 32186 for me.. I'm testing a dashboard change.
10:53 huginn`    ashimema: The operation succeeded.
10:53 marcelr    bug 32351 is a silly example of the TestBuilder errors
10:53 huginn`    04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32351 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , Fix TestBuilder calls in Koha/Holds.t
10:53 Joubu      marcelr: ok, but they will have to be pushed at the same time.. no much benefits
10:53 marcelr    right
10:53 marcelr    but it allows team effort too
10:53 Joubu      ha, 1 bug per failure?!
10:53 marcelr    i do not feel obliged to fix them all
10:54 marcelr    i didnt create them too ;)
10:54 marcelr    32351 is just an example; we can combine obviously
10:55 Joubu      that's also a good example of.... why is the test passing if there is such obvious typo? :D
10:56 marcelr    yeah it doesnt make sense at all
10:56 marcelr    great dev
10:56 ashimema   scary
10:56 * ashimema hopes that wasn't him
10:56 marcelr    i think you arent
10:57 ashimema   my mistake rate has picked up ☹️
10:57 ashimema   hopefully it'll come down again
10:57 marcelr    hmm i added a name Pass in a failing test
10:57 marcelr    or something like that
10:58 Joubu      `biblio_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'id for the bibliographic record the group belongs to',
10:58 Joubu      default 0?
10:58 marcelr    in a test that passes for a failure
10:58 marcelr    man
10:58 marcelr    whats that
10:59 Joubu      marcelr: did you run the whole test suite?
11:00 marcelr    yes only mentioned a few exceptions like selenium
11:00 Joubu      what's the approximative number of errors? 10, 100?
11:00 Joubu      ok, didn't see you comment
11:00 Joubu      your*
11:00 marcelr    10 and some tests that we need to check
11:00 Joubu      I was expecting much more
11:00 marcelr    some fails due to my env probably
11:01 marcelr    t is not relevant here
11:01 marcelr    maybe we should fix them all on 251
11:01 Joubu      why is t/db_dependent/yaml.t db dependent?..
11:01 marcelr    351
11:02 marcelr    probably because some one pushed it
11:02 Joubu      and the same one wrote it
11:07 Joubu      marcelr: I would remove the wrong param actually, instead of fixing its name
11:07 Joubu      if it's wrong it's not needed
11:08 marcelr    ok
11:08 Joubu      with special attention given to occurrences like item_group where it can hide something else
11:10 marcelr    done
11:11 marcelr    This more or less could apply to all cases ? Since they probably passed..
11:12 marcelr    And now die on wrong name
11:12 marcelr    It feels a bit awkward
11:13 marcelr    htg now; please test 32350 and submit new fixes on 32351 :)
11:28 Joubu      @later tell tcohen 32352 - jenkins failing on xt/check_makefile.t. Just ignore it for 22.11 I'd say.
11:28 huginn`    Joubu: The operation succeeded.
11:30 ashimema   OK.. I have an hour before my next meeting
11:51 Joubu      ashimema: can we simplify 32350?
11:51 Joubu      first and last patches are useless
12:03 ashimema   yes.. we should squash to clean them up
12:08 Joubu      tcohen: I think we need 32353 for 22.11, see last comments from 31447 for context
12:20 Joubu      ashimema: something weird happening on 32353
12:20 tcohen     hola #koha
12:21 ashimema   I was just looking there
12:22 ashimema   weird
12:23 Joubu      ashimema: ok found it
12:23 Joubu      the order of the if, elsif
12:24 ashimema   ah... interesting
12:24 Joubu      but it is still failing...
12:24 ashimema   dang
12:24 Joubu      have to go, I don't know if I have much time this afternoon :-/
12:28 * ashimema will pick it up after his next meeting
12:28 ashimema   thanks for all the work today Joubu
12:40 tcohen     Joubu++
12:41 tcohen     thank you, Joubu
15:37 ashimema   marcelr or cait still around?
15:57 ashimema   where did we get with bug 32351 marcelr
15:57 huginn`    04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32351 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, ASSIGNED , Fix all TestBuilder calls failing due to wrong column names (see 32350)
15:57 ashimema   was it ready for SO?
16:55 tuxayo     Joubu: «feedback about how it went» I do it in meetings (except the two last ones that I missed) Poor attendance in general, 2 people usually, 2 or 3 patches out of the SO queue in average I think. It's not looking great to continue at this pace.
16:58 ashimema   ptfs-e will bring more along to the next ones
16:58 ashimema   right.. clocking off time
16:58 ashimema   have a great weekend #koha
16:59 * ashimema looks forward to the next release and another great cycle..
16:59 tuxayo     see ya :)
18:10 tcohen     rmaints
18:10 tcohen     tuxayo: around?
18:10 tcohen     need your help :-D
18:36 tcohen     have a great weekend y'all
21:22 ashimema   tcohen++