Time  Nick         Message
17:00 caroline     I just wanted to make sure we don't lose it in the logs
16:59 caroline     For future reference https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library#Duplicate_EAN.2FUPC_.28024.24a.29
16:57 oleonard     Oh not at all, thank you
16:57 caroline     oleonard: do you mind if I add it to the wiki for you?
16:48 cait1        oleonard++ caroline++
16:48 oleonard     caroline++
16:48 caroline     oleonard++
16:47 cait1        hm i really need to look into group concat
16:44 oleonard     Excellent!
16:43 KBaldwin     oleonard: It works! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You've made my week!
16:30 reiveune     bye
16:10 oleonard     SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers, ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS `EAN` FROM biblio_metadata WHERE (ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]/subfield[@code="a"]') != '' AND ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]/subfield[@code="a"]') IS NOT NULL ) GROUP BY `EAN` HAVING COUNT(`EAN`)>1;
16:10 oleonard     KBaldwin: I think this works:
16:06 KBaldwin     BRB, going on lunch break . Thank you both!
16:02 caroline     oh maybe add "WHERE `EAN` IS NOT NULL" between biblio_metadata and GROUP BY
16:00 caroline     ok good, so the ExtractValue part is correct
16:00 KBaldwin     caroline: Hi, Yes it was able to pull a specific biblionumber with its EAN
15:58 caroline     I'm curious to see if it returns the correct value
15:57 caroline     can you try SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS `EAN` FROM biblio_metadata WHERE biblionumber = XXXX; (replace XXXX by a biblionumber you know has a value in 024$a
15:55 caroline     you shouldn't need to since metadata and biblionumber can both be found in biblio_metadata
15:52 KBaldwin     Do I maybe have to add a JOIN function?
15:51 KBaldwin     oleonard: XD I appreciate you trying to figure this out with me. I was about to throw my computer out the window.
15:50 oleonard     :/
15:49 KBaldwin     oleonard: With what you gave me, I'm getting a list of biblio numbers, but there is nothing in the EAN column, and the biblionumbers have no 024 associated with them when I searched
15:47 ashimema     damn.. they no longer do direct flights from my local airport ☹️
15:46 * ashimema   starts to contemplate hackfest
15:46 caroline     thx! As long as there is no confusion... it's for an option in a survey so I wanted to make sure everyone understands the same thing :)
15:44 marion       caroline Yes it works :) Mayby "Téléphone portable" is more natural to me but "Téléphone mobile" is perfectly fine too
15:43 oleonard     KBaldwin: Try SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(biblionumber SEPARATOR ', ') AS biblionumbers, ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS `EAN` FROM biblio_metadata GROUP BY `EAN` HAVING COUNT(`EAN`)>1;
15:42 caroline     I think the more common term is "portable", but here in Québec that means laptop
15:41 caroline     I was just wondering if "Téléphone mobile" was an acceptable term in europe for Cell phone
15:41 marion       caroline I'm french. I'm not sure I can help you but at least I can try :)
15:39 oleonard     Still doesn't work, but I'm trying to figure out the pieces
15:37 oleonard     ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]/subfield[@code="a"]')
15:37 KBaldwin     Currently: SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="024"]') AS EAN   FROM biblio_metadata  WHERE ExtractValue(metadata,'//controlfield[@tag="024"]')>1
15:36 KBaldwin     The EAN/UPC didn't seem to make a difference. That was just what I wanted to call the column. Perhaps the extractvalue is coming from the wrong source? I adjusted for the tag being controlled rather than fixed, but something is still off
15:33 KBaldwin     Okay
15:29 oleonard     The first problem is that "EAN/UPC" can't have a slash
15:27 KBaldwin     SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]') AS EAN/UPC   FROM biblio_metadata  WHERE ExtractValue(metadata,'//datafield[@tag="024"]')>1
15:27 KBaldwin     This is what I have, but it's not generating anything. Do you know what I'm missing?
15:11 KBaldwin     oleonard: Let me see if I can find that particular report in the library. I played around with a couple, but my SQL knowledge is very limited
15:07 oleonard     KBaldwin: The duplicate ISBN report should be able to be modified, but you'll have to look at the "extractvalue" process described in the SQL reports wiki
15:06 caroline     Any European french speakers around? I have a terminology question :)
14:59 KBaldwin     I'm trying to find/create a cataloging report that pulls duplicate EANs/UPCs (the 024 field) from our collection. So far, I've only found reports for duplicate ISBNs
14:58 oleonard     Ask, and perhaps someone will answer
14:58 KBaldwin     Would anyone be able to help me with a report I'm trying to formulate?
14:58 KBaldwin     Hello All
14:56 ashimema     cheers
14:56 oleonard     No problem, I'll file a bug.
14:55 ashimema     it's been a while since I've played with the feature I'm afraid oleonard
14:55 ashimema     agreed.
14:55 ashimema     humm.. the tests for holds put vs patch are terrible ☹️
14:55 oleonard     For example:  I would expect a search for "marc" to return results from more than just ByWater
14:53 ashimema     prior to this patch I've tended to find the searches fairly reliable
14:53 huginn       Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29787 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Signed Off , Add plugin version to plugin search results
14:53 oleonard     Bug 29787
14:53 ashimema     ah, I didn't go as far as testing it
14:52 oleonard     Some searches fail with a big error... others return results from one repo where there should be results from multiple
14:52 oleonard     ashimema: I was testing 29787 and got inconsistent search results, I wondered if it was something you'd run into
14:35 ashimema     just looking at a bug from nugged first 😉
14:34 ashimema     will take a look at your last flatpickr next
14:34 ashimema     back oleonard
13:44 Brooke       Hi there!
13:44 oleonard     Hi Brooke
13:42 Brooke       0/
13:05 oleonard     Plugin searching not working as it should, I think.
12:49 oleonard     ashimema: still around?
12:29 marcelr      hi #koha
11:56 oleonard     Offline circ is scary I guess
11:56 huginn       Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29228 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, Needs Signoff , Use Flatpickr on offline circulation page
11:56 oleonard     One more Flatpickr bug to go before all jQueryUI datepickers will be gone: Bug 29228
11:35 oleonard     Hi all
11:21 ashimema     be nice to keep going on that 🙂
11:21 ashimema     indeed
11:11 huginn       Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=28785 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, RESOLVED FIXED, Code in C4::Auth::checkauth is copy pasted
11:11 Joubu        bug 28785
11:11 Joubu        I did some cleaning recently
11:09 ashimema     there's so much duplicate code in here ☹️
11:02 marcelr      afk for a bit now, when I come  back i test your new Auth module Joubu lol
11:00 marcelr      authentication vs authorization like you said etc
11:00 marcelr      cas, shibboleth etc
11:00 marcelr      the code should have been split earlier
10:59 ashimema     it's all the crazy edge cases
10:59 ashimema     yup
10:59 marcelr      but it never made it
10:59 marcelr      some even submitted stuff
10:59 ashimema     but never had the time/guts to go for it.
10:58 ashimema     I've contemplated working on a new auth module for years
10:58 ashimema     indeed
10:58 marcelr      thx googlebot
10:58 marcelr      you know now why that file is so large
10:57 ashimema     yuk
10:57 ashimema     I feel like this routine should always be passed a flag to check.. it's more check_authorization than check_authentication
10:57 Joubu        so we shouldn't deal with that here
10:57 Joubu        lol we are already generating a new sessionID everytime we hit a page at the OPAC if we are not logged in...
10:56 marcelr      just theory
10:56 marcelr      ok np
10:54 ashimema     expired vs timed out
10:54 ashimema     though I can't think of a nicer name
10:54 ashimema     we could be more explicit in our return I suppose..
10:53 ashimema     it overlaps with our timeout expired stuff though of course..
10:53 ashimema     so it is 'expired' at the server..
10:53 ashimema     it means the session has gone away on the server even if the client still has a cookie
10:53 ashimema     hmm.. expired sort of makes sense I think in that case marcelr..
10:51 ashimema     haha
10:51 ashimema     exactly
10:51 ashimema     that hints to me that tomas thought about this case
10:51 Joubu        V1/Auth is weird, it's dealing with anon. It's like Tomas felt there was something wrong already
10:51 ashimema     ` $user = Koha::Patrons->find( $session->param('number') ) unless $session->param('sessiontype') and $session->param('sessiontype') eq 'anon'`
10:51 marcelr      we return expired if there is no session; thats theoretically wrong too?
10:51 marcelr      depends on the impact volume
10:50 ashimema     in Koha/REST/V1/Auth.pm we have
10:50 Joubu        to make things explicit
10:50 Joubu        I think we need to explicitely return "anon" and deal with that in the caller
10:50 ashimema     but it would be nice to have a bunch of direct ones
10:49 ashimema     lots of indirect one's I reckon
10:49 ashimema     mm
10:49 marcelr      direct test
10:49 marcelr      there was not even one test for this sub
10:49 ashimema     lol
10:49 ashimema     that's assuming it's tested properly
10:48 ashimema     perhaps we need to just run the api test suite against this patch.. see if anything breaks
10:48 marcelr      but right
10:48 marcelr      lets rewrite the whole thing ;)
10:47 ashimema     once you have an anon session open.. you should keep that anon session unless you explicitly upgrade it to a user session (by logging in)
10:47 ashimema     I agree
10:47 ashimema     yeah
10:47 marcelr      which i understand at least
10:46 ashimema     my point is that that is confusing 😉
10:46 Joubu        here we generate a new session for anon, that's wrong as well
10:46 ashimema     yup
10:46 marcelr      oops
10:46 marcelr      its a big mess
10:46 marcelr      they are in one module
10:46 ashimema     we're mixing the two in here.. again!
10:46 ashimema     well.. it's 'authentication' vs 'authorization' again isn't it
10:45 marcelr      public api perhaps
10:45 ashimema     yowsers.. check_cookie_auth is used all over the place ☹️
10:45 Joubu        anon is not auth :)
10:45 Joubu        but the sub is saying ""ok" -- user authenticated; C<$sessionID> have valid values."
10:45 ashimema     yup
10:45 Joubu        yes the question is, should we return "ok" or not for anon? Here we are going to fail
10:45 ashimema     but we need to dig deeper to understand if check_cookie_auth should return 'ok' for anon sessions when there are no permissions required to view the resource
10:44 ashimema     I understand the new patch..
10:44 marcelr      if we would return ok for anon, elsewhere a wrong conclusion is made
10:44 marcelr      yes like the new patch indeed
10:43 ashimema     check what for a true value.. id?
10:43 marcelr      hmm
10:43 Joubu        modified patch attached
10:43 ashimema     so the test in haspermission is what fails you
10:43 ashimema     if there are no permissions required for the view.. then the anon session returning OK is correct.. isn't it.
10:43 marcelr      we should check for a true value
10:42 marcelr      therefore
10:42 ashimema     the cookie could be for an anonymous session
10:42 marcelr      no
10:42 ashimema     I think perhaps it was actually working as intended
10:40 ashimema     I realised once I re-read your comment
10:40 ashimema     yup
10:40 ashimema     hehe
10:40 marcelr      ashimema: we are saying the same but talk other language
10:38 Joubu        the patch is wrong
10:38 Joubu        nope
10:34 ashimema     am I missing something obvious?
10:34 ashimema     I don't see how a userid param is ever checked for being present
10:34 ashimema     'see if we have a valid session cookie already. However, if a userid paramenter is present...`
10:34 ashimema     the comment in there doesn't entirely make sense either
10:32 * ashimema   added a comment to the bug
10:31 marcelr      on the report
10:31 marcelr      ok i concluded the same now
10:29 ashimema     $userid is set from $session->param('id').. then you subsequently check they're equal
10:29 ashimema     your code doesn't make sense to me Joubu
09:47 ashimema     hehe
09:47 ashimema     🙂
09:45 marcelr      when i am moving to the UK, i let you know ;)
09:39 ashimema     https://www.ptfs-europe.com/vacancies/
09:28 cait1        true
09:22 ashimema     indeed
09:19 marcelr      better know than not know
09:17 cait1        i don't like this
09:13 ashimema     hehe
09:13 marcelr      yeah but i dont wanna know lol
09:13 ashimema     Circulation.pm is also kinda scary
09:13 Joubu        bug is in master...
09:12 marcelr      and dont forget Search.pm and holds; the big three :)
09:11 ashimema     really glad to see you looking at it marcelr
09:11 ashimema     Auth.pm is scary
09:11 ashimema     I hadn't had enough time to really dig into it
09:11 matts        :à)
09:11 ashimema     mm, sounds a bit scary
09:10 marcelr      two factor agitation
09:09 marcelr      hi magnuse ashimema
09:09 ashimema     morning
09:08 magnuse      marcelr++ Joubu++
09:03 marcelr      we did
08:59 cait1        [off] off doesn't work in all cases
08:59 cait1        [off] mqaybe you should move this out of main channel
08:58 Joubu        [off] Is.. check_cookie_auth assuming that the user is authenticated if the cookie exists?
08:57 marcelr      yes, but feels like we cant ignore it ?
08:57 Joubu        marcelr: the behaviour on the UI is coming from the patches, but the 'bug' exists in master.
08:55 marcelr      [off] up for a new security bug at the front ?
08:54 marcelr      but related to the changes
08:53 Joubu        [off] it's a bug in Koha actually. check_cookie_auth returns "ok"...
08:46 marcelr      yeah
08:45 Joubu        marcelr: I do recreate. That's crazy. It's considered logged in :-/
08:39 huginn       Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=29911 normal, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Default amounts for fee types display with comma in some cases
08:39 cait1        one day those price formatting erros will be my end... spent way too much time on bug 29911 yesterday
08:36 marcelr      just demonstrates the ugliness of changing Auth.pm
08:36 marcelr      if I find it already, will let you know ;)
08:35 marcelr      great
08:35 Joubu        I will have a look a bit later
08:34 marcelr      reported it on the bug itself
08:33 marcelr      hi cait1
08:33 * cait1      waves
08:33 marcelr      Joubu: we still have some glitch in Auth.pm with 2fa
08:33 Joubu        yes
08:31 huginn       marcelr: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready
08:31 marcelr      @Joubu around
07:33 marcelr      hi reiveune
07:32 reiveune     hello
07:21 marcelr      o/
07:18 alex_a       Bonjour
07:18 marcelr      hi #koha
01:02 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest build #776: SUCCESS in 42 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest/776/
00:50 huginn       tuxayo: The operation succeeded.
00:50 tuxayo       @later tell mtj did my 2 emails arrived in the last 48h?
00:19 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest build #775: SUCCESS in 1 hr 2 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D11_MDB_Latest/775/
00:16 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #514: SUCCESS in 54 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D10/514/
00:04 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D12 build #64: FIXED in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D12/64/
00:04 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!