Time  Nick        Message
00:01 dcook       barton: Are you still around?
00:06 dcook       @later tell barton see bug 14861 with my response. I think it's a local Bywater problem.
00:06 huginn      dcook: The operation succeeded.
00:43 dcook       Hello..
00:43 dcook       Specifies whether un-indexed fields should be ignored. A zero value (default) throws a diagnostic when an un-indexed field is specified. A non-zero value makes it return 0 hits.
00:43 dcook       That should be in quotes..
00:44 dcook       I suppose a diagnostic is better than 0 and is usually shown as 0 in Koha anyway..
01:06 dcook       Sometimes I think I should make a "Fun with Zebra" blog...
01:08 eythian     I made one of those: http://ur1.ca/1a1
01:08 dcook       hehe
01:10 * dcook     is slowly taking over http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Troubleshooting_Zebra
01:10 eythian     good!
01:11 eythian     though, I'm going to complain about your lack of using styling to indicate different parts of text.
01:11 dcook       Yeah, it needs some work :/
01:12 dcook       Probably needs re-phrasing as well
01:12 dcook       Whoa... code blocks that actually work
01:12 dcook       Why don't mine do that..
01:13 eythian     you're doing it weird
01:13 eythian     stop doing it weird
01:13 dcook       I guess so, eh?
01:13 eythian     Z&gt; f Host-item,wrdl="Harry Potter"<br>Sent searchRequest.<br>Received SearchResponse.<br>
01:13 eythian     just put lines on lines, like they're supposed to be
01:13 eythian     and put a leading space to make it a block
01:13 dcook       It wasn't working right
01:13 dcook       I've got the rich editor going now and that's much better
01:13 eythian     ug
01:14 eythian     it works near the top of the same page
01:14 eythian     so clearly it can work
01:14 * eythian   is morally opposed to rich text editors
01:14 dcook       hehe
01:14 dcook       I generally am as well, despite my patches :p
01:14 dcook       I've fixed it with the editor but I'll try again :p
01:15 dcook       Nope, it's definitely not working
01:15 dcook       It'll do the first line but that's it
01:15 eythian     wahanui: wtf is <reply>http://www.churchmarketingsucks.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/2010_09wtfbig.jpg
01:15 wahanui     i haven't a clue, eythian
01:16 eythian     ‽
01:16 eythian     dcook: are you putting a leading space on the following lines too?
01:16 eythian     there's no way this doesn't work
01:16 eythian     wahanui: \wtf is <reply>http://www.churchmarketingsucks.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/2010_09wtfbig.jpg
01:16 wahanui     ...but wtf is what the f***...
01:16 dcook       Interrobang ftw
01:16 eythian     wahanui: \wtf is also <reply>http://www.churchmarketingsucks.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/2010_09wtfbig.jpg
01:16 wahanui     okay, eythian.
01:16 eythian     wtf?
01:16 eythian     eh
01:17 eythian     wahanui: botslap
01:17 wahanui     eythian: what?
01:17 dcook       No, I was just doing it for the first. Maybe I was thinking of our local wiki...
01:17 eythian     wahanui: botslap
01:17 wahanui     botslap is ow!
01:17 dcook       Ok. There we go. I might have been crossing the brain streams
01:17 eythian     you do it for each line, otherwise it presumes that it's not in the block because that would make sense :)
01:18 dcook       Well, depends on how clever it's trying to be I suppose :p
01:19 eythian     important news everyone: http://www.cfmradio.co.uk/showbiz/the-buzz/meet-the-worlds-first-ned-flanders-themed-metal-band-okily-dokily/
01:19 dcook       Psssh
01:19 dcook       That's old news
01:19 eythian     important old news everyone!
01:19 dcook       hehe
01:20 eythian     http://wtkr.com/2015/08/25/these-auto-tuned-cows-sound-better-than-___________/ <-- here you go then
01:21 dcook       I don't want to click the link but I kind of do
01:22 eythian     @later tell rangi http://wtkr.com/2015/08/25/these-auto-tuned-cows-sound-better-than-___________/
01:22 huginn      eythian: The operation succeeded.
01:23 dcook       relevant to my last comment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlSwbHgixN4&feature=youtu.be&t=56
01:24 eythian     hehe
01:30 cdickinson  I don'
01:30 cdickinson  I don't know who's idea it was to make MySQL's SUBSTRING() indexing start from 1
01:31 cdickinson  but whoever did is not a programmer and should be ashamed of themselves
01:31 * eythian   points to pascal
01:31 eythian     also lia
01:31 eythian     *lua
01:31 eythian     also the perl $[ variable, but using that is a sin
01:32 eythian     oh, also Fortran, which predates your favourite language by a couple of years I expect :)
01:33 cdickinson  dunno, personally I like programming in C
01:33 cdickinson  which is also fairly old, but not that old
01:33 wahanui     okay, cdickinson.
01:33 cdickinson  thank you wahanui for chiming in
01:33 cdickinson  literal which
01:33 wahanui     cdickinson: which =is= why it is strange that it BROKE... after upgrading like that.|not allowed in MARC.|quite horrible|irritating in its own way|fairly old, but not that old
01:34 cdickinson  I'm not allowed to touch that
01:34 eythian     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_programming_languages_(array)#Array%5Fsystem%5Fcross-reference%5Flist <-- a more complete list
01:35 dcook       Xpath also uses 1-based indexing I believe
01:35 dcook       I want to say some things in Javascript do too... but not all..
01:36 dcook       Ah I'm too slow off the mark :p
01:37 dcook       Actually, I'm probably thinking jQuery rather than Javascript
01:37 dcook       Bad dcook
01:37 dcook       Mmm
01:38 dcook       CSS is 1-based
01:38 dcook       So jQuery sometimes uses 1 as a base, and sometimes uses 0 as a base
01:38 dcook       O_O
01:38 dcook       https://api.jquery.com/nth-child-selector/
01:39 eythian     the only consistency in javascript is the inconsistency
01:40 dcook       :p
01:40 dcook       I've actually started to not mind it too much over the past couple of years
01:40 eythian     Stolkholm Syndome will do that
01:40 dcook       I think that's probably it
01:41 dcook       I was thinking of saying that I don't even mind fixing all the Javascript problems in IE
01:41 dcook       But then I started wondering if I hit my head recently..
01:41 * dcook     did hit his head last night on the bus..
01:45 wizzyrea    @quote add eythian: the only consistency in javascript is the inconsistency
01:45 huginn      wizzyrea: The operation succeeded.  Quote #319 added.
01:47 wizzyrea    forget which
01:47 wahanui     wizzyrea: I forgot which
01:47 wizzyrea    those were all silly answers.
01:51 dcook       freeze?
01:51 dcook       release?
01:51 wahanui     hmmm... release is the 22nd nz time every month
01:51 dcook       hmm
01:51 dcook       3.22?
01:51 dcook       Got folks playing with the bots but no useful info :p
01:53 eythian     well, research the answer and add it. It's wikihanui for a reason.
01:53 wizzyrea    what information are you hoping?
01:53 wizzyrea    for*
01:53 dcook       All the info for the next Koha release
01:53 dcook       Freeze dates, release dates, etc
01:53 dcook       Errr... so all the date info
01:54 dcook       Huh... my name is in an old newsletter about ElasticSearch
01:54 dcook       :S
01:54 dcook       I guess I may have provided info about Zebra related things...
01:54 wizzyrea    release is http://koha-community.org/calendar/
01:55 eythian     wahanui: release
01:55 wahanui     release is probably the 22nd nz time every month
01:55 dcook       That's only the bug fix releases though, yeah?
01:55 eythian     no wahanui, release is http://koha-community.org/calendar/
01:55 wahanui     okay, eythian.
01:55 wizzyrea    someone would need to add it to the calendar
01:55 dcook       Ahh
01:56 wizzyrea    it's may and october
01:56 wizzyrea    feature release is <reply> feature releases are usually in May and October.
01:56 dcook       I thought the release was usually in November?
01:56 wizzyrea    forget feature release
01:56 wahanui     wizzyrea: I forgot feature release
01:58 dcook       Hmm... is the about.pl timeline way off or is it just me?
01:58 dcook       Nothing since January 2014
01:58 dcook       Or am I on the wrong branch
01:58 * dcook     bets that he's on the wrong branch
01:59 wizzyrea    also you have to have a koha conf directive that you don't get on upgrade
01:59 wizzyrea    i think.
01:59 dcook       koha conf directive?
01:59 dcook       Hmm I'm on master but I must be in the wrong place..
02:00 wizzyrea    <docdir>/usr/share/doc/koha-common</docdir>
02:00 wizzyrea    there was something about that, I can't remember what it was.
02:01 dcook       Ahh neato
02:02 dcook       Looks like releases were April/October and are now May/November?
02:02 dcook       Changed between 3.8 and 3.10
02:03 dcook       With 2.3.0 and 3.0.0 being all over
02:03 dcook       March 16 2012	David Cook becomes the 180th developer to have a patch pushed
02:04 dcook       That's right around bub's due date
02:04 dcook       March 16 that is..
02:04 dcook       4 years of Koha at that point
02:05 dcook       Well Koha patches at least
02:21 dcook       wth...
02:21 dcook       I thought we had a coding guideline that specified no use of "given/when"...
02:21 dcook       http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Coding_Guidelines
02:22 dcook       No wonder people keep using it..
02:22 dcook       Nothing about experimental features either..
02:23 eythian     there should be a rule
02:23 dcook       Agreed
02:24 dcook       Nothing about smartmatch either..
02:24 dcook       I would've sworn there was something before..
02:24 dcook       Perhaps I'm mad
02:26 eythian     could be
02:30 dcook       Hmm are subroutines allowed in PL files?
02:30 dcook       I thought they weren't although I don't see a rule about that either
02:30 eythian     I though there was something about that but I can't remember for sure.
02:30 dcook       Definitely no SQL... but I thought subs weren't either..
03:46 * Francesca waves
03:55 dcook       http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/schema/MARC21slim.xsd
03:55 dcook       So I noticed recently a record that was <record type="Bibliographic"> and I wondered if that was legal and sure enough it is
03:56 dcook       Now I'm noticing <record id="Somethingorother"> also looks legal
03:58 dcook       Also interesting that subfield codes can be capital letters legally as well...
03:58 dcook       [\dA-Za-z!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?{}_^`~\[\]\\]{1}
04:09 eythian     yeah, they're just a symbol with very few semantics.
04:09 eythian     except that $a tends to be the main bit, sometimes.
04:17 dcook       Totes
04:17 dcook       I wonder..
04:18 dcook       datafields = (0([1-9A-Z][0-9A-Z])|0([1-9a-z][0-9a-z]))|(([1-9A-Z][0-9A-Z]{2})|([1-9a-z][0-9a-z]{2}))
04:19 dcook       No mixing case I guess
04:20 dcook       9ZZ
04:20 dcook       0ZZ
04:20 eythian     no mixing case is a weird rull to have
04:20 eythian     rule
04:20 dcook       Agreed
04:21 dcook       I wonder how much letters occur in other forms of MARC than MARC21
04:21 dcook       I forget sometimes this is supposed to be quite universal I think
04:21 dcook       Nope..
04:21 dcook       MARC21slim.xsd...
04:21 dcook       Should just be for MARC21..
04:22 * dcook     shrugs
04:22 dcook       MARC
04:22 eythian     well, the ISOwhatchamacallit format is pretty generic
04:22 dcook       2709?
04:22 eythian     I think so
04:22 dcook       I'm not sure whether I'm happy or sad that I recalled that number..
04:22 eythian     MARC is just a layer of special on top of that
04:22 dcook       Ahh right
04:23 dcook       https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_2709
04:23 dcook       That's actually the only wikipedia article I've ever edited..
04:23 * dcook     wonders if hindsight will turn him into a bad contributor..
04:23 eythian     yeah, the example section sums it up I guess.
04:24 dcook       That page should really say bytes rather than characters...
04:25 eythian     it's probably more correct to be characters
04:25 eythian     keep in mind, it's from the 60's
04:25 dcook       Unless it's Utf8 encoded
04:25 dcook       Yeah, tis old
04:25 dcook       And I'm hungry
04:25 eythian     or, 7-bit-bytes
04:26 eythian     though, I suppose they're still bytes, just not what we think of.
04:26 dcook       Damned if you do, damned if you don't
04:27 eythian     hell, PDP-6 had a 36-bit word size and is from the same era
04:28 eythian     historically character==byte anyway, thought that's not so true any more.
04:29 dcook       Depends on what you're working with I suppose
04:29 dcook       I had a bit of a UTF8 trial by fire a little while back
04:29 eythian     well if you're using say utf16, then it's definitely not the case
04:30 dcook       Crap... I was going to say I actually know how to use unpack/pack in Perl now, but I always mix them up..
04:30 dcook       I was thinking a bit about utf16...
04:30 dcook       I wonder what uses it. Surely something must?
04:30 eythian     winders
04:30 eythian     also java, I think
04:31 dcook       Huh..
04:31 dcook       neato
04:31 dcook       Actually the Java thing sounds familiar
04:31 eythian     NTFS represents file metadata as utf16, I'm pretty sure.
04:41 dcook       I imagine it must be difficult to write standards...
04:41 dcook       For all the grief we heap on MARC, it's stood up pretty well as long as it has
04:41 dcook       That reminds me..
04:41 dcook       I suppose rangi might know this but I think Oslo Public Library aren't using Koha for anything catalogue related now?
04:42 eythian     magnuse would be the one to ask probably.
04:42 dcook       Ah true that
04:42 eythian     oh, or kivilahtio I think is involved
04:42 dcook       Wait a minute..
04:42 dcook       I thought kivilahtio was involved with a Finnish library?
04:42 * eythian   waits a minute
04:42 eythian     oh could be
04:42 dcook       Isn't it past 5 for you, eythian? :p
04:42 eythian     it is
04:43 eythian     I should go so
04:43 eythian     on
04:43 dcook       so on?
04:43 dcook       :p
04:43 dcook       Yeah I should stop distracting you
05:50 dcook       Well that was interesting...
05:50 dcook       Delete everything from local storage and EDS still thinks I have 1 item in my cart...
05:51 dcook       That's... interesting
05:56 dcook       Ah right... because the cookie
05:57 * magnuse   waves
05:57 dcook       yo magnuse
05:57 dcook       Question for you about Oslo public library!
05:58 magnuse     shoot!
05:58 dcook       I read somewhere that they aren't using Koha for anything catalogue related now?
05:58 dcook       That they have a different system which uses RDF?
05:58 magnuse     they are not using koha in production yet
05:59 magnuse     but their plan is to do cataloguing in rdf, then dumb the rdf down to marc so that koha has something to chew on
05:59 dcook       Mmm
05:59 dcook       I think I was reading http://digital.deichman.no/blog/2014/06/19/oslo-public-library-chooses-rdf-linked-data-as-core-metadata-format/
05:59 magnuse     and koha will mostly be used for circulation
05:59 dcook       I guess they'd need osmething for circ
05:59 dcook       Yeah
05:59 magnuse     ...of physical stuff
05:59 dcook       So circ and a patron database
05:59 magnuse     yeah, i don't know much more than what that blogpost says
05:59 magnuse     yeah
06:00 magnuse     there was talk of having the patron db outside koha, but i don't know what came of that
06:00 magnuse     things were still pretty fluid when i left
06:16 xarragon_   Is there an easy way to extract the actual data columns from dbix::class::resultset so i can convert it to JSON?
06:46 Francesca   hi
06:55 reiveune    hello
06:56 drojf       mrnng
07:02 alex_a      bonjour
07:02 wahanui     salut, alex_a
07:34 magnuse     guten morgen cait
07:39 gaetan_B    hello
08:28 magnuse     kia ora Viktor
08:29 Viktor      Kia ora Maguse
10:02 * cait      waves
11:35 barton      ah, I meant to get on last night and ping dcook. looks like I missed him again.
12:06 magnuse     barton: yeah, you missed dcook by about 4.5 hours
12:12 barton      Curses! round planet! foiled again! :-)
12:34 tcohen      morning
12:39 mveron      Hi #koha
12:39 mveron      @wunder Allschwil
12:39 huginn      mveron: The current temperature in Basel, Switzerland is 18.0°C (2:30 PM CEST on September 29, 2015). Conditions: Scattered Clouds. Humidity: 40%. Dew Point: 4.0°C. Pressure: 30.30 in 1026 hPa (Steady).
12:47 tcohen      hi mveron
12:47 tcohen      good job with C4::Dates
12:49 mveron      tcohen: Thanks! It is a lot of work to finally resolve Bug 12072 ...
12:49 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12072 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, veron, ASSIGNED , New dateformat dd.mm.yyyy
12:59 tcohen      mveron: I really enjoy the resulting cleanup :-D
12:59 mveron      :-)
12:59 tcohen      specially when it is worth
13:02 cait        mveron++
13:02 mveron      Hi cait :-)
13:02 mveron      ...still about 90 files left...
13:04 cait        ouch
13:11 drojf       hi again
13:11 mveron      hi drojf :-)
13:12 drojf       hi mveron :)
13:13 drojf       with file uploads and elasticsearch coming, is there any reason not to have full text search for documents in koha? ;)
13:14 mveron      That would be great!
13:14 nengard     do it drojf
13:14 nengard     :)
13:14 drojf       heh :D taking a vague look into it. i think it would not be too difficult to do
13:15 drojf       oh nengard i still owe you that youtube patch. just remembering that now, got lost under a pile of things to do
13:15 nengard     oooooo - yes pretty pretty please :) hehe
13:16 nengard     shouldn't have reminded me :) hehe
13:16 drojf       its not on this computer though
13:16 drojf       hope i dont forget until i am home
13:16 nengard     send yourself a reminder :)
13:17 drojf       just did
13:17 drojf       :)
13:22 cait        kind of a relief i am not the only one sending herself emails home :)
13:23 tcohen      hi cait
13:23 cait        hi tcohen :)
13:23 drojf       @later tell eythian what are the reasons to use ES through catmandu? MARC to JSON conversion and CQL, or is there more?
13:23 huginn      drojf: The operation succeeded.
13:26 tcohen      drojf: I guess because it is trivial to code 'store this, search this'
13:28 drojf       tcohen: i have not looked into Search:Elasticsearch yet but i wonder if that is just more complicated to use, or there are other reasons maybe
13:31 mveron      Hmm, it seems that cataloging/additem.pl always displays dates as YYYY-MM-DD (does not use syspref dateformat)
13:31 tcohen      hi Joubu
13:33 drojf       hmm. why would linking upload.pl to 856$u lead to opening marc21_field_008.pl?
13:33 drojf       i dont think that happened when i tested the patches
14:13 drojf       tcohen: can you tell me what bug Koha.pm was introduced in?
14:14 tcohen      drojf: bug 13758
14:14 huginn      04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=13758 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, RESOLVED FIXED, KOHAVERSION should be statically set
14:15 drojf       thanks!
14:42 tcohen      drojf: questions about it?
14:44 drojf       tcohen: no, just ran into errors when i applied the file upload patches to the ES branch
14:45 drojf       i hope the ES stuff gets rebased to master soon :D
14:45 cait        you should ask eythian that :)
14:47 drojf       i think it's not his favourite thing to do :D
14:49 drojf       "It's just a tedious process, so I keep putting it off :) should do that soon though."
14:49 drojf       that was a month ago. is it time to ask again? :P
14:49 cait        yep definitely
14:49 cait        because it won't get any more fun
14:50 drojf       thats not the point of avoiding things :P
15:00 drojf       lol. i @later for the long question but spam all people on the bug with the rebase question
15:00 drojf       that was thoughtful
15:02 drojf       oh look, using the database updates helps making things work
15:04 drojf       magic
15:22 tcohen      drojf: :-P
15:44 Shane-S     is there any config option I can set to see average page load times, say in the footer. I neef to confirm the server isn't the issue, that it is the network/dns.
15:45 reiveune    bye
16:07 nitz0       buenas buenas
17:20 mveron      Bye #koha
17:26 Brooke      o/
17:26 Brooke      any Nigerians on perhaps?
17:28 nengard     hola Brooke
17:28 nengard     I'm not Nigerian :)
17:29 Brooke      hola tejana!
17:29 Brooke      how's my sekrit boyfriend?
17:33 Brooke      @seen Beau
17:33 huginn      Brooke: I have not seen Beau.
17:33 Brooke      @seen Coda
17:33 huginn      Brooke: I have not seen Coda.
17:34 * Brooke    gasps.
17:36 nitz0       @seen cait
17:36 huginn      nitz0: cait was last seen in #koha 2 hours, 46 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: <cait> because it won't get any more fun
17:41 * Beau      barks
17:49 Brooke      hooray :D
20:28 wizzyrea    hi
20:29 northcottc  Hello
20:35 nengard     hola
20:40 Francesca   morning
20:40 Francesca   @wunder wlg
20:40 huginn      Francesca: The current temperature in Wellington, New Zealand is 11.0°C (9:30 AM NZDT on September 30, 2015). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 76%. Dew Point: 7.0°C. Pressure: 30.45 in 1031 hPa (Steady).
21:31 tcohen      @wunder cordoba, argentina
21:31 huginn      tcohen: The current temperature in Bo Altos de San Martin - NW, Cordoba city, Cordoba City, Argentina is 18.2°C (6:30 PM ART on September 29, 2015). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 56%. Dew Point: 9.0°C. Pressure: 29.97 in 1015 hPa (Falling).
21:39 nitz0       @bartender tcohen
21:39 * huginn    fills a pint glass with Chateau Jiahu, and sends it sliding down the bar to tcohen (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/64/24259)
21:39 pianohacker @bartender pianohacker
21:39 * huginn    fills a pint glass with Rolling Rock Extra Pale, and sends it sliding down the bar to pianohacker (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/174/567/)
21:41 pianohacker *thumbsup*
21:41 eythian     hi
21:41 wahanui     que tal, eythian
21:41 nitz0       @coffee nitz0
21:41 huginn      nitz0: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
21:42 eythian     @later tell drojf primarily the MARC to JSON mapping system is the main benefit.
21:42 huginn      eythian: The operation succeeded.
21:42 Francesca   @coffee
21:42 huginn      Francesca: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
21:42 Francesca   oh right thats what it does
21:42 * nitz0     whistling softly
21:42 Francesca   damn
21:42 tcohen      @bartender jcamins
21:42 * huginn    fills a pint glass with Satan Red, and sends it sliding down the bar to jcamins (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/2789/6569/)
21:43 Francesca   @bartender eythian
21:43 * huginn    fills a pint glass with Lindeman's Pęche Lambic, and sends it sliding down the bar to eythian (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/187/598/)
21:43 Francesca   @roulette
21:43 huginn      *BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
21:43 * huginn    reloads and spins the chambers.
21:46 eythian     a 2.5% beer? Need more than that for a wednesday morning! :)
21:46 bag         @bartender pianohacker
21:46 * huginn    fills a pint glass with Anchor Old Foghorn, and sends it sliding down the bar to pianohacker (http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/28/1445/)
21:47 Francesca   hahahahaha I had no idea that command existed
21:50 eythian     @dance
21:50 huginn      o/
21:50 huginn      /|
21:50 huginn      >>
21:58 eythian     http://gawker.com/npr-pulled-a-brilliant-april-fools-prank-on-people-who-1557745710
21:59 wizzyrea    npr is pretty funny sometimes.
22:03 eythian     @hosts2013
22:03 huginn      eythian: Roachtown, Illinois [87]; Quiggleville, Pennsylvania [79]; Okay, Oklahoma [74]; Plain City, Utah [52]; ['Dickeyville, Wisconsin'] [50]; Eek, Alaska [46]; Eclectic, Alabama [38]
22:03 eythian     ^-- what even is this
22:03 eythian     huginn has some weird stuff in there.
22:03 huginn      eythian: downloading the Perl source
22:04 pianohacker @help hosts2013
22:04 huginn      pianohacker: (hosts2013 ) -- Shows votes for the next code4libcon. Courtesy of http://www.floydpinkerton.net/fun/citynames.html
22:04 pianohacker @list
22:04 huginn      pianohacker: Admin, Alias, Assorted, Bugzilla, Channel, Config, Dunno, Factoids, Filter, Games, Google, Herald, Internet, Karma, Lart, Later, MARC, Math, MeetBot, Misc, Network, News, Note, Owner, Plugin, Quote, ReleaseDay, Seen, Todo, URL, Unix, User, Utilities, and Weather
22:04 pianohacker @help ReleaseDay
22:04 huginn      pianohacker: Error: There is no command "releaseday".
22:04 pianohacker @list ReleaseDay
22:04 huginn      pianohacker: add, arewethereyet, change, get, remove, search, and stats
22:04 pianohacker @arewethereyet
22:04 huginn      pianohacker: YES!
22:04 eythian     @dnd
22:04 huginn      eythian: strength:9 dexterity:14 constitution:15 intelligence:14 wisdom:14 charisma:13
22:05 eythian     @developer
22:05 huginn      eythian: Communication:8, BigPicture:15, DetailOriented:6, KungFu:13, GetsStuffDone:11, FlakeFactor:12, JavaAvoidance:14
22:05 pianohacker @releaseday get
22:05 huginn      pianohacker: (releaseday get [<channel>] <id>) -- Gets the releaseday with id <id> from the releaseday database for <channel>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
22:05 pianohacker @releaseday search *
22:05 huginn      pianohacker: No matching releasedays were found.
22:06 eythian     @isitwhiskytime
22:06 huginn      eythian: Yes!
22:06 eythian     ^-- approved
22:07 wizzyrea    did we improve our bot?
22:07 eythian     @cluephone pianohacker
22:07 huginn      BBRRRRrrringgg! It's for pianohacker
22:07 eythian     no
22:07 eythian     it's always been like this
22:07 wizzyrea    it always had releaseday?
22:07 pianohacker sorry, no clue here
22:08 pianohacker are you calling for john cena?
22:08 eythian     Yeah. It's just, release of what?
22:08 wizzyrea    well, Koha?
22:08 wahanui     Koha is coffee
22:08 wizzyrea    literal Koha
22:08 wahanui     wizzyrea: Koha =is= wrong spelling, but koha is GREAT|coffee
22:08 eythian     @sheen
22:08 huginn      Good luck on your travels. You're going to need it. Badly.
22:08 pianohacker @sheen
22:08 huginn      I'm just giving them what I guess they want, I just don't know if they can handle it. Pussies.
22:08 pianohacker @sheen
22:08 huginn      It's been a tsunami. And I've been riding it on a mercury surfboard.
22:09 pianohacker wow
22:09 eythian     @wodehouse
22:09 huginn      eythian: Blair Eggleston was a man who wore side-whiskers and if the truth were known, was probably a secret beret-wearer as well.
22:09 eythian     @anon
22:09 huginn      eythian: you don't belong to code4lib, since you acted in an unwelcome fashion there and were shunned accordingly.
22:09 eythian     ...
22:09 wizzyrea    uh.
22:09 pianohacker @anon
22:09 huginn      pianohacker: Roy=saint, or Joe of Arc since leaving CDL?
22:10 eythian     huginn's database seems to have some bitterness about code4lib, I think
22:10 wizzyrea    @anon
22:10 huginn      wizzyrea: But you don't now--you're a vendor.
22:10 pianohacker @help anon
22:10 huginn      pianohacker: (anon ) -- Spits out random nonsense from 'anon,' that loveable idiot of a troll
22:10 eythian     ah
22:10 eythian     that explains it, slightly
22:10 pianohacker what on earth?
22:10 pianohacker @list anon
22:10 huginn      pianohacker: Error: 'anon' is not a valid plugin.
22:10 wizzyrea    dafuq
22:11 eythian     @pony
22:11 huginn      ,//)
22:11 huginn      ,;;' \
22:11 huginn      ,;;' ( '\
22:11 huginn      / '\_)
22:11 huginn      ^^ not yours
22:11 wizzyrea    hhahaha
22:11 eythian     ahahahahaha
22:11 ibeardslee  win
22:11 wizzyrea    ok that makes up for it.
22:11 wizzyrea    @list releaseday
22:11 huginn      wizzyrea: add, arewethereyet, change, get, remove, search, and stats
22:11 wizzyrea    @list releaseday add
22:11 huginn      wizzyrea: (list [--private] [<plugin>]) -- Lists the commands available in the given plugin. If no plugin is given, lists the public plugins available. If --private is given, lists the private plugins.
22:12 wizzyrea    @help releaseday
22:12 huginn      wizzyrea: Error: There is no command "releaseday".
22:12 wizzyrea    hrmph.
22:12 eythian     @intensify bored
22:12 huginn      eythian: 'fucking bored': -7.15; 'bored as shit': -8.37
22:12 pianohacker @lart wahanui
22:12 * huginn    screams: oh good grief wahanui! Will you please go and sign off some bugs instead?
22:12 eythian     http://xkcd.com/798/ <-- see also
22:14 wizzyrea    that's humorous
22:14 eythian     @lhc
22:14 huginn      eythian: -2535 days left
22:15 pianohacker ooh!
22:15 pianohacker @fortune
22:15 huginn      pianohacker: You will be Told about it Tomorrow.  Go Home and Prepare Thyself.
22:16 eythian     @devil
22:16 huginn      eythian: XML - A magic elixir of legend, claiming to solve all problems while inevitably exacting an ironic cost.
22:17 eythian     @grumpycat
22:17 huginn      ^  ^
22:17 huginn      .  .
22:17 huginn      > n <
22:17 huginn
22:17 huginn      NO
22:17 pianohacker @who let the dogs out?
22:17 huginn      mtj let the dogs out.
22:17 pianohacker @list assorted
22:17 huginn      pianohacker: anon, arch, bar, bartender, beck, bin2int, bitch, blues, bubble2009, chucknorris, cluephone, cocktail, coffee, complain, compliment, cowbell, dance, debt, decide, deli, developer, devil, dnd, dow, duel, excuse, flu, foodholiday, ftse, gamma, gc, grumpycat, haiku, halfbaked, haverfood, hench, hero, hillary, history, hosters, hosts2008, hosts2009, hosts2010, hosts2011, hosts2012, hosts2013, house, (3 more messages)
22:17 wizzyrea    oh boy.
22:17 pianohacker @more
22:17 huginn      pianohacker: inaworld, indieduel, intensify, isit420, isitfriday, isiticedcoffeeweather, isitrainingin, isitwhiskeytime, isitwhiskytime, itr, jihad, journal, jvoters, jvotes, kayfabe, keynotes2009, keynotes2010, keynotes2011, keynotes2012, keynotes2013, lastjournal, lhc, librarian, library, logo2008, lurkers, luther, moe, nasdaq, necode4lib, nonsense, nytags, obama, occupy, once, orsome, pac, penny, pick, pong, (2 more messages)
22:17 pianohacker @more
22:17 huginn      pianohacker: pony, prez, professor, quakes, redact, reminder, rly, rnd, runoff, runoffers, sandp, senate, shake, sheen, should, skillz, slowclap, snow, someone, sortinghat, stab, stanford, stock, swill, swineflu, talks2008, talks2009, talks2010, talks2011, talks2012, talks2013, tdih, tea, toast, tshirters, tshirts, tshirts2009, tshirts2010, tshirts2011, twss, underbelly, voters2007, votes2007, whiskey, whisky, (1 more message)
22:17 pianohacker @more
22:17 huginn      pianohacker: who, whose, wine, and wodehouse
22:17 wizzyrea    @compliment pianhacker
22:17 huginn      wizzyrea: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
22:17 wizzyrea    ooooo
22:17 eythian     @someone
22:17 huginn      misilot
22:17 wizzyrea    @quakes
22:17 huginn      wizzyrea: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
22:17 wizzyrea    it doesn't like me.
22:17 pianohacker @chucknorris
22:18 huginn      pianohacker: If Chuck Norris needs a gun, he sticks two fingers out and shoots. If he needs a silencer, he takes his other hand and wraps it around his fingers.
22:18 eythian     there are many things that are broken in the bot
22:18 wizzyrea    @decide
22:18 eythian     probably accessing long gone webservices
22:18 eythian     @twss
22:18 huginn      eythian: Is it in yet?
22:18 eythian     ...
22:18 wizzyrea    @tea
22:18 * huginn    brews and pours a pot of None, and sends it sliding down the bar to wizzyrea (http://ratetea.com/tea/teehaus-bachfischer/bio-pao-chung-pouchong/7609/)
22:18 wizzyrea    @tea earl grey
22:18 * huginn    brews and pours a pot of None, and sends it sliding down the bar to earl grey (http://ratetea.com/tea/teavivre/huang-shan-mao-feng-green-tea/6041/)
22:18 wizzyrea    that is not what I meant.
22:19 eythian     that's how it works
22:19 wizzyrea    ^ classic.
22:19 pianohacker @rly
22:19 eythian     @shake
22:19 huginn      eythian: Thou beslubbering common-kissing clotpole!
22:19 wizzyrea    clotpole.
22:19 pianohacker @dow
22:19 huginn      pianohacker: Is it possible Google is sending back invalid HTML?
22:20 wizzyrea    that is an underused insult.
22:20 pianohacker @penny
22:20 huginn      pianohacker: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
22:20 wizzyrea    also beslubbering
22:20 wizzyrea    list @tea
22:20 wizzyrea    @slowclap
22:20 huginn      *clap*
22:20 huginn      *clap*
22:20 huginn      *clap*
22:20 huginn      *clap*
22:21 wizzyrea    teehee
22:21 pianohacker that may be the best one yet
22:21 eythian     pony is better, I feel
22:21 cait        :)
22:21 wizzyrea    def.
22:21 wizzyrea    oh hi cait.
22:21 eythian     @news
22:21 huginn      eythian: News for #koha: (#5) Website has moved
22:21 cait        hi wizzyrea
22:21 pianohacker @news get 5
22:21 huginn      pianohacker: Error: 'get' is not a valid integer.
22:21 pianohacker @news 5
22:21 huginn      pianohacker: The Koha website has moved to koha-community.org, join us there! (Subject: "Website has moved", added by 5 on 06:11 PM, September 22, 2010)
22:21 eythian     @news 4
22:22 huginn      eythian: Error: NoRecordError(4,) is not a valid news item id.
22:22 pianohacker woah, up to the minute!
22:22 pianohacker @news 6
22:22 huginn      pianohacker: Error: NoRecordError(6,) is not a valid news item id.
22:22 eythian     hello cait
22:22 pianohacker hi cait
22:22 eythian     pianohacker: definitely breaking news
22:22 wizzyrea    @news add Everything is awesome
22:22 huginn      wizzyrea: Error: 'Everything' is not a valid number of seconds.
22:22 * wizzyrea  blinks
22:23 cait        hi all :)
22:23 pianohacker @help news add
22:23 huginn      pianohacker: (news add [<channel>] <expires> <subject>: <text>) -- Adds a given news item of <text> to a channel with the given <subject>. If <expires> isn't 0, that news item will expire <expires> seconds from now. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
22:23 cait        @eightball
22:23 huginn      cait: Come again?
22:23 cait        @eightball will I be tired tomorrow?
22:23 huginn      cait: I doubt it very much.
22:23 cait        oh good
22:23 pianohacker @news add 0 Potatoes: continue to be delicious
22:23 huginn      pianohacker: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
22:23 pianohacker bah
22:24 eythian     @factoids random
22:24 huginn      eythian: "wizzyrea": Liz Rea, NEKLS; "LDAP": a wicked pain to get working; "light-speed": 1.8026175 * 10^(12) furlongs per fortnight
22:24 wizzyrea    wot
22:24 wizzyrea    rofl.
22:25 eythian     @factoids random
22:25 huginn      eythian: "cormorant": The common cormorant or shag Lays eggs inside a paper bag; "light-speed": 1.8026175 * 10^(12) furlongs per fortnight; "zebra": the bane of our existence
22:25 pianohacker wizzyrea: you're apparently a wicked pain to get working
22:25 wizzyrea    hm.
22:25 wizzyrea    NO LDAP IS.
22:25 * wizzyrea  sulks
22:25 pianohacker No, LDAP is Liz Rea, with NEKLS
22:25 pianohacker gosh, wizzyrea, can't you read?
22:25 * wizzyrea  is not at nekls
22:26 pianohacker no, LDAP is!
22:26 * wizzyrea  cries
22:26 wizzyrea    j/k not really
22:26 wizzyrea    @anon pianohacker
22:26 huginn      wizzyrea: Roy's a big boy--think he can speak to OCLC's desire to act like Microsoft and assert dominance over an informal organization
22:26 wizzyrea    oh oh oh
22:26 wizzyrea    I know
22:26 pianohacker @eightball am I being unreasonably mean to wizzyrea?
22:26 huginn      pianohacker: _I_ don't know.
22:26 wizzyrea    this bot is shared with code4lib, I bet
22:26 wizzyrea    with #code4lib
22:27 eythian     @anon
22:27 huginn      eythian: Roy=saint, or Joe of Arc since leaving CDL?
22:27 eythian     wizzyrea: or forked from it in the past perhaps
22:27 wizzyrea    and it would seem that they are less nice than us :P
22:27 wizzyrea    yes that could be
22:27 pianohacker http://wiki.code4lib.org/index.php/Zoia_or_the_Code4Lib_IRC_bot
22:28 pianohacker @redact [quote random]
22:28 huginn      pianohacker: █████ #246: "trea: kf no longer needs the weirding module" (added by wizzyrea at ██:██ AM, May ██, 2013)
22:28 pianohacker @redact [quote random]
22:28 huginn      pianohacker: Quote #283: "<ashimema> ... █████ like 'rtfm' only works if you read it right. :P" (added by ████████ at 01:29 ██, November 01, ████)
22:29 pianohacker @redac --chance 3 [quote random]
22:29 huginn      pianohacker: I've exhausted my database of quotes
22:29 pianohacker @redact --chance 3 [quote random]
22:29 huginn      pianohacker: Quote #██: "<█████> ███████ make windows crash, █████████ ███████ █████ ███████ █████." (█████ by ████████ at 01:53 AM, ████ ██, 2010)
22:29 wizzyrea    teehee
22:38 eythian     @fight MARC RDA BIBFRAME
22:38 huginn      eythian: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.
22:38 eythian     no fight :<
22:39 eythian     @praise wahanui
22:39 huginn      eythian: downloading the Perl source
22:39 eythian     I guess we don't have that plugin
22:41 pianohacker good night all!
22:41 eythian     @monologue
22:41 huginn      eythian: Your current monologue is at least 1 line long.
22:41 wahanui     i already had it that way, huginn.
22:42 eythian     @etym daffodil
22:42 huginn      eythian: I'll give you the answer as soon as RDA is ready
23:14 ibeardslee  https://koha-community.org/ :(
23:21 Francesca   whah webpage is down
23:21 ibeardslee  doesn't like the https
23:21 Francesca   oh dear
23:22 Francesca   weird