Time  Nick           Message
00:04 Junie          Good day everyone
00:05 Junie          I am trying to find a list of recomended hardware: scanner, Printers etc that should be used with Koha. am I in the correct Chat?
00:05 eythian        you are, though it's not terribly busy on a Saturday.
00:07 Junie          Thank you
00:07 Junie          do you know where I can find a list of recomended hardware that works with Koha?
00:08 Junie          like barcode scanner and printers
00:08 eythian        I'm not really sure, but have a look at http://wiki.koha-community.org - there might be stuff there. Basically, for scanners, anything that acts like a keyboard ("keyboard wedge" they're sometimes called.) This is (afaik) most of them.
00:09 eythian        for printers, I'm not really sure, but it uses firefox to do the printing, so anything that works with that. You might want to ask on the koha mailing list for recommendations if the wiki doesn't help.
00:09 eythian        (I don't usually deal with that aspect of hardware, so don't have a lot to contribue :)
00:10 Junie          Thank you for your kind help
00:10 eythian        no problem
00:10 Junie          I did look at the wiki and did not find anything. I will look again and will try the forum
00:10 Junie          Thanks again and have a great day
00:11 eythian        good luck
00:26 jcamins_away   eythian: I have a really weird error.
00:26 eythian        OK...
00:26 jcamins_away   (pasting it)
00:27 jcamins_away   http://paste.koha-community.org/113
00:27 jcamins_away   I'm getting that error from koha-rebuild-zebra.
00:27 jcamins_away   I'm about to inspect that line in rebuild_zebra.
00:28 eythian        tjat
00:28 eythian        that's a new one
00:28 jcamins_away   And I can confirm, there are approximately an absurd number of directories in /tmp
00:28 eythian        ah
00:28 eythian        hmm
00:28 eythian        that's probably it
00:29 jcamins_away   They're all from rebuild_zebra.
00:29 jcamins_away   Which is running only from koha-rebuild-zebra.
00:29 jcamins_away   I guess you've never seen this before?
00:29 eythian        there is/was a bug that I kept fixing and it kept coming back that caused rebuild_zebra to refuse to delete stuff from /tmp if ~root is not writable.
00:29 eythian        rather
00:29 eythian        not readable by non-root
00:29 eythian        I thought I'd finally nailed it though, but maybe not...
00:29 jcamins_away   This isn't latest master.
00:30 jcamins_away   It took this error several weeks to show up.
00:30 eythian        I thought I fixed it in 3.2 days
00:30 jcamins_away   Oh.
00:30 jcamins_away   Well, it seems to be back?
00:30 eythian        but, it was prone to returning
00:30 eythian        that said, my servers aren't getting it now
00:31 eythian        so maybe it's similar-but-different
00:31 eythian        I'd clean out /tmp, then at least it'll be easier to diagnose :)
00:34 jcamins_away   So... how long does it take for 32k entries to be created?
00:35 eythian        at a rate of 4 per hour, ~8,000 hours.
00:36 eythian        more if you have more than one site on that host, so rebuild zebra happens more often.
00:36 jcamins_away   I'm rebuilding at a rate of 12 times/hour for... four instances..
00:37 eythian        OK, so then quite a bit shorter :)
00:37 jcamins_away   And, sure enough, it took about a month for me to notice the problem.
00:38 eythian        we usually saw it as the /tmp space running out
00:38 eythian        The problem then was that the File::Temp code would chdir to ~ before deleting, however ~ was root, but the process wasn't running as root, so it failed.
00:39 eythian        *however ~ was /root
00:39 jcamins_away   Hmmm... how does one fix that?
00:39 eythian        that may or may not be what you're seeing though, I'm quite sure I fixed that particular case.
00:40 eythian        To start with, I'd write a test script that creates a temp dir, and see if that fails to remove the dir. From there, you can trace it easier.
00:40 eythian        oh, I just remembered how I fixed it:
00:41 eythian        sudo -u "$name-koha" -H \
00:41 eythian        env PERL5LIB=/usr/share/koha/lib \
00:41 eythian        KOHA_CONF="/etc/koha/sites/$name/koha-conf.xml" \
00:41 eythian        /usr/share/koha/bin/migration_tools/rebuild_zebra.pl $@
00:41 eythian        the -H updates $HOME
00:41 eythian        so that it's no longer root, but the home dir of $name-koha
00:42 jcamins_away   Well, that's there.
00:42 eythian        if you test this, make sure you start as root and use sudo in a similar fashion to however you're doing it. It's likely a subtle environment thing.
00:42 eythian        maybe $HOME of $name-koha isn't readable by the $name-koha user on your system
00:43 jcamins_away   Bingo!
00:43 jcamins_away   Bug in koha-restore.
00:43 eythian        ah, it doesn't set the $HOME like koha-create does?
00:44 jcamins_away   Right.
00:44 eythian        cool :)
00:44 eythian        well, good to know :)
00:44 jcamins_away   Now, how do I change the home for an existing user?
00:44 jcamins_away   usermod -d?
00:45 eythian        usermod -d /var/lib/koha/$name $name-koha should do it
00:45 eythian        or vipw
00:45 jcamins_away   Bother.
00:45 jcamins_away   "user demo-koha is currently logged in."
00:46 eythian        ah, sudo /etc/init.d/koha-common stop
00:46 eythian        (and start it when you're done)
00:46 eythian        you may also need to stop apache
00:46 eythian        or use vipw :)
00:46 eythian        and then just restart all the services so they're not confused.
00:48 jcamins_away   Thanks.
00:49 eythian        no worries
00:50 jcamins_away   I guess you don't use koha-restore much? :)
00:52 eythian        jcamins_away: not really, no. Our config between staging and prod is different enough that it's too much trouble.
00:52 eythian        jcamins_away: Bug 7217
00:52 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7217 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, robin, NEW , koha-restore doesn't correctly configure the home dir
00:52 eythian        patches welcome ;)
00:52 jcamins_away   Also bug 7216.
00:52 huginn         04Bug http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7216 normal, P5 - low, ---, robin, NEW , koha-restore doesn't set HOME
00:52 eythian        (should be a one-liner, I just have too much stuff to do in the short term.)
00:52 eythian        haha
00:53 * jcamins_away will let you mark yours as a duplicate while he sends the patch.
00:53 eythian        done the dup part already
00:57 jcamins_away   Done.
00:57 * jcamins_away returns to what he's supposed to be doing.
00:58 eythian        sweet. Me too :)
01:06 huginn         New commit(s) needsignoff: [Bug 7216] koha-restore doesn't set HOME <http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7216>
01:07 jcamins_away   oleonard: an unusual time for you to be around, isn't it?
01:08 oleonard       Yup. Had a free moment and felt like tinkering.
01:09 oleonard       I don't know whether this is a usual time for you jcamins_away :)
01:10 eythian        hi cait
01:10 jcamins_away   oleonard: pretty much every time is usual for me.
01:10 eythian        bye cait
01:10 jcamins_away   Definitely not a usual time for cait.
01:14 eythian        ah, another reason to not use [BZ...] for bugs, it's automatically stripped out sometimes by git.
01:14 eythian        (the other reason being I just think it doesn't look nice :)
01:14 jcamins_away   Hmm... I just did what I thought chris_n said to.
01:14 eythian        yeah, but when I signed off, git stripped it out.
01:15 eythian        (which is why I put Bug .... - ... at the top, I thought you hadn't.
01:15 eythian        )
01:16 eythian        curiously, git bz must have seen that it wasn't there, and inserted the URL, too.
01:16 eythian        nice of it.
01:16 eythian        crap, lunch ordered and I forgot about it. bbiab
01:16 jcamins_away   oleonard: what are you tinkering on?
01:16 jcamins_away   :)
01:17 oleonard       I have a grand plan for a restructuring of the OPAC templates, one which would require many hours of work I'm not getting paid to do
01:17 oleonard       But I wanted to test something, so I thought I'd tinker a bit
01:17 * oleonard     is now wondering why he can't check out one of his remote branches
01:18 jcamins_away   Uh-oh.
01:19 oleonard       Can I not check out a new branch based on a remote one with the same syntax? git checkout -b mybranch remote/branchname ?
01:22 jcamins_away   I just did that a few minutes ago.
01:22 jcamins_away   Does mybranch already exist?
01:23 oleonard       Oh wait, now it's working.
01:24 oleonard       Gremlins.
01:41 eythian        wahanui: gremlins is <reply>First of all, keep him out of the light, he hates bright light, especially sunlight, it'll kill him. Second, don't give him any water, not even to drink. But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget, no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight.
01:41 wahanui        OK, eythian.
01:46 jcamins_away   Gremlins?
01:46 wahanui        First of all, keep him out of the light, he hates bright light, especially sunlight, it'll kill him. Second, don't give him any water, not even to drink. But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget, no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight.
01:48 eythian        no, wahanui, gremlins is <reply>First of all, keep $who out of the light, he hates bright light, especially sunlight, it'll kill him. Second, don't give him any water, not even to drink. But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget, no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight.
01:48 wahanui        okay, eythian.
01:48 eythian        gremlins?
01:48 wahanui        First of all, keep eythian out of the light, he hates bright light, especially sunlight, it'll kill him. Second, don't give him any water, not even to drink. But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget, no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight.
01:48 eythian        heh
01:49 oleonard       Nice.
01:53 jcamins_away   gremlins?
01:53 wahanui        First of all, keep jcamins_away out of the light, he hates bright light, especially sunlight, it'll kill him. Second, don't give him any water, not even to drink. But the most important rule, the rule you can never forget, no matter how much he cries, no matter how much he begs, never feed him after midnight.
01:53 jcamins_away   Nifty!
01:53 * oleonard     wonders what percentage of contaminants is required to make water safe for mogwai consumption
01:55 eythian        those old mystic chinese people in those shops never seem to be very specific with their rules.
02:06 oleonard       Here's what I wanted to try: http://screencast.com/t/2HBAOANkC
02:07 oleonard       Modal cart using jQueryUI. That's as much as works at the moment, but proof of concept.
04:06 eythian        does anyone have any photos of libraries running Koha that I can steal for a presentation? I just need one or two good pictures.
04:07 eythian        (koha in the photo isn't important, just the books and stuff)
04:26 rangi          I have a bunch
04:26 rangi          china, france, samoa, croatia
04:27 rangi          that ppl sent me for kohacon09
04:27 rangi          remind me at work
04:29 eythian        OK ta
04:33 eythian        what's the current best-guess as to the number of libraries with Koha?
04:33 eythian        trying to see if I can convince LWC to tell me
04:36 eythian        ah, it claims 1460
04:36 eythian        that'll do
04:36 eythian        (as an estimate)
07:04 cait           morning #koha
07:05 rangi          hi cait
07:05 cait           hi rangi
07:12 cait           @wunder Konstanz
07:12 huginn         cait: The current temperature in Konstanz, Germany is 5.0�C (8:00 AM CET on November 12, 2011). Conditions: Overcast. Humidity: 86%. Dew Point: 4.0�C. Pressure: 30.49 in 1032 hPa (Rising).
07:59 Oak            hello miss cait :)
07:59 cait           hi Oak :)
07:59 cait           got my message?
08:00 Oak            yup, just now. i was away... preparing for exams.
08:00 Oak            thank you!
08:06 cait           good luck for your exams :)
08:07 cait           tuedsay to thursday?
08:11 Oak            Monday to Wednesday -- 14th Nov to 16th Nov :)
08:11 Oak            thank you
08:12 cait           ah
08:12 cait           missed by one day
08:12 cait           what are the exams about?
08:19 Oak            MLIS last semester, Effective Business Communication, Management of Serial Publications, and Project Management.
08:21 Oak            and i have to do a project also... but for that I have about two months.
08:22 cait           oh wow
08:22 cait           :)
08:24 Oak            :] *sigh* break time is over...
08:24 Oak            back to studies
08:24 cait           :)
08:24 * cait         sends cookies
08:25 * Oak          takes cookies (with thanks) and heads towards books
10:19 Brooke         0/
10:19 Brooke         for the next 3m anyway :D
10:53 Oak            cait, read an amusing example in Business Communication book just now. want to hear it?
10:53 cait           sure :)
10:53 Oak            okay, will type it in full first, then copy paste here, so there is no delay in reading...
10:57 cait           :)
11:01 Oak            okay, ready
11:02 Oak            here on main window? or in private. it's quite long
11:02 cait           pm?
11:02 Oak            okay
13:13 druthb         o/
16:13 bg             morning
16:14 druthb         sup bg?
16:14 bg             hey druthb
16:14 bg             how you doing?
16:14 druthb         feeling a little better this morning.  Yesterday was no fun.
16:18 bg             good I'm glad you're feeling better :)
16:41 cait           hi bg and druthb :)
16:41 bg             hey cait
18:13 cait           @wunder Konstanz
18:13 huginn         cait: The current temperature in Taegerwilen, Taegerwilen, Germany is 4.1�C (7:09 PM CET on November 12, 2011). Conditions: Mist. Humidity: 92%. Dew Point: 3.0�C. Windchill: 4.0�C. Pressure: 30.48 in 1032.1 hPa (Steady).
18:14 druthb         brr!
18:14 druthb         @wunder 38401
18:14 huginn         druthb: The current temperature in Spring Hill, Tennessee is 15.6�C (2:13 PM AST on November 12, 2011). Conditions: Clear. Humidity: 42%. Dew Point: 3.0�C. Pressure: 30.15 in 1020.9 hPa (Steady).
18:18 bg             @wunder 93109
18:18 huginn         bg: The current temperature in K6LCM - Westside / Mesa, Santa Barbara, California is 16.9�C (10:15 AM PST on November 12, 2011). Conditions: Mostly Cloudy. Humidity: 58%. Dew Point: 9.0�C. Pressure: 29.77 in 1008.0 hPa (Rising).
18:18 cait           yeah brr
18:25 rangi          http://www.pennlive.com/perry-county-times/index.ssf/2011/11/new_bloomfield_library_expands.html
18:27 cait           oh, morning rangi
18:28 rangi          heya cait
18:36 druthb         hi, rangi.  :)
18:36 rangi          heya druthb :)
19:05 cait           hope it's better now
19:05 cait           ah wrong window :)
19:05 cait           scrolling broken again, annoying
19:05 Oak            :)
19:05 Oak            how is miss cait?
19:05 cait           :)
19:05 cait           how is Oak?
19:05 cait           done with learning for today?
19:06 Oak            yup :) tired
19:06 druthb         hi, Oak! :)
19:06 Oak            i don't like exams. not really.
19:06 Oak            hello druthb :)
19:06 cait           I think noone does
19:06 Oak            yeah
19:09 Oak            12:15 am.
19:09 Oak            me go now.
19:09 Oak            good night.