Time  Nick      Message
10:44 kados     paul is in Pari today no? :-)
10:44 kados     hi all
10:40 |hdl|     osmoze : oui
09:52 osmoze    |hdl|>  t es par la ?
07:30 osmoze    many thanks
07:30 osmoze    and a good servername and it work
07:29 osmoze    and VirtualHost *
07:29 osmoze    NameVirtualHost *
07:29 osmoze    *
07:29 osmoze    chris, i solved, it's NameVirtualHost
07:29 osmoze    yes,  it's ok for me
07:08 chris     hmm, darn
07:07 osmoze    ok, it's ok for apache2 -t but it's the same probleme for response
07:01 chris     (you can have both)
07:00 chris     try NameVirtualHost php.koha.homelinux.org
07:00 osmoze    my namevitualhost is koha.homelinux.org (opac)
07:00 chris     there we go
07:00 osmoze    VirtualHost intra.koha.homelinux.org:0 overlaps with VirtualHost php.koha.homelinux.org:0, the first has precedence, perhaps you need a NameVirtualHost directive
06:59 osmoze    chris : i have this probleme when apache2 -t :
06:51 osmoze    ok, i rewrite my conf ^^
06:50 chris     just one NameVirtualHost should do it
06:50 osmoze    NamevirtualHost for each site ?
06:47 chris     </VirtualHost>
06:47 chris     ...
06:47 chris     <VirtualHost koha.something>
06:46 chris     </VirtualHost>
06:46 chris     ...
06:46 chris     <VirtualHost opac.something>
06:46 chris     NameVirtualHost opac.something
06:46 chris     eg
06:45 chris     do you have a NameVirtualHost line?
06:37 osmoze    an idea ?
06:37 osmoze    i ve 3 virtual host. When i start with a2enssite one, it's ok, but when i try the second, there is only end always the first that response
06:28 osmoze    there is anybody for helping on apache2 conf and virtualHost ?
04:58 chris     hi osmoze
04:57 osmoze    hello
02:54 russ2     rosa?
23:26 Jo        Russ: are you back yet
23:07 kados     with perl-zoom
21:48 richard   jo: i think he is in a meeting in town
21:37 Jo        Russ: you about?
21:34 kados     thd: you around?
18:54 kados     "actually, we charge churches 50% more" :-)
18:53 kados     my reply should be something like:
18:53 kados     "I have contacted some services that sell their software and they stated they give a 50% discount to churches."
18:53 kados     I must get at least one of these every week
18:52 owen      They've heard about those softies over at Liblime
18:51 kados     hehe
18:50 owen      wb kados.  Since you left we mostly talked about dessert.
18:49 mcginniwa i'm off too
18:49 mcginniwa ciao
18:44 kados     bunch of busy work at NPL to do
18:43 kados     sorry I had to jet
18:31 thd       I shall imagine my preferred brown flavour :)
18:30 thd       I prefer the brown flavour of bread to the brown flavour of chocolate
18:29 chris     tastes good though:)
18:28 chris     its not really chocolate .. its ummm brown flavour
18:28 thd       russ: I never understood the great attraction of chocolate
18:27 thd       russ: make mine berry fruit please
18:27 russ      and red is supposedly a berry fruit of some kind
18:26 russ      where brown is supposdly chocolate
18:26 russ      normally come in two flavours brown and red
18:26 owen      http://www.inmamaskitchen.com/FOOD_IS_ART/places/Ausfoodarticle.html
18:26 russ      bang on owen
18:26 owen      ?
18:26 russ      a type of sponge cake
18:26 owen      "A chocolate coated cube of sponge cake, rolled in desiccated coconut; usually served with whipped cream and afternoon tea."
18:25 thd       s/lamintons/lamingtons/
18:25 thd       what are lamintons?
18:25 russ      hmm lamingtons
18:24 chris     its time for lamingtons and tea
18:24 chris     yep
18:24 thd       chris is the meeting now adjourned?
18:19 thd       thanks paul
18:17 thd       paul: ask the INEO people if you would please
18:17 paul      ok, i'll try to find some. drop me a mail (to avoid that i forget)
18:17 thd       paul: Toward that end, I would appreciate any documentation that you can obtain for SUDOC holdings, and any other local use field uses that you can find even if they really only apply to UNIMARC.
18:17 paul      you have 10 secs !
18:16 paul      ok, guys, unless someone has something to add, I go to bed.
18:16 paul      no problem, afai see
18:15 thd       paul: I intend to ask widely about what the safe local use fields are and document the popular uses of local use fields.
18:14 paul      (even for future one)
18:14 Flash     Thanks Paul.
18:14 paul      no problem to me. and that don't require french libraries to change anything !
18:14 paul      + some discussions once on koha of koha-devel
18:14 thd       paul: no merely to move it to 099 or somewhere that is not in popular use.
18:13 Flash     That's what I'm using now.
18:13 chris     not that i know of, you can have a hunt around ta http://www.kohadocs.org
18:13 paul      Flash : i'm afraid not. only Auth_with_ldap.pm
18:13 Flash     Or a setup doc?
18:13 paul      what you're suggesting is to have a DEFAULT marc21 framework that uses 001 instead of 90
18:13 Flash     Thanks.  Is there a FAQ for LDAP?
18:12 paul      chris ++
18:12 thd       pual: Merel;y so my comprehensive MARC 21 bibliographic framework could document the popular RLIN use of 090.
18:12 chris     lots more people will see the question that way :)
18:11 chris     you might have better luck asking on the koha-devel or the main koha mailing list flash
18:11 paul      (because I really want to go to bed. It's 10PM in France)
18:11 paul      Flash : you can ask, but not sure you'll get an answer !
18:10 paul      why ?
18:10 thd       paul: I was actually proposing to change existing libraries
18:10 paul      but I won't tell you that you must use it mandatory !
18:10 Flash     All, can I but in and ask an LDAP question?
18:10 paul      I won't change my libraries using 090
18:10 paul      it's just a set up.
18:09 paul      none.
18:09 thd       paul: Do you have objections to moving 090 to a less interfering place?
18:09 paul      090 was choosen "randomly"
18:09 paul      I have some libraries with biblionumber in 001 !
18:09 paul      not at all.
18:08 thd       paul: is there 090 harcoding?
18:08 russ      sounds like you need to get some sleep
18:08 russ      paul i'll send you an email
18:08 thd       paul: stay a moment
18:08 chris     lets hope this week is as productive as last week
18:08 thd       I suggest that we consider moving 090 even in 2.2.X if nothing for 090 is hardcoded.
18:08 paul      because I wake up at 4AM (6 hours)
18:08 chris     thanks for being here everyone
18:07 paul      to go to bed.
18:07 paul      ok, so I'll leave to
18:07 chris     ok i think we are pretty much done now anyway
18:07 kados     I really must go
18:07 kados     (yes, quite bad)
18:07 paul      (although it's really a dirty hack from a perf pov)
18:07 kados     great!@
18:07 paul      I think it should work fine for unimarc as well
18:07 paul      kados : I confirm what thd says.
18:06 thd       horaay
18:06 kados     I committed MARC non-filing characters support
18:05 kados     cause that's the other big news for 2.2 I forgot to mention
18:05 thd       kados: I do not remember how UNIMARC treats that but it is similar at least.
18:05 kados     thd: ie, held in the same indicator
18:05 chris     thanks thd
18:04 thd       chris: I have never fathomed that abbreviation except that R is for research.  RLIN is from the Research Libraries Group.
18:04 kados     thd: do you happen to know if unimarc non-filing characters are the same as marc21?
18:03 kados     paul: (or for testing, you can use yourself)
18:03 kados     it does?
18:03 thd       kados: 090 holds more than merely the record identifier in Koha
18:03 kados     paul: correct, it should be the library who you are signing up
18:02 paul      kados : the registration want you to fill the name of the personn that will recieve payements when you earn money through amazon partnership ?
18:02 chris     what the R stand for?
18:02 thd       RLIN is the second largest library network in the world
18:02 kados     thd: so I propose 001 be the default in 3.0
18:01 chris     what is RLIN ?
18:01 thd       paul: registration is free and automatic
18:01 kados     thd: using 001 as the link to biblio.biblionumber seems to work just fine
18:01 kados     thd: (but it was a while ago, so I don't remember the whole process)
18:00 thd       090 is reserved for local copy information in RLIN
18:00 kados     paul: (I had to register to get a developer's key as well as an associates' key)
18:00 thd       koha wants to be in as many libraries as possible without interfering with reserved uses of fields.
17:59 paul      (it's the page to register)
17:59 kados     paul: ?
17:59 chris     k thd
17:59 paul      https://partenaires.amazon.fr/gp/flex/associates/apply-login.html/402-6434233-5948112
17:59 paul      do you remind this login script :
17:59 kados     thd: right
17:59 thd       As everyone already knew, many local use fields are used by large established groups so that what is actually available for non-interfering local use is a subset of local use fields.
17:58 thd       yes
17:58 thd       paul: Other companies also license image and contents content for which they charge a fee.
17:58 chris     so thats 2.2.x finished .. anything more about 3.0 ?
17:57 paul      gotcha : http://partenaires.amazon.fr/gp/associates/join/ecs.html//ref=amb_link_6/402-6434233-5948112?%5Fencoding=UTF8&ref=amb%5Flink%5F6
17:57 thd       paul: along with tables of contents
17:56 kados     paul: hang on ... I'll see if I can find it
17:56 thd       paul: Publishers are often now giving away cover images of new books in ONYX files.
17:56 paul      how did you find the email address ?
17:56 kados     I wrote via email
17:56 paul      how : mail address ? phone call ?
17:55 kados     and they said it was exactly what they created web services for
17:55 kados     paul: I contacted amazon directly to ask if my use of their web serivces was ok
17:55 paul      I could search in amazon.fr and ask them.
17:55 kados     which is good for us since we like the 'read inside'
17:55 paul      kados : where, from amazon.com can you get info to ask for Amazonservice ?
17:54 kados     ie, if you use their image, you must link back to Amazon.com somewhere
17:54 thd       paul: Amazon has been granted most cover images under license from the publisher.
17:54 kados     it's a service provided specifically for linking back to their site
17:54 kados     yea, I don't think amazon provides it as fair use
17:54 paul      you have to ask the editor for permission.
17:54 paul      thus, it's considered as a copy to show the image in a public webservice
17:54 kados     interesting
17:54 thd       paul: Amazon does not provide that from fair use.
17:53 paul      but as a major part of the book.
17:53 paul      and the cover page from a book is NOT considered as a small excerpt
17:53 paul      we just have the "small excerpt for studying purpose" and the "private copy use"
17:53 thd       paul: do you merely mean that some types of libraries are not allowed to link to commercial entities?
17:52 paul      we don't have the "fair use" concept.
17:52 paul      even if it has, it's illegal in France. Let me explain our law
17:52 paul      thd : i'm not sure amazon.fr has the similar web service.
17:52 paul      that's all about 2.2.6. Nothing to say about HEAD, except what stated previously (Tumer code)
17:51 thd       paul: why is it illegal if there is a similar web services form Amazon.fr?
17:51 chris     more clear is good
17:51 paul      Flash just appears in the middle of a developper meeting ;-)
17:51 paul      recieves should be highly more clear.
17:51 chris     cool
17:50 paul      * I'm checking what hdl added to acquisition (to reciepts) but I think it will be very usefull
17:50 paul      * i've checked Amazon.com feature & included it in CSS templates (although this feature is illegal in France)
17:50 chris     i didnt
17:49 chris     thd: im not sure
17:49 paul      about 2.2.6 (to end with this topic) :
17:49 thd       s/cm/com/
17:49 paul      (+ I like the 11 issues on a monthly serial)
17:49 thd       Did anyone ever contact gokoha.cm ?
17:48 richard   yes it is a good distinction to have
17:48 paul      russ : wow, very nice.
17:48 chris     paul: good point
17:47 russ      we have the first part of this working in our clients dev koha
17:47 russ      there are 3 images
17:47 russ      ok sorted gallery : http://katipo.co.nz/gallery/kohaserials2/subscription_1?full=1
17:47 paul      chris ++ And I think it could be useful to explain who is involved in Koha team, and who just sell services.
17:47 chris     paul: excellent
17:46 chris     i dont have any problem in principle
17:46 paul      you now can ask Koha to create an item on the fly
17:46 chris     russ: maybe we could ask for some more info, some urls etc and then decide
17:46 paul      * i've checked the new serialadditems systempref, it works nicely
17:46 paul      some news from 2.2.6 :
17:46 paul      (I had some contact with AF from Vancouver2 1/2 years ago)
17:45 russ      > Française de Toronto[2;2~
17:45 russ      been working with Alliance
17:44 russ      David Capredoni
17:44 russ      and
17:44 russ      Shawn Bedard
17:44 chris     has anyone had any contact with them?
17:44 russ      they have been working with Koha for a couple of years
17:44 thd       very good russ, that was very much needed
17:44 paul      thd : the NEW inventory script takes a file, populated by barcodes scanned from a laptop, and mark all of the items as "seen".
17:44 russ      another bit of news, a crew in toronto jigtechnologies have asked if we can add them to the pay for support page on the koha site
17:43 russ      basically it is an interface to populate the x y z formula thing
17:43 paul      russ : ok, i'll take some minuts to take a look
17:43 russ      paul: if you have time after wards i'd like to show you
17:42 russ      but we have it workin in a dev koha which is better
17:42 thd       paul:How does the new inventory script differ from the old one?
17:42 russ      gallery died on me
17:42 kados     thx
17:42 russ      ack
17:42 chris     ok kados
17:42 kados     chris: I've got to head out for a bit
17:42 chris     ok, russ, show us your mockups
17:42 kados     chris can you take over for me?
17:41 russ      i have some mock ups
17:41 russ      paul: we have been making some progress with the serials subscription interface
17:41 paul      I don't read it carefully, i'll check
17:41 chris     thats what i said
17:41 chris     http://lists.katipo.co.nz/pipermail/koha/2006/009735.html
17:41 chris     ah no i didnt
17:41 kados     anyone else have news?
17:40 chris     yes
17:40 paul      (on koha mailing list ?)
17:40 chris     i think i told her it will be in 3.0
17:40 chris     i was answering marie wardall
17:40 paul      ???
17:40 chris     could you follow up my email then paul, and say that
17:40 thd       paul: What is different about the new script?
17:40 chris     wooo
17:39 paul      it will be in 2.2.6
17:39 paul      ... but hdl remind me I asked him to write such a script, and it's already in rel_2_2
17:39 chris     ah yes, i used that message to answer someone on the koha list
17:39 paul      I thanked him for a new Inventory script.
17:38 paul      last note about Tümer code :
17:38 paul      about holiday management : it relies probably on Date::Manip, so i'll have to clean many things.
17:38 chris     :-)
17:38 paul      so, if my business still grows, I may send him a proposal in a year or 2 ;-)
17:38 kados     very cool
17:38 paul      but very very interested by Open Source.
17:37 paul      maybe he will. but he's still a student for at least 1 year after this one.
17:37 chris     yay for holiday management
17:37 thd       paul: does Antoine not want to devote his life to Koha? :)
17:37 paul      * basic news management on OPAC.
17:37 kados     yes, saw that ... very exciting !
17:37 paul      * holiday management
17:37 paul      that i'll include ASAP in HEAD :
17:37 paul      A news i've submitted to koha-devel already : I have some code from Tümer
17:36 kados     great news paul
17:36 chris     (hit return to soon :-))
17:36 paul      ok.
17:36 chris     sorry paul, i meant excellent news about both of them
17:36 paul      yes chris ?
17:35 paul      (july/August, maybe september)
17:35 paul      + he should work with me 1 or 2 months during our summer
17:35 chris     about both people
17:35 chris     excellent news
17:35 kados     woohoo!
17:35 paul      (100% sure except if it's school refuses. But no reason to occur)
17:34 paul      * We can count on Antoine between march, 20 up to May 20. He will work on a new XUL MARC editor.
17:34 kados     nice
17:34 paul      * Pierrick, the new ineo guy that will work on Koha, begins on wednesday. I'll meet him un thursday at Ineo in Paris
17:33 paul      The 1st news concern ppl
17:33 paul      OK
17:33 thd       kados: I am most of the way through but I explain one problem now.
17:33 kados     go ahead paul
17:33 paul      I have some news too.
17:32 kados     thd: how's the new MARC framework coming?
17:32 thd       As everyone already knew, many local use fields are used by large established groups so that what is actually available for non-interfering local use is a subset of local use fields.
17:32 chris     ok, any other news from last week?
17:30 amanda    thank you everyone
17:30 paul      welcome here
17:30 thd       I have been documenting common field uses outside the strict prescribed MARC 21 standard.
17:30 paul      of course you can, amanda
17:30 thd       welcome amanda
17:29 amanda    thought I would join in on your weekly meetings and just listen in
17:29 kados     paul: about 20,000 records
17:29 amanda    hello
17:28 paul      how large is it ?
17:28 kados     paul: great ...
17:28 kados     yep, WLPL is actually the second public library in the US to switch to Koha
17:27 paul      about the hardcoded value & blank subfield : i'll have a close look.
17:26 mcginniwa cool
17:26 thd       I have made some discoveries while preparing a comprehensive MARC 21 bibliographic framework.
17:26 russ      woo congrats tim
17:26 thd       congratulations tim
17:25 kados     yep, suppose we should announce also that Tim's library, the West Liberty Public Library went live with Koha today
17:24 chris     tim: i hear congratulations are in order :)
17:24 chris     we'll have to test and see
17:24 kados     I'll test it this afternoon as soon as I get back to my office
17:24 chris     :)
17:24 chris     i could have just made it worse
17:24 chris     maybe
17:24 kados     and chris thinks he may have solved that one ... so kudos to chris there
17:23 kados     chris and I also hacked on the bug where blank subfields are saved in the MARC editor
17:23 tim       hey kados
17:23 kados     hey tim
17:22 kados     I fixed a bug where there was a hardcoded value for the first subfield in a repeated tag
17:22 kados     specifically the MARC editor
17:22 kados     I also have a bit of news about rel_2_2
17:22 thd       kados: that is current behaviour in rel_2_2
17:21 chris     they will do that :-)
17:21 kados     thd: why?
17:21 kados     this server crash pretty much tore my day apart :-)
17:21 thd       kados: I assume the default will be all records in the file when finished.
17:21 chris     cool
17:21 kados     I didn't time it, but I will
17:21 kados     paul: you may want to check that option out
17:20 chris     do you get a speed increase?
17:20 kados     I guess I should also mention I committed 'shadow registers' in usmarc's zebra.cfg
17:20 kados     it defaults to 50, but I"ve tried it with 1000 and it works nicely
17:20 kados     thd: (not in head)
17:20 thd       kados: was that not an existing option?
17:19 kados     as well as 'number of records before a comit operation'
17:19 kados     I also modified bulkmarcimport to allow specification of 'number' of records to import
17:19 chris     its not making new connects
17:19 chris     (the context)
17:19 kados     excelletn
17:19 chris     i have koha head running under mod_perl and this seems to be working great
17:19 kados     Biblio.pm and SearchMarc.pm (and Search.pm) have been converted to this new method
17:18 kados     and if not, create a new one, check it, and hand it back
17:18 kados     it will check if there is an existing connection
17:18 kados     $Zconn = C4::Context->Zconn
17:18 kados     so from within a module you can go:
17:17 kados     there is now a Context for the Zconn
17:17 kados     as well as bulkmarcimport.pl
17:17 kados     with chris's help I made some commits to Biblio.pm and Context.pm
17:17 kados     I have some news ...
17:16 thd       chris: I mean for admin
17:16 chris     get_record should only ever return one result
17:16 kados     yep
17:16 chris     you could/can just use the search routine in Search.pm with isbns
17:15 thd       chris: an extendable option to take other standard numbers for all copies with a standard number such as ISBN would be useful everywhere barcode might be used.
17:15 kados     right, that'd be cool
17:15 paul      chris ++
17:15 chris     or we could do it in a .abs file and add an entry in the pqf file
17:15 kados     any other perl-zoom news?
17:15 chris     yep, something will have to tell it where to look, it could be that
17:14 kados     how will it know where the barcode is stored? koha->marc mappings?
17:14 chris     yes, and itemcallnumber could work too
17:14 kados     I see
17:14 chris     given a barcode it hands you back everything it knows about that item
17:13 paul      (we could even extend this to itemcallnumber, as they can be unique for some libraries)
17:13 kados     hmmm ... but barcodes aren't record-level in Koha
17:13 chris     yeah so we can use it for circ
17:13 kados     chris: a barcode?
17:13 mcginniwa howdy
17:12 chris     im going to extend it to take a barcode also
17:12 kados     hey walter
17:12 kados     right
17:12 chris     or the detail on the marc-detail
17:12 kados     (for anything I guess :-))
17:12 chris     could be
17:12 kados     for the detail screen on the OPAC?
17:11 chris     ok, get_record currently takes a biblionumber, and fetches the record from zebra
17:11 kados     chris: you have the floor
17:11 kados     perl-zoom
17:11 kados     ok ... so first things first
17:11 kados     hehe, yea
17:11 chris     true
17:11 paul      (once)
17:11 paul      mmm... we should not speak all at ouce...
17:11 kados     paul: didn't have a chance, but I will try later today
17:10 chris     last week i got get_record going, which is a handy little subroutine
17:10 paul      you tried to set locale to utf8 and it worked ?
17:10 thd       paul: I was trying to distinguish between what is labelled as links and labelled as see also, two different subfield constraints for the bibliographic framework.
17:10 kados     morning richard
17:10 kados     ie, system local needs to be utf-8
17:10 richard   morning
17:10 kados     which I now belive is the system locale
17:10 kados     and to mention that I think paul and I found the solution to the utf-8 prob
17:09 kados     with regards to our perl-zoom project
17:09 paul      NPL fan is more important than us, you're right.
17:09 kados     mainly I would like to talk about how things went last week
17:09 kados     didn't have a change to work up an agendo though :-)
17:09 paul      no prob kados, you're just 7min late !
17:08 paul      * search in the authority catalogue, using an authority search (to find rejected forms)
17:08 kados     sorry guys, I had to deal with a catestrophic system crash at NPL that turned out to be just a CPU fan (whew!)
17:08 paul      * in the biblio catalogue, using standard search (including the see also links)
17:08 paul      you're right thd : the ... search on 2 directions :
17:07 paul      back
17:06 paul      back soon
17:06 paul      baby requires some water.
17:05 thd       Is there an agenda for today's meeting?
17:04 thd       paul: I had presumed that subfield structure links extend the indexes searched from '...' links in the same way that subfield structure see also field/subfield pairs extended the standard fielded search form boxes.  I was seeking confirmation or correction of my presumption.
17:02 paul      thd : i'm not sure atm, but I think yes
17:01 paul      chris : good morning to you
17:00 thd       hello chris
17:00 chris     hi paul, hi thd
16:59 thd       paul: what do MARC subfield structure links actually do in the user interface?  Do they extend the field/subfield pairs searched from '...' links in the OPAC?
16:56 paul2     (he should be here in a few minuts, as we have the monday meeting in 5 min)
16:56 thd       paul2: I read backwards
16:56 paul2     not me, it was joshua
16:55 thd       paul2: are you still seeking an address for pate-lurk?
16:55 paul_True hello world !
16:52 chris     thats a new one
16:52 chris     ohh spam from mexican hotels
16:51 chris     weird
16:51 owen      Snowed this morning, supposed to be in the 50's (F) tomorrow.
16:51 chris     yeah it was like that when i was over, freezing when i first arrived, then really mild over christmas
16:51 owen      Warm and cold and warm and cold.
16:51 owen      Probably not really for another month or so...although the winter's been really weird.
16:50 owen      Not much
16:48 chris     starting to warm up over there now?
16:48 chris     right, know that feeling :)
16:48 owen      Pretty good.  Busybusybusy.
16:47 chris     heya owen, hows things?
16:45 owen      Hi chris
16:44 chris     morning
15:35 thd       paul: are you still seeking an address for pate-lurk?
15:10 |hdl|     Bon appetit :D
15:09 kados     bbiab
15:09 kados     I absolve you :-)
15:09 kados     |hdl|: yay!
15:07 |hdl|     Second commit to come for scripts.
15:07 |hdl|     A first commit tonight for administration panel.
15:06 |hdl|     for 3.0
15:05 |hdl|     So I need your absolution for my absence.
15:05 kados     |hdl|: yep, I'm here
15:02 |hdl|     kados ?
14:03 kados     you mean the ldap user?
13:50 Flash     I do, but the username is not in Koha.
13:49 kados     I thought you had ldap set up
13:49 Flash     Why does it let me in if the username is not in Koha?
13:44 kados     I don't think anyone has gone through every module to make sure the permissions are correct
13:44 kados     I remember fixing a few of those a while back
13:44 kados     I do know that there's a good chance the permissions aren't always set up correctly for every screen
13:43 kados     so I'm not sure how it differs
13:43 kados     me has never used ldap with Koha
13:40 Flash     If I login with a user that IS in LDAP but NOT in Koha I can still get in and even add members.
13:40 Flash     OK, here is something else that is strange.
13:38 Flash     As a basic user, what should I be able to access and what shouldn't I?
13:36 Flash     All set and no change.
13:36 Flash     What is interesting is that it allows me to set those flags.
13:34 kados     try checking all the boxes, not just superlibrarian
13:34 Flash     Yes, the account is mwflach and it has superlibrarian rights.
13:33 kados     Flash: did you set up the permissions for the user?
13:31 Flash     It looks like Koha recognizes that I'm authenticated but is having problems with rights.
13:30 kados     hehe
13:30 paul      should be enough, sorry for inconvenience.
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      everybody beeps pate-lurk !!!!!! = where can you be reach ???
13:29 paul      so, let's bug hime on the chanel...
13:25 paul      I don't mean it's apache the culprit. I just think apache_ldap does something that perl/koha don't understand and support (and i don't know what)
13:25 kados     so what's going on?
13:25 Flash     I can't believe it's Apache because the LDAP auth is working just fine with other applications.
13:23 kados     so what's going on Flash?
13:22 paul      and make koha fail. but what ?
13:22 paul      my bet is that there is something in apache that I don't understand.
13:22 Flash     ok.
13:22 paul      (and is clear)
13:22 paul      would be useless probably, I would just see what you describe :-(
13:22 Flash     see what is happening.
13:21 Flash     Paul, I can give you access to our librarian interface if you need to.
13:21 paul      (probably a bot)
13:21 paul      right. Seems to be alway here.
13:20 kados     pate-lurk: you around?
13:20 kados     guess so
13:20 kados     huh
13:20 kados     is he on?
13:20 paul      (who is @pate_lurk ?)
13:19 paul      you're right
13:19 kados     last I checked
13:19 paul      (eylerfamily.org is down?)
13:19 paul      why ? he disappeared from the web ?
13:18 paul      nope.
13:18 kados     paul: do you have contact info for pate?
13:18 kados     ie, exim, postfix, etc.
13:17 kados     note that Mail::Sendmail will work with any mail server
13:16 paul      mmm... very strange, you're right, it may not be sendmail.pm missing.
13:16 Flash     But it wokrs if I login as kohaadmin and turn off LDAP auth.
13:16 paul      (as you may have suggestion=ON, and thus mail sent automatically)
13:15 paul      that's it : sendmail perl package is mandatory for acquisition.
13:14 Flash     Send mail is not setup on teh server yet.
13:14 paul      maybe Sendmail...
13:14 Flash     Parameters doesn't give an error, it is just blank.
13:14 paul      I Sendmail perl package is missing.
13:13 paul      mmm...
13:13 paul      and if you select something else ?
13:13 Flash     Catalogue works fine.
13:13 paul      nothing more explicit ?
13:13 Flash     If I select Acquisitions I get a 500 error (Premature end of script headers: acqui-home.pl)
13:11 Flash     No login page.
13:11 Flash     If I enter my LDAP info I am taken to /cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl
13:11 paul      you should get a koha login screen
13:11 Flash     When I go to my server (port 8080) I am prompted by the browser for username and password.
13:11 paul      you're enabled by Apache, but NOT by Koha.
13:10 paul      yes, but what i'm missing is why you don't get the login screen.
13:10 Flash     LDAP auth comes first.
13:09 Flash     I can't login with the mysql login/password because it's not in my LDAP.
13:09 paul      it should be used only at the 1st login, to create a "true" borrower, with all librarian permissions.
13:09 paul      (if you login with the mysql login/password, it's hardcoded : you can do everything)
13:09 paul      let me know the "error" you get.
13:09 Flash     But the rights are not being set.
13:08 Flash     Exactly.  I believe that is what is going on.
13:08 paul      thus the ldap is used only to Authentify users, not to set their rights.
13:07 paul      koha ldap check auth from ldap, creates a koha login (in borrowers sql table) if needed, and give permissions according to Koha specific permissions
13:07 Flash     If not, I can wait until Friday or next week.
13:06 Flash     Do you have time for me to explain in more detail?
13:06 paul      thus I bet it's a apache problem more than a koha one.
13:05 paul      mmm... what looks strange to me is that koha does nothing with ldap_apache
13:05 Flash     I changed the code, restarted the server and still have the problem.
12:58 Flash     I found the code and am changing it now.
12:58 paul      (if needed)
12:58 paul      (none in the US, unless joshua tells something else)
12:57 paul      I know only 3 libraries using it
12:57 paul      ldap is not a common feature.
12:57 Flash     Not a common issue?
12:57 paul      (and you won't probably find some help from someone else on this subject here)
12:57 Flash     Thanks for your help.
12:56 paul      ok. Just note it's 5PM for me in France, and i wont be here until friday.
12:54 Flash     I'll take a look at it and see what needs to be done.
12:53 paul      you may need some perl package
12:52 paul      )
12:52 paul      (modify it to fit your needs & rename it to Auth.pm
12:52 paul      C4/Auth_with_ldap.pm
12:51 Flash     Is there info on how to do LDAP auth in Koha?
12:51 owen      Hi
12:51 paul      hello owen & good morning.
12:51 paul      and it has nothing to do with apache ldap auth...
12:50 paul      auth is done in C4/Auth.pm package, sub chechauth
12:49 paul      strange behaviour... I don't know where it can come from...
12:49 Flash     If I login as kohaadmin I get everything.
12:48 Flash     If I turn off LDAP auth, I get a login page.
12:48 Flash     It's just blank.
12:48 Flash     If I use LDAP auth, I am not able to see the Parameters page.
12:47 paul      (should say "yes", or i don't understand your problem !)
12:47 paul      what says Koha >> parameter >> sytempreferences >> admin >> insecure ?
12:46 Flash     Koha does not display a login page
12:46 paul      mmm...
12:46 Flash     It looks like Koha acknowleged that I was authenticated via LDAP, because I was able to get in and the "Logged in as:" showes my username.
12:45 paul      what appears in your log ?
12:45 paul      an apache error ?
12:45 paul      what error do you get exactly ?
12:45 paul      otherwise, you should just get a login screen.
12:44 paul      if you did nothing specific, then you must identify yourself to be able to login into librarian interface.
12:44 Flash     Yes.
12:44 paul      2.2.5 ?
12:44 paul      which version of Koha do you use ?
12:43 Flash     ?
12:43 paul      sometihng I don't understand here...
12:43 paul      because in librarian interface you MUST be auth to login
12:43 Flash     librarian.
12:43 paul      you mean OPAC or librarian interface ?
12:42 Flash     The problem it that some pages don't work and it doesn't recognize me as a superlibrarian.
12:41 Flash     I have not done anything to Koha with regards to LDAP.  If I enter my ldap username and password I am allowed into Koha.
12:41 paul      you mean you have ldap auth for Koha itelf of for apache ?
12:41 Flash     That user is in LDAP.
12:40 Flash     I have a member in Koha with the username of mwflach.
12:39 Flash     For the most part it works, but I get an error on some pages when I login to Koha.
12:39 Flash     I have a SuSe 9/Apache2 setup with the web server using LDAP authentication.
12:35 paul      Hello Flash.
12:35 paul      could be possible.
12:30 Flash     Anyone able to answer an LDAP issue?
11:57 kados     for debian
11:57 kados     http://melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk/~garabik/debian-utf8/howto.html
11:57 kados     or it could be mysql table encoding :-)
11:57 kados     yep :-)
11:57 paul      hehe... it seems we have something very interesting...
11:57 kados     so the problem could be locale
11:56 kados     etc.
11:56 kados     LC_NUMERIC="en_US"
11:56 kados     LC_CTYPE="en_US"
11:56 kados     LANG=en_US
11:56 kados     koha$ locale
11:56 paul      my locale is fr_FR
11:56 kados     on my debian box (which is where HEAD is)
11:56 kados     ooh, interesting
11:56 kados     it's Fedora Core 3
11:56 kados     etc.
11:56 kados     LC_MONETARY="en_US.UTF-8"
11:56 kados     LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8"
11:56 kados     LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"
11:56 kados     LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"
11:56 kados     LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
11:55 kados     LANG=en_US.UTF-8
11:55 kados     [root@gandalf C4]# locale
11:55 kados     yes, all utf-8:
11:55 kados     I haven't checked
11:55 paul      (utf8 enabled I mean)
11:55 paul      is your system utf8 ready ?
11:55 kados     I wonder if that's the problem
11:55 paul      mmm... really poor : the only change is in table encoding in mysql
11:55 kados     (even though <meta> tags are already changed to use utf-8)
11:54 kados     but in head, I still can't get it working
11:54 kados     in templates
11:54 kados     if you change the <meta> tag
11:54 kados     in rel_2_2 it seems to just work
11:54 kados     I don't know what the problem is in head
11:54 kados     no
11:54 paul      so many time lost for this...
11:54 paul      ok, so the problem is really a locale one :-(
11:53 kados     also note the Chinese branch
11:53 kados     http://koha.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/admin/branches.pl
11:53 paul      and you have an utf8 linux ?
11:53 kados     only change I made was to <meta> tag in templates
11:52 paul      you made something specific to previous cvs code ?
11:52 paul      :-D
11:52 kados     hehe
11:52 paul      works fine (+ nice books, I've read them last week)
11:52 kados     cataloged using Koha's MARC editor
11:51 kados     you will see two chinese utf-8 records
11:51 kados     search for 'cheng'
11:51 kados     http://opac.liblime.com
11:50 paul      which one ? no
11:50 kados     paul: btw: did you see my utf-8 enabled demo?
11:49 kados     paul: gentoo howto: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Create_an_UTF-8_enabled_system
11:47 paul      how to do this, and how to change it
11:47 paul      a question, about utf8 : yoyu told me to check the locale env variable.
11:46 paul      not really, i just saw you commited something !
11:46 kados     already done in head :-)
11:46 paul      (we will be able to get rid with this char_decode in Biblio.pm)
11:46 kados     paul: (don't know if you saw my commit note to my changes to head Biblio.om)
11:46 paul      wow ! great !
11:46 kados     paul: (one more thing to note: MARC::File::XML now automatically converts from MARC-8 to UTF-8)
11:45 kados     and it uses very old MARC::Record techniques
11:45 kados     MARChtml2marc is quite a difficult sub to read :-)
11:44 kados     also removed ability for tag repeatability
11:44 kados     because my final fix for the bug where blank fields are added
11:44 kados     I did several commits, but had to roll back
11:41 paul      i'll look carefully at your commit. working on 2.2.6 this afternoon.
11:38 kados     (bug I did fix was removing a hardcoded 'a' in addfield)
11:37 kados     (in rel_2_2)
11:37 kados     (so the bug I could not fix: it seems MARChtml2marc saves blank tags/subfields in a MARC record)
11:36 paul      (yep : TGV at 5:29)
11:36 kados     I will make sure it is less than an hour
11:36 kados     ok ... wow quite early
11:36 paul      so, if we could have less than 1 hour chat, I would be happy...)
11:36 kados     (but not the other one)
11:36 kados     (I was able to fix one bug with the MARC editor in rel_2)
11:36 paul      I should be here, but not too long : i awake at 4AM tomorrow morning.
11:36 kados     (some on rel_2 some on head)
11:35 paul      (although not precisely)
11:35 paul      I saw your work on biblio.pm
11:35 kados     paul: will you be able to make the meeting today?
11:34 kados     I worked on Biblio.pm a bit over the weekend btw
11:34 paul      (he told me it was, when I released 2.2.X, and said it was working fine. But I never used it in France)
11:34 kados     right
11:34 paul      (plus probably ask chris for some help, as i'm not completly sure CVS is uptodate for MARC=OFF)
11:33 kados     unless katipo wants to switch to an XML basis for koha tables
11:33 paul      yep.
11:33 paul      * items : 2 from pocket, 1 from large
11:33 kados     I see, so I need to fix that for MARC=OFF ...
11:33 paul      * biblioitems : 1 pocket book, ed 1996 and 1 large printed book, ed 2002
11:32 paul      * biblio : the 2 towers, from Tolkien
11:32 paul      it means we may have :
11:32 paul      * then adding items in one of the group.
11:32 paul      * then adding a "group", that is stored in biblioitems
11:32 paul      * adding a biblio (in biblio table)
11:32 paul      with MARC=OFF, adding an biblio means :
11:32 kados     and do we need it with MARC=ON? (is it used at all in head?)
11:31 kados     if MARC=OFF, do we need biblioitem table at all?
11:30 kados     so what do you recommend as a more permenant solution?
11:30 kados     hmmm
11:30 paul      but with MARC=OFF, it's not the same thing.
11:30 paul      with MARC=ON, it may be harmless, as everything is done on bibliounmber + 1 biblioitem = 1 biblionumber
11:29 paul      katipo will enjoy this with MARC= OFF !!!!
11:29 kados     because I forced biblioitemnumber to a value of '1' to stop errors
11:28 kados     it works currently
11:28 kados     :-)
11:28 paul      but so many ppl did so many dangerous things (me being the 1st !)
11:28 paul      It used to work on HEAD last time I look at it.
11:28 paul      2- it depends on what we do with biblio/biblioitem tables ! they are supposed to be populated when adding biblio in non MARC DB
11:27 paul      1- only the default one
11:27 kados     there they are :-)
11:27 kados     2. in 3.0, what are we doing with biblioitemnumber? i had to force it to a value of '1' to avoid getting errors while doing bulkmarcimport
11:27 kados     1. if multiple 'search also' are defined for a tag in multiple frameworks, which one is used in a search
11:27 kados     thanks! :-)
11:24 paul      so here I am !
11:24 paul      hello kados : hdl phoned me and told me you have 2 questions
11:24 paul      hello all
11:21 kados     2. in 3.0, what are we doing with biblioitemnumber? i had to force it to a value of '1' to avoid getting errors while doing bulkmarcimport
11:21 kados     1. if multiple 'search also' are defined for a tag in multiple frameworks, which one is used in a search
11:20 kados     hdl: I have two questions:
11:20 kados     hdl: do you know if paul will be here later?
11:19 kados     morning all