Time  Nick     Message
07:13 osmoze   good night chris
07:13 paul     i'll let you know any success or failure
07:13 paul     good night.
07:13 chris    good luck
07:13 chris    but now, i must go to bed
07:12 paul     otherwise, we are loosing our time
07:12 paul     hoping this mysqlPP will solve my utf8 problems ;-)
07:12 chris    :-)
07:11 paul     (the last problem was one with and localhost, easy and already encountered many times ;-) )
07:11 paul     gotcha ! many thanks
07:09 chris    that looks more like it
07:09 paul     4.1.12Gr,"bL4`,dXk3XD*CSXB"
07:09 paul     4
07:09 paul     Escape character is '^]'.
07:09 paul     Connected to bureau.paulpoulain.com (
07:09 paul     Trying
07:08 paul     checking connection
07:08 paul     ok, skip networking is now OFF
07:08 osmoze   so it's good if you comment it ?
07:07 paul     yep.
07:07 chris    theres a trap for beginners
07:07 chris    good detective work
07:07 chris    ah ha
07:07 paul     sysconfig/mysqld:MYSQLD_OPTIONS="--skip-networking"
07:07 paul     sysconfig/mysqld:# (oe) Remove --skip-networking to enable network access from
07:05 chris    that might work too :)
07:04 chris    maybe
07:04 chris    grep "MYSQLD_OPTIONS" -r *
07:04 chris    cd /etc
07:04 paul     how to find who fills MYSQLD_OPTIONS ?
07:03 paul     mmm... no, that's not it.
07:03 paul     get_mysql_option /etc/my.cnf datadir "/var/lib/mysql"
07:03 paul     few lines before, there is :
07:03 chris    looks like it
07:03 paul     MYSQLD_OPTIONS should be the culprit
07:03 paul                 --pid-file="${mypidfile}" >/dev/null 2>&1 &
07:03 paul                 ${MYSQLD_OPTIONS:-""} \
07:03 paul             /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf \
07:02 paul     in /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld, I see :
07:02 chris    which sometimes has configuration in it
07:01 chris    in debian we have /etc/default/
07:01 chris    hmm, dont know much about that sorry
07:01 paul     mandriva 2006
07:01 chris    what distro do you use?
07:00 chris    good question
07:00 paul     ?
07:00 paul     who adds the --skip-networking
07:00 chris    right
07:00 chris     /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid --skip-locking --port=3306 --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
07:00 paul     ...
07:00 paul       410 pts/6    S      0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf --skip-networking --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
07:00 paul     confused
07:00 chris    i get
07:00 chris    say
07:00 chris    what does ps axf | grep "mysql"
06:59 paul     a /var/lib/mysql/my.cnf ? no
06:59 chris    another my.cnf there?
06:59 chris    is there anything in /var/lib/mysql ?
06:58 paul     it's /etc/my.cnf for me
06:58 chris    thats /etc/mysql/my.cnf right?
06:58 chris    hmmm
06:58 paul     )
06:58 paul     (and no connection through -h127.0.01
06:57 paul     and still skip-networking=ON
06:57 paul     done
06:57 paul     =====
06:57 paul     pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
06:57 paul     err-log=/var/log/mysqld/mysqld.log
06:57 paul     [mysqld_safe]
06:57 paul     basedir=/var/lib
06:57 paul     user=mysql
06:57 paul     [mysql.server]
06:57 paul     old_passwords=1
06:57 paul     # Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql/en/Password_hashing.html
06:57 paul     # shorter password hash.
06:57 paul     # Default to using old password format for compatibility with old and
06:57 paul     #default-character-set=utf8
06:57 paul     #set-variable = default-character-set=utf8
06:57 paul     bind-address =
06:57 paul     #skip_networking=OFF
06:57 paul     set-variable = sort_buffer_size=16M
06:57 paul     set-variable = thread_cache=8
06:57 paul     set-variable = myisam_sort_buffer_size=64M
06:57 paul     set-variable = record_buffer=2M
06:57 paul     set-variable = sort_buffer=8M
06:57 paul     set-variable = table_cache=256
06:57 paul     set-variable = max_allowed_packet=1M
06:57 paul     set-variable = key_buffer=64M
06:57 paul     port=3306
06:57 paul     socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
06:57 paul     datadir=/var/lib/mysql
06:57 paul     [mysqld]
06:57 paul     socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
06:57 paul     port=3306
06:57 paul     [client]
06:57 paul     here is my complete my.cnf :
06:56 chris    yes
06:56 osmoze   yes chris, i ve the same
06:55 paul     ?
06:55 paul     section
06:55 paul     in [mysqld]
06:55 chris    thats 4.0.24
06:55 osmoze   so i have no skip_networking
06:55 chris    yeah thats what is in my conf also
06:54 osmoze   bind-address            =
06:54 osmoze   # localhost which is more compatible and is not less secure.
06:54 osmoze   # Instead of skip-networking the default is now to listen only on
06:54 osmoze   dans ma conf :
06:53 osmoze   moi j ai pas de skip_networking mais juste un bind adress, si tu le commentes juste
06:52 paul     mysql don't restart if I add skip_networking=OFF
06:52 paul     skip_networking is ON by default osmoze
06:52 osmoze   (dans my.cnf)
06:51 osmoze   Paul, si tu commentes skip-networking et redemarre, ca donne quoi ?
06:50 chris    its a puzzle
06:49 paul     it don't seems
06:47 chris    and the script that starts it ... /etc/init.d/mysql (or whatever) doesnt have --skip-networking as an option?
06:45 paul     4.1.12
06:45 chris    what version of mysql paul?
06:44 chris    darn
06:44 paul     :-(
06:44 paul     ERROR 2003 (HY000): Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)
06:44 paul     Enter password:
06:44 paul     [paul@bureau ~]$ mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -p head
06:42 chris    and see if that works
06:42 chris    bind-address            =
06:42 chris    you could try
06:42 chris    is there a bind-address bit?
06:42 chris    hmm in the my.cnf
06:38 paul     chris : i don't see how to switch skip-networking off
06:37 chris    hi hdl
06:32 chris    ahh, so somehow we have to switch that off
06:31 paul     skip networking = ON
06:31 chris    ohh bind-address ?
06:31 paul     but show variables tells me
06:31 chris    hmmm
06:31 paul     no, there is none
06:30 chris    if so, you can comment it out
06:30 chris    there might be skip-networking
06:30 chris    check my.cnf
06:30 chris    right
06:30 paul     seems he listens only unix sockets.
06:30 paul     telnet => KO
06:30 chris    it might be only listening on unix sockets
06:29 paul     but -h127.0.0.1 isn't
06:29 chris    telnet localhost 3306
06:29 paul     is OK
06:29 paul     mysql -uroot -ppassword  head
06:29 paul     i cant in fact
06:29 paul     right
06:29 chris    hhmmm
06:29 chris    so its definitely listening on that port then
06:29 paul     of course I can.
06:28 chris    mysql -uroot -ppassword -h127.0.0.1 head
06:28 paul     no, me sorry ;-)
06:28 chris    eg
06:28 chris    sorry i mean can you?
06:28 paul     (how)
06:28 paul     why ?
06:27 chris    you can connect to it from the command line
06:27 paul     is my my.cnf
06:27 paul     socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
06:27 paul     port=3306
06:27 paul     [client]
06:27 paul     any idea why such a message occurs ?
06:27 chris    hmmm
06:27 paul      DBI connect('database=head;host=;port=3306','root',...) failed: Couldn't connect to IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.7/DBD/mysqlPP.pm line 109, referer:
06:26 paul     but I get a :
06:26 paul     (both required)
06:26 paul      http://search.cpan.org/~oyama/DBD-mysqlPP-0.04/mysqlPP.pm
06:26 paul     about utf8 : someone on a french perl mailing list told me that everything works well with http://search.cpan.org/~oyama/Net-MySQL-0.08/MySQL.pm.
06:26 paul     something else :
06:26 chris    i agree
06:26 chris    yes
06:26 paul     indexdata doc is very large, but not always easy to understand.
06:26 chris    took me quite a long time to figure it out
06:25 chris    kinda tricky
06:25 chris    and it looks in 090c
06:25 paul     right chris.
06:25 paul     what is strange to me is bib1 and dublin core is not the same thing.
06:25 chris    "identifier=$biblionumber"
06:25 chris    so now i can go
06:25 chris    melm 090$c      identifier-standard,identifier-standard:p
06:24 chris    we have
06:24 chris    and in our collection.abs
06:24 paul     what do we deal with dublin core here ?
06:24 chris    yes
06:24 chris    att 1007            Identifier-standard
06:24 paul     dc = dublin core ?
06:24 paul     but still unclear what it means :-(
06:24 chris    because i saw in bib1.att
06:23 paul     I saw the commit
06:23 chris    index.dc.identifier                     = 1=1007
06:22 chris    i added
06:21 chris    but i think i understand it now
06:21 chris    took me a while to understand the pqf file
06:20 chris    (running under apache2 and mod_perl2 as well)
06:20 chris    fetching the data from zebra now
06:19 chris    http://opac.koha3.katipo.co.nz:81/cgi-bin/koha/opac-ISBDdetail.pl?bib=4
06:19 chris    and
06:19 chris    http://opac.koha3.katipo.co.nz:81/cgi-bin/koha/opac-MARCdetail.pl?bib=4
06:19 chris    cool
06:19 paul     (just answering russ email about kohaCon)
06:19 paul     hello chris.
06:18 chris    evening paul and osmoze
05:48 thd      hello osmoze
05:15 osmoze   hello
04:11 chris    bummer
04:10 thd      chris: I wish the squashed bugs would stay dead though.  I see behaviour change reintroducing them in different places.
04:09 chris    yep
04:07 thd      chris: A module would be better with more comments in the code but no need to break everything at once.
04:06 chris    but we have more than enough to do, without refactoring too :)
04:06 chris    the scripts should only be very minimal
04:05 chris    well all the code should actually be in a module
04:04 thd      chris: I had not thought clearly about whether the OPAC and the intranet would need different Perl files for comparable functions.
04:02 chris    the other changes are to do with zebra, so you dont want them for 2.2
04:02 chris    are the lines i commented out, to make the fix
04:01 chris    lines 152, 153, 154 and 156
04:01 chris    in that file
04:00 thd      chris: I had the right name before as I used it.
04:00 chris    its up to revision 1.11 in head
04:00 chris    not the intranet
04:00 chris    its for the opac
04:00 chris    you are mistaken :)
03:59 thd      chris: opac-MARCdetail.pl did not exist before only MARCdetail.pl unless I am mistaken.
03:59 chris    opac/opac-MARCdetail.pl is what i changed
03:58 chris    i did?
03:58 thd      chis: I see you added a new file name?
03:57 chris    theres just an if commented out
03:57 chris    the same changes could be replicated to MARCdetail.pl easily enough though
03:56 chris    no i only committed it to opac-MARCdetail.pl
03:51 thd      chris: Did you commit a change for MARCdetail.pl to HEAD in another location or did I misunderstand?
03:49 thd      chris: I do not find any change committed in CVS HEAD to koha/catalogue/MARCdetail.pl since paul's "moving catalogue views to catalogue directory" over 4 weeks ago.
00:38 thd      thanks chris
00:38 chris    the commenting out at the bottom is what i changed
00:37 chris    its committed to head
00:35 thd      chris: If you do not commit the opac-MARCdetail.pl changes to rel_2_2 without taking the time to set up a user preference, will you commit it to HEAD or email it to koha at agogme.com ?
00:26 chris    right
00:26 thd      chris: ISBD is not a record exchange format where adaptation to the display medium will break its function.  A better ISBD configuration syntax would not need cheating for readability..
00:19 chris    someone probably will :)
00:18 thd      chris: It is a small amendment if someone wants it to be more difficult to read on a computer screen where there is less control over presentation than on a printed card for which the format was devised.
00:15 chris    ah ok
00:15 thd      chris: something else about ISBD.  Even I cheated the ISBD standard in my complete MARC 21 Koha 2 ISBD configuration in a small way as a concession to readability with newlines for subjects that should probably be inline according to the standard.
00:09 thd      Romans were all fine librarians. :)
00:08 thd      chris: I set my timeout to 24 hours.
00:08 chris    lets give them the codes in roman numerals :-)
00:08 chris    :-)
00:08 thd      chris: Only the codes is the traditional MARC view for librarians who think that it is not a real library system unless it has a view that is as difficult to interpret as possible.
00:06 chris    yep, that should be much easier with zebra
00:05 chris    there 5 minutes instead now
00:05 thd      chris: There should probably also be an alternate very compact non-descriptive view with only the codes and no semantic labels.
00:04 chris    hmmm i should increase that timeout limit
00:04 thd      chris: paul does acknowledge that even the economical form should have extra space between repeated subfields so as not to confuse all the subfields as collectively belonging to the same individual field..
00:03 chris    it was just commenting out some lines so i wont commit the fix in 2.2
00:02 thd      chris: A preference to choose between economical and verbose format is needed.
00:01 thd      chris: Or prospective customers.
00:00 thd      chris: kados has the opposite problem from his customers.
00:00 chris    ahh right
00:00 thd      chris: That had been the original form of the MARC view.  Paul changed it after his libraries complained that repeating the field name was verbose.
23:58 thd      chris: your MARC example fixed the MARC problem.  However, there may be a problem with committing that code.
23:57 chris    yep
23:57 thd      chris: The users like to be able to change things themselves without asking a programmer/template designer to change a template.
23:55 chris    etc
23:55 chris    that they could choose .. or a dvd view which shows the info relevant to do dvds
23:55 thd      chris: That was merely the most accessible for librarians who might not have access to do more on the web services that kados provides.
23:55 chris    you could have a kids view
23:55 chris    like you can create frameworks
23:54 chris    itd be nice to be able to create lots of views
23:54 chris    true
23:54 thd      chris: No need to have an ISBD display that does not follow the ISBD rules.
23:53 thd      chris: There should be something else for that purpose such as preferences for the detail view controlled by a framework.
23:52 chris    yeah i can see that that would be desirable
23:52 thd      chris: kados has found that as an easy user modifiable configuration his libraries liked to use it themselves to create a custom display.
23:50 chris    or use a standard layout?
23:50 chris    do libraries usually define their own?
23:50 chris    it does look very much like the old cards
23:50 chris    http://opac.koha3.katipo.co.nz:81/cgi-bin/koha/opac-ISBDdetail.pl?bib=4
23:50 chris    yeah just looking at
23:50 thd      chris: ISBD is much more of a standard for the traditional representation that used to appear on printed cards in the catalogue.
23:48 chris    ok
23:48 thd      chris: ISBD have a different order for the placement of the general parts of the record and what parts are important.
23:47 chris    right
23:47 thd      chris:  ISBD display is to put some parts of the record in the correct place with correct joining punctuation.
23:46 chris    that makes sense
23:46 chris    thd: ahhh i get it now
23:45 chris    http://opac.koha3.katipo.co.nz:81/cgi-bin/koha/opac-MARCdetail.pl?bib=4   has that fixed the problem you were having with 650?
23:45 thd      chris: The problem is that the Koha 2 ISBD configuration actually specified the order of subfields instead of reading the order from the record.
23:44 chris    oh while you are here
23:44 chris    k
23:44 thd      chris: actually, that order information always was in Koha 2 but usually ignored.
23:43 chris    ahh so you only use ISBD if you dont use MARC?
23:43 thd      chris: MARC records have subfield order information.
23:43 chris    in koha 3?
23:43 chris    so if you have marc records, you cant display them in ISBD format?
23:42 thd      chris: MARC records do not have ISBD information.
23:42 thd      chris: The problem with Koha 2 leads to 260 $a $b $a $b $c being represented as 260 $a $a $b $b $c.
23:39 chris    so each record has isbd information stored with it?
23:39 chris    k
23:38 thd      chris: In Koha 3 the record should provide the information about what to return while the configuration merely provides placement and joining punctuation.
23:37 chris    right
23:37 thd      chris: In Koha 2, the ISBD configuration file tells Koha what to return from the record.
23:36 thd      chris: For future reference then
23:35 chris    rather than from mysql
23:35 chris    all i have done is make it fetch the data from zebra using zoom
23:35 chris    wasnt planning on revising it yet
23:35 chris    yep
23:35 thd      chris: are you there?
23:34 thd      chris: If you are going to be revising the ISBD Perl script for Zebra, you should understand how ISBD for Koha 2 is backwards.
22:40 chris    sleep well
21:54 kados    right
21:50 chris    that does the making marcxml as well
21:50 chris    and then make a copy of the 2.2 updatedatabase
21:49 chris    i think the main one is adding the marcxml column
21:48 chris    i think what we need to do is figure out what changes we need
21:48 chris    hmm
21:33 kados    chris: when you get back from lunch, if you have time, could you walk me through the process of syncing updatedatabase so I can start doing QA on the perl-zoom plugin?
21:12 kados    cool
21:12 chris    time for some food
21:12 chris    right theres a bunch of commits
21:05 kados    nice!
21:05 chris    using get_record too now
21:05 chris    http://opac.koha3.katipo.co.nz:81/cgi-bin/koha/opac-ISBDdetail.pl?bib=29
21:03 kados    I asked on koha-zebra about commit and $Zconn
21:02 chris    :)
21:02 kados    though I agree that's thd's extreme example :-)
21:01 kados    http://koha.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/admin/systempreferences.pl?tab=Catalogue
21:01 kados    catalog tab
21:01 kados    in preferences
21:01 kados    just nab it from koha.liblime.com
21:00 chris    how do you set up isbd stuff?
21:00 chris    ok, http://opac.koha3.katipo.co.nz:81/cgi-bin/koha/opac-ISBDdetail.pl?bib=29
20:58 chris    yeah those are the 2 big ones
20:56 kados    are 1.120 and 1.125
20:56 kados    looks like the two important commits
20:55 chris    ahh
20:55 kados    is related to utf-8 changes
20:55 kados    from paul's notes, it looks like the marcxml column
20:55 kados    http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewcvs/koha/updater/updatedatabase?root=koha&only_with_tag=MAIN
20:51 chris    right
20:50 kados    for that plugin
20:50 kados    so zebra.cfg will have to not use utf-8 then
20:50 chris    right i think leave those for 3.0
20:50 kados    or innodb
20:50 kados    not sure if i need updatedatabase to update mysql to utf-8
20:50 kados    is merge in just the perl-zoom stuff
20:49 chris    right
20:49 kados    what I _think_ I want to do
20:48 kados    I'm not familiar enough with cvs diff and patch to know how best to merge the right changes
20:48 kados    apparantly there is quite a bit of stuff in rel_2_2 updatedatabase that's been removed in head
20:48 kados    I spoke to paul about it yesterday
20:47 kados    chris: for the perl-zoom plugin
20:47 kados    chris: so we forgot to discuss the need to updatedatabase
20:47 chris    with marc anyway
20:47 chris    yeah
20:47 kados    yep
20:47 kados    seems fairly easy to develop with zoom :-)
20:47 chris    but im not sure if thats what he wanted, he'll read the logs i guess
20:47 kados    nice job then!
20:46 kados    ahh ... right
20:46 chris    thats what it was doing
20:46 chris    http://opac.koha3.katipo.co.nz:81/cgi-bin/koha/opac-MARCdetail.pl?bib=29
20:46 kados    cool
20:46 chris    ahh it was doing the opposite, lemme show ya
20:45 kados    nice
20:45 kados    if it was listing a 650 a x a x as 650 a x 650 a x then the answer's no
20:45 chris    and it gives you a marc record
20:45 chris    you give it a biblionumber
20:45 kados    not sure what the problem was exactly
20:45 chris    its using my get_record()
20:44 chris    yeah that all gets stuck in zebra by the import
20:44 chris    i wonder if while i was doing it i fixed thd's problem
20:44 kados    looks like you've got item details too
20:43 kados    nice!
20:43 chris    fetching from zebra now
20:43 chris    http://opac.koha3.katipo.co.nz:81/cgi-bin/koha/opac-MARCdetail.pl?bib=29
20:43 kados    but doing better now
20:43 kados    chris: was feeling a bit feverish earlier
20:43 kados    chris: I'm back
20:24 mason    oops, wrong channel
20:23 chris    no
20:23 mason    have i hung the cvs server?
20:02 chris    or if thd is about
19:47 kados    thd-away: did you and paul fix what was being complained about?
18:35 thd      thank you paul_away
18:35 thd      good evening paul_away
18:34 paul     ok, bye bye everybody, goin to bed
18:28 thd      paul: that code could certainly use a little comment :)
18:23 paul     (I agree it's highly undedocumented)
18:23 paul     that should work
18:23 paul     				}
18:23 paul     					$tag_data{tag}=$fields[$x_i]->tag().' -'. $tagslib->{$fields[$x_i]->tag()}->{lib};
18:23 paul     				} else {
18:23 paul     					$tag_data{tag}=$tagslib->{$fields[$x_i]->tag()}->{lib};
18:23 paul     				if (C4::Context->preference('hide_marc')) {
18:23 paul     (just let :
18:23 paul     comment it as well as the if { } else {}
18:22 paul     				$tag_data{tag}="";
18:22 paul     line 181
18:22 paul     		}
18:22 paul     			$subfields_data[0]->{marc_subfield}='';
18:22 paul     			$subfields_data[0]->{marc_lib}='';
18:22 paul     		if ($#subfields_data==0) {
18:22 paul     2.2
18:22 thd      paul Are those lines for rel_2_2 or HEAD?
18:21 paul     mmm... not sure, that may be for subfields
18:20 paul     comment those lines
18:20 paul     line 174-177
18:20 paul     MARCdetail.pl
18:19 thd      paul: I am trying to change this now.
18:19 thd      paul: I understand that it is not the current behaviour yet how could I change for libraries that think it is showing a defect.
18:16 paul     we just have a larger space between fields
18:16 paul     but I agree it's not a perfect solution
18:16 paul     and I decided to clean the screen.
18:16 paul     fields were repeated. some libnraries thought it was too much info
18:15 paul     it wasn't the behaviour some versions ago.
18:15 thd      paul: Is it really not correctable?
18:15 paul     thd : i'm afraid you can't
18:12 paul     (no, speaking with russ)
18:12 thd      paul: maybe you are now paul_away.
18:10 thd      paul: Can the change be done in MARCdetail.pl only without touching opac-MARCdetail.tmpl  ?
18:07 thd      paul: the OPAC MARC view displays records where 650 is repeatable for example but all repeated field names appear only once with each of their respective contents appended.   Therefore, in the OPAC MARC view 650 $a 650 $a $x 650 $a $x appears as 650 $a $a $x $a $x which looks as if everything had been dumped into one field and not repeated fields.
18:07 thd      paul: where do I modify code for the following change?
18:06 paul     microsoft ad on TV ;-)
18:06 thd      paul: are you still here?
18:06 chris    night paul
18:06 chris    cya kados
18:06 paul     i'll try to have a good night ;-)
18:06 russ     bye
18:06 kados    ciao all
18:05 paul     ok, have a good day.
18:05 kados    I'll get the minutes out later today, read you all next week ... /me has a cold and must take a short nap
18:05 chris    thats right
18:05 paul     the idea being to use : preferred email 1st, then any other mail available, am I right ?
18:05 kados    any other news?
18:05 kados    thx paul
18:05 chris    cool
18:04 paul     I'm not sure I already use it, but i'll take care of it.
18:04 chris    just need the code to use it
18:04 chris    yep
18:04 kados    yep
18:04 paul     it is already in the table isn't it ?
18:04 chris    yes
18:04 paul     it's a field in borrowers table isn't it ?
18:04 chris    would that be able to be added to yours paul?
18:04 kados    right ... npl has a similar function
18:04 chris    if its email, koha will email the person the notice
18:03 chris    which is used when sending out overdue notices
18:03 kados    paul++
18:03 paul     me too. And It's not funded, but i have some time, so I'll do
18:03 chris    at hlt we have a field called preferred contact
18:03 kados    yea, that kind of flexibility is something some of my clients have asked about
18:03 chris    that would rule
18:03 chris    right, if we can get it to put fines too
18:02 kados    nice
18:02 paul     plus a flag to debarr the borrower
18:02 kados    very cool
18:02 paul     for each branch/borrowercategory, you can define on 3 levels of "letters", depending on how late the books are.
18:02 chris    cool that sounds good
18:02 kados    paul: keep in mind that some of us use fines as well
18:02 paul     right
18:02 chris    ahh overdues paul?
18:01 paul     ???
18:01 thd      paul: where is changeable subfiled order for the record editor for 2.26?
18:01 paul     defining 3 levels of late issues warnings to borrowers.
18:01 kados    right ... someone needs to bug roger
18:00 kados    for serials?
18:00 kados    late issues?
18:00 paul     I plan to work on late issues this week
18:00 kados    sure
18:00 paul     a last note
18:00 kados    anything else to discuss for our meeting?
18:00 russ     i have pretty big feet - so i don't think that should be encouraged :-)
17:59 kados    heh
17:59 chris    hehe
17:59 paul     (he's my employee, so I let you kick him if you want ;-) )
17:59 russ     sweet - i'll drop you a line in a day or two once we have some stuff to "show and tell"
17:59 paul     you can bug him
17:59 paul     under documented i'm afraid.
17:58 paul     &serialsitemize
17:58 russ     cool
17:58 russ     perhaps we can make a time a little later to show you guys
17:58 paul     yes, it's commited
17:58 paul     http://cvs.savannah.nongnu.org/viewcvs/koha/C4/Bull.pm?rev=
17:57 russ     great
17:57 chris    excellent
17:57 paul     it's in 2.2 cvs
17:57 paul     iirc, he already has commited some code to have serial items created on the fly
17:56 russ     yep - shame he couldnt be here today
17:56 paul     you should reach hdl also and explain what you'll do to us.
17:56 thd      paul: but if it is flexible enough you have the opportunity to reuse the code in more places.
17:56 paul     great.
17:56 kados    russ: congrats! wohoo!
17:56 russ     so we are ploughing into that this week
17:56 russ     oh i just wanted to let paul know that we have got the go ahead for our serials module
17:56 paul     because for instance, this table is really an "inventaire à la prévert"
17:55 kados    paul: right!
17:55 thd      paul: yes, ease of use for user in a flexible design is very much work for the programmer.
17:55 paul     borrowers table cleaning !
17:55 chris    russ had something
17:55 paul     I think the real main improvement is :
17:55 chris    i like OP's ideas i think its a big improvement
17:55 kados    ok ... anything else to discuss?
17:55 kados    right
17:55 chris    yep, i think one hard thing at a time :-)
17:55 kados    heh
17:55 chris    and that sentiment is how you end up with things as horribly ugly as a lot of the ILS's out there :)
17:54 kados    in that case, I'd say OP's ideas are fine
17:54 paul     thd : what can look easy for a user can be a real pain for a developper !
17:54 kados    right ... so we'll leave branch hierarchies and patron hierarchies out of 3.0 then ... have to draw the line somewhere
17:54 thd      chris: ease of use is just a user interface issue
17:54 chris    if we can do a forest for holdings first
17:54 chris    its always a juggling act .. and i think steady progress might be the way to go
17:53 kados    heh
17:53 chris    :)
17:53 chris    pick 2
17:53 chris    flexibility, ease of use, speed
17:53 thd      I like the extensible reusable shiny forest that can be applied to many problems
17:52 kados    maybe not in time for 3.0
17:52 kados    heh
17:52 paul     as usual kados : in theory, it's better. but do we have someone to code this !
17:52 kados    it could be replaced by a hierarchy
17:51 thd      kados: Hard coded category types that are not set up in advance is certainly doubly problematic in Koha 2
17:51 kados    based on certain criteria
17:51 kados    where you could link a given action with a result
17:51 paul     but by what could we replace it ?
17:51 paul     kados : I agree that it's a shame to have something hardcoded.
17:51 kados    so chris and I discussed creating a 'business logic framework'
17:50 kados    thd: ok :-)
17:50 thd      kados: go on I will find out why 'O' and not 'Q' later.
17:49 paul     in france, we have : communes - département - région - pays
17:49 chris    i think its a good idea
17:49 paul     (not really a county. a "Région" in France. larger than a county)
17:48 paul     that is in west from Provence county
17:48 chris    its french thd :)
17:48 kados    thd: = OP
17:48 paul     OP = Ouest Provence, the name of the library consortium
17:48 kados    thd: Ouest Provence
17:48 kados    for one thing, I think any hard-coded category_types should be removed
17:48 thd      paul: OP
17:48 paul     O ???
17:47 thd      paul: What is the reason for an 'O'?
17:47 kados    but I worry that they are still not quite extensible enough
17:47 kados    ok ... I think the proposed changes are definitely an improvement
17:47 paul     yep
17:47 chris    you are planning this for 3.0 only paul?
17:47 kados    right
17:47 paul     OUEST = WEST
17:47 kados    ok :-)
17:47 paul     OP, not QP
17:46 kados    paul: ok ... sorry ... QP then :-)
17:46 chris    ahh
17:46 paul     kados : SAN does not exist anymore. It's now only "OUEST PROVENCE"
17:46 kados    new features for borrowers as paul described
17:46 kados    http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/koha-devel/2006-02/msg00053.html
17:46 chris    borrower suggestions?
17:46 kados    thd: yea, that's what I meant
17:45 thd      ?
17:45 thd      kados: Oh so you mean a framework for the MARC support part/
17:45 chris    a high level prototype of how it might work
17:45 kados    SAN's borrower's suggestions
17:45 kados    ok ... moving on then
17:45 kados    yep
17:45 chris    is think some more, and write some pseudo code
17:45 kados    even if the default framework is still simple
17:45 chris    i think what we need to do
17:45 kados    at the very least, we need an underlying framework that can handle it
17:44 kados    many many libraries will not adopt koha until it can handle this kind of holdings data
17:44 thd      kados: You have the smarties format
17:44 kados    but I do know one thing
17:44 kados    I haven't fully thought this through
17:44 thd      kados: why?
17:44 kados    or maybe not
17:44 kados    in the specific case, yes
17:44 thd      kados: why would you want a model based on the evil record format?
17:43 chris    so we would have frameworks, that describe how the structure works?
17:43 kados    ie, build a framework for an 8-level serial record
17:43 kados    I think the MARC frameworks might be a good place to start modeling it
17:43 paul     chris : ++
17:42 kados    agreed
17:42 chris    i think what paul is saying is that conceptually its correct, what the hard part is going to be is .. how to we build things like Biblio.pm to handle this
17:42 kados    then, in holdings forest table, you can have arbitrarily deep holdings represented
17:41 kados    that is a record-level ID
17:41 kados    so you have a single record ID
17:41 kados    and bib data in zebra
17:41 kados    in mysql
17:41 kados    all we will need is holdings data
17:41 thd      it should have arbitrary depth
17:41 kados    so if we create such a framework, we can eliminate all bibliographic data from sql
17:41 paul     what I don't see for instance is how to handle this in Koha & MARC
17:40 paul     I think the DB scheme is correct.
17:40 kados    right
17:40 chris    or as little as 2
17:40 kados    where the hierarchy can be 8 levels deep at least
17:40 kados    the basic idea is, we need a more flexible framework to support multiple tiers of holdings like in standard MARC HOldings
17:39 kados    http://wiki.liblime.com/doku.php?id=holdingssuggestion
17:39 kados    so before we discuss it, any questions about my holdings suggestions?
17:38 kados    which is the next item on the agenda
17:38 kados    thd: good point, this is related to 3.0 holdings suggestions
17:38 kados    paul: :-)
17:38 chris    heh
17:38 paul     next question will be harder to have a common agrrement ;)
17:38 kados    Koha Tables in 3.0
17:38 chris    k
17:37 kados    shall we move on?
17:37 kados    ok great ... so we all agree
17:37 paul     right
17:37 kados    right
17:37 chris    then dbd::mysql::utf8
17:37 kados    (not sure if that's the right term)
17:37 paul     if we do this, we should NOT request libraries to patch the package themselves
17:37 chris    and submit the patch .. and if we still get no joy
17:37 kados    since it will be statically linked
17:36 kados    might not be ... if it's in C4
17:36 paul     right, that's what I wanted to add
17:36 kados    include it in C4
17:36 paul     that would really be a problem for a public release.
17:36 kados    right
17:36 chris    i wonder, should we patch dbd::mysql ourselves
17:35 kados    none yet :(
17:35 chris    if we get no joy from the maintainer (or the maintainers boss)
17:35 paul     no mail here. no news from tumer since 3 hours ?
17:35 chris    i was thinking about this
17:35 kados    UTF-8 problems
17:35 kados    ok ... shall we move along then
17:35 chris    fabulous
17:35 kados    russ: will do
17:35 russ     kados if owen doesnt have time let me know
17:34 kados    ok, thd and I will work on collection.abs for unimarc and usmarc
17:34 kados    hehe
17:34 chris    maybe kados can bribe owen with subway sandwiches :)
17:34 kados    I'll ask owen
17:34 kados    paul: prog templates?
17:34 paul     (prog opac)
17:34 kados    paul: can't take care of what?
17:33 paul     ah, you're right. I can't take care of this. I have enough to do with Biblio.pm + Ouest-Provence+ many other things.
17:33 chris    thats why you might have seen a commit to the npl ones on the opac side (for my search-test)
17:33 chris    paul: we have no prog templates for the opac ;(
17:33 chris    and ill get the marc view and isbd view going
17:33 paul     I'll for sure joshua. They seem quite good.
17:32 chris    http://opac.koha3.katipo.co.nz:81/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?bib=10
17:32 paul     I also will test modif/deletion...
17:32 kados    paul: you might want to use my new routine ... or if not tell me why :-)
17:32 paul     that includes MARCgetbiblio, that requires at least 10mn hacking ;-)
17:32 chris    i will continue on with search
17:32 kados    thanks paul
17:32 thd      isbd-detail user settings are backwards
17:32 chris    thanks paul
17:32 paul     I take care of biblio.pm, as usual.
17:31 kados    so who's got what? guess we should have been keeping track all along
17:31 paul     why thd ?
17:31 thd      isbd-detail.pl requires the most changes
17:31 chris    :-)
17:31 kados    heh
17:31 paul     should require at least 10mn developpment ;-)
17:31 kados    yep
17:31 chris    yes
17:31 paul     (and isbd-detail.pl)
17:31 kados    yep
17:31 chris    itd be nice to be able to pull that right from zebra
17:30 kados    right
17:30 chris    marc-detail.pl
17:30 paul     not that I think atm
17:30 kados    anything else before perl-zoom will be ready?
17:30 chris    i think you are right
17:30 kados    well ... we can try some things out and ask ID if we need to
17:29 chris    yep
17:29 kados    it itself is a 'service type'
17:29 kados    but I thought the commit action was a separate action altogether
17:29 kados    I'm not sure ... you might be right
17:29 chris    maybe
17:28 kados    hmmm
17:28 chris    }
17:28 chris    commit
17:28 chris    } else {
17:28 chris    some error
17:28 chris    if ($@){
17:28 paul     OK, sounds good to me
17:28 chris    eval { do the update };
17:28 chris    i think what we want is
17:28 kados    if you're just updating a single record ... immediately
17:27 kados    if you're bulk-importing records, maybe once every 1000 records or when you're done?
17:27 kados    I think it depends on the operation
17:27 paul     can't we ask zebra to auto-commit every 5 seconds, or something like that ?
17:27 paul     ok, but when do we decide to handle a "commit" ?
17:26 kados    sub z3950_extended_services should be able to handle a 'commit' if handed that operation
17:26 paul     iiuc : search are done on DBA, updates are done on DBB, when finished => search on DBB, update DBA
17:25 kados    yep
17:25 paul     iiuc, shadow is not to cache updates, but to be sure a search made while updating is safe
17:25 chris    so you make changes to a shadow db, when we are done, we commit
17:25 paul     thus, when do we commit ?
17:24 chris    and you use shadow dbs
17:24 kados    yes, commit
17:24 chris    i think a commit
17:24 paul     a "commit" ?
17:24 kados    I'm not 100% certain ...
17:24 paul     connection closed ?
17:24 paul     what does zebra means by "you're done" ?
17:24 kados    any time we call extended services that is
17:24 chris    right
17:23 kados    it's something we need to setup in zebra.cfg and also incorporate into our update routine
17:23 kados    with safe updates it doesn't commit the changes until you're done and it didn't crash
17:23 kados    zebra can do updates safely or unsafely :-)
17:23 chris    safe updates?
17:23 thd      kados: what data is in your test?
17:22 kados    I'm assuming that we also need to handle safe updates with Zebra right?
17:22 chris    so far so good, (SearchMarc) that is
17:22 chris    paul: im working on that now
17:22 paul     I just checked that I got results ;-)
17:22 kados    right
17:22 chris    (if you know what data there is)
17:22 paul     I haven't checked that results were accurate.
17:22 chris    lets you test your .abs
17:22 paul     SearchMarc is poorly tested from my point of view.
17:22 chris    http://opac.koha3.katipo.co.nz:81/cgi-bin/koha/search-test.pl?cql=joke
17:22 kados    how about searching and retrieving results ... where are we at with that?
17:21 kados    ok
17:21 paul     .abs improvement
17:21 paul     (note that this MAY work. but by chance, it's untested yet)
17:21 kados    anything else?
17:21 kados    item adds/modifies/deletes
17:21 kados    deletions
17:21 kados    Context->Zconn
17:21 kados    ok ... so our list so far:
17:21 chris    its always safest to check, and only create if needed
17:20 kados    true ...
17:20 chris    but there are lots of reasons you could lose a connection
17:20 chris    yep
17:20 kados    I dont' think there is even a timeout
17:20 thd      chris: Allowing the customer to finish it has not produced a complete and accurate MARC bibliographic framework that I am writing now for MARC 21 yet.
17:20 chris    that checks if a connection exists, open one if it doesnt
17:20 kados    correctly ... the $Zconn is even more stateful than dbh
17:20 kados    but if I"m understanding
17:19 kados    :-)
17:19 chris    heh, great minds think alike paul :-)
17:19 chris    is to look at C4::Context
17:19 paul     we should/could do something like C4::Context->dbh
17:19 chris    i think what we need
17:19 kados    if I'm understanding correctly
17:19 kados    Z3950 is stateful
17:19 kados    when do we create the $Zconn object?
17:19 kados    so this brings up another question
17:19 chris    right
17:18 paul     I plan to do the same for UNIMARC, but I'll have to explain collection.abs syntax...
17:18 kados    yep
17:18 chris    paul, i think if we allow ppl to get it going .. they might be able to help finish it, im thinking of people like steven balkjas etc
17:18 paul     no ISBN for example
17:18 paul     I mean title/author/subject
17:17 kados    thd++
17:17 paul     it's complete, but only for basic fields.
17:17 kados    thd: no, the marc21.abs that Sebastian put together with the LOC consultant was the guide
17:17 thd      kados: Did you use the MODS mappings?
17:17 kados    there may be some gaps tho
17:16 kados    it's quite complete :-)
17:16 kados    yep
17:16 chris    ahh i think he has done that paul
17:16 paul     as you need to explain, for example, that title contains title+ subtitle+ uniform titles...
17:16 kados    might not be, but I think it should be good for most cases
17:15 kados    yep
17:15 paul     kados : I bet it isn't.
17:15 chris    the collection.abs?
17:15 kados    for marc21
17:15 kados    actually, I think the .abs is ready
17:15 chris    thd might be able to help with the .abs files
17:15 kados    it should be able to handle any extended services action
17:15 paul     (same thing for marc21 i think)
17:15 chris    yes and its far from complete for marc21 too
17:15 thd      kados: Do you mean primarily for reading bibliographic record data but not altering the data there?
17:15 kados    z3950_extended_services
17:14 paul     collection.abs is fas from complete for UNIMARC.
17:14 kados    that I committed
17:14 kados    there's a new routine in Biblio.pm
17:14 chris    search works
17:14 chris    add works
17:14 chris    modify works
17:14 chris    i havent tried deleting a record from zebra
17:14 kados    item adds/deletions
17:14 kados    right, got that
17:14 chris    deletion
17:14 kados    ie, what's left/untested?
17:13 kados    what do we need to do wit perl-zoom before it can be used in 2.2.6?
17:13 chris    maybe even a zebra-installer.pl that you can download
17:13 paul     that would be useful to hunt bugs in zebra ;-)
17:13 kados    so the question is:
17:13 chris    *nod* that was what we were thinking
17:13 kados    yep, that's the plan
17:13 paul     if you want to have a 2.2.6, + some explanations to add zebra features, then, it may be a good idea
17:13 chris    so you install 2.2.6 for example
17:13 kados    ie, _if_ you want to use perl-zoom it's possible to use with 2.2.6 before 3.0 is ready in some months
17:12 paul     ah, ok. I was misunderstanding
17:12 kados    I'm simply suggesting that it be an option
17:12 paul     I'm strongly against a public release that include zebra in 2.2 branch.
17:12 kados    of course ... and I'm not suggesting that 2.2.6 include zebra
17:12 paul     my goal, as RM for 2.2.x branch, is to be as stable as possible.
17:11 chris    but i dont think its impossible
17:11 paul     ...
17:11 paul     item add/modify on an existing biblio => un tested yet
17:11 chris    i agree we cant do it tomorrow :)
17:11 paul     for example.
17:11 chris    yep
17:11 paul     deletion => nothing done
17:10 paul     believe me, it's far from production-ready
17:10 chris    thats right
17:10 paul     yes, that partially works. But many many things untested yet.
17:10 chris    paul: i successfully acquisitioned a book using Biblio.pm
17:09 paul     followed by richerd.
17:09 richard  hi
17:09 chris    yep thats the plan
17:09 kados    MEETING AGENDA:http://wiki.liblime.com/doku.php?id=meetingagenda
17:09 kados    hi rach
17:09 paul     nice to read you rach
17:09 kados    me either yet
17:09 paul     at no cost I would put any of my customers to zebra for instance !
17:08 thd      kados: does that not require too much debugging for 2.26?
17:08 paul     because Biblio.pm is NOT ready at all
17:08 paul     wow !!! great goal, but really foolish i'm afraid
17:08 kados    so replace Biblio.pm and SearchMarc.pm, run your zebraupdate script, etc. and you're able to run zebra with 2.2.6
17:07 kados    as has been started already, make perl-zoom a drop-in replacement for marc* tables in 2.2.5
17:07 kados    the plugin idea was this:
17:06 kados    perhaps those should be reversed
17:06 kados    on the wiki I have listed 'list of tasks remaining' and 'plugin idea for 2.2.6'
17:06 kados    chris: :-)
17:06 kados    Perl-zoom Update
17:06 chris    but trademen turn up whenever they feel like it :)
17:06 kados    so ... first item on the agenda:
17:06 paul     good morning chris.
17:05 kados    chris: ok
17:05 thd      :)
17:05 chris    im here for an hour (maybe more) i have a roofing guy coming to look at our roof
17:05 thd      thd: still chasing moving bugs that I already squashed previously.
17:05 kados    ok
17:05 paul     hdl phoned me 2 hours ago, he will not be here tonight
17:05 kados    I'm here
17:05 kados    quick roll call
17:05 russ     hi everyone
17:05 kados    MEETING AGENDA:http://wiki.liblime.com/doku.php?id=meetingagenda
17:04 kados    ok we have quorum
17:04 paul     hello world
17:04 kados    welcome paul
17:04 chris    we should be able to fix that easily enough
17:04 chris    exactly thd
17:03 thd      chris kados: Yet, when appearance is wrong the presumption is that what is underlying is also wrong.
17:03 thd      chris: yes, that particular aspect of the MARC problem is merely about appearance.
17:03 kados    still waiting for paul
17:02 chris    its just a dispaly problem thd?
17:01 thd      kados: yet, it does look very bad for the months before 3.0 is stable even with a complete and valid bibliographic framework.
17:00 kados    thd: if I understand correctly, this will go away in 3.0
16:59 thd      kados: This particular aspect is a problem for MARCdetail.pl and opac-MARCdetail.tmpl .
16:59 kados    MEETING AGENDA: http://wiki.liblime.com/doku.php?id=meetingagenda
16:59 kados    T-MINUS 3 MINUTES TO KOHA 3.0 MEETING
16:56 thd      kados: Steven F.Baljkas was concerned about how the OPAC MARC view displays records where 650 is repeatable for example but all repeated field names appear only once with each of their respective contents appended.   Therefore, in the OPAC MARC view 650 $a 650 $a $x 650 $a $x appears as 650 $a $a $x $a $x which looks as if everything had been dumped into one field and not repeated fields.
16:51 kados    MEETING AGENDA:http://wiki.liblime.com/doku.php?id=meetingagenda
16:49 kados    T-MINUS 15 MINUTES TO KOHA 3.0 MEETING
16:49 thd      kados: I had noted this before but did not remember the detail to apply to your reference.
16:49 kados    http://wiki.liblime.com/doku.php?id=meetingagenda
16:45 kados    should be ther enow
16:45 kados    yep
16:45 thd      kados: Are you writing a link for the SAN suggestions?
16:37 kados    ahh
16:37 chris    roger buck, in sydney australia
16:37 chris    nope
16:37 kados    maintained even?
16:37 kados    is that being maintaine by Steve Tonnosen?
16:37 kados    looks like our wiki's still down
16:37 kados    morn chris
16:34 thd      good morning chris
16:33 chris    morning
16:28 thd      kados: What are the SAN borrowers suggestions?
16:27 thd      kados: Was that the complete agenda?
16:14 kados    Koha meeting coming up
15:45 kados    brb
15:44 kados    list of tasks remaining before perl-zoom is production ready
15:44 kados    PERL_ZOOM UPDATE
15:44 kados    I'll just post it here:
15:43 kados    !!
15:42 thd      kados: The wiki website is down.  Would you email the meeting agenda to me?
15:39 thd      hd|_away: I will answer your shipping question tomorrow
15:31 hdl_away anyway.
15:31 hdl_away my activity was focused on acquisitions for 2.2.5
15:15 thd      hd|_away: You remember the development meeting later today
15:14 thd      good evening hd|_away
15:14 hdl_away But we ca discuss it tomorrow.
15:13 hdl_away thd: Normally MARCadditem should not add control fields, afaik, since it is an item and not a biblio.
15:11 thd      hd|_away: I will ask you tomorrow, if you have no more seconds.
15:09 thd      hd|_away: What is the consequence of your change for a user attempting to use control fields?
15:09 |hdl|    See you.
15:09 |hdl|    Time to leave.
15:09 |hdl|    ok.
15:08 thd      |hdl|: I understand, but 000 is also not the only control field.
15:07 |hdl|    But remember 000 field was added after code was written.
15:06 |hdl|    It does.
15:06 thd      |hdl|: Does Koha not treat control fields as if they had subfield '@'?
15:05 |hdl|    And every item marc field was supposed to have subfields.
15:04 |hdl|    When getting marc record items, there would be a field with no subfield.
15:03 thd      |hdl|: What was confusing?
15:03 |hdl|    And it made me forget about this.
15:02 |hdl|    It was sthg quite confusing when using MARCgetitem.
15:02 thd      |hdl|: Yet you commit so much it is not easy for you to remember every reason.
15:01 |hdl|    Yes.
15:01 |hdl|    Ah ! that one.
15:00 thd      |hdl|: You committed the code to avoid leader management.
14:57 |hdl|    I saw som messages related to leader management. But is this THE problem you think about... I can't guess.
14:56 thd       |hdl|: Should there be a message there about the problem?
14:55 |hdl|    did you dig into koha-devel ?
14:53 thd      |hdl|: I only find old bugs relating the need to add leader support, not the need to correct leader management.
14:45 |hdl|    Perhaps you could search in bugzilla ?
14:44 |hdl|    s/remind/recall/
14:43 thd      |hdl|: What was the problem with leader management, needing a code change?
14:42 |hdl|    not yet
14:42 thd      |hdl|: have you left?
14:42 paul     http://search.cpan.org/~oyama/DBD-mysqlPP-0.04/mysqlPP.pm
14:42 paul     just before leaving : someone suggests me to use
14:41 thd      kados: all accented letters are two bytes in UTF-8 so much of French is different in UTF-8.
14:31 paul     see you in 2:30 hours, unless something goes wrong
14:31 paul     time to leave. 6:30 PM
14:10 paul     (both i'm afraid, but I did not tried with only 1 (read). It may work)
14:09 paul     but what is VERY strange, is that for tumer it seems to work without this decode_utf8
14:09 kados    for writing and reading or just for reading?
14:09 paul     give it a try in branches.pl, you'll see it works !
14:09 paul     you must Encode::Decode $x AND $y
14:09 paul     my ($x $y) = $sth->fetchrow
14:08 paul     for example :
14:08 paul     your question : no, because it's not DBH handled, but for EACH sql reading
14:08 paul     the decode_utf8 says "yes, it is, force"
14:08 paul     thus, all variables coming from mysql are "utf8 = NO"
14:07 paul     with many tools to magically find that a var is utf8. but dbd::mysql driver don't set or use them.
14:07 kados    can't we set that in context.pm?
14:07 paul     Perl has an internal flag "utf8", to say "this variable contains utf8 data"
14:07 paul     iiuc :
14:06 paul     add Encode::decode_utf8() to all variable read/saved to mySQL, and things will go correctly
14:06 paul     BUT :
14:06 paul     I also tried to iconf -fiso -tutf8 branches.pl, it changes nothing
14:05 kados    ok .. you're right ... it's utf-8
14:05 kados    I will attempt to validate
14:04 kados    but that doesn't mean it is for sure
14:04 kados    well ... it is in the <meta> tag
14:03 paul     the html in firefox is utf8 at least
14:03 kados    so when we submit something, it is not encoded as utf-8
14:03 kados    the branches.pl script and html on that page is not utf-8
14:02 paul     ة‎
14:02 paul     now, it looks like :
14:02 kados    but ... I suspect that the problem is quite simple
14:02 paul     I added it to your utf8 branch.
14:02 kados    it was three greek letters I copied pasted
14:02 paul      U+0629
14:02 paul     search :
14:02 kados    correct
14:01 paul     I show.
14:01 paul     something like a greek letter or an arab one.
14:01 paul     tries with something that is NOT in ascii 255 range.
14:01 paul     is it what you entered ? (it's not "true utf8" if i don't mind)
14:00 kados    http://kohatest.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/admin/branches.pl
13:59 paul     no, copy/paste a letter that is between [] (1st column)
13:58 paul     ==> fortunately you have the same problem ;-)
13:58 paul     where I entered a greek letter
13:58 paul     you should see a Î3/4 after title
13:58 paul     http://kohatest.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/admin/marc_subfields_structure.pl?tagfield=245&frameworkcode=
13:58 paul     look here :
13:58 kados    or that?
13:58 kados    U+0041
13:57 kados    that?
13:57 kados    &#65;
13:56 paul     copy paste something from http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/utf8-t1.html
13:56 kados    OSX on my desktop
13:56 kados    linux
13:55 paul     which OS do you use ?
13:55 kados    what is a french utf-8 word that I can test with?
13:55 paul     (try something else : branch, framework, ...)
13:54 paul     * then, Perl sends the string to DBD::mysql, and that's where is the problem : dbd::mySQL ignores the utf8 flag, or something like that. And it stores the value wrong.
13:54 kados    even though I'm using PROG, it calls for npl templates :(
13:54 kados    [Mon Feb 20 10:11:20 2006] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: itemtypes.pl, referer: http://kohatest.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/admin/itemtypes.pl
13:54 kados    [Mon Feb 20 10:11:20 2006] [error] [client] can't opendir /home/koha/testing/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/npl/value_builder: No such file or directory at /home/koha/testing/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/admin/itemtypes.pl line 109., referer: http://kohatest.liblime.com/cgi-bin/koha/admin/itemtypes.pl
13:54 paul     * when you read the parameter, Perl see it as uft8 correctly (if I don't mind)
13:53 paul     * you have an utf8 string in firefox.
13:53 paul     what happends for instance :
13:53 paul     (in fact : yes, you have to do this, or you'll get wrong results. but TÜmer told me he made nothing, and it works for him)
13:52 kados    it seems that 'add item type' is broken :/
13:52 kados    yes, cvs is up-to-date
13:52 paul     no, I don't think so.
13:52 paul     mmm... your cvs is uptodate ?
13:52 kados    but I believe I will need to tell the perl script that I intend to use utf-8, right?
13:51 kados    yes, PROG
13:50 paul     mmm... did I missed something in the templates ??? (are you with PROG ?)
13:50 paul     I enter a greek letter, and after hitting "save", I see something like ÎA
13:50 kados    then when it is saved it will not be utf-8
13:50 kados    well ... it's my undeerstanding that if content-type is not utf-8
13:50 paul     for me, it's not.
13:50 paul     then save, and you should see if your description is correctly handled in utf8 or not.
13:49 paul     and here, enter an utf8 character as itemtype description (after the existing description)
13:49 paul     just go into Koha, admin >> itemtypes >> modify
13:49 paul     kados :
13:48 kados    hmm ... it seems I'm forbiden to set topic
13:39 |hdl|    P&P on the net is Plans and Programs (military field)
13:39 kados    if chris added that code then he could explain it I think
13:38 kados    I'm not sure ... sometimes each book will add weight
13:38 |hdl|    s/reveice/receive/
13:38 |hdl|    kados chris (when you get up) : And P&P in reveice page ?
13:33 |hdl|    
13:33 |hdl|    	$parcelitems[$i]->{'unitprice'}+=0;
13:33 |hdl|    	$total=($parcelitems[$i]->{'unitprice'} + $parcelitems[$i]->{'freight'}) * $parcelitems[$i]->{'quantityreceived'};   #weird, are the freight fees counted by book? (pierre)
13:33 |hdl|    paul, kados : why is freight counted for each item ?
13:32 |hdl|    thanks.
13:30 kados    |hdl|: abbreviation for recommended retail price.
13:30 kados    http://www.google.com/search?hs=Jcs&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&q=define%3Arrp&btnG=Search
13:30 kados    not sure :/
13:29 |hdl|    And ecost ?
13:29 |hdl|    Retailer R. price wht does the r stands for .
13:28 |hdl|    kados : rrp stands for unit price ?
13:19 |hdl|    not so easy indeed :/
13:19 kados    it seems we need to warn perl if we are dealing with utf-8 data
13:16 kados    http://ahinea.com/en/tech/perl-unicode-struggle.html
13:14 kados    that means script is written in utf-8
13:14 kados    http://perldoc.perl.org/utf8.html
13:12 |hdl|    (I am moving and doing much DIY)
13:12 kados    and we need to tell perl that all output should be sent as utf-8
13:11 |hdl|    The fact is that I saw Paul's problem with utf-8 but couldnot get much implied in tests.
13:11 kados    tables
13:11 kados    so we need to modify msyql
13:11 kados    yep
13:11 |hdl|    Does that make sense ?
13:10 |hdl|    AND perl generated HTML pages are UTF-8
13:10 |hdl|    I think that we must ensure : data in database is UTF-8
13:10 |hdl|    BUT since we want to be FULL UTF-8 compliant,
13:09 |hdl|    I think that script names are not the problem.
13:09 |hdl|    I am working on acquisitions.
13:09 |hdl|    Sorry.
13:08 kados    |hdl|: can you clarify?
13:06 kados    I thought it was just to test whether borrowers, branch names, etc. could be utf-8
13:06 kados    or whether data in the database?
13:06 kados    whether our scripts themselves?
13:06 kados    are we testing whether filenames can be encoded in utf-8?
13:05 kados    I still don't understand what we are testing
13:05 kados    hmmm
13:02 |hdl|    or http://www.vim.org/htmldoc/mbyte.html
13:01 |hdl|    see :http://eyegene.ophthy.med.umich.edu/unicode/
12:59 kados    6.3.84
12:58 |hdl|    or -version
12:58 |hdl|    vi -v
12:58 |hdl|    which version ?
12:58 kados    it didn't appear to do anything
12:58 kados    then save the file?
12:58 |hdl|    But Maybe it is a dev module.
12:57 |hdl|    Should.
12:57 kados    ok ... that's it?
12:57 |hdl|    in command.
12:57 |hdl|    :set encoding=utf-8
12:57 kados    I still don't understand what I am supposed to do to test
12:56 |hdl|    But I never encountered charset pbs.
12:56 |hdl|    Under Linux, there is a .vimrc
12:55 |hdl|    OOOPS ?
12:55 |hdl|    Yes Quite confusing the first times...
12:55 kados    where do I add the utf-8 char?
12:55 kados    i edit marc_subfield_structure.pl?
12:55 |hdl|    kados
12:55 kados    I'm confused
12:54 |hdl|    (somtimes because of ssh)
12:54 |hdl|    I do
12:51 kados    paul: you use vi editor?
12:49 kados    back
12:48 kados    (phone) ... brb
12:48 paul     (oups, was trying to paste an unicode char)
12:48 paul     ?
12:48 paul     just add Decode::Encode_utf8() to your variable (before saving & while reading) and things should be OK
12:47 paul     (at least that's what happends to me)
12:47 paul     it should appear as a non utf8 string immediatly after saving.
12:47 paul     * save it
12:47 paul     * edit, adding an utf8 char (copy paste one from an electronic utf8 table if you don't have one)
12:46 paul     * just go to marc_subfield_structure.pl (or itemtypes.pl, or any admin table)
12:46 paul     * grap a cvs head copy
12:46 paul     kados : to check how utf8 works for you :
12:45 paul     back from phone.
12:18 kados    as connections don't time out IIRC
12:17 kados    paul: also, unless I'm mistaken, Z39.50 is a stateful protocol ... so I believe we could have just one $Zconn for the whole ILS ... which would dramatically reduce query times
12:08 kados    MST not EST
12:08 kados    it seems they are not open yet
12:05 kados    like maintaining the same ID for a record even while updating it
12:05 kados    easily I mean
12:05 kados    plus, zebra adds functionality that we currently can't do easliy
12:04 kados    there is too much fudging to try to map between MARC and Koha tables
12:04 kados    IMO the old koha structure is the reason no large libraries (like georgia PINES) choose Koha
12:03 kados    if we eliminate old Koha tables, we will be able to index any record format
12:03 kados    which illustrates my point again
12:02 kados    MARC=OFF means to use an XML format that is modeled off the old Koha tables
12:02 kados    paul: chris and I discussed this
12:02 paul     and thus i'm not sure it would be acceptable for kiwis
12:02 paul     but Even to remove them, I would ask chris, because it will really break MARC=OFF
12:02 paul     that are useless now. we just need few basic informations on biblio/items.
12:01 paul     however, I agree we could/should get rid of additionalauthors, bibliosubject, bibliosubtitle.
12:01 kados    I see
12:01 paul     no, I mean tech 2 level : fields / subfields
12:00 kados    but really, MARC21 is up to 8 levels
12:00 paul     (2 level records like marc is better ;-) )
11:59 paul     (except, I agree, we can handle only 2 level marc like records)
11:59 paul     we already can index anything. We just have to map fields to biblio.*
11:58 kados    it opens the possibility to index any record format that zebra can handle
11:58 kados    if we discard the old koha tables
11:57 kados    also, imagine having two databases in Koha: one for dublin core (for full-text electronic items) and one for MARC (regular biblios)
11:57 kados    the idea being, we do a query, return all relevant data to the template designer, and let him decide what to display
11:56 kados    without the need for a details screen
11:56 kados    you click on '+' and it shows you the whole record
11:56 kados    and have a '+' sign next to them
11:56 kados    just imagine how interesting it could be to return a list of records
11:54 kados    IMO
11:54 kados    as the flexibility is more important
11:54 kados    I agree it's slower, but I don't think it matters
11:54 kados    yep, it's true
11:53 paul     not really 1 CQL, 1CQL for each item !
11:53 kados    like dublin core or MODS
11:53 kados    and if we use old koha tables that eliminates the possibility to import other record formats
11:53 kados    right now we are limited to what is in biblio,biblioitems,items
11:53 kados    the advantage is that the template designer can decide what to display
11:52 kados    right ... so 1 SQL + 1 CQL
11:52 paul     it already is 1 SQL if i don't mind ;-)
11:52 kados    ie, one more millasecond wont' hurt
11:52 kados    and I don't think we have speed problems for such a query
11:52 kados    it wouldn't be one SQL query
11:51 paul     where you could to this in 1 SQL query only ? I don't believe even a second it would be faster !
11:51 kados    it should be quite fast
11:51 kados    then query through cql to zebra to get title/author, etc.
11:50 kados    if you grab a list of recordids from issues table
11:50 kados    well ... it depends
11:50 paul     quieriyng through CQL would be a waste of time.
11:50 paul     in borrowerdetails, you want to show all books reserved/issued by someone.
11:49 paul     for example :
11:49 paul     2- even if we had, we still need to have something to merge biblio and other data.
11:49 paul     1- we don't have a tool like phpmyadmin for CQL
11:48 paul     yes, but :
11:48 paul     for example : if you have only issues tables, how can you check (export) the list of books in 1 SQL query ?
11:48 kados    but with zebra you can use nice cql queries :-)
11:48 paul     if we don't have easy-to-use SQL queries to check datas, things will be much much more complex.
11:47 paul     at least for developpers.
11:47 kados    why?
11:47 paul     and i am SURE it would be a bad idea to remove them completly.
11:47 paul     they are still used (although sightly, I agree)
11:47 paul     nope.
11:47 paul     will stay as well
11:47 kados    they are unused currently in head right?
11:46 kados    how about the biblio,biblioitems,items tables?
11:46 paul     I think we will have 3 marc editors : the MARC=OFF, the 2.2 MARC=ON, and the brand new complete-but-for-MARC-fans
11:45 paul     I bet yes in fact : the new MARC editor will be really too much for many libraries.
11:45 kados    for acquisitions mainly?
11:45 paul     probably.
11:45 kados    will we continue to use biblio framework in 3.0?
11:40 kados    paul: I sent it to chris over the weekend
11:40 kados    paul: I just forwarded to you an email with ideas for handling holdings in 3.0
11:36 kados    I see
11:32 paul     (but if your firewall is correctly set, incoming connections should fail anyway)
11:32 paul     of course, it will have to be changed ;-)
11:32 paul     (I added it too)
11:32 paul     it's because you've added anonymous: rw in your zebra.cfg
11:31 paul     you're not wrong.
11:31 kados    paul: have you wondered about zebra authentication? it seems currently, anyone can connect via ZOOM to my zebra and make changes to the db, or am I wrong? :-)
11:25 paul     yep
11:25 kados    you mean too complex to set up?
11:25 paul     going further could make Koha more complex, maybee too complex.
11:25 paul     I think that what they suggest is almost enough : it get rids with hardcoded categories, but don't add too many complexity + mandatory fields will be systempref driven.
11:25 kados    (and 'holdings' :-)
11:25 kados    (same goes for 'statuses' and 'branches' too)
11:24 kados    so we need an extensible framework to handle this need
11:23 kados    there are probably many libraries that will need to adjust borrowers fields
11:23 paul     ... suspens ...
11:23 kados    but my first thought is ...
11:23 kados    I will respond when we talk about it
11:23 paul     (knowing that OP guys read the list, even if they never write)
11:23 kados    paul: yep, I have added it to tonight's meeting agenda
11:22 paul     kados : don't forget to read & anwser to my mail "new features for borrowers"
11:11 kados    only works for module names, not files
11:09 paul     cvs checkout could be better.
11:08 kados    cvs update: file updatedatabase exists, but has been added in revision rel_2_2
11:08 kados    $ cvs update -j 224 -j rel_2_2 updatedatabase
11:02 kados    hmmm
11:02 paul     iirc, because i'm not a cvs geek in fact.
11:01 paul     but if you are in head, -j 224 -j 225 will backport all modifs between 224 and 225 to your current branch (head)
11:01 paul     nope
11:00 kados    but I want to update HEAD using rel_2_2 ... is there a tag for HEAD?
11:00 paul     as there should not be anything interesting before 224
11:00 paul     (or probably better : -j 224 -j 225
11:00 paul     to put all modifs between rel_2_2 and 225 into head