Time  Nick   Message
16:34 owen   does Koha use mysql's built-in md5 function for encrypting passwords?
16:34 paul   hi owen.
16:34 owen   Hi paul. You're up late!
16:34 paul   (yes, lot of stuff...)
16:34 paul   (working while listening france - costa rica in soccer, in 30mn)
16:36 paul   the answer to your question is no
16:36 paul   use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
16:36 paul   	my $digest=md5_base64($input->param('newpassword'));
16:36 paul   uses Perl Diget::MD5
16:36 owen   So it uses that to encrypt the password before inserting it into the database?
16:37 paul   ye
16:37 paul   p
16:37 owen   Okay, thanks
16:42 owen   Ah... found it.  Thanks Internet!
22:22 jamesa hey Chris, are you ever logged out of this channel?
22:23 jamesa you are on every time I login
22:28 rach   his connection is up all the time
22:28 rach   but he personally isn't here the whole time
22:28 jamesa yeah, so I have gathered
22:29 jamesa I am working through getting z3950 queries to loc working to begin populating my pool,
22:29 jamesa any tips ?
22:29 rach   most of us that would be the same thing
22:29 rach   umm have a lot of patience I believe is the best tip
22:29 rach   but you prolly need to ask one of the americans about it
22:30 jamesa where r u ?
22:31 jamesa I am in east coast Australia
22:32 rach   NZ
22:33 rach   do you have a kinitica connection/account?
22:33 jamesa no what is that ?
22:35 rach   australian national library equiv of loc
22:35 rach   what sort of library are you?
22:35 rach   you might find them easier/quicker etc to get records from
22:35 rach   but I believe they will charge you -
22:36 rach   they wanted to charge us when we asked for a demo account @alia conference last year
22:36 rach   wwas about $350 from memory
22:37 jamesa I am setting  up a koha installation at home to get familiar with it, a local environmental org has a small library
22:37 jamesa they want to computerize ( now on cards!)
22:38 jamesa so I am using my books at home and learning as I go
22:39 jamesa do people really wait till the biblio.item is in before printing barcodes or do they use an external program to print them ?
22:39 rach   ah right
22:40 rach   um both - the big libraries usually get a roll of codes printed for them
22:40 rach   so they have a box of stickers
22:41 rach   and others do make their own sheets of stickers I believe
22:41 jamesa have you used kbarcode ?
22:59 jamesa Ok, have a nice day rach
22:59 jamesa cheers
10:45 foo    DBI connect('Koha:localhost','kohaadmin',...) failed: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client at /usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/Context.pm line 368
10:46 foo    similar error for 2.2 but different line number on Context.pm
10:46 paul   frenchies are not sleeping at this hour ;-)
10:46 foo    kiwis are though ;)
10:46 paul   but i have no ideas aboutyour problem... pls explain OS & other soft versions
10:47 foo    linux[debian], apache, mysql4.1.11
10:47 paul   which debian ? sarge ? older ?
10:47 foo    stable
10:47 paul   compiled package or .deb ?
10:48 paul   does mysql -uroot -p YOUR_DB work ?
10:48 foo    for what?
10:48 foo    yes
10:48 paul   (on command line)
10:48 foo    mslowe@jabba:~/koha-2.0.2$ mysql -u root -p
10:48 paul   (mysql)
10:48 foo    Enter password:
10:48 foo    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
10:48 foo    Your MySQL connection id is 12 to server version: 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge2-log
10:48 foo    oh, deb for mysql
10:49 paul   dig Perl::DBI & Perl::DBD & Perl::DBD::mysql
10:49 paul   to check they are installed
10:49 foo    hmm, kind of assumed they were, will check
10:50 foo    libdbd-mysql is already the newest version.
10:50 foo    libdbd-mysql-perl is already the newest version.
10:50 foo    libdbi-perl is already the newest version.
10:52 foo    mslowe@jabba:~/koha-2.0.2$ perl -e 'use DBI; use DBI::DBD; use DBD::mysql;'     mslowe@jabba:~/koha-2.0.2$
10:52 paul   koha 2.0.2 ????
10:52 foo    i tried 2.2 too
10:53 foo    i was trying an older version ;)
10:53 foo    mslowe@jabba:~/koha-2.2.4$
10:53 foo    better? ;)
10:54 foo    from 2.2.4, i get:
10:54 foo    Creating the MySQL database for Koha...
10:54 foo    ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 1: Duplicate entry 'localhost-kohaadmin' for key 1
10:54 foo    256ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 1: Duplicate entry '%-Koha-kohaadmin' for key 1
10:54 foo    DBI connect('Koha:localhost','kohaadmin',...) failed: Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client at /usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/Context.pm line 411
10:54 foo    Can't call method "prepare" on an undefined value at scripts/updater/updatedatabase line 1008.
10:55 foo    Problem updating database...
10:55 paul   (on phone)
10:55 foo    k