Time Nick Message 20:03 NikolayGospodinov[m] thank you 20:02 caroline NikolayGospodinov[m], look in the cover_images table 20:02 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello! Where in the database the uploaded cover images are kept? 19:21 ashimema WOW... oleonard that's impressive 18:12 cait happy GBSD and a nice weekend to you all :) 18:02 cait wow 18:00 oleonard I think that might be a new personal best 18:00 oleonard "Your branch and 'origin/master' have diverged, and have 5 and 11716 different commits each, respectively" 17:09 * cait hides 17:08 oleonard That doesn't look right to me 17:06 kidclamp on master the patron search on the holds page loads patrons before any data is entered, was this intentional? 16:50 cait a comment can be a good "advertising" reminding people about the idea tho 16:50 oleonard wise_mike[m]: Patrons can add public comments on books, but not private ones. 16:49 cait so someone paying someone to do the development 16:49 cait but most of Koha#s features are sponsored developments 16:49 cait a comment is always good 16:49 wise_mike[m] Thanks, so I just add a comment there to "revive" it, maybe it would get looked on? 16:47 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=813 enhancement, P2, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , OPAC lists should store comments 16:47 cait bug 813 16:47 cait a very old one I am afraid 16:47 cait no, but there is also a bug for that 16:46 wise_mike[m] Can patrons add private notes on a certain book in their list? Or add reviews? 16:41 wise_mike[m] Oh thanks, I though that was answering another question. Thanks 16:41 cait oleonard: hm reset_all fails for 20.11.19 r 16:40 oleonard The feature hasn't been developed 16:40 wise_mike[m] * I am setting up koha on my server, adding like specific genre of books, say 1000 books (records). Then open the website to users (I was told they could be made patrons so they can add the books they own to their own list). My question is, if it is possible for a user with list of 50 books for example to search just inside his own list. 16:40 oleonard wise_mike[m]: The link cait posted above links to Koha's bug tracker, where someone has filed an enhancement request for this feature. 16:39 wise_mike[m] I am setting up koha on my server, adding like specific genre of books, say 1000 books (records). Then open the website to users (I was the could be made patrons so they can add the books they own to their own list). My question is, if it is possible for a user with list of 50 books for example to search just inside his own list. 16:38 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33092 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Add ability to search within a list 16:38 cait bug 33092? 16:36 cait what are you trying to do? 16:36 wise_mike[m] Does koha have extensions for such things? Or a place to suggest such feature? 16:34 oleonard No 16:34 wise_mike[m] oleonard: Can a Patron with his own list of 100 books search just inside his list of books? 16:29 cait was dreading to reset my master... but probably need to 16:28 cait it was the only older one I ofund lying around right now 16:28 cait 20.11 16:28 reiveune bye 16:26 oleonard cait: 16.11 is what they were upgrading from? 16:26 cait maybe that is the change? 16:26 ashimema so lovely to see the koha-bots notifications flooding my screens again 🙂 16:26 cait hm in 16.11 it wuld not even show the search term in the input 16:24 cait oleonard: nothing suspicious 16:24 cait just make sure you get sleep at some point :) 16:23 davidnind I'm up early today, watched the ByWater Solutions live session (had a 'nap' yesterday afternoon...) 16:22 cait doublechecking anyway 16:22 cait I don't think so, it would have been me doing that 16:22 oleonard Could it have been a customization that was broken by the upgrade? 16:22 cait don't have prove yet either 16:21 oleonard I don't think that's true 16:21 cait it says that previous to the new staff interface design, if you clicked into the catalog serach box, it would alredy "mark" the search term, so it was easier to remove or change 16:21 oleonard What's the change? 16:20 cait but I am not sure if it was intentional... or what to do about it 16:20 cait oleonard: I have a report that after our update tot he 22.11 the behaior of the search box changed 16:19 oleonard Double-check davidnind's work after he's hit about 20 hours online :D 16:19 cait davidnind++ btw :) and isn't that a strange time for you? are you trying to do GBSD in ALL timezones? 16:18 cait can't show that often enough 16:18 davidnind It was Kelly and Jessie covering the basic work flow: using Bugzilla and sandboxes and working through signing off a bug 16:13 cait k 16:10 oleonard cait: Pretty standard stuff :) 16:09 cait and I missed it :( 16:09 oleonard Yep 16:08 cait oh, was there an online session? 16:08 oleonard Indeed! 16:07 davidnind kellym_++ 16:07 davidnind jzairo++ 16:00 cait ok, now htere is red *chews nails* 15:57 cait there is more green in koha-bots, but not on the dashboard yet 15:53 cait I kept Jenkins pretty busy today, maybe it will be too exhausted to keep complaining ;) 15:53 cait ... well there is hope at least :) 15:53 Joubu indeed! :D 15:52 cait on the dashboard it's 5 still running 15:52 Joubu I didn't check if there was still one running! 15:51 cait oh good :) 15:51 Joubu last line in koha-bots - https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master/2821/ 15:51 cait dashbard is still running - where do you see the "all good"? 15:50 cait I am going to stop pushing anyway, ran out of focus I think 15:48 Joubu good job, cait :) 15:48 Joubu When Jenkins says "all good" for Koha_Master at "the end of a Friday afternoon" (for me!), you should stop pushing :D 15:44 cait Joubu++ 15:41 paulderscheid[m] back 15:35 cait heh 15:35 oleonard recharging just like a Kryptonian 15:33 cait thx, just stood in the sun a little bit 15:29 Joubu cait: added a comment 35548#c5 15:22 wise_mike[m] great.. thanks 15:22 oleonard wise_mike[m]: Yes. MARC imports can have "match points," like ISBN or control number. 15:22 caroline wise_mike[m], https://koha-community.org/manual/latest/en/html/cataloging.html#merging-records 15:21 wise_mike[m] Another thing, if I imported a marc record for a book, and then import the same book from another source with a little bit of different details, or a different print and cover, does koha give the option to merge them or something, or how it works? 15:19 oleonard wise_mike[m]: Yes. They can sign themselves up if you enable patron self-registration in system preferences. 15:18 wise_mike[m] Thanks oleonard for the prompt reply. Yes, only I will add the records. Patrons are like users who can sign up in Koha on my server? 15:15 oleonard wise_mike[m]: Patrons could add existing titles to their own list, but they can't add records to the catalog 15:14 wise_mike[m] If I have Moha on my server with 1000 books, is there an option or an extension so that logged in visitors can add some books to their own personal virtual libraries on the same server? Like "add to cart" but they permenantly add what they want (something like librarything or so)? 15:14 wise_mike[m] Hi, first time here. Do I ask questions here or where? 15:05 davidnind ByWater Solutions Global Bug Squashing Day live has started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1Taq5Hta3w 15:04 cait Joubu: I am not following you - I'll step out for a few minutes 15:04 Joubu oleonard: try that: for i in marc-MARC21 marc-UNIMARC staff-prog opac-bootstrap pref messages messages-js installer installer-MARC21 installer-UNIMARC; do gulp po:update --lang ru-RU --task $i; done 15:01 cait mostly Marcel 15:01 oleonard Still no luck Joubu but I'm going to move on 15:01 cait there were a few 14:59 Joubu paste that on the last bug you pushed that changes the plugin area 14:59 Joubu *D10* 14:58 cait passes for me locally - what do youneed me to do? 14:55 Joubu koha_1 | Can't locate object method "mock" via package "0" (perhaps you forgot to load "0"?) at t/db_dependent/Koha/Plugins/KitchenSink.t line 56. 14:55 Joubu https://jenkins.koha-community.org/job/Koha_Master_D10/1431/consoleText 14:55 cait sorry, missing context 14:55 Joubu not exactly the same, but same problem with D10 14:55 Joubu see d130a6c66b6cc6fb3221c0ea7e26f2d0825f4f72 14:54 cait which one? 14:54 Joubu cait: we fixed that failure already.. 14:54 Joubu all the .vue files are correctly formatted yes, we have tests to ensure that :) 14:53 paulderscheid[m] If I'm not mistaken Joubu already formatted all of those files in the way we want it, so your experience is exactly what we want. 14:52 cait ... way to make us feel bad :) 14:52 paulderscheid[m] But that looks good blawlor 14:52 paulderscheid[m] Be back in a jiffy 14:52 paulderscheid[m] Doing cardio for 45 min 14:52 cait ... and small victories: all enhancements from January are now gone from the queue 14:52 blawlor[m] so for example before the patch:... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/jrqhXrZYtHaiPxIqRDziHhTL>) 14:51 cait ... and some QA happened in between this morning and now, so it's some more than that :) 14:51 cait QA queue down from 79 this morning to 43 14:50 cait ok, that was another 9 bugs 14:50 blawlor[m] paulderscheid[m]: Oh haha 14:49 paulderscheid[m] That’s the point :D 14:49 blawlor[m] <paulderscheid[m]> "Yes, you can use -w to write..." <- I think I may be missing something with the command after the patch it doesn't seem to make any changes to the files. 14:46 oleonard Waiting for the clone to finish 14:42 Joubu did the clone fix the problem? 14:42 Joubu but I just noticed the paste does not contain all what I selected on the screen 14:42 Joubu the number of files in the dir 14:42 Joubu just show it's not empty :) 14:41 oleonard Joubu: What does `ls -l misc/translator/po|wc -l` do? 14:38 Joubu if I have not typoed something 14:38 Joubu if it's not there: rm -rf misc/translator/po && git clone --depth 1 https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-l10n misc/translator/po 14:37 oleonard Oh yes, that too sorry 14:37 Joubu oleonard: misc/translator/po should have a .git directory 14:37 pastebot "Joubu" at pasted "things to check before po:update" (59 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/40331 14:36 paulderscheid[m] There's still a lot I need to learn it seems. 14:36 paulderscheid[m] I think you need to teach me some git foo either cait or Joubu at hackfest. 14:35 oleonard Joubu: The .po files plus /debian and /ru_RU 14:33 paulderscheid[m] Should be mergeable now. 14:31 Joubu oleonard: is there something in misc/translator/po? 14:30 pastebot "oleonard" at pasted "EOENT error when running gulp po:update --lang xx-XX" (17 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/40330 14:28 Joubu all the things :D but first try with -R misc/translator/po 14:27 oleonard chown anything in particular? 14:27 Joubu oleonard: did you chown? 14:27 Joubu oleonard: paste the error 14:26 paulderscheid[m] Yes, you can use -w to write to the file otherwise it will just output the corrections to STDOUT 14:26 oleonard Joubu: Still getting the same po:update error after clearing the .pot files 14:25 blawlor[m] <paulderscheid[m]> "Before the patch is applied..." <- before the patch if I run npx prettier ./koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/vue/components/Toolbar.vue it looks like it just outputs the file, is that right? 14:24 Joubu ok, merged 14:23 paulderscheid[m] No, but I think I just made a mistake 14:23 Joubu do you mind to rebase it again? :D 14:20 paulderscheid[m] What should I do for the ktd repo then Joubu? 14:20 paulderscheid[m] I just added the change in the qa-script repo 14:19 paulderscheid[m] You can ignore the warnings about the editorconfig option. I linked a gh discussion about why that occurs (I know, it's annoying). 14:19 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-testing-docker/-/merge_requests/494 14:19 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: actually the PR I was talking about previously (the conflict) is not pushed yet 14:18 paulderscheid[m] Before the patch is applied you just need to run npx prettier ./<FILE_PATH> as we want to see the difference. 14:17 blawlor[m] > <@paulderscheid:matrix.org> Please also document which editor(s) you've used.... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/XYbgivIMFGEjhYcjEADPfWAh>) 14:17 blawlor[m] <paulderscheid[m]> "Please also document which..." <- I'm using VScode. before the patch there's an error because the file in the command doesn't exist yet. After the patch it has some warning but no error.... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/jsXXCgmkvtSZTigesbVfruAG>) 14:14 cait are you ready to GBSD some more? :) 14:12 cait let's see what explodes this time :D 14:11 tcohen good harvest 14:09 cait + Jenkins follow-ups 14:09 cait ... and that's another 11 bugs 14:04 cait yeah, some tidy up for another day 14:03 tcohen there are some warnings when tests are run, but unrelared 14:03 cait thank you! 14:03 tcohen looks good, attaching a signed and tidied version 13:58 cait thanks! 13:58 tcohen checking 13:58 tcohen ok 13:58 cait just about to push, but then I'll wait 13:58 cait tcohen: do oyu have a moment to check it? 13:56 kidclamp tcohen: patch attached 13:49 paulderscheid[m] Please also document which editor(s) you've used. 13:49 blawlor[m] ok I'll give it a try 13:48 paulderscheid[m] But you can also just format before and after the patch is applied and look at the difference in output. 13:48 paulderscheid[m] Yes, essentially if the already present vue files don't change on format, it's all good because by default a ';' would be inserted after statements. 13:47 blawlor[m] paulderscheid: to test your bug is the idea to test a bunch of vue files and see if you get any errors? Id the command something like this: npx prettier -c .prettierrc.js /koha/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/js/vue/components/Breadcrumbs.vue 13:34 paulderscheid[m] Alrighty 13:34 Joubu yes, only ktd, but actually it should not hurt to have it in qa as well 13:34 paulderscheid[m] But just for ktd, as the qa-script is expected to run in the project root, huh? 13:33 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: I would use `git rev-parse --show-toplevel` 13:32 paulderscheid[m] Ok, then I will fix that. 13:32 Joubu this is not correct I think, you need an abs path. You can commit from somewhere else than the root dir 13:32 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: my $prettier_config_file = '.prettierrc.js'; 13:28 cait you are all just moving too fast :) 13:27 Joubu we modified this part of the code yesterday 13:26 paulderscheid[m] Whoopsie 13:26 Joubu ktd #415 13:26 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: you have not based your PR on top of master! 13:22 cait grabbing the Agreements one next 13:21 cait tcohen++ 13:14 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35536 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to master , Improve removal of Koha plugins in unit tests 13:14 cait tcohen: test file is dead and grabbed the follow-up on bug 35536 13:14 cait Happy GBSD! :) 13:13 tcohen kidclamp: can you look at the t/db_dependent/Holds.t failure? the RM narrowed it down to 36331 13:13 blawlor[m] Good morning from UTC -5 happy GBSD! 13:13 oleonard Thanks Joubu I will try shortly 13:12 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36331 major, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to master , Items that cannot be held are prevented renewal when there are holds on the record 13:12 tcohen looking at bug 36331 13:12 Joubu oleonard: rm misc/translator/*.pot 13:12 cait we agree, sorry for making it soudn complicated :) 13:12 tcohen good 13:12 cait that's what I did 13:12 Joubu cait: ? 13:12 cait yes 13:12 tcohen The required follow-up for 35793 is just removing the tests 13:12 cait we wrote an identical patch 13:12 cait the git patch confused me for a second 13:11 cait ah no, it's the same 13:11 tcohen I'm not following 13:11 tcohen ? 13:11 cait maybe need to ttake another look 13:11 cait hm but I had killed the file 13:11 tcohen ok 13:10 tcohen ah 13:10 cait tcohen: that I already had written myself 13:10 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35793 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to master , Remove Koha::Template::Plugin::Cache 13:10 tcohen follow-up on bug 35793 as well 13:06 tcohen cait: attached 13:04 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36012 normal, P5 - low, ---, chris, Needs Signoff , ERM/Agreements_spec.ts is failing if run too slow (?) 13:04 tcohen bug 36012 13:04 cait ok! 13:04 cait ok 13:04 cait Bug 36012 13:03 tcohen ^^ I'm adding a follow-up for that one 13:03 cait wrong number 13:03 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35536 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Pushed to master , Improve removal of Koha plugins in unit tests 13:03 tcohen bug 35536 13:02 cait oh and 36012 would be great (need SO/QA) 13:02 cait but double checking wouldnot hurt :) 13:02 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35793 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Pushed to master , Remove Koha::Template::Plugin::Cache 13:02 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36331 major, P5 - low, ---, nick, Pushed to master , Items that cannot be held are prevented renewal when there are holds on the record 13:02 cait tcohen: I think i narrowed it down - bug 36331 and a follow-up on bug 35793 (I have that on my branch already) 13:01 * tcohen looks 12:49 cait *sigh* 12:49 cait hm I broke Jenkins more 12:49 paulderscheid[m] We can ++ when it's merged :D But thanks cait :) 12:48 cait paulderscheid[m]++ 12:47 paulderscheid[m] I added the PRs. Hope I followed the conventions correctly. 12:46 cait Joubu: ? :) 12:46 cait hm 12:46 oleonard yes 12:45 cait did you make sure your branch as in a clean state? 12:45 cait EOENT is described in the docs I think 12:44 cait how was GBSD while I was out? 12:19 oleonard Working with translations is really troublesome lately 12:18 pastebot "oleonard" at pasted "EOENT error when running gulp po:update --lang xx-XX" (17 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/40325 12:00 paulderscheid[m] Ok 12:00 Joubu better first an issue, then a PR linked to the issue (start the commit with "Issue #42") 11:59 paulderscheid[m] Alright 11:59 Joubu PR on gitlab please :) 11:59 paulderscheid[m] Or also through the bug tracker? 11:59 paulderscheid[m] *repositories? 11:58 paulderscheid[m] Yep, are PRs fine for those repositoroes? 11:57 Joubu for ktd you know where it is ;) 11:57 Joubu for QA the script must be run at the root of the koha dir, so you will be able to locate the config file easily 11:56 paulderscheid[m] Alright 11:56 Joubu this in qa-test-tools 11:56 Joubu QohA/File/Vue.pm: my $tidy = qx{yarn --silent run prettier --trailing-comma es5 --semi false --arrow-parens avoid $absf}; 11:56 Joubu QohA/File/JS.pm: my $tidy = qx{yarn --silent run prettier --trailing-comma es5 --arrow-parens avoid $absf}; 11:56 paulderscheid[m] Ah ok, thanks 11:55 paulderscheid[m] Do you mean .git/hooks/ktd/pre-commit 11:55 Joubu ktd:files/git_hooks/pre-commit 11:54 paulderscheid[m] Could you point me to the files? 11:53 Joubu paulderscheid[m]: you need to fix the git hook (part of ktd) and the qa script, to make them all use the same config file 11:43 paulderscheid[m] I tested w/ vscod{e, ium} and neovim (w/ lazyvim config) and it seems to work as we want it for vue files. 11:43 paulderscheid[m] Does someone want to test? 11:42 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36400 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Centralize {js,ts,vue} formatting config in .prettierrc.js 11:42 paulderscheid[m] I just added a .prettierrc.js in bug 36400 11:32 cait another 12 bugs pushed - heading out for lunch break, bbiab 11:31 cait I don#t want them to stay, but all round numbers on dashboard: NSO 140, SO 180, PQA 60 11:22 Joubu tcohen: do you know what happened? 11:21 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36081 is not accessible. 11:21 oleonard Sorry for the noise on Bug 36081, I was looking at the wrong thing 11:20 tcohen next week I'll move the server 11:19 tcohen I'm sorry the technical issues might got in the middle 11:19 tcohen happy GBSD everyone! 11:19 cait happy GBSD! 11:19 cait hola tcohen 11:19 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:10 cait needed for Jenkins 11:10 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36012 normal, P5 - low, ---, chris, Needs Signoff , ERM/Agreements_spec.ts is failing if run too slow (?) 11:10 cait can we please get SO/QA on bug 36012? 11:09 cait um not that one 11:09 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3612 normal, PATCH-Sent (DO NOT USE), ---, paul.poulain, CLOSED FIXED, bookseller search & management 11:09 cait can we please get SO/QA on bug 3612? 10:42 cait lol 10:41 oleonard wahanui's job is not that taxing but the hours are terrible 10:40 cait on strike? 10:40 cait that's true 10:29 oleonard wahanui AWOL for GBSD? Scandalous. 10:23 cait confetti! 10:23 cait it's GBSD! 10:22 cait did it? 10:18 paulderscheid[m] So much happened here last night. O.O 10:18 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 10:18 cait davidnind++ :) 09:55 dolf OK, thanks. I'll try to monitor memcached more closely to see if it really goes down, and why. 09:49 cait or might get it, it depends on what is going on, but I have seen int in maintenance sometimes 09:48 cait for some reason 09:48 cait hm not sure then, we usually get that if the server is down 09:44 dolf cait: It seems to be mostly between 06:30 and 09:30 in the morning, but with some exceptions (around 22:00 and 01:00). About 4 time this month, but not weekly. 09:42 cait first 12 bugs pushed today - will be back for more :) 09:40 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36034 blocker, P1 - high, ---, andreas.jonsson, Pushed to oldstable , cas_ticket is set to serialized patron object in session 09:40 Joubu bug 36034 09:38 ashimema can someone remind me what the bug was for the cas thing that filled sessions 09:38 cait first batch pushed for today 09:36 cait is it always the same/similar time? 09:36 cait dolf: hm usually happens when koha is down for a bit - maybe a backup run or similar? 09:33 thd The database state must have preserved my login state for the wiki which I find most surprising. 09:32 thd ssh access to the VPS host for the containers was lost for me yesterday as things went down. My screen session was not preserved which indicates that the system was likely at least restarted even though it would not restart after going down yesterday. 09:28 dolf It happens in the /etc/cron.hourly/koha-common script 09:28 dolf This happens sporadically, sometimes a few days apart, and sometimes a month apart. Is there any known cause for this? MemCached seems to be running fine all the time. 09:28 dolf If you ignore this warning, you will face performance issues 09:28 dolf Connection to the memcached servers '' failed. Are the unix socket permissions set properly? Is the host reachable? 09:28 dolf From time to time, I get an e-mail from the Cron Daemon of the Debian VM on which my Koha is running: 09:24 thd The file system was obviously intact as some updates would otherwise have been lost. 09:22 thd Not specific to the wiki certainly but there seemed to be some hardware failure with the server not starting. 09:22 cait not specific to the wiki 09:22 cait some problem witht he hoster is what I got, he might know more 09:21 thd Maybe tcohen will have some information later about what actually failed. The system was evidently completely recoverable without resorting to a backup which would have been older and probably not even a data centre snapshot from before it went down. 09:12 thd Wiki seems to be back up as if it was never down. Even my login state was preserved. 09:01 cait but mostly 09:01 cait not always ;) 09:00 marcelr Joubu always makes nice commit messages ;) 09:00 Joubu yes, sorry 09:00 marcelr iirc 09:00 marcelr first is from Pedro 09:00 marcelr no i think he means the second 08:59 cait when the first one is the one, can you pelase make the commit message a little nicer? 08:59 marcelr will have a look 08:58 cait I'll wait with both right now - remove them from my branch for now 08:57 cait hm bit confusing - on the bug you said only the second patch? 08:57 Joubu see the discussion there 08:57 Joubu please wait for marcelr reply, or push only the first patch :) 08:56 cait but on ym branch 08:56 cait not pushed yet 08:55 Joubu marcelr: 36326 - IIRC only my patch was needed 08:53 cait moving here too 08:53 cait ashimema++ 08:53 cait cool :) 08:52 magnuse ashimema++ 08:43 ashimema Woop woop, that's two PRs for bugzilla merged.. we're moving again 🙂 08:32 cait let me try! think "sunny" :) 08:31 Joubu and they are tricky ones... 08:31 Joubu you won't :D 08:30 cait yes, that's why I was putting it out here - hoping to raise attention and get more eyes on it 08:30 Joubu especially when it's always me looking at them, yes 08:30 cait well, let's GBSD! Working on the bug bugs now 08:30 cait always fun 08:29 Joubu they are random failures 08:28 cait Joubu filed all the recent Jenkins failures - but I think we don't have patches yet 07:54 marcelr always positive 07:53 marcelr sure 07:53 Joubu the weather is grey but you heart is sunny marcelr, right? ;) 07:53 cait it might, because I am invited to a birthday party this weekend 07:53 marcelr its coming your way later 07:52 marcelr rainy 07:52 marcelr grey 07:52 cait very sunny here :) 07:52 marcelr sunny?? 07:52 marcelr hi cait 07:52 cait good morning #koha on this sunny GBSD! 07:45 reiveune hello 07:41 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=27893 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , Delete of biblio should warn about attached acq orders and cancel them 07:41 marcelr hi all, i need some testers for bug 27893, 36068, 36018 and 35994 simple acquisiton improvements 07:39 huginn` marcelr: The operation succeeded. 07:39 marcelr @later tell cait please push 35536 and friends (35548); 35062 touches few lines waits for 2m in pqa 07:33 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36081 is not accessible. 07:33 magnuse bug 36081 07:30 marcelr Joubu: 36081 is for you, you can do it better.. 07:28 marcelr patches are not really moving these days.. 07:24 marcelr o/ 07:08 wajasu i could run hashdir on the sql/schema dirs in the koha git, and write to a volume(in koha git) and when the container restarts, we see if there is a change, and if so repopulate the db. 07:05 wajasu maybe using a tool like hashdir 07:02 wajasu if i could detect if the directories containing SQL changed, then i could only re-populate the db when it changed 07:00 wajasu or maybe we can list some language prefixes in the .env TRANSLATE_PREFIX and then just download those that we want to work on. 06:59 wajasu but the git filter isnt that slow, once the whole things is pulled 06:58 wajasu i wonder if i could do a git show -s --format="%H" HEAD to get a hash for a directory like misc/translator/po and compare to the remote 06:56 wajasu so now i am thinking about the run.sh. 06:55 wajasu i needed to do docker buildx prune OR docker buildx prune -a to remove all those internat caches. WARNING dont do the prune if you have stuff to keep. 06:54 wajasu that would really might help whoever does koha/koha-testing builds. 06:53 wajasu i just added https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/#example-cache-apt-packages into the dists/bullseye/Dockerfile and if I drop my koha testing image, when i rebuild its done. 04:41 tuxayo On first run, that would make KTD fully usable minus translating while it's downloading l10n. Likely not many people would even notice this. 04:40 thd I have two types of backup from tcohen's Nextcloud. One is the database and persistent volumes and the other is /var/lib/docker/volumes which includes docker configuration in portainer_data and other important things. There are also other backups which are not wiki specific which their was no reason to make available to me. 04:40 tuxayo Yeah, the rest, I'm not sure. But it seems l10n update and yarn build could be launched right away. 04:37 tuxayo Or at least could be done in parallel to zebra and ES indexing. 04:37 tuxayo Could be started earlier. 04:37 tuxayo For the rest, there might be too many dependencies to make things parallel. Maybe not all the built of the JS and CSS stuff 04:35 thd The storage device could be fine and the hardware fault may be some other problem. 04:35 tuxayo Maybe paralelism would help? At least for the update of the l10n there is not need to have this blocking. 04:35 tuxayo wajasu: nice :) 04:34 wajasu i'm just slooowly trying to tweak the ktd to start/stop faster. i added the init: true to the koha service section and it doesn't delay and kill after 10 secs now. that adds up when you work bugs. 04:34 thd The server would not start. 04:33 thd I have seen that presenter previously. He definitely has an engaging style, NetworkChuck. 04:33 tuxayo Last time it was just an outage I think, no loss 04:33 tuxayo *storage 04:33 tuxayo There are no news that the server store is dead, are they? 04:33 tuxayo > We might loose a day or two of content. 04:32 tuxayo Sending to my sysadmin friends ^^ 04:32 thd There may also be a more recent snapshot in the data centre. 04:32 tuxayo wajasu: thanks, that DNS video was interesting 04:28 thd We might loose a day or two of content. 04:27 thd I think that quite a few things were on the same server. 04:26 thd The test wiki has an old database from the time of migration. There is no process in place to synchronize the test wiki database with the current database. 04:25 tuxayo no worries, that silly page isn't going anywhere 04:24 thd I have not tried running restoring it but I downloaded the most recent backup from tcohen's Nextcloud instance. 04:23 tuxayo maybe not that one, it might be on the same server 04:23 tuxayo https://wiki.test.koha-community.org 04:22 tuxayo ho lol, the test wiki?N 04:22 tuxayo > I have the backup 04:22 tuxayo One problem to go more backwards in browser support was that the browser don't support <button> XD 04:22 thd I have the backup 04:21 tuxayo Yeah thd, we can still proudly advertise some level of compat with IE4 or IE5 I don't remember (when the wiki work, I'll be able to find my test results) it would be a shame to loose that :) 04:21 tuxayo > I hope that deprecating TemplateToolkit in favour of Vue.js does not leave an entirely blank page with no fallback for anything in the OPAC. 04:21 tuxayo thd: 04:18 wajasu he who owns the IPs owns the ... 04:17 tuxayo What would Ford and GE do with all those IPs XD 04:17 tuxayo And of course, they are the less used blocks: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/d5/3b/9f/d53b9f160f39e6e4739d544383b73595.jpg 04:15 tuxayo Various US army organization and early US tech companies have an insane number of ipv4 adresses. 04:13 tuxayo However, there are many more actors that should have been expropriated before getting at you wajasu https://xkcd.com/195/ 04:13 tuxayo lol, to be fair, that's even more of a common than domain names. 04:13 tuxayo > i had blocks of IP4 and they stole them from me a few years back. 04:10 tuxayo true 04:10 tuxayo XD 04:10 tuxayo > i used to scream that people were wasting the namespace. abusing the commons 04:09 tuxayo The explanation field in the systempreference table is weird, I don't get where it's displayed. Because the actually text we see comes from circulation.pref. 03:24 wajasu i had a koha server for someone that would get bogged down every 6 months. i though maybe it was amazon prime day, but in the end, i had to work on the robots.txt. the robots kept coming for a couple of days, then it subsided. 03:20 thd I have a recently acquired IP address at which someone else's old subdomain keeps trying to resolve. 03:14 wajasu while you guys are at it, with the DNS, one should check if old subdomains are left adrift. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH6O3oBZLK8 03:14 thd I hope that deprecating TemplateToolkit in favour of Vue.js does not leave an entirely blank page with no fallback for anything in the OPAC. 03:13 thd Lynx, Elinks, etc. no longer render enough sites not because of graphics but because of unnecessary JavaScript. 03:11 thd It took me hours to bring up XWindows while the system thrashed the swap space the first time I tried. The console worked fine without graphics. 03:10 wajasu today people use tmux 03:10 wajasu i had to get an XWindow terminal that was monochrome to have multiple windows open. We were using serial switch boxes with dumb terminals. 03:09 wajasu it took me hours to compile XWindows in the 80s. 03:09 wajasu wheni was a young C programmer, I used to implement RFCs as they first become available. TCP stacks, SMTP, FTP, GOPHER, ... Web Browser. 03:07 wajasu i had blocks of IP4 and they stole them from me a few years back. 03:07 thd I was around then but I only had access to 18th century computers, card catalogues and their early electronic versions. 03:07 wajasu so nothing can be completely free 03:07 wajasu i used to scream that people were wasting the namespace. abusing the commons 03:06 wajasu we used to just ask for a domain and they were free. 03:05 wajasu yes in the 70s and 80s. then in the 90s when businesses came onboard spam was born. 03:04 thd wajasu: Was that a general property of email delivery at some early time such that xx@domain.tld was sent to yy@domain.tld and zz@domain.tld ? 03:04 wajasu i seem to recal, that i couldn't sign onto github or gitlab a year ago so i coulnd participate with koha stuff. 03:03 wajasu i had throw away email addreses and the domains are getting blacklisted 03:01 wajasu remember the days when you could send an email to joe@cool.net and everyong in the cool.net domain would get it? 03:01 thd I may also have taken too long to join the DKIM and DMARC party. Gmail does not even validate whether DKIM signatures match message content and passes things to the inbox with DMARC and no DKIM signature. 02:59 thd Problems can be nothing wrong with your IP address but there had been a problem with another IP address in the same subnet. 02:57 thd I hardly send any email. Have been running the same mail server of my own for years and I end up in the spam box when sending test messages to a newly created test Gmail account when I had been in the inbox in previous testing. 02:52 thd They are German. We may know some people near them. 02:51 thd Still very little about them online other than some party is funding Koha to use their service for solving an important problem of mail server reputation which never used to be a problem when spam was rampant. 02:50 dcook ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 02:49 thd Are they not securemailgate.de ? 02:48 dcook It could be someone in their basement running it as a side hustle for all we know 02:48 dcook There's no info about them online 02:48 dcook Do we really know that for sure? 02:48 thd The people at secure-mailgate.com must have something good to say as email is their primary business. 02:47 dcook by whom* 02:47 dcook I liked Owen's joke about checking the wiki for which systems are managed by who (when the wiki first went down) 02:46 thd Joubu also does not have low level access to all the systems otherwise we might have a few more things working correctly if he was not otherwise too busy. 02:46 dcook Yeah, fingers crossed they say something good 02:46 dcook Yeah mail reputation is... ugh. Even if you legitimately send a lot of email, you'll still get a bad reputation. 02:45 thd Joubu has sent an email to ask the people at secure.mailgate.com 02:43 thd Apparently, no one in the Koha community has direct access for configuring DKIM at secure-mailgate.com or we do not yet know what to do. The underlying problem is that in 2024 you have much difficulty catching an IP address with good mail reputation for a VPS to run a mail server. 02:39 dcook [off] Please don't burn it all down, Joubu ;) 02:39 dcook If there were turmoil with an individual now, we'd be pretty bad off 02:39 dcook You can still do that via DNS 02:38 thd Having community infrastructure widely distributed helped the community survive when there was turmoil with LibLime. 02:36 dcook The email thing really isn't that hard, especially if we were using one mail server 02:36 dcook I suppose this highlights how the koha community infrastructure is a bit "behind the curtain" 02:24 thd davidnind: She is waiting to handover the mailing list to an active maintainer but Discourse needs much testing and fixing a third party mail system for the wiki, Discourse, etc. is not so trivial even if the third party system is fixed tomorrow there is still much more to do. 02:21 thd davidnind: Maybe you could get Rachel at Katipo's attention about adding the DMARC line to the DNS for lists.katipo.co.nz while we test Discourse. It may only affect a minority of Koha people behind restrictive systems but people on such systems cannot confirm their email for the Koha general mailing list. 02:15 tuxayo davidnind++ Thanks helping with that English proofreading issue ^^ 02:13 davidnind thd++ 02:13 davidnind tuxayo++ 02:13 davidnind thd: thanks for sorting out - for the last month things have been looking OK. Most registrations have been having confirmed show up. There is still one in the holds queue that I sent a message to, so when things are up again if you could have a look that would be great! 01:59 thd davidnind: Mostly library organisation email systems which people use allow messages to pass without DKIM or DMARC but the library system from yesterday is an exception. The mail system was working for the wiki before the wiki server went down. The problem was about authentication that email messages have the content and origin which the message headers claim. 01:54 thd davidnind: secure-mailgate.com is serving the messages for the wiki and Joubu is asking how we can set DKIM signatures for messages there. 01:52 thd davidnind: I will have to set a password for her on the command line when the server running the wiki is functioning again. 01:51 thd davidnind: I confirmed an email account yesterday for someone reporting no confirmation message. 01:50 thd davidnind: I posted some messages to you a little later than this hour yesterday explaining that I may have identified why a few users had trouble receiving the wiki email confirmation messages. 01:38 tuxayo davidnind-away: thanks, then I can move on, it's just classic non native speaker confusion :) 01:11 davidnind The new phrasing seems OK to me 01:03 tuxayo So insight is welcome on this ^^ 01:02 tuxayo 😵💫 01:01 tuxayo But the swap in meaning (Allow is permissive and require is about enforcing) confuses me for some reason. I wonder if that's avoidable. And the "don't" having the meaning "disabled" for CircConfirmItemParts and "enabled" for CircConfirmItemPartsSCI and CircConfirmItemPartsSCO is also confusing. 00:57 tuxayo It seems we have to use require for legacy one and allow for the new ones due to the context they are used. 00:53 tuxayo CircConfirmItemPartsSCO: **Don't allow** multi-part items to be checked out via the web-based self checkout module. 00:53 tuxayo CircConfirmItemPartsSCO: **Allow** multi-part items to be checked out via the web-based self checkout module. 00:53 tuxayo CircConfirmItemPartsSCI: **Don't allow** multi-part items to be checked in via the web-based self check-in or self checkout modules. 00:53 tuxayo CircConfirmItemPartsSCI: **Allow** multi-part items to be checked in via the web-based self check-in or self checkout modules. 00:53 tuxayo The new is: 00:53 tuxayo CircConfirmItemParts: **Require** staff to confirm that all parts of an item are present at checkin/checkout. 00:53 tuxayo CircConfirmItemParts: **Don't require** staff to confirm that all parts of an item are present at checkin/checkout. 00:53 tuxayo The existing phrasing is : 00:53 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34643 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, kyle, Signed Off , Split CircConfirmItemParts for self-checkout and self-checkin 00:53 tuxayo Any opinion about the phrasing of the options of new sysprefs from bug 34643? It's about giving more granularity for CircConfirmItemParts (by introducing CircConfirmItemPartsSCI and CircConfirmItemPartsSCO) 00:42 huginn` tuxayo: The operation succeeded. 00:42 tuxayo @later tell tcohen portainer down 00:42 tuxayo plus api doc, jenkins and portainer 00:40 tuxayo wiki down indeed