Time Nick Message 23:27 tuxayo Anyone heard about sandboxes having outdated Koha code? https://gitlab.com/koha-community/koha-sandboxes-docker/-/issues/91#note_1821887062 22:50 dcook . 19:40 ashimema Pedro wrote multiple fixes for that.. would be lovely to see them in before he returns from vacation next week 19:38 oleonard Okay good. I'm rebasing my header search tabs patch so I want to make sure I haven't broken something. 19:38 cait only the filters on te left work, if you need a work around 19:38 cait that has been filed already (patrons) 19:37 oleonard It looks to me like the patron quick search in the header is broken too. The one which appears on the patrons home page. 19:29 tcohen :-P 19:29 tcohen I don't think it has been broken forever 19:27 oleonard tcohen: ? 19:26 tcohen oleonard: no 19:16 tuxayo oops, indeed there is something wrong 19:16 tuxayo "Can't call method "name" on an undefined value" 19:15 oleonard Vendor contracts search has been broken forever? 18:48 tuxayo Action 'configtest' failed. 18:48 tuxayo AH00543: apache2: bad user name kohadev-koha 18:48 tuxayo Output of config test was: 18:48 tuxayo [warn] The apache2 configtest failed. ... (warning). 18:48 tuxayo I still got 18:47 tuxayo service apache2 stop 18:47 tuxayo service koha-common stop 18:47 tuxayo There is progress, to more cleanly shutdown the instance: 18:38 tuxayo It feels wrong ^^" 18:38 tuxayo koha-disable doesn't stop all the processes and koha-remove can't remove the user. So I have to kill them manually 18:36 tuxayo Does anyone know a clean way to restore a koha-dump in KTD (the dump comes from KTD also) 18:23 tuxayo Oh, there was stuff missing to start. restart_all seems to have done it. 18:21 tuxayo Well, I can restore over the half removed instance, start plack and it seems to work. 18:16 tuxayo No new log in /var/log/apache2 18:16 tuxayo AH00543: apache2: bad user name kohadev-koha 18:16 tuxayo Hi :) has anyone used koha-restore on KTD? I'm trying to koha-remove kohadev to prepare the restore and it fails with 17:23 cait time to leave :) cya tomorrow #koha! 17:12 tcohen cait++ 17:09 tcohen back 17:08 reiveune bye 17:05 cait ashimema++ # QA/review 16:49 cait I am not sure what I did there... but follow-up pushed - thanks tcohen++! 16:04 cait at elast that's what I wanted to change it to :) need to investigate 16:03 cait tcohen: just wondering, because your patch is not what I expected, I will check it in abit. I thought it shoudl read now: You can only pass either 'item_type' or 'collection_code' 15:47 tcohen problem 15:47 tcohen cait: no 15:40 cait ... and I fixed it after running the tests apparently? but I thought I ran QA script abain hm. 15:40 cait i fixed a typo in your test message and rephrased it 15:39 cait tcohen: that was my bad 15:39 cait and I do run tests and QA script too... 15:39 cait ah sorry, reading back now (was in a meeting) 15:13 tcohen cait: I posted a follow-up. If it was my mistake, sorry for that 15:13 tcohen as I always run the QA script, which runs the tests 15:12 tcohen weird is that kind of mistake 15:11 Joubu weird that's in master maybe? :D 15:10 Joubu weird? It's failing locally 15:09 Joubu yes 15:08 tcohen cait: looking, this is weird :-D 15:06 tcohen Joubu: around? 15:05 tcohen Joubu: looking 14:56 domm[m] thanks! 14:56 caroline domm[m], I don't think so. I use link_bibs_to_authorities (under misc) 14:54 domm[m] can I tell bulkmarcimport to do what "Link authorities automatically" does? 14:50 Joubu tcohen: ^^ 14:50 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36329 normal, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, Pushed to master , Transfer limits should respect `BranchTransferLimitsType` 14:50 Joubu this is coming from bug 36329 I think 14:50 Joubu that's another failure! 14:49 Joubu 11:21:47 koha_1 | # expected: 'Only one of 'item_type' and 'collecion_code' can be passed at a time' 14:49 Joubu 11:21:47 koha_1 | # got: 'You can only pass 'item_type' or 'collection_code' at a time' 14:49 Joubu jenkins you mean? 14:49 cait I wish it waa green once 14:48 cait Joubu: the dashboard looks worse again :( 14:41 ashimema lol 14:41 caroline I clicked on "Endangered species" thinking they had made rubber ducks of real endangered ducks for charity or something, but no, It's just their discontinued ducks 14:41 Joubu I should have mentionned that the idea was under the beerware license 14:39 ashimema you just gave me a great idea 14:39 ashimema dang.. https://shop.justducks.co.uk/ 14:38 cait I just recently introduced my coworker to the concept 14:37 cait I'd love a koha rubber ducky 14:15 ashimema can I get a rubber ducky too? 14:11 oleonard A rubber duck?? What did I miss? 13:54 caroline ooh, it's a good merch idea! 13:54 Joubu the community is going to contribute to offer caroline a rubber duck for KohaCon 13:51 caroline lol thanks! There's also when it's not working and my boss comes look over my shoulder it suddenly works *double facepalm* (he's useful though, I just call him over to make things magically work) 13:42 paulderscheid[m] *setting 13:42 paulderscheid[m] I think that's just the default settings for all people working in tech. 13:41 caroline I feel stupid when looking for like 10 minutes before asking the question and as soon as I ask the question, I find what I'm looking for *facepalm* 13:40 ashimema hehe 13:40 paulderscheid[m] Don't be sorry. That's another bit of knowledge in the logs. 13:40 caroline I was searching with "user" and "cataloger" 13:39 caroline not crazy MarcFieldForModifierId 13:39 caroline ah found it, sorry! 13:39 caroline Isn't there a syspref to determine which marcfield is ised to store the user who modified the record? Did I hallucinate that? 13:30 paulderscheid[m] ++ on stronger git integrations (something I believe I understand :D) 12:34 domm[m] :-) 12:32 cait domm[m]: do some practice :) 12:32 cait domm[m]: hm maybe we need to do a timed run through in Marseille 11:59 ashimema I've looked at that and been rather confused by it's use case for many years 11:59 ashimema wow.. you remove the context stack.. nice one Joubu! 11:57 domm[m] I have to say that small/simple drive-by commits are currently too much effort (esp if you don't have everything already set up it can take hours to submit a simple typo fix) 11:56 ashimema but for me.. the big blocker to that is our version of BZ.. we need Harmony to be released 11:55 ashimema and I'm not saying we get rid of it as an option.. just that we give people the option to use more modern flows too that they may be more familiar with 😜 11:55 ashimema haha.. yup.. those are the two outliers that come to mind 11:55 domm[m] I think Postgres also (still) uses a patch/mail based workflow, and probably the Linux kernel? 11:53 ashimema but personally I feel that's the way forward.. I don't know many projects that still rely on patches 11:53 ashimema we'll still want to work on some tooling and documentation though if we opt to allow git branching/merging models 11:52 ashimema it has considerably better git integrations.. we could start using branches and merge requests much more simply 11:52 ashimema trying to get Harmony released 11:52 ashimema it's one of the reasons I'm working closely with the bugzilla devs 11:51 ashimema git's internal algorithms have over the years 11:51 cait I wonder if something changed 11:49 ashimema it's annoying 11:49 ashimema I'm seeing them a lot 11:49 cait I have seen way more sha1 lately than ever before 11:39 ashimema thanks 11:39 ashimema hehe, 11:39 Joubu I forgot 2 patches... Thanks git reflog, again 11:34 * ashimema is currently looking at 24879 11:34 ashimema I'll continue with the other one's and then swing back to it 🙂 11:34 Joubu (looking at the conflict) 11:34 ashimema ok 11:33 Joubu or more feedback 11:33 Joubu for me it's waitin for testing 11:32 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36149 is not accessible. 11:32 ashimema I was going to say I'm getting sha1 issues on bug 36149.. is there a branch anywhere.. but then I read more of the bug and it looks like it's still in discussion with dcook and you 11:31 Joubu yes 11:29 ashimema Joubu still around? 11:27 tcohen starman or hypnotoad I mean 11:24 tcohen domm[m]: would running a forground starman hynotoad be closer to what you envision? 11:18 tcohen and the 'debian packages' are the de-facto standard for running Koha 11:17 tcohen but have something functional in the meantime 11:17 tcohen my ultimate goal has been to eventually base the container on the official Perl image, with a cpanfile 11:09 domm[m] We would have to stop treating a Container as an VM 11:08 domm[m] The way I usually run stuff in containers is to basically check out the code and run it. But all of this code does not need any installation steps (or if it needs setup this is done in Containerfile and not via some installation routines). But Koha is much more complex that some simple API Service, so I think coming up with a proper Containerfile will be a lot of work AND only work for one specific environment (eg development/testing) 11:02 tcohen most of the complexity is just detecting if the instance is already setup or needs the initialization step 11:01 tcohen please file issues there and we can streamline it 11:00 tcohen I don't think getting rid of supervisord would be an issue 11:00 domm[m] I think I've seen it some time ago. My main problem with it is that it still uses a run.sh and runs it's own supervisor inside the container (which is not very docker-ish, but breaking this up will be a lot of work) 10:57 tcohen hola #koha o/ 10:56 tcohen domm[m], wajasu you have seen this, right? https://gitlab.com/koha-community/docker/koha-docker 10:36 paulderscheid[m] Would love to see that. 10:35 ashimema but I started down that path and decided it just wasn't plausible for the sponsorship I had at the time.. so it leans on C4:: a bit more than I'd like.. hopefully we can convert that over time 10:35 paulderscheid[m] I just want to be done w/ this MVP -_- 10:35 ashimema I'd love to clean up more and move a lot more of it to Koha:: 10:35 ashimema 😄 10:34 paulderscheid[m] We do a lot of things very similarly, I felt right at home in your code :D 10:34 ashimema they're cool.. but they do make it harder for third parties to interact with our API's without inadvertantly breaking assumptions Koha client makes 10:33 paulderscheid[m] Yeah, it's a lot 10:33 ashimema we have a bloomin tonne of optional overrides and stuff 10:33 ashimema the challenge I found was maintaining all the options from koha's settings and preferences via the api 10:33 ashimema you can certainly hide parts of it or set hard overrides for some bits 10:32 ashimema that's fair 10:32 paulderscheid[m] I think the difference is, that the spec I'm implementing exposes less of the interface to the consumer. 10:31 ashimema it's in production here at multiple sites 10:31 paulderscheid[m] This is very reassuring. 10:30 paulderscheid[m] ashimema++ 10:30 ashimema it's not perfect, but it's a solid enough foundation 10:29 paulderscheid[m] I'm implementing expects it. 10:29 paulderscheid[m] Yeah, that's also how the spec I 10:29 ashimema it uses token exchange to do the two step process.. i.e checking for availability prior to actually performing checkout 10:28 paulderscheid[m] Wow, I need to look at this. 10:28 ashimema it added the api's for checkout and did an OPAC side implementaiton that uses them 10:27 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30979 new feature, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Needs documenting , Add ability for OPAC users to checkout to themselves 10:27 ashimema - Add ability for OPAC users to checkout to themselves 10:27 ashimema Bug 30979 10:27 ashimema have you seen the work I did around this paulderscheid? 10:26 paulderscheid[m] Is that a sane approach? 10:26 paulderscheid[m] Just for a quick reality check: I'm implementing checkin/checkout via a REST API. To accomplish that I'm loosely replicating do_checkin and do_checkout from C4::SIP::ILS::Transaction::{Checkin,Checkout}. 10:06 paulderscheid[m] morning #koha 09:11 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35319 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, NEW , Default sorting of the holdings table with OPACHoldingsDefaultSortField is broken 09:11 ashimema bug 35319 09:08 cait mmh 09:05 Joubu yet another mess... 09:04 Joubu what you said on the second bug 09:03 Joubu it needs to be moved to table settings, but the OPAC is not ready for that, some inc and js to be synced first 09:03 cait Bug 35319 is the one I filed when we ran into it lately 09:02 cait 30633 09:02 cait 35319 09:02 Joubu I didn't find it 09:02 Joubu ho 09:01 cait it is reported 09:01 Joubu that was not for today :D 09:01 Joubu I guess I have to report it now... 09:00 Joubu 6.5y 09:00 magnuse if it is a syspref that just does nothing, but also doesn't break anything, i can understand that it goes under the radar 09:00 cait wow 09:00 Joubu Jul 28 2017 09:00 cait hm 09:00 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=16759 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, tomascohen, CLOSED FIXED, Make OPAC holdings table configurable 09:00 Joubu Broken by bug 16759 09:00 Joubu it's creating default_order_index that is never used later 09:00 cait that woudl be a while ago. 08:59 Joubu around 1806 08:59 Joubu ./opac-detail.tt 08:59 Joubu OPACHoldingsDefaultSortField 08:59 magnuse ashimema: sounds plausible, but we do have more than one library using it, i think 08:59 cait heh 08:59 magnuse git reset Joubu --onto BED or other relaxing location 08:59 cait but yeah, drink a lot, I get the headaches too whenI have a cold 08:58 cait not laying flat 08:58 cait maybe try with a big pillow 08:58 Joubu it's worst in bed :D 08:57 Joubu it's sorting by home/holding libraries, something like that 08:57 cait maybe you should be in bed then with lots of tea and sleep 08:57 ashimema Hugs Joubu, go lay down and feel better 08:57 Joubu I have a strong cold and terrible headache... feeling a bit dizzy 08:57 cait hm guess i am wondering if it's about changing the sequence of the column in the table or about the criteria the data is ordered by 08:56 Joubu not the same? 08:56 cait ordering or sorting? 08:56 Joubu s/colonne/column 08:56 cait well not very recent, but it came up in a migration 08:56 Joubu it's in my todo list, for next weeks 08:55 cait hm that was a recent find from us maybe 08:55 Joubu we moved to DT and the syspref is just.. useless 08:55 Joubu I don't remember, it's something with ordering the colonne on the holdings table at the OPAC 08:55 cait which one are we talking about? 08:55 cait we just jumped 4 versions... it happens 08:55 ashimema Which one, can we just drop it at this point 08:55 cait or they are still on an old version 08:54 ashimema Lol 08:54 Joubu I have a syspref not working for 5 years if you want 08:54 ashimema I often wonder about that.. I come across bugs and fix them and am then amazed that they get no testing often for months or years. Enhancements I get, but for bug fixes I think it often highlights that perhaps the shiny feature we put in some time in the distant past basically isn't used by anyone 08:53 ashimema magnuse I wonder if that just means the feature is very low use in the wild 08:51 ashimema Nice one Joubu 08:36 cait Joubu: got the patch 08:34 cait Joubu++ # thanks for the help with tests :) 08:30 cait I will grab it in a bit 08:30 cait ok 08:20 Joubu has a patch now 08:20 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=36356 major, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, ASSIGNED , FrameworkPlugin.t does not rollback properly 08:20 Joubu bug 36356 08:20 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35356 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, lucas, RESOLVED FIXED, SMS number field shows on moremember.pl even when null 08:20 Joubu cait: bug 35356 07:57 reiveune hello 07:13 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34902 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , decreaseLoanHighHolds does not reduce loan period 07:13 magnuse noone has been bothered by bug 34902 for the last half a year? 07:13 magnuse \o/ 03:52 wajasu now i am seeing if the i can get koha-dpkg-docker to use that apt-cacher proxy, and try some other ideas for that 03:51 wajasu i got my apt-cacher-ng in the bridge network and put proxy config in the Dockerfile, and that primed my debian package cache 03:50 wajasu on the first run, run.sh brought in the translation pos 03:49 wajasu then I just volume mounted in the compose file as a named volume, specifying it as external=true so compose doesn't create it. 03:48 wajasu tuxayo: i created the named volume externally. then i used alpine to run against it, and dir apt add git, and dir the git clone, and chown -R 1000:1000 02:41 schnydszch the error is: [2024/03/19 09:59:54] [WARN] DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'item_group_id' in 'field list' at /usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/Object.pm line 170 02:39 schnydszch Good morning koha! 02:39 schnydszch Has anyone experienced error 500 in holds history in 23.05? 01:16 tuxayo Nice :D How do you work on it? vim from the container? 01:16 tuxayo wajasu: «i switched to a volume that not bind mounted, so once that gets loaded withthe koha git repo and latter the trranslation pos, its good.»