Time Nick Message 21:41 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35037 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, Needs Signoff , Revise the appearance of the last patron button 21:41 davidnind oleonard: got the wrong gist for your screenshot - looks good to me! (bug 35037) 21:39 aleisha actually never mind lol 21:37 aleisha hey everyone i have a question about an API endpoint for checkins 20:55 huginn paulderscheid[m]: The operation succeeded. 20:55 paulderscheid[m] @later tell dcook thanks for the work on the keycloak stuff! dcook++ 18:58 tcohen[m] looks nice, oleonard 18:21 davidnind hoping that not having text is an option (what immediately come to my mind is insert something, eject something, refresh the browser, ID, search...) - they look in proportion, whihc I assume is what you are getting at 8-) 18:13 ashimema That's nice oleonard 17:44 oleonard Maybe this instead? https://snipboard.io/u1zMcr.jpg 16:14 cait bbl - bye all! 16:10 cait it didn't look that different to me 16:09 cait did you run yarn build? 16:05 oleonard It's very large 16:03 cait or is it the design? 16:03 cait the number I mean 16:03 cait it's configurable 16:00 oleonard It's like we're parking a truck right there 15:58 ashimema lol 15:57 oleonard Wow that "Last patron" thing is really something now... 15:23 reiveune bye 15:09 oleonard Oh that's good, thanks 15:09 caroline maybe something like "seasonal serial numbering"? 15:08 oleonard Is "serial numbering" clear? 15:08 oleonard Maybe this as an improvement? [% tp("Serial numbering", "Spring") | html %] 15:07 oleonard The template currently has this, for example: [% matches.0 | html %]Spring[% matches.1 | html %] 15:07 oleonard (which I noticed because of Joubu's "Do not wrap strings" message) 15:07 oleonard I wanted to get your opinion on a translation context thing, in serials-collection.tt 15:06 caroline oleonard, yes 15:06 oleonard caroline around? 14:56 tcohen[m] bye marcelr! 14:56 marcelr bye #koha 14:56 marcelr htg 14:54 ashimema i think having a target version up front may help more.. but even then I don't know that it would get much attention.. what I think we really need is a more dated approach to try and get us on the same page around the same times 14:54 marcelr ok lets do it now ! 14:53 tcohen[m] I'd add a 'roadmap' keword 14:53 ashimema candidate so far has been used near the end of a cycle to get the RM's attention.. or for the RM to leave a note to self to come back to before the end of the cycle 14:53 tcohen[m] using rel_* is ok, but doesn't highlight the fact is part of the roadmap 14:53 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33537 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Signed Off , Move domain limits from koha-conf to staff SMTP configuration 14:53 marcelr bug 33537 is on the roadmap too 14:52 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33949 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Signed Off , Replace GetAllIssues with Koha::Checkouts - opac 14:52 marcelr yeah thats what i mean 14:52 tcohen[m] bug 33949 should be easy to test 14:52 ashimema we already have rel_XX_YY_candidate keywords 14:51 marcelr and it marks specific release 14:51 ashimema 'targetting' keyword 14:51 marcelr or just use release candidate ? it is bit of same 14:51 caroline_catlady keyword? 14:51 ashimema with dated slots? 14:51 ashimema question is.. how should it work.. 14:50 ashimema or even a field 14:50 ashimema We could add some field in BZ and use that to populate dashboard 14:50 marcelr keyword? 14:49 marcelr bugzilla is our tracker, i still think we should see it there 14:49 tcohen[m] but yeah, maybe a saved search 14:49 tcohen[m] I think the dashboard would be a better fit 14:49 marcelr you just forget to check a separate document somehwere else 14:49 marcelr tcohen[m]: it would be helpful to see that on BZ too some way or other 14:48 tcohen[m] and give roadmap items higher priority, if possible 14:48 tcohen[m] people put effort on filling it and working on things, look at your colleagues work 14:47 tcohen[m] https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Roadmap_for_23.11 14:47 tcohen[m] #koha please remember we have a 'roadmap' 14:47 marcelr you can still read my frustration on 35001 :) 14:47 ashimema very sorry I was so grumpy earlier.. very unprofessional 😧 14:46 ashimema thanks for the review.. it really is appreciated 14:46 * ashimema is going to grab a cuppa and then check this branch out and start looking at what's needed for the PQA 🙂 14:46 ashimema agreed 14:46 marcelr np 14:45 ashimema think we must have just clashed on that one 14:45 marcelr i think that 35001 should be picked up after adding more triggers 14:45 ashimema I'm happy for it to either just be resolved duplicate or for the two to remain distinct 14:45 ashimema yeah.. it somehow got wiped out of the dependancies in bugzilla 14:45 marcelr i rescoped 35030 now 14:44 marcelr ashimema: you added 35027 very recently, isnt it 14:37 cait kidclamp++ # one less post it on my desk 14:37 cait ok thx :) 14:36 kidclamp I don't believe so. Would be nice, but has not been developed 14:30 ashimema thanks marcel 14:30 marcelr ashimema: a bit of attention for 15504 and we should be ready for pqa 14:29 cait just quick question: did I miss any way to configure an index alias for Elasticsearch that does not require changing Querybuilder.pm? 14:29 cait :) 14:28 kidclamp eek 14:27 cait kidclamp: boo? :) 14:22 cait thd: we didn't have a formal meeting and have not formally set a new date time yet 14:20 thd Also, I do not see startmeeting in the IRC logs. 14:18 thd I had assumed that the two hours earlier time was only to avoid a meeting conflict for the previous meeting and would not continue today. 14:16 thd What time would that be? 14:15 tcohen[m] same day same time 14:15 tcohen[m] I will send an email about having it next week 14:15 tcohen[m] we ended it a few minutes ago 14:15 thd I had waiting for moderator 14:14 marcelr <tcohen[m]> https://meet.jit.si/KohaDevelopmentMeeting 14:14 marcelr link ^^ 14:14 marcelr no some people are in jitsi right now 14:12 thd marcelr: Has the meeting now been postponed for a different week or two weeks hence? 14:11 marcelr thd yes 14:10 thd Was there a time mistake on the meeting? 13:41 Joubu now I am in the middle of other things 13:40 Joubu I will attend dev meetings when they will take place at the time they have been planned ;) 13:40 tcohen[m] https://meet.jit.si/KohaDevelopmentMeeting 13:40 cait we shoudl at least agree on what needs fixing 13:39 cait Joubu: some where fixed since 13:39 Joubu fix the recalls bugs first? 13:37 cait tcohen: meet with me :) 13:37 cait Bug 31391 - Staff-side recalls 13:36 ashimema hugs 13:36 cait ashimema: sorry, too many things parallel, I'll find it for you 13:36 tcohen[m] the required quorum is just another person ✌️ 13:36 tcohen[m] I'm available 13:35 tcohen[m] Not a formal one, just a Jitsi call to catch up and mention things that are blocking you or need to highlight 13:35 tcohen[m] would anyone here benefit from a meeting right now? 13:35 tcohen[m] Thanks Joubu 13:35 Joubu I am still fighting with everything 13:34 Joubu I also sent an email to the list this morning 13:34 Joubu everything is on the wiki page - https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Translation_server_migration_weblate 13:31 tcohen[m] Joubu: around? 13:31 tcohen[m] I want an update from Joubu on weblate 13:31 ashimema I meant the recalls one actually cait 😜 13:29 tcohen[m] shall we have a short meeting? 13:28 marcelr and buenos dias 13:28 tcohen[m] Good morning/evening everyone 13:28 marcelr 12 UTC nobody was there :) 13:28 marcelr too late tcohen[m] 13:27 tcohen[m] Oh, I thought the dev meeting was in 30 minutes... 13:26 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35029 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Doubled up entries in notices and slips after update 13:26 cait bug 35029 13:23 cait ashimema: I am just writing it up 13:22 Adarsh oh 13:21 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=7365 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, In Discussion , Koha should support PostgreSQL 13:21 Joubu bug 7365 13:20 * marcelr remembers the guys from Switzerland ? 13:20 Joubu you won't manage to make it work 13:20 Joubu Adarsh: Koha does not support PostgreSQL 13:20 magnuse lulz 13:19 marcelr magnuse: you use less letters in the long answer :) 13:19 magnuse the long answer is: you might perhaps be able to make it work, but there will be very few people to ask for help etc 13:18 magnuse Adarsh: the short answer is: koha only supports MariaDB: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/System_requirements_and_recommendations 13:18 marcelr adarsh: when you switch to mysql/mariadb and debian/ubuntu, more support is likely 13:17 marcelr ashimema: i refreshed my db and now it passes, cruft from some other dev i guess 13:16 Adarsh marcelr: yes, how you see it? 13:15 ashimema it was on my list but dropped off 13:15 ashimema what bug was it cait 13:15 marcelr adarsh you are on a very difficult road 13:15 cait I'll file 13:15 cait fun thing btw... we added a database update for SMS transport type and DUEDGST... and now it shows 2 entries in the notice editor that both lead to the same entry :( 13:14 Adarsh Guys, how can we configure external postgreSQL Db in koha vm instance? 13:13 cait i'd still love to see it go in - I think it would increase interest in the feature an dhelp to move it further 13:13 cait I quite liked it but it got blocked 13:13 cait there is a patch for recalls in staff 13:11 marcelr test_checkout_v2() 13:10 ashimema I can check 13:10 ashimema but I may not have run it at the most recent rebase 13:09 ashimema it was.. 13:09 ashimema erm 13:09 marcelr DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_dbh_execute(): DBI Exception: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`koha_myclone`.`checkout_renewals`, CONSTRAINT `renewals_renewer_id` FOREIGN KEY (`renewer_id`) REFERENCES `borrowers` (`borrowernumber`) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE) at /usr/share/koha/Koha/Object.pm line 170 13:09 marcelr ashimema: does proving t/db_dependent/SIP/Message.t still pass with you on 15504 ? 13:04 oleonard If I add a 'default_sort_order' to a table in columns_settings.yml should it just work? Or is there another step? 13:03 magnuse Joubu++ 13:03 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34694 critical, P5 - low, ---, pedro.amorim, Pushed to stable , OPAC bib record blows up with error 500 13:03 magnuse Joubu: you were right, it was bug 34694 i was seeing, on 22.11.10 13:01 marcelr so we can skip recalls in tracks 13:01 * ashimema chooses not to get there again.. 13:01 marcelr yeah i remember discusison about name of feature 13:00 ashimema never have an end user be able to 13:00 ashimema in the UK we really only ever want staff to be able to upgrade a hold to a recall 13:00 marcelr you maybe only work on those 13:00 ashimema and why I didn't like it 12:59 marcelr staff says existing recalls 12:59 ashimema its what I found so odd about recalls 12:59 marcelr no you can via opac 12:59 ashimema I remember 12:59 ashimema it's the other way around 12:59 ashimema no.. 12:59 ashimema oh.. 12:59 ashimema I actually thought that only staff could do a recall at the moment 12:56 marcelr article request can be done, but the staff recalls page works differently? 12:56 ashimema I thought that was an opac action 12:56 marcelr yeah i did so too 12:56 ashimema it was article request I was wondering about 12:56 ashimema I thought you could recall 12:56 ashimema ho.. 12:56 ashimema 🙂 12:56 marcelr ashimema: it seems that you cant recall an item in staff for another user. but i may be mistaken 12:54 ashimema magnuse++ 12:54 ashimema Joubu++ 12:54 ashimema cait++ 12:54 ashimema marcelr++ 12:52 oleonard cait: wahanui called you into their office for a stern talking to! 12:51 huginn magnuse: Highest karma: "Joubu" (1239), "cait" (1055), and "ashimema" (874). Lowest karma: "-" (-85), "failed" (-53), and "ie" (-41). You (magnuse) are ranked 19 out of 1291. 12:51 magnuse @karma 12:51 magnuse shame on wahanui 12:51 * cait hides 12:51 cait even wahanui is grumpy with me now: (14:48:21) wahanui: please don't karma yourself 12:50 cait that was not intended 12:50 cait hups 12:49 oleonard cait++ 12:48 huginn cait: Error: You're not allowed to adjust your own karma. 12:48 cait Joubu++ cait++ ashimema++ marcelr++ magnuse++ ;) 12:46 magnuse Joubu++ cait++ ashimema++ marcelr++ 12:45 marcelr good persons may have bad watches 12:44 cait .. so we are not the good people? 12:44 ashimema doh.. I got my timeings wrong 12:44 ashimema sorry chaps.. didn't mean to grump at you all.. you're the good people 12:44 marcelr thx everybody for attending :) 12:43 cait with sound 12:43 cait we need an alert 12:43 cait hm 43 minutes ago.. 12:43 ashimema I tohught we have a dev meeting this afternoon 12:43 Joubu cait++ ashimema++ marcelr++ 12:43 marcelr i wouldnt dare 12:43 cait yes, I started Monday, couldn't finish last night, but this week 12:42 marcelr just qa it soon 12:42 marcelr four digit number.. 12:42 cait just don't steal it back now please :) 12:42 marcelr that hold is waiting very long 12:42 Joubu no, we don't... https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_Meeting_11_October_2023 12:42 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=8367 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, aleisha, Signed Off , How long is a hold waiting for pickup at a more granular level 12:42 cait (bug 8367) 12:42 marcelr no way 12:42 Joubu let's all burn out and burn Koha 12:41 marcelr just remove me cait 12:41 marcelr do we have such meetings lol ? 12:41 cait marcelr: btw - I stole one bug from you, but you put your QA contact some years ago :) I have some follow-ups for it I need to finish 12:41 Joubu you know, the dev meeting... 12:41 Joubu it's where dev meeting could help, talking to each other, asking for help, listening problems, etc. 12:40 cait yes, and I fully support you... when we have a reliable system it's waiting for your turn and we can stop to negotiate 12:40 marcelr the queue is shrinking now, so we are getting better 12:40 marcelr i am saying that for so many years already.. 12:40 cait ok and I cheated and took the very librarian marc update bugs, but you won't miss them :D 12:39 cait I think we are all stuck here and there... only way through is helping each other. I am going from old to new with bugs first, if you join me, we'll get to your stuff at some point no doubt 12:39 magnuse Joubu: thanks! i'll have alook at that bug! 12:39 marcelr no cait we would not listen :) 12:39 cait should I start to complain about my tiny patches in QA queue too? ;) 12:33 marcelr np 12:33 marcelr i'll take time later or tomorrow for 15504 12:33 ashimema agreed 12:32 marcelr one step at a time 12:32 marcelr right well, lets do that and we'll resolve the stuff around is_active too; should not be that hard 12:31 ashimema well.. matt and I would appreciate that movement 12:30 marcelr shall i just first try to get 15504 in pqa and then talk about getting further ? 12:29 ashimema it's pointless now 12:29 ashimema lets just remove lastseen entirely then 12:28 Joubu (and friends, see related bugs) 12:28 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34694 critical, P5 - low, ---, pedro.amorim, Pushed to stable , OPAC bib record blows up with error 500 12:28 Joubu bug 34694 12:28 Joubu isnt it "blows up" issue we had recently? 12:27 Joubu magnuse: did you track it down? 12:24 marcelr ashimema: you are using strong expressions on the report, they are really not needed 12:16 marcelr yes, features with a bad start create trouble later :) 12:16 ashimema sorry Joubu 12:16 marcelr my point is that they are no exact synonyms 12:16 ashimema lastseen was badly named in the first place really.. it was always meant to be a mark of 'activity' 12:15 Joubu ... ashimema: well, at least you get attention on your stuffs :D 12:15 ashimema I really don't like having methods that are synonyms everywhere.. it makes it incredibly difficult to understand the point of a method 12:15 marcelr whats the current status about caching there? 12:14 marcelr in the meantime we can get triggers further 12:14 marcelr so it just takes a bit more thought 12:14 marcelr and only when needed 12:14 marcelr these queries are done only now in cron job 12:13 marcelr but i dont want to overcomplicate the is_active one 12:13 ashimema sorry, you caught me in a grumpy day 12:13 marcelr i am supporting your patch 12:12 ashimema oh so often these days I just want to fork 12:12 marcelr no you should not ! 12:12 ashimema I give up 12:12 ashimema the entire point of lastseen was for expiry 12:12 marcelr just saying that it may be dangerous exercise 12:11 ashimema for expiry 12:11 ashimema different countries have different requirements 12:11 marcelr maybe we do not even use datelastseen 12:11 ashimema it should not be hard coded in my opinion 12:11 marcelr we cant say we forgot to add holds to the track triggers, now we expired patrons.. 12:11 marcelr but ->is_active is used in expiry process, so cannot simply ignore data 12:10 ashimema exactly 12:10 marcelr surely something can go on a follow-up 12:09 * ashimema soapbox 12:09 ashimema it's really upsets me that people would rather block a bug entirely than help 12:09 ashimema I'd far rather see code.. or follow-up bugs added 12:08 ashimema adding and adding to the requirements.. not actually helping 12:08 ashimema there was a core of functionality asked for which we did.. no people keep adding and adding to it and I'm at witts end 12:08 ashimema I wish people would help.. rather than block 12:08 ashimema that bug is annoying me 12:07 ashimema go on marcelr 12:07 cait I don't envy the person trying to write the much asked for TT notices manual 12:07 ashimema yup 12:07 cait ok 12:07 cait does it mean it's inheriting everything from LIne? 12:07 ashimema so.. all the methods from Koha::Account::Line are available for you in Koha::Account::Debit 12:07 ashimema use base qw(Koha::Account::Line); 12:06 ashimema line 22 12:06 marcelr hi ashimema: we should have a chat about trackpatrons 12:06 cait I was looking at Koha::Account::Debit 12:06 cait where do I see that? 12:06 cait i missed the bit about extends line 12:05 ashimema yup 12:05 ashimema [% debit.item.biblio.title %] 12:05 cait that's getting interesting 12:05 davidnind Adarsh: did you see the reply from tcohen yesterday? https://irc.koha-community.org/koha/2023-10-10#i_2513269 12:05 cait debit.item.biblio 12:05 cait an then to biblio 12:05 cait oh to tiem 12:04 ashimema so you can traverse 12:04 ashimema Debit extends Line 12:04 cait trying to make it happen in ACCOUNT_PAYMENT too 12:04 cait also for our ILL fees... it pulls the title in via the itemnumber in the GUI 12:04 cait description is empty 12:03 cait otherweise we don't know what the overdue fine is / was for 12:03 ashimema is this a notice or koha template? 12:03 cait I am trying to get from a debit object to display the title information 12:03 cait hm 12:03 ashimema not that I can think of cait 12:01 cait can I get to the title of an item in TT if I have the itemnumber? 11:57 Adarsh tcohen[m]: Heyy, I'm looking for the current state of koha-docker for kubernetes deployment. Can you please let me know? 11:57 magnuse anyone else seen that? 11:57 magnuse inside ItemsAnyAvailableAndNotRestricted 11:57 magnuse sorry, the line is GetReservesControlBranch( $i->unblessed(), $param->{patron}->unblessed ); 11:56 magnuse that line is "my $any_available = ItemsAnyAvailableAndNotRestricted( { biblionumber => $item->biblionumber, patron => $patron });" inside ItemsAnyAvailableAndNotRestricted 11:55 Adarsh Joubu: like this 11:55 magnuse log says: Can't call method "unblessed" on an undefined value at /usr/share/koha/lib/C4/Reserves.pm line 1430. 11:55 magnuse huh, after upgrading to 22.11.10, if a non-logged in user visits a detail view in the opac, and the record has available items, koha gives a 500 error. works fine for logged in users and for records with unavailable items. 11:54 Joubu Adarsh: like that 11:46 Joubu yup ok, thanks for confirming I can do whatever is easier for me :D 11:45 cait editor 11:45 cait or 11:45 cait almost always some type of edit 11:45 cait Joubu: i tink they are using poedit then 11:38 Adarsh koha-docker* 11:38 Adarsh How guys! How can I get to know about the status of koga-docker for kubernetes? 11:31 Zahid[m] <pastebot> ""oleonard" at pasted..." <- i have added line in koha it work fine 11:26 Joubu cait: yes, but if I understood correctly some people prefer to pull the PO, translate locally, then upload the changes to pootle, in that case they are concerned by the change 11:24 Zahid[m] is there any other values may be set? 11:23 Zahid[m] i have already set Renewals allowed (count) to 10 and Renewal period to 14 and Automatic renewal to NO 11:17 Zahid[m] i have to learn much about this new version of koha 11:16 Zahid[m] ok i shall look into it 11:16 cait if you uncheck the checkbox, for this patron they will be no auto-renwals 11:16 cait it will work for patrons with the checkbox checked 11:15 cait if you are using auto-renewals - that means if you have set circulation rules where thing auto-renrew 11:15 Zahid[m] can you tell what is an opt-out option 11:14 * cait had a meeting all morning 11:14 Zahid[m] oleonard: i do not know about the auto renewal in ciruclation and fines rules. i was just assuming that this will be done in system preference. 11:14 cait but it doesn't mean all items of the user will auto-renew 11:13 cait it's an opt-out option 11:13 cait Zahid[m]: it's checked because it will only apply if you allow it in the circulation rules 11:12 cait Joubu: it's only multiple lines in po, in Pootle it's only one entry 11:12 cait Joubu: it's a non-issue 11:12 marcelr thx oleonard++ for the print.css patches 11:12 oleonard Zahid[m]: I'm focusing on the interface when I should be pointing out that you can configure autorenewal in circulation and fine rules. Unless there is a reason you cannot do that? 11:09 pastebot "oleonard" at pasted "Zahid[m]: Try adding this to the IntranetUserJS system preference" (7 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/27365 11:07 marcelr hi #koha 11:03 Zahid[m] we have to enter 4000 to 5000 new patrons in koha every new semester , it is difficult to set autorenewal to NO in each patron 11:00 Zahid[m] can some one tell why autorenewal default value is set YES, if i want this to set default to NO when adding new patrons. what should i do ? is some values have to set in system preferences? 10:51 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24988 major, P5 - low, ---, nick, CLOSED FIXED, autorenew_checkouts should default to yes 10:51 oleonard Zahid[m]: I see now that Bug 24988 made this change intentionally 10:48 Joubu Suneeta: there is a --letsencrypt flag you can pass to koha-create that is supposed to deal with everything 10:48 Zahid[m] exactly but confused of this line, donot know the back side coding 10:47 oleonard I think it's incorrect that the line includes "|| opadd" 10:47 oleonard Zahid[m]: I see this line: [% IF ( borrower_data.autorenew_checkouts || opadd ) %] 10:46 ES[m] <Suneeta> "Help: can anyone guide me how to..." <- I am setting up a lab to test Koha on port 443 (OPAC) and 4443 (Staff). This is not related to Koha but to Apache. I will send you a private msg so i can share my findings with you. 10:46 Zahid[m] i am seeing the memberentrygen.tt file but confused about it 10:45 oleonard An error in the template 10:45 oleonard If I'm diagnosing the problem correctly then it's a small fix 10:44 oleonard I don't think it has been reported but I can file it 10:44 Zahid[m] s/body/one/ 10:44 Zahid[m] have any body reported ? 10:43 Zahid[m] oleonard is there some thing to do ? 10:41 ikshafi nyone help ??? I am trying to upgrade my koha 3.22 to koha 18.11. when I imported the mrc file in 18.11 all things went fine and added a new record with a new record number. but the problem is my MRC file has also a record number. so that the control field of MRC record goes to 1 | 601. (1 new record and 601 old). how can I overcome this problem !!.. 10:40 oleonard Zahid[m]: I think that is a bug 10:38 Zahid[m] is auto renewal set in system preferences? 10:38 Zahid[m] Hi, can someone tell me why is **Allow auto-renewal of items:** is always checked when adding new patron in memberentry.pl page? 10:34 paulderscheid[m] Suneeta, maybe google for "ssl certs on apache vhosts" or something. 10:25 oleonard I'm not saying your question isn't important, I'm saying that you might get better help if you ask in a forum dedicated to the topic 10:24 Suneeta typically about OPAC security Https 10:23 oleonard Suneeta: The question is about server configuration, not Koha specifically. 10:23 Suneeta Purely related to OPAC koha security 10:22 Suneeta oleonard: how you say this is not related to koha astonished 10:18 Suneeta to make my koha site secure 10:18 Suneeta SSL certificate in koha server 10:15 oleonard Suneeta: Your question is not specific to Koha, so you would probably be better off asking it somewhere else 10:11 Suneeta Help: can anyone guide me how to add SSL certificate i mean where to place Certificate and key file and how to add on 443 port 09:33 Suneeta Help: can anyone guide me how to add SSL certificate i mean where to place Certificate and key file and how to add on 443 port 09:31 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 09:31 Joubu @later tell tcohen[m] commit edd378f4d1 Do you know why there is no wrap here? 08:58 Joubu \o/ 08:41 magnuse i would say same line is better 08:28 Joubu would not it be better to have the whole string on the same line? 08:28 Joubu For translators: do you like how the PO files split strings on several lines? 08:05 Joubu (patch is attached now) 08:05 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34204 major, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Koha user needs to be able to login 08:05 Joubu bug 34204 fixes ktd login in debian 12 07:57 ES[m] Good Morning folks. 07:25 ashimema Morning #koha 07:03 magnuse kia ora cait 06:49 cait good morning #koha 06:29 magnuse \o/ 06:18 dcook \o/ 06:18 * dcook__ waves 06:18 magnuse \o/ 06:01 reiveune hello