Time Nick Message 19:50 magnuse \o/ 19:42 aleisha hello 17:27 oleonard ashimema: just complaining. I'm sure it'll work out 16:59 ashimema What's up oleonard 16:58 oleonard I'm getting very grumpy with DataTables. 15:53 cait bye all! 15:10 reiveune bye 14:21 cait at least no link that leads to a permission denied page 14:16 cait but as is I think my patch still improves the situation a little? 14:15 cait yeah the datatable scares me :) 14:12 oleonard I thought I had it, cait, but no luck :( 13:23 cait oleonard: i had the permission checks around all the th and td elements first, but then when a suser without the reserveforothers viewed the page, the column settings had one too many entries 13:22 cait oleonard: the modify column started showing in the column config 13:00 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35016 minor, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Printing from cataloging editor does no longer print all tabs 13:00 marcelr bug 35016 12:58 marcelr great 12:58 oleonard Yes if you open a bug you can assign it to me 12:58 marcelr i guess you will be much faster in solving this than i am ;) 12:57 marcelr shall i open a new report? 12:57 marcelr some staff users use it here (as it appears) 12:57 oleonard marcelr: I wouldn't have guessed that anyone wanted to print the MARC editor but there are certainly other pages where it's obvious that all tabs should be printed. 12:56 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31677 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, RESOLVED FIXED, Convert basic MARC editor tabs to Bootstrap 12:56 marcelr oleonard bug 31677 is in 22.11.00 and 22.05.08 (not in 21.11) 12:52 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34300 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, wainuiwitikapark, Signed Off , Add link to place a hold on ordered items in baskets 12:52 oleonard cait: What problem did you encounter with Bug 34300 and hiding the column altogether? 12:49 marcelr but sounds like we should look at print stylesheets 12:49 marcelr not sure, should look further 12:48 oleonard If so we should update the print stylesheet to make sure tabs are shown 12:48 oleonard marcelr: Is that before and after the switch from jQueryUI tabs? 12:47 wahanui well, probably is too hard. 12:47 marcelr probably 12:47 marcelr maybe a result of the restyling of the staff 12:44 marcelr does anyone know whether printing from the cataloguing editor changed from 21.11 to 22.11; i now only see the actual tab instead of all tabs before ? 12:29 marcelr nikkom++ 12:28 nikkom Hi koha, I wanted to share my happiness with you. At last I have solved my problem. It was related to COinSinOPACResults syspref. I made it as don't include. 12:17 tcohen[m] âī¸ 12:17 tcohen[m] you're allowed to 12:17 tcohen[m] I'm happy you do it 12:16 Joubu tcohen[m]: patch attached. I should not do that (behaviour change and refactoring), but... I want to :D 12:15 marcelr just wait 12:15 tcohen[m] too far 12:14 marcelr what about 44444 12:14 marcelr right 12:14 tcohen[m] 53 more to a nicer one 12:13 marcelr nice number 12:13 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35000 normal, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, Needs Signoff , OPACMandatoryHoldDates does not work well with flatpickr 12:13 marcelr bug 35000 is ready for testing :) 12:12 Joubu well, I don't understand why the test is failing actually 12:11 tcohen[m] agreed 12:11 Joubu and so that we could differenciate: "field exists but empty" from "field does not exist" 12:10 Joubu so I would pick undef 12:10 Joubu C4 subs return undef, and the test expects undef 12:10 tcohen[m] Joubu: regardless, get_normalized_upc should have the same behavior as get_normalized_oclc, so we need to pick 12:08 cait oleonard: thx! :) 12:08 Joubu after the rewrite, possible.. 12:07 Joubu or did I forget to run it?... 12:07 Joubu I don't understand, when I wrote it it was passing... 12:05 tcohen[m] but I'm not sure what's more correct 12:04 tcohen[m] '' will yield less warning handling 12:04 tcohen[m] should we return '' or undef? 12:04 oleonard Sorry cait was afk but I will take a look 12:03 tcohen[m] Joubu: the Koha/Biblio.t failing test highlights a slight behavior change in GetNormalizedOCLCNumber 11:55 wahanui niihau, ashimema 11:55 ashimema hi 11:46 marcelr ashimema: around? 11:45 marcelr common problem 11:45 marcelr ok 11:44 tcohen[m] marcelr just lack of time 11:44 huginn puphaus[m]: I've exhausted my database of quotes 11:44 puphaus[m] @cait ok thanks for the info :) 11:42 marcelr tcohen[m]: did you wait with 28688 for special reason? 11:38 tcohen[m] will be working on that this week 11:38 tcohen[m] Adarsh: the docker images are still a project, targeting the 23.11 release. They are functional but I have a couple design doubts I need to address 11:38 cait if the item was not created in the acq module, there is at the moment no way to attach it manually to an order - I believe I once filed a bug about that 11:37 puphaus[m] the item đ 11:37 cait the record or the item? 11:36 puphaus[m] Hello together :) is there a possibility to attach an already existing copy of a book to a new order? 11:33 paulderscheid[m] True 11:33 marcelr a fresh look always provides solution 11:32 paulderscheid[m] Cool 11:32 marcelr trigger('focus') seems to work 11:32 marcelr Joubu, paulderscheid[m] think i found it ;) 11:28 cait I found some more things to fix when adding the permission check but with the datatable it might be good :) 11:28 cait ? 11:28 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34300 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, wainuiwitikapark, Signed Off , Add link to place a hold on ordered items in baskets 11:28 cait oleonard: could you amybe have a look at my follow-up on bug 34300 11:27 marcelr i will experiment a bit further (alas) 11:26 paulderscheid[m] Well rather just the onOpen hook 11:25 paulderscheid[m] Could be but I don't see anything in the docs. There's is however the onChange and onOpen hooks where you could manually visually highlight (or whatever). 11:24 marcelr maybe via controllinbg object 11:24 paulderscheid[m] s/the/my/, s/?/./ 11:23 paulderscheid[m] s/?/./ 11:23 paulderscheid[m] In the little experiment I tried to focus the input, but apparently it has no :focus state so you don't see any change? 11:23 marcelr i should have tried it too already, but tried too many things already 11:22 paulderscheid[m] Can't you just target the .flatpickr-input and call .click()? 11:22 marcelr hola tcohen[m] 11:22 marcelr but i saw a recent patch removing readonly attribute 11:22 tcohen[m] hola #koha o/ 11:21 marcelr i want to focus the date field and that normally means that the calendar opens rightaway 11:20 Joubu do you mean you want the calendar to show up directly? 11:20 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35000 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, m.de.rooy, ASSIGNED , OPACMandatoryHoldDates does not work well with flatpickr 11:19 marcelr opened bug 35000 11:17 marcelr there is also an open method but it didnt work out 11:17 marcelr should you go via the flatpickr object? 11:17 marcelr but i think you cannot set focus directly? 11:16 marcelr itried also with input.active 11:16 Joubu did you try to access .input? 11:16 marcelr do you know the short route? this is a bit trial and error.. 11:15 marcelr i have tried various things including calling flatpickr( id, {} ) etc but to no avail 11:15 Joubu you need to access the input tracked by flatpickr, maybe? 11:14 Joubu yes 11:12 * marcelr looking for a way to get focus on a flatpickr input; somehow not trivial 11:11 marcelr Joubu around? 11:11 paulderscheid[m] I will 11:11 paulderscheid[m] Always glad you're interested!@ 11:10 cait paulderscheid[m]: if you can, please let me know when the new version is there, but I'll come back to it eventually 11:10 cait paulderscheid[m]: thx anyway :) 11:09 marcelr o/ 11:06 paulderscheid[m] But it'll still take some time. Months probably. 11:06 paulderscheid[m] We are currently merging 22.11. When we start w/ compatibility testing I will release a new version using the pages feature. 11:05 cait I think we discussed it might be possible a longer while ago 11:04 cait paulderscheid[m]: I wanted to ask you... are there any plans to get rid of the apache rewrite things for the room reservation plugin? 11:04 cait ello 11:04 paulderscheid[m] Hi cait 11:03 * cait waves 10:48 paulderscheid[m] Sorry, I meant Kompose obv 10:47 paulderscheid[m] Could you try running compose again with this modification in the `docker-compose.yml`?... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/heweQIILiKexiQfaqqxTifeo>) 10:44 paulderscheid[m] It's weird that those aliases aren't unique when I look at the .env in the repo. 10:37 Adarsh not getting any output 10:31 paulderscheid[m] Have you checked the output? 10:30 paulderscheid[m] https://gitlab.com/koha-community/docker/koha-docker/-/blob/master/docker-compose.yml?ref_type=heads#L52-56 10:30 paulderscheid[m] The first thing that comes to mind is that these two constructed aliases return the same value 10:30 Adarsh apache2, cron and koha images are given same in docker-compose. 10:27 paulderscheid[m] I ran into that error before when using podman.. Trying to remember how I fixed it 10:25 Adarsh FATA Unable to load files: validating C:\Users\Adarsh\sw-koha-docker\docker-compose.yml: services.apache2.networks.kohanet.aliases array items[0,1] must be unique 10:22 Adarsh I tried Kompose but it was not working. 10:21 paulderscheid[m] Are you using Kompose then? 10:21 Adarsh Yes required for prod. 10:20 Adarsh yes, this is the one. 10:20 paulderscheid[m] You wanna run this in prod Adarsh? 10:20 Joubu https://gitlab.com/koha-community/docker/koha-docker 10:20 paulderscheid[m] not koha-docker 10:20 paulderscheid[m] Well I'm working on a manifest for ktd 10:20 paulderscheid[m] Oh 10:20 Joubu koha-testing-docker != koha-docker 10:19 paulderscheid[m] Are you using Kompose? 10:18 paulderscheid[m] What was your approach w/ the koha-testing-docker repo? 10:18 Adarsh Yes, I doubt as it is replying very fast :D 10:17 Adarsh ok 10:17 paulderscheid[m] wahanui is a bot :D 10:17 ashimema wahanui is a bot 10:17 paulderscheid[m] Hi Adarsh, I'm currently working on it 10:17 wahanui Adarsh: sorry... 10:17 Adarsh wahanui, can you please help me. I tried to do it with koha-docker repo but getting errors. 10:14 wahanui i already had it that way, Adarsh. 10:14 Adarsh Does someone is able to run koha on kubernetes cluster? 08:46 ashimema there's a few active forks 08:43 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=33703 enhancement, P3, ---, lucas, Needs Signoff , Entering dates should be more flexible accepting different entry formats 08:43 davidnind I think I may have "caused" this when testing bug 33703 (see comments 14 and 15) - when manually entering dates, you couldn't enter the time and it defaulted to 00:00. I also mentioned that when FlatPicker was introduced, there were issues with the time and for some, the time was defaulted to 23:59... 08:43 ashimema that's upsetting 08:43 ashimema âšī¸ 08:42 Joubu and... flatpickr is not longer maintained? last push is one year old :-/ 08:38 Joubu then enter both 08:38 Joubu but if you allow manual input to specify a date AND time value 08:38 Joubu neither a feature :D 08:38 Joubu I just think that... the original bug is not a bug 08:36 ashimema but I agree.. the getHours() is clearly way too loose 08:35 ashimema as apposed to all 08:35 ashimema it just binds it so at least we're only executing the time stuff on time enabled flatpickrs 08:35 ashimema my patch doesn't fix those 08:35 Joubu testing now 08:35 Joubu and.. I didn't actually see your patch! 08:33 Joubu that's bad 08:33 Joubu 75 if ( !parsedDate.getHours() ) { 08:32 ashimema that's not good 08:32 ashimema oh 08:32 Joubu 00:01 is replaced with 23:59 08:32 ashimema I use a filter + push approach to merge actually 08:32 ashimema indeed 08:31 Joubu like we do for datatables for instance 08:31 Joubu yes, that's a problem with flatpickr, we are not merging the constructor's parameters with the default ones 08:31 ashimema Yeah.. bookings uses 00:00 -> 23:59 for it's logic 08:31 ashimema appending my own onChange 08:31 Joubu but it's no longer possible to select 00:00, that's a problem I think 08:30 ashimema converting to range mode, adding a disable function callback 08:30 ashimema but I'm going various things after instantiation 08:30 ashimema well.. it broke flatpickr entirely 08:30 ashimema I couldn't find any really obvious breakage.. it was more a bug feeling 08:30 Joubu how does it break bookings? 08:30 ashimema perhaps we leave it as is and wait and see a bit 08:29 ashimema okies 08:29 Joubu ashimema: I am not finding a better way to fix the original problem :-/ 08:22 Joubu yes, confirmed 08:18 ashimema Which is bad 08:18 ashimema I think so 08:15 Joubu does it mean 23:59 will be used even if 00:00 is selected? 08:13 ashimema Anywho.. I thought you might have some thoughts. Other than breaking bookings which I've worked around now in the rebase I couldn't find any other issues.. but it had a slight code smell to me so I wanted the second opinion đ 08:13 ashimema I think that's what Lucas tries to fix here 08:12 ashimema Yeah, the defaults are set, but it appears flatpickr doesn't pick them upset them when manually entering dates instead of using the picker itself 08:12 ashimema Improves the specificity of it a bit.. but I'm still not sure about the placement in onchange 08:11 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=35014 major, P5 - low, ---, martin.renvoize, Passed QA , Times should only be set for enable-time flatpickrs 08:11 ashimema Bug 35014 08:11 Joubu pretty sure 23:59 was the default before 08:11 Joubu isn't that a regression? 08:09 ashimema Hmm, the bug I linked to it got unlinked somehow 08:08 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=34939 normal, P5 - low, ---, lucas, Pushed to stable , When manually entering dates in flatPickr the hour and minute get set to 00:00 not 23:59 08:08 ashimema I wanted to get your take on bug 34939 07:14 huginn Joubu: The operation succeeded. 07:14 Joubu @later tell tcohen[m] 31199 is used to keep track of selenium/patrons_search.t failures 07:12 Joubu aleisha: you can ignore tidiness warnings for Koha/Schema/Result files if your patches do not modify them directly 07:11 Joubu ashimema: around now 05:47 reiveune hello 05:16 Adarsh ? 03:34 Adarsh Does someone is able to run koha on kubernetes cluster? 03:34 Adarsh Hello!! 02:44 aleisha thanks! 02:44 tcohen[m] *too late 02:43 tcohen[m] Good luck! 02:43 tcohen[m] I can take a look tomorrow at the desk. Way too like here right now and already in bed 02:42 tcohen[m] Maybe fix the tool so it is smarter about those 02:42 tcohen[m] As I said, schema files related are usually false positives 02:41 tcohen[m] Whichever tool you use (I use VScode) it needs to use the Skype perltidyrc 02:41 aleisha its a brand new schema file, from a new table 02:40 aleisha in a schema file? 02:40 tcohen[m] You need to tidy those 18 lines you added/modified 02:40 tcohen[m] https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Perltidy 02:39 wahanui i guess basically is checks the Bugzilla statuses are correct, then updates the status, adds the 'released in versions' text and adds a comment 02:39 tcohen[m] But basically 02:39 tcohen[m] About the tidy... There was a post on the devel list 02:39 tcohen[m] If the POD is present and it is a false positive, mention in the bug. If the POD is missing for object_class and friends on schema files, skip that 02:18 aleisha what am i meant to do?? 02:18 aleisha The file is less tidy than before (bad/messy lines before: 0, now: 18) 02:18 aleisha WARN tidiness 02:18 aleisha POD coverage was greater before, try perl -MPod::Coverage=PackageName -e666 02:18 aleisha FAIL pod coverage 02:17 aleisha FAIL Koha/Schema/Result/LibraryHour.pm 02:17 aleisha The file is less tidy than before (bad/messy lines before: 222, now: 226) 02:17 aleisha WARN tidiness 02:17 aleisha WARN Koha/Schema/Result/Branch.pm 02:17 aleisha OK Koha/Library/Hours.pm 02:17 aleisha POD coverage was greater before, try perl -MPod::Coverage=PackageName -e666 02:17 aleisha FAIL pod coverage 02:17 aleisha FAIL Koha/Library/Hour.pm 02:17 aleisha this is driving me crazy