Time Nick Message 00:26 tuxayo @later tell cait I missed that you took Bug 34257 so I reviewed and tested it. All good me but left it in "need QA" in case you have something in particular you want to look on. 00:26 huginn tuxayo: The operation succeeded. 03:45 Ahamad HI 03:45 Ahamad how are you everybody 03:46 Ahamad When the latest version Koha 23.05.03 released will come with apt insatall 03:51 Echo Good Day 03:52 Echo I cannot find the Stage MARC records to import in Koha version 22.11.02 03:53 Echo please help me thanks in advance 03:55 davidnind Echo: It has moved from Tools to Cataloguing (Staff interface home page > Cataloguing) 03:56 Echo Thank you Davidnind 03:56 Echo May I ask another question? 03:57 Echo is it possible to migrate the data from Infolib System to Koha? 04:04 davidnind Echo: I'm sure it is - it is not something I have any experience in. Whatever system you are coming from, you need to be able to get the data you want out of your previous system. Your bibliographic records and item records need to be in MARC21 format (or UNIMARC) and include the codes you have set up in Koha (such as libraries, collection codes, and so on), and then import into Koha. 04:08 davidnind Echo: there is not a comprehensive guide, but there are lots of resources around. Here are a couple: https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Newbie_guide koha-US resources https://koha-us.org/learn/ ByWater Solutions resources https://koha.bywatersolutions.com/ - there are a ton of YouTube videos, but try and find something reasonably recent that is close to the version you intend to use 04:13 davidnind Ahamad: it normally takes a few days after the release announcement - so it shouldn't be too long now.... 05:07 mtj hi Ahamad, pkgs should be up in 1 hour 05:09 Ahamad We facing fine calculation problem 05:10 Ahamad in new in Koha version 22.11.02 it has fixed 05:10 Ahamad we are waiting for the in Koha version 22.11.02 05:10 Ahamad we are witing for Koha 23.05.03 released 05:11 Ahamad We are waiting for Koha 23.05.03 released 05:12 thomas63[m] hi guys... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/yGiGpKbfmGVLgaJqAVTaOOVN>) 05:27 davidnind mtj++ 06:21 mtj hi davidnind :) 06:22 mtj hi Ahamad, pkgs are up now 06:56 fv_ hi everyone 07:07 davidnind Thanks mtj! 11:16 tcohen[m] Hola #koha, happy monday 11:26 cait hi #koha 15:36 cait bye #koha! 16:26 EvaldoSantos[m] Hi, I am facing a weird situation. In my koha installation with version 23.05.02, I have created an Authority type named "Autor" and edit the Marc Struture. I can create autorities using the "Autor" template but they do not appear under autorithies. Second when I try to catalogue a book, the default authority that shows up is NP and does not give-me the possibility to choose " Autor". When searching for the autority 16:26 EvaldoSantos[m] cgi-bin/koha/authorities/detail.pl?authid=2 it shows the detailed information of the Autority. 16:27 EvaldoSantos[m] Can someone please provide-me some guidance on this. 17:06 jalway EvaldoSantos[m]:Did you run the batchRebuildBiblioTables.pl ? According to the Koha to MARC mapping page, if you make changes there, you must run that utility. 17:07 jalway Also, to add an authority type, there are a bunch of little things you have to do to get everything connected right. I.E. Did you remember to choose AUTOR as your thesaurus type as well? 18:37 EvaldoSantos[m] <jalway> "Also, to add an authority type..." <- After running the script batchRebuildBiblioTables and adjusting the thesaurus it is already showing the "autor" when trying to select an authority, but unfortunately it is not finding nothing. It might be a indexing Zebra issue. I will try to tackle this.