Time Nick Message 21:15 davidnind I've manually added the agenda for the next Development Meeting, including updating the calendar - feel free to update as required (I sifted through the logs for actions/agenda items) https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Development_IRC_meeting_21_June_2023 18:48 tcohen node 18:48 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 18:48 tcohen @later tell mtj I'm pondering the deletion of the Docker_3 noce 17:18 huginn ashimema: The operation succeeded. 17:18 ashimema @later tell gmcharlt do you happen to have any stats on how much the tars get downloaded? I'm wondering if a link to fit would be enough at this point instead of hosting those for each release 15:13 mishmash Does anyone else see this type of problem? 15:12 mishmash Clear left filter and search again - "O Neiill". 0 hits 15:11 mishmash Just wanted to see if anyone else has come across this before I log a bug. We've upgraded 22.11 (and tested on 23.05) and notice a big change in Patron Searching. Create a patron called "Billy O Neill" where borrowers.firstname is Billy and borrowers.surname is "O Neill". From mainpage.pl, using the topbar, search for "O Neill". Get hit (results page member.pl). Next client on "Patrons" from the top bar to go to members-home.pl and perform the same search. 14:52 tcohen :-D 14:52 cait1 ? 14:52 cait1 FA update 14:51 tcohen koha++ 14:51 tcohen oleonard++ 14:51 tcohen Joubu++ 14:41 tcohen awesome 14:41 oleonard In that case it's ready -- I'm not aware of any new issues with it 14:40 tcohen it applies 14:39 oleonard Oh, let me double-check 14:38 tcohen is the branch ready 14:36 oleonard Yes 14:36 tcohen oleonard: around? 14:02 aw-bib[m] thanks for all those pointers. this sounds like a way to go for us. (indeed, i didn't want to add 774 for various reasons, including those you pointed out.) 14:00 cait1 tcohen: I haven't seen him around yet 14:00 cait1 and yes, it affects all implemented 7xx 14:00 cait1 and they could potentially blow up your record if you think about a serial with a few 100 articles linked to it 13:59 cait1 aw-bib[m]: sorry, phone calls - no you don't need the 774, Koha does currently not use it/show it 13:53 ashimema pass tcohen 13:27 aw-bib[m] do i get this right: setting `UseControlNumber` not only affects `773` but also the other linking fields `775, 780, 785` that we have? (this would be great as we have quite a few links we added over the years eg. from an english to a german edition and vice versa.) 13:19 tcohen is dayton already on IRC? 13:11 aw-bib[m] do I need to place the `774` in the parent item? (your dnb-document sais "no", the koha sample adds it) 12:56 aw-bib[m] from your docs i understand that i should place 773 in the child, so this sounds indeed pretty much in line with our current system. 12:50 aw-bib[m] https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Sets_with_Volumes then goes through all the 490/880 to give practical requirements resorting to 773/774 placing the link in _both_ records. 12:48 cait1 and then the volumes are either dependent or not (a or b) 12:47 magnuse hiya mtj 12:47 cait1 IIRC set 12:47 cait1 c is for the host 12:47 mtj hi cait1, aw-bib[m], magnuse 🧁 12:46 aw-bib[m] i understood something along those lines. but the wiki is a bit confusing there, eg. for the leader 19 "most probably c" while i guess most likely i have citable titles so `b` comes to mind. (Nolting Theoretische Physik Bd. 1 Mechanik etc.) 12:45 cait1 always fun with MARC 12:44 cait1 I think the difference between using 773 and 490/8xx for linking was if the volumes have their own titles or not 12:43 cait1 https://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/Professionell/Standardisierung/marc21FormatumstiegAbbildungBegrenzterWerke2008.pdf;jsessionid=6C3228C2CFDA1326B221A7B80EDC5F21.internet281?__blob=publicationFile&v=4 12:42 aw-bib[m] sorry. 773 would be what we have right now `773 08 |0 <parent> |q numbering`. 12:41 aw-bib[m] 773 would be similar to what we have right now. `773 08 |0 < isad fsdaf 12:41 cait1 still looking for my documentation mom 12:40 cait1 it just says: use the $w if it exists for building the links in the detail views and result lists 12:40 aw-bib[m] ack 12:40 cait1 a systen preference 12:40 aw-bib[m] what is this `UseControlNumber`? just a koha config setting? 12:40 cait1 yes, exactly 12:40 aw-bib[m] ok, this sounds like what we did for journal articles linking to their journal. 12:40 cait1 I would recommend it if you can, because it gives you 'perfect' links that will work nicely, if you don't use $w Koha has a fallback for title/author search, but that can be less exact 12:39 cait1 for linking you can use 773$w --> 001 of host if you turn on UseControlNumber 12:39 cait1 that's 773 in the analytical record linking to the host 12:38 cait1 the easy bits are analytics (Artikel, unselbstständige Werke) 12:38 aw-bib[m] sounds promising! 12:38 cait1 let me see if I still have a diagram heh 12:38 cait1 you can do it the super corect way, or you can cheat a little 12:38 aw-bib[m] (our current approach is a bit homebrewn due to some limitations in our current system.) 12:38 cait1 aw-bib[m]: it's MARC, it's complicated 12:37 aw-bib[m] hello! i am currently about to migrate records from our old system and get a bit confused with the multipart works. we currently have a parent entry that is connected to its children, but how do i have to model in in koha? the wiki mentiones 490/8xx to treat them like a series but also 773/774. what is the way to go here? 12:14 cait1 hola tcohen, hi mtj 12:12 mtj no problemo 🐸 12:06 tcohen thanks 12:06 tcohen :-D 12:06 tcohen mtj++ 12:06 tcohen num lock was disabled 12:04 mtj hie #koha, tcohen 12:03 tcohen mtj 12:01 tcohen hola #koha o/ 11:42 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=26170 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Create "system" patrons that cannot be (easily) deleted via the web UI 11:42 magnuse ah bug 26170 11:40 magnuse where are we with regards to patrons that can't be deleted? can't seem to find it in bugzilla 11:10 cait1 hi oleonard :) 10:46 oleonard o/ 08:44 ashimema marcelr around? 08:29 cait1 I think then your issue is treatment of - 07:27 NikolayGospodinov[m] Yes it is enabled 07:27 cait1 and it doesn't affect the normal keyword search 07:26 cait1 if you look at your sytem preferences and search for isbn - there shoudl be a pref for the isbn option, but from what you said that should already be enabled 07:26 cait1 I'd say so 07:14 NikolayGospodinov[m] As far as I understand, to solve this case, We need to look at the indexing, and the problem is not in any system setting. Is it correct? 07:12 cait1 Zebra can treat "-" either as space or as "nothing" - it's not something that changed in Koha specifically I think 07:11 cait1 for the change between versions - is it possible that you had changed indexing on your old version and how it treats the -? 07:10 cait1 so that behavior is correct 07:10 cait1 if you search in the ISBN index, there is a system preference that will expand the search to all various forms, 10 and 13 characters ISBN with and without hyphens 07:06 NikolayGospodinov[m] (978-0-7475-5099-0).Can anyone tell me what the reason is? In addition: when searching by ISBN as ISBN index then no problem. 07:06 NikolayGospodinov[m] Hello Koha community! I am writing to you with a request for help .I'm having trouble searching with ISBN as a keyword. When using version 16 when searching by ISBN as keyword, the format of the ISBN (978-0-7475-5099-0 or 9780747550990) did not matter. It was returning the same result. Now we are using Koha version 21 and when when searching by ISBN as keyword, the system returns a result only if the ISBN is written with hyphens 06:45 wahanui kia ora, reiveune 06:45 reiveune hello