Time Nick Message 05:51 mtj hi Joubu, looks like your docker/deb11 upgrade fixed the problem 🧁 07:15 magnuse \o/ 07:42 reiveune hello 07:42 wahanui bidet, reiveune 08:07 cait1 good morning #koha 09:50 paulderscheid[m] hi #koha 09:52 PedroAmorim[m] hi good morning 09:55 * cait1 waves 11:37 oleonard Hi #koha 11:43 tcohen hola @koha o/ 12:04 oleonard cait[m] around? 12:06 ashimema She was 12:07 oleonard It's nothing urgent 12:37 tcohen paulderscheid[m]: around? 12:38 tcohen @later tell paulderscheid[m] take a look at this https://gitlab.com/thekesolutions/Koha/-/tree/import_source_vue 12:38 huginn tcohen: The operation succeeded. 13:12 magnuse a couple times lately we have seen records with +40k items attached, causing search and display of that record to be really slow, and to slow down the whole server. items have been added by accident, and the check for "more than 99 items" must have been bypassed somehow. anyone else seen that? 13:44 paulderscheid[m] Hi tcohen 👋 I'll take a look 13:45 paulderscheid[m] @later tell tcohen What exactly am I looking for? 13:45 huginn paulderscheid[m]: The operation succeeded. 13:45 tcohen the Vue components 13:46 tcohen I just want you to be aware of it 13:46 tcohen there's another approach by Joubu 13:47 tcohen bug 32806 13:47 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32806 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, ASSIGNED , Some Vue files need to be moved for better reusability 13:47 tcohen that's a discussion we need to have 13:47 tcohen for 23.05+ 13:48 paulderscheid[m] Yes, I'll note my thoughts for the next dev-meeting. 14:12 tcohen ashimema: 14:12 tcohen any ideas of how/why this is happening? 14:12 tcohen root@d471f81c6af4:/koha# PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB perl -wc kohaversion.pl 14:12 tcohen kohaversion.pl syntax OK 14:12 tcohen root@d471f81c6af4:/koha# perl -wc kohaversion.pl 14:12 tcohen Can't locate Koha.pm in @INC (you may need to install the Koha module) (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.28.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.28 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl/5.28 /usr/share/perl/5.28 /usr/local/lib/site_perl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base) at kohaversion.pl line 4. 14:12 tcohen BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at kohaversion.pl line 4. 14:12 tcohen root@d471f81c6af4:/koha# 14:13 tcohen so, if I explicitly redefine PERL5LIB in terms of the existing variable, then it find the libs 14:13 tcohen if I just use from env, it doesn't 14:13 tcohen haha 14:13 ashimema wierd 14:13 tcohen root@d471f81c6af4:/koha# echo $PERL5LIB 14:13 tcohen /koha:/release-tools/lib 14:14 ashimema so strange 14:14 tcohen root@d471f81c6af4:/koha# export PERL5LIB=$PERL5LIB 14:14 tcohen root@d471f81c6af4:/koha# perl -wc kohaversion.pl 14:14 tcohen kohaversion.pl syntax OK 14:14 tcohen \o/ 14:14 tcohen anyone? #koha 14:16 ashimema I'm totally confused 14:18 pastebot "tcohen" at pasted "steps to reproduce" (13 lines) at https://paste.koha-community.org/1153 14:59 PedroAmorim[m] I'm trying to prepare a plan for Bug 19822 to move ILL configs from koha-conf.xml to sys prefs.... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/ywedzqiUihwOpxTFGCLFUqiO>) 14:59 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=19822 enhancement, P1 - high, ---, pedro.amorim, In Discussion , Add system preferences for ILL Module 15:31 reiveune bye 16:02 domm[m] Hey, is there a way to prevent some of the subfields of eg 100 to be added to the values of auth_finder.pl when cataloguing? 16:05 domm[m] More context: When cataloging and importing data via SRU, we get eg 100$a="testname" and 100$e="author". Now when we click on the Name to start `auth_finder.pl` the value of 100$e is copied into the search form. But then the search does not find the already stored author with "testname", because in the local DB we don't have "author". 16:06 domm[m] in the JS (marc-editor.js) the info which subfields to use seem to come from cm.marceditor.getCurrentField(). But where is this data coming from, and can we edit it eg in the framework? 16:25 caroline I'm getting the "Wrong slot selected" error again. I took screenshots this time just so you know I'm not lying! Koha can't gaslight me if I have proof!! 16:26 * caroline is totally not wearing an aluminium foil hat 16:26 domm[m] ok, after further inspection of cataloging.js it seems that all non-int subfields (except the one we clicked on) are used. So there is no way to configure this. damn... 16:27 caroline Curbside pickup config https://snipboard.io/o6sqi1.jpg 16:28 caroline I selected 19:40 for today, monday https://snipboard.io/r1HdBz.jpg 16:28 caroline Wrong slot selected https://snipboard.io/w7WzTm.jpg 16:28 caroline Anyone see what I'm doing wrong? 16:57 ashimema erm.. it git down? 17:10 tcohen ashimema: it was 17:26 ashimema hehe 17:46 davidnind caroline: "good news" - I was able to generate the error using the same setup as in your screenshots 17:47 caroline davidnind, yay I'm not crazy! Is it something I do wrong? 17:56 davidnind Nothing is obvious to me, I think it is a bug (at least it can be replicated) - Joubu can work out the logic! 17:57 davidnind I don't think it is the order of the time slots, as it happened to me for the day where they were in order (Monday) 17:57 caroline Thanks David, I'll create a bug report and see what he says 17:58 davidnind I also changed Henry so the home library was Centerville, but that didn't change anything 17:58 davidnind I couldn't see any errors in the browser console or error logs 17:59 davidnind I also tried days a week or two in the future, but it still occurred 18:02 caroline I was able to schedule pickups in the end (with other patrons, at other times), so I'm really stumped 18:13 caroline davidnind bug 32891 if you want to add comments 18:13 huginn 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=32891 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, koha-bugs, NEW , Curbside pickups - Wrong slot selected 18:41 davidnind Thanks Caroline, have added some comments, 18:50 cait hello 18:50 wahanui hola, cait 19:01 oleonard-away Hi cait 19:21 caroline Thanks davidnind! 20:47 tcohen davidnind: thanks for looking at the DISCHARGE bug 20:48 tcohen I've fixed the tests' issue 20:48 tcohen and moved the 'Print' case to a separate bug as it really is an existing situation in Koha, highlighted by the addition of CSS to the PDF version 21:02 davidnind thanks tcohen, I'll retest today.