Time Nick Message 06:10 Joubu tuxayo: put them all on the same tab (edit the subfield > tab) 06:27 tuxayo ok it's on the subfield level! 06:27 tuxayo joubu++ 07:28 magnuse \o/ 07:32 tuxayo magnuse: hi :) Is there a structured Koha community in Sweden? I'm trying to reach out Koha users for patch testing sessions. 07:34 magnuse tuxayo: they are swedish, they are very structured: https://koha.se/en/ ;-) 07:34 tuxayo Oh wait, I confused with Norway! 07:38 magnuse ah, there is not much of a community here, i'm afraid, and no techincal'ish people i can think of 07:38 tuxayo But thanks for the info about Sweden, I'm noting this ^^ 07:39 magnuse sweden has some tech people working on koha, like actual perl programmers 07:39 magnuse so there are people there that could contribute a lot more on so etc, i think 07:43 tuxayo > there is not much of a community here 07:43 tuxayo Do you have customers that might be keen to test patches? 07:43 ashimema Anyone got any good interview questions they use to ascertain someone's practical coding ability? My questions keep focusing on the periphery of community engagement and process rather than identifying if someone can actually code 07:44 tuxayo magnuse: Patch testing isn't technical in this context. So I'm hoping to get librarians. I'm here in the sessions to check if a test plan is doable in the sandboxes (no cron usage e.g.) and guide with the quirks of the sandboxes and help with which tickets status to set depending of the encountered results. 07:45 tuxayo > So I'm hoping to get librarians. 07:45 tuxayo Getting devs & educators of less contributing support companies would be great also 07:45 magnuse there are few librarians using koha in norway now 07:45 magnuse it's mostly school and smaller libraries 07:46 magnuse i hope to make this friday a "community day" to sign off some bugs etc 07:50 tuxayo ashimema: would showing them submitted patches to review them work? Making them explain the changes, if stuff could be different, what questions they ask to know the technical context, etc 07:50 alex_ Bonjour 07:51 tuxayo alex_: bonjon :) 07:51 ashimema that's not a bad idea tuxayo 🙂 07:51 tuxayo ashimema: Checking out academy tickets need a patch also 07:51 ashimema though means me finding a suitable bug this morning 07:52 tuxayo Or just impro, just filter by patch complexity and summary on the spot. 07:53 tuxayo That can be an old bug already merged that you already know about 07:53 tuxayo if that helps 07:53 tuxayo Good news that you have at least one candidate :D 07:58 tuxayo magnuse: «i hope to make this friday a "community day" to sign off some bugs etc» Just now I have to choose when to put the session for this month. The possible date are this week on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Would it help you to have it Friday afternoon? 08:03 magnuse sorry, i meant i plan to use this friday to do signoffs etc 08:09 tuxayo magnuse: The patch testing sessions are precisely to do signoffs. Aimed at guiding people not used to doing it but that can also be used by more experienced people if it helps them to have a more formal context. 09:43 SupportLibrary[m] Hello. May i ask why the creatred authority is not stored in the database 10:07 cait QA mail will be a little later today 10:07 cait and hi #koha 10:16 oleonard Hi #koha 11:18 cait hi oleonard :) 11:18 oleonard Happy Halloween :) 11:18 oleonard Has the USA infected your population with trick-or-treating cait? 11:25 cait it did 11:25 cait i saw an adorable little vampire earlier - lucky it's so foggy today so she would not glitter 11:25 oleonard Do you get trick-or-treaters where you live? 11:25 cait but I think the mums agree on where the people will ring or something, never had visitors so far 11:26 cait 'the people' being the children... 11:28 oleonard the people of the night 11:29 cait well... you could argue that they are no longer children when in costume :) 11:29 cait could you have alook at the nav style bug I am trying to locate? 11:29 cait i think I CC'd you 11:29 oleonard Bug 31919? 11:29 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31919 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Passed QA , Hovered items in "More" should change background color 11:30 cait 31919 11:30 cait yess that one 11:31 oleonard I was just tinkering with it. My choice would be to stick with the pattern from before the redesign: Hover color only on the menus 11:31 oleonard The dropdown menus I mean 11:32 cait yeah, I'd like that 11:32 cait I felt it was helpful on the menus, it's easier to see when you have selected the right one 11:32 cait bbiab 11:39 oleonard ashimema, Joubu: I added a slightly different alternate patch to Bug 31919. 11:39 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=31919 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Passed QA , Hovered items in "More" should change background color 12:17 cait could OPACMobileUserCSS been an ccsr theme feature? 12:19 oleonard Yes 12:22 oleonard Bug 12245 12:22 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=12245 normal, P5 - low, ---, oleonard, CLOSED FIXED, PROG/CCSR deprecation: Remove OPACMobileUserCSS system preference 13:11 Joubu ashimema: if you have a minute, could you confirm bug 30310 is still working for you? 13:11 huginn` 04Bug https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=30310 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart+koha, Failed QA , Replace Moment.js with Day.js 13:22 ashimema I have interviews for the rest of the afternoon and tomorrow I'm afraid.. I might get a chance to verify in the morning.. if not it'll have to be Wednesday 13:22 ashimema Did you pick any particular 'tidy' options for your .vue files Joubu? Been reviewing erm this morning a little and something just feels a bit funky about where line splits are.. 13:23 ashimema having said that.. i've not come up with anything better.. and it's a silly little thing to get hung up on.. just wondering if you use a particular tidy 13:24 Joubu ashimema: yes, I was first using the one brought by vscodium (and some plugins) 13:24 Joubu ashimema: see the last commit on top of the branch, there is a "tidy" everything commit that is giving a command 13:24 ashimema ahk, i see 13:24 Joubu the idea is to have a git pre-commit hook (as well as a QA check) for that 13:25 ashimema I was doing a full diff.. should probably go back and look through commits to understand how things were arrived at more clearly 13:25 ashimema yeah.. seems like a good idea.. 13:25 ashimema I'm sure my brain could get used to it.. 13:25 Joubu full diff can be useful to get an overview 13:25 ashimema it's things like the splitting a form label in the template 13:25 Joubu the indentation you will see in full diff is that one that is going to be applied and enforced 13:26 Joubu and it's coming from prettier, that is a defacto standard (iirc) 13:26 ashimema ta 13:26 ashimema defacto standard is good 13:26 ashimema makes things simple to agree upon 13:27 ashimema did agustin review it yet for you? 13:27 ashimema think perhaps that got lost â˜¹ï¸ 13:27 ashimema right.. heading into first interview now after the first first one called in sick a few minutes before we started 13:30 Joubu ashimema: I didn't get any feedbacks apart from the ones from Kyle on Kyle 13:30 Joubu on Friday* 13:34 Joubu oleonard: bug 31919 - Thanks! Did you notice the odd behaviour of the background color on the arrow? 13:34 Joubu bugz down 13:39 oleonard Joubu: No, what are you seeing? 13:41 oleonard What is "Search bottom array" ? 13:41 Joubu arrow 13:43 Joubu when you are on "Search" the arrow has the green background 13:44 oleonard That is expected. The behavior was the same before the redesign. 14:46 tundunf hi all :) 14:52 oleonard Hi tundunf 14:53 SupportLibrary[m] May i ask why the creatred authority is not stored in the database and where they are stored? Sorry if the question sound stupid? 14:54 oleonard Authority records are stored in the database, SupportLibrary[m] 14:55 oleonard SupportLibrary[m]: Is there a particular problem you're trying to solve? 14:55 SupportLibrary[m] I tried to find them so i can use sql statemt to list them 14:59 oleonard SupportLibrary[m]: https://schema.koha-community.org/22_05/tables/auth_header.html 15:00 SupportLibrary[m] Thank you 15:00 oleonard SupportLibrary[m]: In case you haven't seen it, https://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/SQL_Reports_Library#Query_MARC 15:01 SupportLibrary[m] Thank you 15:03 SupportLibrary[m] I found them 15:03 SupportLibrary[m] But why the names are not visible only the authid 15:07 SupportLibrary[m] I need the names of the authorities 15:08 caroline SupportLibrary[m], what is the query? 15:08 oleonard SupportLibrary[m]: The data is stored as MARC and MARCXML. That's why I posted the link to the article on querying MARCXML 15:09 oleonard For example: 15:09 oleonard SELECT ExtractValue(marcxml, '//datafield[@tag="100"]/subfield[@code="a"]') AS `record` FROM auth_header; 15:10 SupportLibrary[m] Aha 15:10 SupportLibrary[m] Okey 15:10 lukeg hi 18:01 oleonard Bugzilla still down?? 18:01 lukeg Is Bugzilla down? 18:03 oleonard https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/bugs.koha-community.org?proto=https 18:12 oleonard Thanks lukeg, you fixed it!