IRC log for #koha, 2020-03-09

All times shown according to UTC.

Time S Nick Message
00:21 inlibro joined #koha
01:21 inlibro joined #koha
02:22 inlibro joined #koha
03:22 inlibro joined #koha
04:22 inlibro joined #koha
05:22 inlibro joined #koha
05:40 chriss joined #koha
06:22 inlibro joined #koha
06:54 did joined #koha
07:06 did joined #koha
07:22 inlibro joined #koha
07:34 reiveune joined #koha
07:35 reiveune hello
07:47 marcelr joined #koha
07:47 marcelr hi #koha
07:48 paul_p joined #koha
08:00 sophie_m joined #koha
08:01 alex_a joined #koha
08:04 sjamso joined #koha
08:05 andreashm joined #koha
08:07 sjamso Hello Everyone
08:08 * magnuse waves
08:10 sjamso I am using Koha 19.11. When I try to edit item, the fields (Withdrawn status, Damaged status,  Use restrictions, Not for loan, Collection code) all appears to say No Match Found. What could be the issue.
08:14 sjamso I have imported the .mrc file exported from old Koha server
08:23 inlibro joined #koha
08:32 eythian @later tell marcelr looks like Den Helder is featuring in a book...[…]a-dismal-day-out/
08:32 huginn eythian: The operation succeeded.
08:32 marcelr joined #koha
08:35 eythian marcelr: oh, I just @latered you. Now I can send it again but directly.
08:35 eythian marcelr: looks like Den Helder is featuring in a book...[…]a-dismal-day-out/
08:36 marcelr eythian: er gaat niets boven treurtrips !
08:37 marcelr eythian:[…]blionumber=301477
08:37 eythian hah, nice
08:37 eythian maybe I should pop down the road and read it there then :)
08:38 eythian at the very bottom of your details page you have "// {lang: 'nl-NL'} // " which is weird.
08:39 marcelr hmm good catch
08:51 marcelr eythian Bug 22551
08:51 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=22551 normal, P5 - low, ---, ephetteplace, RESOLVED FIXED, Stray "//" appears at bottom of
08:54 andreashm joined #koha
08:57 eythian ah yep
09:23 inlibro joined #koha
09:31 greenjimll joined #koha
09:46 fridolin joined #koha
09:58 andreashm joined #koha
10:16 cait joined #koha
10:23 inlibro joined #koha
10:23 marcelr joined #koha
10:24 marcelr ashimema++
10:33 khall joined #koha
10:41 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24817: Replace sleep calls with date setting in test data <[…]f86245c5622f33a3c>
10:41 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24817: Add sleep between db create actions <[…]83c8d527c9944c236>
10:45 khall joined #koha
10:51 * ashimema is hoping for a full clean sweep grean row once Jenkins has done it's thing this morning
10:53 andreashm joined #koha
10:59 cait joined #koha
11:17 fridolin left #koha
11:18 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest build #172: SUCCESS in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]9_MDB_Latest/172/
11:20 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
11:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #745: FIXED in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/745/
11:21 andreashm joined #koha
11:21 khall joined #koha
11:23 inlibro joined #koha
11:26 khall joined #koha
11:30 vfernandes joined #koha
11:31 khall joined #koha
11:31 * cait waves
11:32 andreashm joined #koha
11:38 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_My8 build #199: SUCCESS in 56 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]aster_D9_My8/199/
11:41 andreashm joined #koha
11:45 andreashm joined #koha
11:52 cait joined #koha
11:53 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1202: SUCCESS in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/1202/
11:59 andrew__ joined #koha
12:00 khall joined #koha
12:12 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #664: SUCCESS in 52 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/664/
12:20 liliputech_asu joined #koha
12:23 inlibro joined #koha
12:24 tcohen morning ashimema
12:29 ashimema Morning tcohen
12:29 oleonard joined #koha
12:29 khall joined #koha
12:32 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #121: SUCCESS in 54 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D10/121/
12:32 oleonard Hi #koha
12:38 Joubu ashimema: all green \o/
12:39 corilynn joined #koha
12:42 andreash_ joined #koha
12:43 paul_p joined #koha
12:45 tcohen hola Joubu
12:45 tcohen and oleopart
12:46 oleonard Hi tcohen
12:50 andrew__ joined #koha
12:52 andreashm joined #koha
12:58 oleonard Looks like removing a restriction doesn't get logged as a patron modification?
13:04 fridolin joined #koha
13:09 Dyrcona joined #koha
13:10 andreashm joined #koha
13:13 ashimema Confitti🎉
13:14 magnuse @confetti
13:14 huginn magnuse: downloading the Perl source
13:15 magnuse yeah, much the same effect
13:15 oleonard confetti?
13:15 oleonard confetti!
13:15 magnuse !confetti
13:15 AnnaBoten Error: "confetti" is not a valid command.
13:16 magnuse ashimema: are you generating release notes somewhere now, or do you start doing that closer to the actual release?
13:16 oleonard Oh, no wahanui
13:17 magnuse i have promised to highlight some coming features/enhancements at the swedish user group meeting in about three weeks time, and release notes would be a great source :-)
13:17 Joubu[…]oha-release-notes
13:17 Joubu[…]
13:18 andreashm_ joined #koha
13:19 * andreashm_ waves
13:19 ashimema They're generated pretty frequently magnuse 😀
13:21 andreash_ joined #koha
13:22 andreash_ joined #koha
13:23 * andreashm is all over the place, apparently
13:23 inlibro joined #koha
13:25 lukeG joined #koha
13:31 caroline joined #koha
13:31 caroline hello everyone! How's monday so far?
13:32 lilipute1h_asu joined #koha
13:32 oleonard So far so good caroline
13:32 oleonard I can't tell if it's good because I resisted buying a donut or bad because I don't have a donut.
13:32 * cait is on vacation - so it's pretty good :)
13:33 lilipute1h_asu 3
13:36 magnuse cait++
13:36 magnuse ah cool, thanks Joubu++ and ashimema++
13:36 ashimema I just ran the script so it's bang up to date for you magnuse
13:37 magnuse thanks!
13:37 corilynn headed for skiing in an hour, so probably awesome
13:38 magnuse looks like the point-of-sale stuff is the biggie thus far
13:38 ashimema ooh.. Skiing
13:38 * ashimema misses skiiing
13:40 * ashimema prepares to make the whole Jenkins dashboard go red again..
13:40 magnuse ashimema: maybe save that effect for closer to xmas?
13:40 ashimema hahahaha
13:41 magnuse yellow/orange would be more appropriate, perhaps?
13:43 ashimema with any luck it'll stay green..
13:43 ashimema but it's a big patchset I'm about to merge
13:43 ashimema brings us a few steps forward with translatability though :)
13:43 ashimema bernardo++
13:43 ashimema joubu++
13:48 cait bbl :)
13:50 deb-CSPL joined #koha
13:54 marcelr joined #koha
14:02 caroline_catlady joined #koha
14:05 Stompro joined #koha
14:13 ashimema everybody hold on to your hats
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24593: (follow-up) fix sql statements <[…]5e351c098b4fe1efa>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24594: Rewrite authorities_normal_marc21 to YAML <[…]11c5b3ee3487d0e1c>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24594: Rewrite marc21_framework_DEFAULT to YAML <[…]297e7353952596435>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24593: Rewrite marc21_simple_bib_frameworks to YAML <[…]959049bc11631ebf2>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24593: Rewrite marc21_sample_fastadd_framework to YAML <[…]686f0eef01897dc47>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24593: Rewrite marc21_default_matching_rules to YAML <[…]62ba9914ccbfb1d4f>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/sample_z3950_servers to YAML <[…]0dbf40a3e12d15f8b>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/sample_quotes to YAML <[…]ab1e13bcecc62f66c>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/sample_patrons to YAML <[…]dc902eed851ff0f8e>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/sample_news to YAML <[…]d5637f336be6bac0f>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/sample_libraries_holidays to YAML <[…]b7cb32b64a51a07f8>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/sample_libraries to YAML <[…]0c798f5642d7747c3>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/sample_itemtypes to YAML <[…]e3d7bc9eb204185d7>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/sample_creator_data to YAML <[…]51010ec7ff12e7308>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/patron_categories to YAML <[…]0c90a75e69c24b389>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/patron_atributes to YAML <[…]ef2d40c7e7ef5ffd5>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/marc21_relatorterms to YAML <[…]ff19ca0fd9c6ada09>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/marc21_holdings_coded_values to YAML <[…]d6c9032140744f627>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/parameters to YAML <[…]a0fbd6a891112da29>
14:13 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24584: Rewrite optional/csv_profiles to YAML <[…]06b94d1c4fa26bd17>
14:13 marcelr yammie
14:15 did joined #koha
14:17 oleonard[…]atiel-max-1mb.gif
14:24 inlibro joined #koha
14:35 caroline_catlady oleonard: I was expecting a cockatiel :(
14:38 oleonard Sorry caroline_catlady![…]RLnVbUY/giphy.gif
14:39 caroline_catlady aww! <3
14:40 liliputech_asu joined #koha
14:42 oleonard caroline_catlady: That's the animal my daughter wants next, to add to the 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 fish, and 3 hermit crabs in the household.
14:43 margaret joined #koha
14:47 vfernandes joined #koha
14:49 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1203: UNSTABLE in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/1203/
15:01 fridolin left #koha
15:03 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #665: UNSTABLE in 48 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/665/
15:06 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #122: UNSTABLE in 51 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D10/122/
15:14 enkidu joined #koha
15:19 Dyrcona1 joined #koha
15:20 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24583: adjust xt/sample_notices.t <[…]3ca65314e2145c8a9>
15:20 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24594: Fix license statements <[…]11ab844cd901697fc>
15:20 huginn News from kohagit: Bug 24545: Cannot return outside of sub <[…]cf7ccb12a0df9efd7>
15:24 inlibro joined #koha
15:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_My8 build #200: UNSTABLE in 36 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]aster_D9_My8/200/
15:38 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D8 build #746: UNSTABLE in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_Master_D8/746/
16:01 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9 build #1204: STILL UNSTABLE in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D9/1204/
16:01 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest build #173: UNSTABLE in 54 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]9_MDB_Latest/173/
16:14 reiveune bye
16:14 reiveune left #koha
16:20 oleonard Anyone around who can help me setting up ILL for testing?
16:21 oleonard I've done it before but for some reason this time I can't get it to work
16:22 kidclamp where are you stuck owen?
16:24 inlibro joined #koha
16:24 oleonard Ah never mind kidclamp, in the process of formulating my question I answered it
16:25 ashimema hehe
16:25 kidclamp rubber ducking
16:25 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
16:25 ashimema bet kinds of questions those oleonard
16:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D10 build #123: FIXED in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_D10/123/
16:25 ashimema anyone fancy giving me a history lesson regarding 'branchprinter'..
16:25 ashimema been a while since I needed to look at the logic in selecting a branch for your session..
16:26 ashimema what is the branchprinter?
16:26 oleonard You used to be able to also specify a printer on that page, what was always labeled a "unix printer"
16:27 ashimema do we still need the branchprinter db field?
16:27 ashimema and various references to branchprinter all over the place?
16:28 oleonard The last time I tried to remove admin/ I was shot down
16:29 ashimema interesting
16:29 oleonard Oh wait, there is Bug 17845
16:29 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=17845 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Failed QA , Remove printer related code
16:29 ashimema happen to know the bug?
16:30 ashimema it's confusing
16:31 wizzyrea joined #koha
16:34 ashimema cool
16:34 * ashimema goes to rebase and QA that
16:38 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_U18 build #666: STILL UNSTABLE in 37 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]a_Master_U18/666/
16:51 Dyrcona joined #koha
16:58 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
16:58 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_My8 build #201: FIXED in 56 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]aster_D9_My8/201/
17:04 ashimema Rescued
17:08 ashimema bug 17845 rebased and ready for QA :)
17:08 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=17845 enhancement, P5 - low, ---, katrin.fischer, Signed Off , Remove printer related code
17:13 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
17:13 koha-jenkins Project Koha_Master_D9_MDB_Latest build #174: FIXED in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]9_MDB_Latest/174/
17:18 bdonnahue joined #koha
17:24 inlibro joined #koha
17:27 Dyrcona joined #koha
17:49 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
17:49 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #143: FIXED in 29 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D9/143/
17:53 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D8 build #147: UNSTABLE in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D8/147/
18:10 oleonard wizzyrea around?
18:14 andrew__ joined #koha
18:20 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_U18 build #150: SUCCESS in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.05_U18/150/
18:24 * oleonard can't seem to reproduce Bug 24614
18:24 huginn Bug[…]_bug.cgi?id=24614 normal, P5 - low, ---, jonathan.druart, Needs Signoff , Can't edit reports if not using cache
18:24 inlibro joined #koha
18:39 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #144: SUCCESS in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D9/144/
18:44 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
18:44 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D8 build #148: FIXED in 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D8/148/
18:46 kathryn joined #koha
18:58 oleonard joined #koha
19:14 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #145: SUCCESS in 29 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D9/145/
19:18 oleonard joined #koha
19:25 inlibro joined #koha
19:27 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_U18 build #151: SUCCESS in 47 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.05_U18/151/
19:43 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #146: SUCCESS in 29 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D9/146/
19:45 alexbuckley joined #koha
19:52 andreashm joined #koha
19:55 andreashm joined #koha
19:58 hayley joined #koha
20:02 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D8 build #149: SUCCESS in 35 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D8/149/
20:03 corilynn joined #koha
20:14 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_U18 build #152: SUCCESS in 30 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.05_U18/152/
20:25 inlibro joined #koha
20:39 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D8 build #150: SUCCESS in 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D8/150/
20:49 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #147: SUCCESS in 46 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D9/147/
20:56 lukeG joined #koha
21:10 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_U18 build #153: UNSTABLE in 31 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.05_U18/153/
21:11 tosca joined #koha
21:23 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D8 build #151: SUCCESS in 34 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D8/151/
21:25 inlibro joined #koha
21:40 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #148: SUCCESS in 29 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D9/148/
22:04 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D8 build #152: SUCCESS in 24 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D8/152/
22:11 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
22:11 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_U18 build #154: FIXED in 47 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_19.05_U18/154/
22:25 inlibro joined #koha
22:33 koha-jenkins Project Koha_19.05_D9 build #149: SUCCESS in 29 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_19.05_D9/149/
22:43 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D8 build #264: SUCCESS in 32 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D8/264/
23:01 koha-jenkins Yippee, build fixed!
23:01 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_U18 build #254: FIXED in 27 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]ha_18.11_U18/254/
23:25 koha-jenkins Project Koha_18.11_D9 build #265: UNSTABLE in 41 min: https://jenkins.koha-community[…]oha_18.11_D9/265/
23:25 inlibro joined #koha
23:42 hayley Jenkins Docker 3 is stuck in a process if anyone is around who can help with that
23:53 alexbuckley joined #koha

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